[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 14

You find yourself in a field of blue grass, the sky is white and there are neither clouds nor sun nor moon in the sky, you find the whole thing rather mesmorizing to be honest, even discounting your dreaming proclivity to focus on things rather arbitrarily. You feel as though you are waiting for something, or maybe someone. You can't be sure.
All of a sudden the scene takes a turn, the grass goes red, and the sky goes dark. Not in an ominous way, but rather as though it shifted to night rather suddenly. You gaze a stars for a moment before you're drawn to a sight to your left. It's Alex. There's something different about her... you can't quite place it. Oh wait now you see it, Her hair is a different color. It's black as opposed to red
The two of you lay on the grass and watch the stars.
And then you wake up.

it's a brand new day

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_09.png?dl=1]

You wake up, at first you think there's something wrong with your eyes because its still really dark, but then you rememember where you are. Now that you've clocked it, the wafting scent of the environ hits you and you regret waking up.
After a moment you notice that Blehpie isn't next to you, and for a moment you are rather saddened. Only for a moment, because Blehpie pops up from between your legs shortly after. "Blehp!" And you feel a moment of relief before you remember your current scenario. "Alright little buddy, we are getting out of here.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 3

You once again kick up against the lid. And once again you accomplish very little except hurting your foot and causing a lot of noise. This is not happening again. Except it is happening again. You shout a string of obscenities about your current scenario, and Blehpie squeezes against your cheek in an attempt to calm you down.
It slightly works but the notion that you might be stuck in this garbage can for any longer fills you intense irritation. You consider kicking against the lid again, if only to vent some of more of your anger. You're about to when suddenly the lid opens, you're blinded by the sudden light, and then you hear an even, synthesized voice address you.
"Citizen are you alright? Why are you in the dumpster?"
As your eyes adjust you recognize the silhouette of a Kratos unit in a Civil-Security uniform. The anger over your previous situation gradually formulates into embarrassment over being discovered, which itself synthesizes into relief over not being trapped in a godsdamned dumpster. "I uh... well I don't know, i just woke up in the dumpster" You reply in somewhat weak manner.
"Do you require any assistance getting out."
You're not what you'd call an overly proud person, but still you can't deny that you're embarassed by the notion. But then you're covered in garbage so you're covered in garbage, and honestly with your previous demonstration you probably do. You reach a tentacle over and the Kratos helps you out of the dumpster.
You sheepishly thank him for the help "Just doing my job, Citizen." He replies in an upright fashion. You realize you're in an alley and begin walking toward the street when something hits your foot. It's Alex's mask... face? You're gonna go with mask. It's cracked right down the middle, nearly splitting it in half. You guess she must have dropped it... you hope she's alright.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die and rolls a 13

You reach the end of the alley and are appalled by what you see. It's a disturbing scene of carnage and death. Blood and gore are plastered amongst the street and buildings up and down as far as you can see. A body, or well, most of one, hangs on the powerlines, with many others lieing covered in tarps on the street. You accidentally step in a puddle of viscera and almost freak out, but you manage to keep it together somehow. It's rather surreal really, you're not even entirely convinced that it's all really happened.
You nearly leap out of your skin when you feel a cold hand on your shoulder. "Do you need any help getting home Citizen." The Kratos says in a concerned tone. "N-No. I'll be fine. Thank you." You say quickly walking away from all of this. Blehpie follows behind you but you barely notice since you're trying to avoid looking at all that

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 side die and rolls a 1

You make your way onto the High-Street, despite what you asked the Kratos unit follows you at least as far as past the bulk of the carnage.
Unfortunately the High-street is basically unavigatable. You guess some of the violence from Desolation Rowe spilled out into the main street and caused some damage, and there's a Civil-Sec blockade preventing slowing people down. You suppose you could just go through Desolation Rowe, it would lead to your apartment, but the events of yesterday give you pause on that notion.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_10.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Take the safe route
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Look yourself over
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Desolation Rowe!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_10.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 10

[Image: GLX_Panel_011.png?dl=1]

