Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>The sooner you do what she wants, the sooner she'll change you back. Be passive aggressive about, though.
>Actually be okay with this. You think you look totes bad-ass.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Hey, is there some reason your friend looks like some sorta demon?

[Image: 7MKGVFV.png]

CLOVER: Quick question. What the fuck is this?
CLOVER: I mean, what am I lookin' at? Why's this friend of yours look like some kinda...
CLOVER: ... Furry... demon thing?
SELENA: Because she was a demon?
CLOVER: Just 'cause that's technically an answer, that doesn't mean it's enough!
SELENA: Well, geez, what do you want me to tell you?

> The sooner you do what she wants, the sooner she'll change you back. Be passive aggressive about it, though.

[Image: SFfj1xy.png]

CLOVER: Ugh, never mind! Let's just... fuckin' get to it!
SELENA: What about your friend?
CLOVER: She'll catch up!
CLOVER: 'Snot like I want her to come near one of those little freaks again before I've...
CLOVER: What's the plan again? Am I supposed to sing them a lullaby? Because I don't think a disguise's gonna help if they're really hankerin' to gouge out my eyeballs!
SELENA: Aw, you'll be fine. If I'm right, they won't harm a hair on your head!
CLOVER: If you're right? Bitch, this was Effy's idea.

[Image: dau2Vby.png]

Whatever. The sooner you get this done, the sooner you'll get back to normal. Sure, you look normal to your own eyes, but knowing that other people are seeing you as some kind of big furry monster right now makes you very uncomfortable.

Looking at the picture you took makes you uncomfortable too, but it's a different kind of discomfort? You can't put a finger on it. Or maybe you can, and you just don't want to think about how you actually look pretty cool and strong and attractive. Especially the attractive bit.

But no - there's something else there too that you can't define, like that funny sensation you get when you feel like you're being watched, except it's all coming from yourself.

You hope Effy gets back soon.

[Image: o7UNc3V.png]

RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>You do not.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>You likely do. Or somehing net like, like those mesh bags that are used with mashing machine. Hell just big bags or sheet would do, ll that matter is that it stops them from flying way.

>... And if you don't, you're in the middle of a town, a pet shop, a sport shop, a fishing or hunt shop, a general tool shop, all of those would have nets or net like things. ..

Quote:and you just don't want to think about how you actually look pretty cool and strong and attractive. Especially the attractive bit.

>You..uh.. sure that 'disguise' is purely cosmetic and not having some psychological side effect on you there ?
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Hopefully! Hopefully you will have nets available that you can use to help your new friend who definitely wasn't trying to summon a literal demon!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> You likely do. Or somehing net like, like those mesh bags that are used with mashing machine. Hell just big bags or sheet would do, ll that matter is that it stops them from flying way.

[Image: hcfVMwO.png]

Yeah... yeah! How hard can it be to get something to hold a bird? Or a bunch of birds? A bunch of big birds who home in on you and take your stuff so fast you can hardly see them, and also made your new friend bleed just by scraping against her?

> Hopefully! Hopefully you will have nets available that you can use to help your new friend who definitely wasn't trying to summon a literal demon!

[Image: jfIDCJm.png]

Your new friend, who is a kitsune. Who apparently summoned these strange birds while trying to revive her friend, who is a demon, and you guess maybe her aim was off because she got her friend's birds instead. A demon's birds. Birds owned and presumably tamed by a demon. Surely, there's something at home that's appropriate for this simple task.

> You do not.

[Image: gRoNMxL.png]

Last week, some clothes tore right through one of your ratty old laundry bags.

Walmart it is, then.

[Image: 2jxmQ6U.png]

SELENA: Hey, you okay?
SELENA: You're looking pretty red.
SELENA: Are you suuure you're okay?
CLOVER: Alright, that's fuckin' enough! What'd ya do to me?!
SELENA: Huh? I didn't do anything you don't already know about!
SELENA: Why? Do you... feel different?
CLOVER: N... No! You're just shady as fuck!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Shady might be the wrong world. She may be tall and have green up top, but she's not a tree.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Oh No! Walmart is the busiest you've ever seen it! The lines go all the way into the parking lot and around the block.
>They're having a sale on plastic forks... Well, that explains it.
>Clover: There is an entire entourage gathering around you, complimenting your "costume", and taking selfies.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Maybe Wal-Mart is also selling birdseed and baked goods on discount this time of year. For the insubstantial plan B you have.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
[Image: GvmZDrx.png]

SELENA: Oh, heads-up.
CLOVER: What is it now? Didja remember some awful side-effect to this garbage? Or are ya just gonna tell me everyone's starin' at me? Because I KNOW--
SELENA: No, not that.

[Image: C37itD2.png]

SELENA: We found them, that's all.