You decide to just bite the bullet and make your way through the crowd. You pick up Blehpie and begin making your way. Passing through the blockade is pretty simple affair, a Civil-Sec officer asks you a few questions about what you were doing in the Rowe yesterday, and when the questioning leads to where you've been for the past few hours "In a dumpster" provokes sufficient sympathy for them to wave you through.
It's very slow going, especially since you seem to be going agains the flow of foot traffic. Many uttering of "Excuse me" and "Sorry" ensue as you push on through the see of people.
More than a few times you feel somebody touch you, but you can't be entirely certain if that wasn't just the natural consequence of going through such a crowded space or not, which you figure is exactly why they would have felt confidant doing so.
After what seems like an eternity, you finally reach your street and begin making a brisk walk to your apartment.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 19

Thankfully the way to your apartment building is entirely uneventful, there hardly seem to be anyone here, which doesn't strike you as overly surprising considering how many people were going up and down the high-street.
You bust your way into the lobby, ignoring the shocked woops of the receptionist, and their further inquiries over where you were last night. You really don't want to talk about that episode of your life right now.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 3.

You quietly ascend the elevator to your floor. Jay is there, but even he realizes you're in no mood to be bothered and leaves you alone during the trip aside from the occassional abortive attempt at asking you what's wrong.
As you reach your floor, intent on just sequestering yourself in your room and maybe even calling in sick for work today, you're met with a most unappealing sight. Your apartment door is open, and standing outside of it, is one of the notails from yesterday, one of the ones with the wolf masks. Jay makes a quick escarper to his apartment.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Just give up and ask this Notail how he even knew this was your apartment. You already can guess they there because of what happened.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Walk in like nothing is wrong, ask them if they want coffee, tea, or "coffee"
>Then tell them that unless there is anything you can personally help them with inside your own home it'd be nice to be left alone. You just spent the last night trapped in a dumpster.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls an 8 sided die, and rolls a 1

You take a deep breath and sigh, and then you attempt to just walk right past the notail into your own godsdamned apartment.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 12

Unfortunately the notail at the door doesn't let you pass, Despite being shorter than you, they are stronger than you and you can't just push past them, no matter how hard you try. Now that you're at your door you can see two more notails rooting around your apartment.
You groan in consternation. "We-We're really s-ss-sorry ab-b-b-about th-this, b-but, we need t-t-to search your ap-p-partment for ab-b-ominations ^v^." He says in a disarmingly sincere way. You sigh, "How did you people even know this was my apartment."
"W-We just asked th-the recep-p-tionist. ^v^" He replies so matter-of-factly. That honestly was pretty obvious. "Well, how did you get in, I doubt He just gave you the key." You know for a fact actually that aside from your key the only other key that would open your apartment is the landlord's master key. "It-t w-wasn't... locked. ^v^."
You stand flabbergasted for about a solid minute. That's... you... You didn't lock your apartment. You honestly can't believe you did that. You slump down in defeat. "Listen I-I kn-now th-that this all s-seems b-bad and a-all, b-b-ut I p-p-promise you th-this is a-all for your s-s-safety. ^v^." He says in an entirely genuine manner while patting you on the shoulder. "Can't you just leave me alone... I just had a really shitty night." He just responds by patting you on the shoulder again.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls two 8 sided dice, and rolls a 7, and a 5

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

After a few minutes the other two notails file out of your apartment, one of them relatively burly and the other comparatively scrawnier. "Oh hey, they're back. >>vvv<<" says the larger one, in a way that suggests they actually already knew that. "Yo blue, iz convenient that you show'd up right now. C=<" Says the smaller one while pushing past the first notail to get into your space. "Is there something I can-"

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice and rolls a 4

They hit you square in the face, you're pretty sure they broke your nose. "Whad was dat for" Even behind the wolf mask of their face you can make out that they are extremely aggravated. "That was for wasting my time, ya noodley headed nid. C=<" She says shaking her fist in your direction... or wait, maybe she's shaking her fist in to hide how she hurt her hand.
On your face.
"Not that I don't like pummeling peeps, but this was your idea Fives. >>vvv<<." Says the big one walking up to "Fives" "Shhhhhhut up, C=<" They begin stamping on the ground "I was sure that they's had to be hiding something, I jus...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice and rolls a 15

Fives swings another punch in your direction, but it's stopped by the fact that their larger friend, has picked them up by the scruff of their neck. "Ey, let me go C=<". They begin squirming innefectually in their grip as their friend laughs. "Yeah we're going now, see ya later bluebie. >>vvv<<" They walk past you, but make to do so in such a way that they clip your shoulder with their foot, they chuckle audibly over that.
"S-s-sorry about th-them... s-sorry again. ^v^." He says, before joining the two of them. You can still hear the big one laughing, and still see Fives struggle in their grip a while before they eventually stop.
You get up and brush yourself off, before finally entering your apartment. It's a mess but thankfully you didn't have all that much to mess up in the first place. That which you did have is scattered about the area, and you can see that the door to both yours and the spare bedroom were just left hanging ajar. You sigh and put down Blehpie, they let out a series of excited blehping noises as they explore the space of your apartment.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls three 256 sided dice, and rolls a 205, 21, and 13

You also elect to let out the little aftik chick you picked up yesterday, They're a fluffy little red thing, so you think for the moment you're going to call them something evocative like... Red. Red lets a series of even more excited wooping noises, as they also explore your apartment. So it looks like you have pets now... or wait, can an aftik be a pet? You're going to have to check the laws on that, they can be snack-food so you imagine the law won't be too cross at you just deciding to adopt one but you need to be sure.
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Feed everyone! If you recall the reason Aftik chicks are usually eaten is due to lack of food. Make sure you have enough for it and yourself..and Blehpie.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Woops, guess Red is our new daughter, somehow.
>Take a bath and deal with your injuries.
>Phone your work and say you're sick.
>Watch TV to get your morals higher
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]

You decide you're not going to go to work today, not a choice that passes your mind with much conflict as you're often looking for excuses to shirk adult responsibilities. "Traumatized and Punched by a notail" strike you as entirely valid reasons.
You pick up your phone, it's a landline phone, who still uses those. You do obviously. After a few moments of ringing the someone picks up the phone, it's Dave. "Hello, Hello, this Galaxy Burger, Home of the Galaxy Burger, how can I help you."
"Yeah Dave, It's me, Karla, I'm not going to be able to come in today..." You consider lieing or making up some sort of excuse but ultimately, "I had a really shitty night last night, I'm going to need some time to deal with that." A minute or so passes, you can hear in the background that Dave is very busy, "Seriously? This is just not my day, first Rico and C.B call in sick, and now you're taking some sort of emotional sabatical!" There's some mumbled cursing that you can barely pick up.
"Uh..." Dave swiftly responds "No don't offer to come in, I'll probably accept, and then I'll be legally obligated to infract you over being nearly four hours late." Four hours How long were you asleep in that dumpster. "We can handle it over here, I'll just need to get Arty to finally do something around here. Thankfully the new hire showed up or else we'd probably have to close." Your heart skips a beat at the news that Alex is okay, yet at the same time you are slightly terrified. "Oh how are they, I lost track of her after what happened, eh, yesterday." You can't help but be interested especially after what happened. You turn over their mask in your hand... you didn't realize you'd taken it out.
"They're certainly fine enough to come to work and do their job, which as far as I'm concerned is doing well enough." That's about the response you expected, He's very professional and puts up a good front of being dispassionate but you're pretty sure he cares. "Anyway, I have to go, we're really busy over here and you're cutting into my time. I expect you to come in bright and early tomorrow to make up for this." The idea of coming in to work early of all things fills you with nearly as much dread as everything that's happened since you left work yesterday. "Fine." Is all you answer, before hanging up.

You turn over to your new dependencies, somehow you've ended up a mother of two. Your mother always told you this would happen, and yet, somehow, its happened a second time. Incredible.
It occurs to you that you'll have to feed them, which is... bad, you've bought groceries for the month, but that was for the expectation that it was only going to be you and maybe the ocassional guest. You don't even know what Blehpie eats.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 9

At that moment, Blehpie blorps over Red. NO BAD NO
You reach into Blehpie to take Red out of them, at the moment you're only concerned that Red might drown or something, but as soon as you put your hand in, you feel a serious burning sensation. It's not to bad as to deter you from saving Red, but it leavers a lasting sensation.
"No Bad Blehpie, Do. Not! EAT! BABIES!!" You shout at them, punctuating with some light disciplining from a rolled up newspaper --who still has a newspaper subscription, you of course-- Blehpie seems confused and slightly hurt by this, letting out a sad "Bleeeehp" Y-You think they've learned their lesson.
Red is okay. Mostly. They're letting out the most distressed series of woops you've ever heard. You didn't even know aftiks could sound distressed. You put them in the sink and wash them off, before attending to Blehpie.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls 16

They seem to be... entirely fine, emotionally. As though your previous chastisements had never even happend, they're back to their same old self. You're not certain whether to be glad or concerned. You suppose it was wishful thinking to think that a wild... whatever, would be easy to deal with in a home context.
All the same, you suppose they must be hungry... but aside from aftiks and bits of detritus that Blehpie's sort of just been picking up here and there, you don't know what they eat. You decide to settle this the scientific way. You put down the three basic food-groups; Meat, Fish, and Veggies; And lay them out in front of them.
After a few moments of considering each one... Blehpie absorbs all three. You say aborb, because they sort of just... blorped them into themself and they just dissolved away. That was going to happen to Red, you give Blehpie another light bap on the head with your newspaper.
You return to Red, who is still rather distressed. You're not entirely certain how to deal with a distressed aftik, since the only thing you understand about aftik parenting is that the mother aftik will eat their child under pretty much any pretense. You really wish you'd been paying attention when your mother told you about these things.
You decide to hand Red a fish to see if that calms them down... They don't seem to know how to deal with it. Oh right, you think to yourself, aftiks are like... birds, right? Baby birds can't eat whole fish they gotta have it... Your thoughts trail off as you take the fish over to the kitchen.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 20

After a few minutes you got something that positively qualifies as a meal. Your basic understanding of baby birds telly you that it didn't really need much, but you made sure it was the best baby-bird-fish-food ever. You do it so well, that you actually feel a little better about yourself.

With the food needs of your new dependencies taken care of --You hope, eyeing Blehpie-- You decide you really need to take a bath. You don't ordinarily take baths, generally being pressed for time or just too lazy to bother, but today you have all the time in the universe and little desire to do anything else.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 6

Your pipes make a really concerning grinding noise as you attempt to draw a bath. After a while the water flows as though nothing was wrong. But it's green is water supposed to be green... you decide you don't care enough, and dip right in.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 15.

Despite it's unusual coloration, the water is entirely fine. It's warm and soothing, and you just want to stay in the bath forever. Nobody really knows where quelan's come from, evolutionarily but some people theorize some sort of aquatic fungus is involved, and you wouldn't doubt it, with how you're acclimating to this bath.

[Image: GLX_Panel_012.png?dl=1]

The troubles of your previous day seem to shrink away as you lie reposed in the bathwater, boiling away in a manner not entirely unlike bacteria in hot water. Things that seemed so terrible just hours before seem so far away now, you feel as though none of those things were really real, that they were all just some horrible nightmare.
You forgot how much you liked baths.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls an 18

After an hour or two or bathing, you decide to go back to the cruelness of reality. The bathwater seems to go down reluctantly down the drain. That's weird, water shouldn't be doing anything with any sort of emotionality, you're pretty sure. Even after all the water is gone, the bath itself is stained a faint green from the water. You're going to have to give that a thorough cleaning later.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls 4 20 sided dice, and rolls a 12, a 4, a 4, and a 17

You change into your casual attire, after having first setting aside your work clothes to be washed. Lacking any real impetus to go outside at the moment, you decide to just watch tv, but lacking in any real idea of what to watch, you just flip through some channels.
The first channel has a fairly okay animated show playing. It seems to be about some weird crystal people and their battles against the moon people. You don't really get it, it seems weird and convoluted and the main character is kind of annoying. Maybe it gets better later.
The second channel is a fearmongering documentary about the dangers of notails, It contains several hyperbolic comments about how bad notails are and about how they are coming in the night to steal YOUR children, and turn them into monsters. You admit what you've heard about notails isn't very good, but this all seems a little over the top.
The third channel seems to be some sort of public access television, and that someone is renting the time slot to put out some sort of PSA... It's that notail, the intense one who was seemingly in charge of those wolfy notails. He's rambling about that monster again, but honestly you're too irritated by him as a person to care and you quickly switch off him.
The Fourth channel you flip to is the Bob channel, which is nothing but re-runs of that painting show starring the famously soothing painter, Bob. You remember watching clips of the show as a kid, and liking them a lot. As an adult it seems slightly boring, but nonetheless very soothing. It makes you feel like things are going to be alright.

After a while you start getting a little bored and wonder if maybe you should be doing something else. You look at the clock, it displays 12:01am. You're not usually at home this early, on a tuesday, and you're at a bit of a loss of what to do for the rest of the day.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_12.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
Before you watch too much TV, check on Blehpie to make sure they haven't tried eating Red again. Because that'd be bad. Then, if y'know Red's not eaten or asleep, maybe grab your babies and watch the Bob Channel with them. Who knows maybe it'll make you feel better about stuff
womp c(:
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Try and do some reading online about adopting an aftik child, and how you should fill out paperwork for that
>Also maybe learn what Blehpie is
>But don't stay up too late, you have to get up early.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_12.png?dl=1]

You get off your lazy butt to see how your new pets/children are doing. More specifically you want to make sure Blehpie isn't eating Red again. You enter the Kitchen, the last place you saw Red.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 17

You look to see that Red and Blehpie are enjoying some quality time together. Red is excitedly bouncing atop Blehpie making the most precious whooping noises you'd ever heard. It's so darn cute you almost forget you got them in a snack machine.
Speaking of aftiks you suppose tou should get on that whole determining the legality of owning an aftik/adopting one as a child. You know what whould have the answers to that,
Thankfully this place gives free wi-fi to residents, you think to yourself as you sit down at your computer and type in the search "Adopt Aftik What Do"

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls four 20 sided dice, and rolls an 8, a 12, a 4, and a 5

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You get a series of search terms, the top link is obviously a link to the Cosmosdex entry on aftiks, which doesn't provide you with the information you actually need.

You then see a site promising "Simple DIY Aftik-style scarf for less than 1000p" You... didn't realize those were scarves, you didn't notice before that, no, red does not have one... You make sure to bookmark that for later.

The next link you spy is an article titled: "My aftik babysitter threatens to eat my baby, what do I do?" from the site: "AskOpis.com". You vaguely remember that site being mentioned in some of the "How to be a mom" books and articles your mother insisted you read.
You scroll down to read their response: "AskOpis suggests that if you do not wish to have your child eaten, then you shouldn't have hired an aftik babysitter, or at the very least, you should have hired a male one as a female aftik will most certainly make good on that threat before too long.
You should remember that not all species react to parenthood in the same way, and that you should consider that when thinking about potential caretakers for your child/children. If you are struggling to find the right species/individual to care for your child, we at AskOpis.com suggest you purchase an Opis unit, preferably from our store page.
Thank you and have a wonderful fulfilling parenthood."

That didn't exactly answer your question but It did give you something to consider... You're probably going to need to hire someone to look afters these two while you're at work.

Another link you spy is "A-Thousand-and-one-Ways To prepare an aftik" that leads to a site called "The_Sovorestocate.com" Morbid curiousity compels you to look which leads to a series of food recipes such as, but not limited to: Afitk Rotisserie in Egg; Whooperoo Flambe on Toast; Aftik on the Honch; Bloodboiled Aftik-fry
You begin to get slightly quesy at the concept, so you glance away, which is a terrible mistake. You see Links on the sidebar advertising articles with such titles as "Removing a notail from a notail with destroying the notail"; "Here we cook Drakons"; "Consider: Do Eat the slime"; "Solent Red: Why you should eat your friends"
and... no... oh no. "My QT Quelan GF and the secret to Infinite Free food."
You close the page and immediately delete it from your history... You're gonna need to... deal with this.
You go to the kitchen and drink a Frootopia. Who the heck even still has these? You evidently. You get back to your computer and scroll down.

The next link is titled "Aftiks: The Whooping Scourge of the Stars" You look at the website it leads to "Rhinostorm.com" You vaguely remember reading them, yeah. They're a bunch of arma Supremacists who just sort of hate everyone and everything that isn't an arma. Including some arma.
You might think that normal arma are racist with their "racial ladder" but these guys don't even have that; all non-arma are scum, and all non-arma should be removed.

Your foray into THE INTRANET wasn't very helpful, and honestly left you feeling a little scarred. You're not eager to go delving back into there, so you figure you'll look somewhere else for this information, like maybe city hall, they probably don't have articles about people... doing weird stuff to quelans... on a site about eating sentients. A shiver runs up your back at the thought.

The perfect thing to do in this scenario would be to wind down with some BOB, surely Bob's sedate painting and advice will soothe you from the horrors of THE INTRANET. You pick up Red and Blehpie to join you, it's like a... family get together, or something, you don't know...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 17

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You switch on the TV to the Bob channel, and you are immediately met with the calming intonations of Bob as they go on about painting. Blehpie and Red are equally enamored and for the first time since you've known them are completely calm, aside from the soft cooing "woop" that red is making.
The three of you proceed to spend the next few hours or so watching Bob paint beautiful pastoral images while explaining about the process and delivering advice that while mostly applicable to painting can also be applied to your everyday life if you twist it right. You never figured yourself an artist or anything of the sort, but watching the show is engendering in you a nascent interest, it would be something to do with your time.
After a while you look to the clock which presently reads 5:55. You almost can't believe you spent nearly Six hours watching someone paint, but you did. Red and Blehpie seem to be getting a little tired. You should probably get some sort of sleeping arrangement situated for them. As for you, you don't usually go to bed this early, honestly you're usually getting back home just about an hour or two later.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 19

You know you said you'd get to work early, but you don't think you'll be going to sleep this early, it's just not in your nature... mostly.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_13.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Accidentally make an Aftik artist. Also make sure you locked your door.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
(06-04-2018, 01:14 PM)Kenshiago Wrote: »>Accidentally make an Aftik artist. Also make sure you locked your door.

>Def lock the door, but at least you won't be tired
>Try teaching the aftik some words.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Begin to use bob advice bc why not
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_13.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die and rolls a 2

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You get up to lock your door, you're not going to have a repeat of what happened today with people just barging into your...
There's a notail standing at the door. They're not one of the ones that was here earlier, but they're definitely one of those wolf notails. Now you must admit, you do generally find something unsettling about notails, but this notail in particular is unnerving you in a way you can't quite place, actually, no, it's similar to that feeling you have in the back of mind when you're around... Alex.
]"Uh. Uhm... Hi can I help you." You manage to say after a few minutes of unnerving silence. They don't respond, and you can't help but feel... well, violated by the way they're staring at you, there's a very predatory aura coming from them.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die and rolls 14
Fortuna rolls another 20 sided die and rolls a 3

There's a sudden shift in the air, you can barely process this fact, before the notail suddenly springs at you. You try to run, to get away, but you can't, you were never very fast, you were never the best at running, and this notail...
Is unseemingly fast.
You only register the pain for about half a second, a sudden spike of intense cutting agony, before its suddenly gone. It's not the only thing that feels suddenly gone, you feel off balance, like your weight's suddenly shifted away from you. You glance in the air and you see the notail's knife, or well, it's more like some sort of cleaver, and that's blood, yes you think, that's your blood.
You fall down to the ground. You think you must already be going into shock because you can't feel your left arm... That is why you can't feel your left arm right. You hope you that's why. You can faintly hear some distressed sounds coming from the couch, and you can sense more than hear that notail stepping towards you.
You feel a weight crush against your chest as that notail crouchs atop you. "Hello." They say in a low, smug tone. "Oh sorry, I mean, Hello. 8888>" They look you over up and down. "I always forget that bit... ...8888>" You feel like shouting at them, but between them being crouched on top of you, and your injury, you just can't make the words come out. "Oh no, shush, I just need you to listen." ... ...they don't remember to sign off. "I know you've seen Her haaaa, I can smell her on you... even though you've tried to get rid of it. 8>"
She picks up something from beside you... It's... your arm. "The others play at being predators, but they're just children playing pretend." There's silence for a few moments and all you can really hear is your own quivering heartbeat. "I want you to let her know that her "sister" is looking for her" She then gets up and starts walking away. "Oh, by the way, I think I'll be taking this with me.... souvenir, of this wonderful meeting we just had... 8... 8... 8... 8... <"

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls 4

After laying in your own blood for a while you start feeling a searing pain build up in where your left arm used to be... You attempt to do something about that but it doesn't go so well... You think you might've stopped the bleeding at least but you're unsure... you're suddenly cognizant of the fact that you might die.
You don't want to die. nobody does
You don't think you deserve to die. nobody does
You've suddenly got people that count on you. regrettable
Everything's getting dark.
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_14.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Uh...WOOP! WOOP FOR HELP! Get someone to help the big lady!?
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>hold the ticket of the le saphir, that crazy magic hobo can save you, right? Right?!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
(06-04-2018, 10:55 PM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>hold the ticket of the le saphir, that crazy magic hobo can save you, right? Right?!

>Dream, and perchance pray
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
(06-05-2018, 08:13 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »
(06-04-2018, 10:55 PM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>hold the ticket of the le saphir, that crazy magic hobo can save you, right? Right?!

>Dream, and perchance pray

And don't die. At all.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
Think happy thoughts and attempt screaming for help. Then maybe try and stop the flow of blood with your other hand.. arm.. tentacle thing. The most important thing is that you do not die
womp c(:
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die for something miraculous to occur, and rolls a 17.
No miracles today.
Instead you shall receive.
A Blessing.

[Image: GLX_Panel_004.gif?dl=1]

[Image: GLX_Gramaphone.gif?dl=1]

Darkness furrows upon a winsome sight, a field of black, but not of the homely night. Gaze upon yes, the centerpiece of our performance, our dearst brightest star.
Your eyes futter for a moment, you find it difficult to focus, and you find yourself so tired...
See Her set in grim repose, Her turn nearly done, Her race nearly run. Callous fate would call her story end here. Tis a shame that such a comely damsel would meet such a sorrowful fate 'pon this world stage.
You see a strange sight before you, the a large beast, or maybe a person... no you think, neither seems right to you...

[Image: GLX_Panel_013.gif?dl=1]

It's features are that... are that of a bird... you think... It's body is coated in feathers
Oh, but what sort of a worldweaver would thou be, If thoust permited such an ignoble fate to befall our belove'd saphir. No, thoust think not, t'would be tragic, aye, but this story we weave is no mere bleak tragedy. Suffering for suffering's sake bares little value, no, thou thinks. Thus tis be with thine awesome power granted by thine patron, that thou deemst this end, to be, renege'd, cast out, written out, or to present it more coarsely...


Oh but what sort of storyteller would thou be, if thou simply allowed dear'st saphir to return without scars from their harrowing. No thoust thinks, thus would be a pitiful, tryte direction. Aye thats it, thou thinks, the arm. A fitting token to signify thyne fate, so defly avoided.

[Image: GLX_Panel_014.gif?dl=1]

It ripped off one of it's arms... wait what's it doing... no... let... go...
So aye, Dear enjulus, Le Saphir, thou shall be returned, but thine return carries a price, a price thou willst pay, for the price of new life, is the sacrifice of the will. Such is the demand of the power that grants this humble servant these gifts of power.

[Image: GLX_Panel_004.gif?dl=1]

And now, dear beloved, dear saphir.
The Show must go on

[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
>Close the curtain, then open for a new scene.