> Oh No! Walmart is the busiest you've ever seen it! The lines go all the way into the parking lot and around the block.

[Image: Z8E74zX.png]

What have you done to deserve this? And how many people are here just for the low-cost plastic fork packs??

> Maybe Wal-Mart is also selling birdseed and baked goods on discount this time of year. For the insubstantial plan B you have.

[Image: zN8xBX0.png]

It's fine, though. It's going to be just fine. By coming here, you can kill two birds with one stone (not literally! You don't want to kill them!) and get some bait for the birds. Maybe they'll like cake. They're big enough for that, you think.

You just... have to hurry up, and wait for the line to move. Because there's nothing to do but wait, is there? Hurry up and wait and hope Clo can hold her own for a while. You can't just skip ahead. That would be rude.

Plus, the old ladies up ahead would kill you.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
...Well, Effy's not back yet. Time to, um... catch... the birds???
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Buy a plastic fork pack; they're just too good a deal to pass up!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Hold up... What if instead of you going to the birds, you make the birds come to you? Think about it, all the supplies you need (nets, bread, plastic forks) are in the walmart. The birds would scare everyone away so you don't have to wait in line and while they're eating horrible, cheap walmart bread, you can catch them at your leisure.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
Hey guys! For a whole bunch of reasons, it’ll be a little while longer until the next AM update is done; I'm letting you know because I'd sort of accidentally fallen into a "once every two weeks" schedule and this isn't in line with that. And, you know, to make up for it, I decided to update you on what the rest of the main cast is up to right now.


Thank you for your patience!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Hold up... What if instead of you going to the birds, you make the birds come to you? Think about it, all the supplies you need (nets, bread, plastic forks) are in the walmart. The birds would scare everyone away so you don't have to wait in line and while they're eating horrible, cheap walmart bread, you can catch them at your leisure.

[Image: LnW8Xkv.png]


Somehow, you get the feeling Clo wouldn't like this idea you just had. Not that YOU think it's a great idea! Those birds are pretty big! Someone could get hurt!

It sure would be nice if you didn't have to wait in line, though. And if Max was here, maybe you could teach him a lesson!

... Alright, enough of those thoughts. You're not supposed to fight fire with fire.

> ...Well, Effy's not back yet. Time to, um... catch... the birds???

[Image: lLoaloM.png]

CLOVER: Fuck! What now??
SELENA: Well, I don't know. Try saying hi.
CLOVER: What?! What kind of--
SELENA: I mean, they're not attacking you! Isn't that a good start?

[Image: ETA2T5h.png]

It's true. You've had worse experiences with non-demonic birds.

CLOVER: Alright... Uh...

[Image: KrjHoyR.png]

SELENA: Oooh my god, look at you!
SELENA: I'd say we're about as good as done! As soon as your friend gets back, we can just herd them into the nets~
CLOVER: No! Y-Ya don't know that, it's just one of these damn things...!

[Image: gDBjBGD.png]
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Clo:Don't panic, they can smell your fear. Really, don't panic. STOP PANICKING!

>In an attempt to disperse the crowd, loudly declare that there is an even BIGGER sale on plastic forks at the uncrowded Fred Meyer's across the street. As they all leave and head over that way, realize that you could have just gone there yourself to begin with.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
okay this is kind of a dream come true for me, but as advice for Clo goes,

>Don't worry yourself sick. Just ask Selena how likely you are to be grievously injured by these things!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Clo: Calm down. Don't shake. Be gentle. Put on a straight face. Act like they're not a big deal. You're supposed to act like their owner. They're not supposed to doubt that you're they're owner until the right time.

>Act impatient, worried, and in a hurry. Murmur things about time running out. Someone in the line might feel kind enough to let you cut into their part of the line.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Clo: Look into bird's big, beautiful eyes and fall madly in love
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Clo: Calm down. Don't shake. Be gentle. Put on a straight face. Act like they're not a big deal. You're supposed to act like their owner. They're not supposed to doubt that you're they're owner until the right time.

[Image: aIzDygj.png]

Look, you know this was the plan and all. You just didn't expect to fool these birds this damn good.

CLOVER: Hey, uh... Selena...?
SELENA: Mm-hmm~?

> Don't worry yourself sick. Just ask Selena how likely you are to be grievously injured by these things!

[Image: hM2BNdS.png]

CLOVER: Don't suppose ya know the odds of these things changin' their minds and gougin' out my tongue...
SELENA: Oh, I wouldn't worry if I were you. They like you, don't they?
CLOVER: ... Huh?

[Image: yOFF7rV.png]

SELENA: They've never come this close to anyone else without getting aggressive...!
SELENA: Hey, try telling them something. I want to see!
SELENA: Talk to them!!
CLOVER: What?!

> In an attempt to disperse the crowd, loudly declare that there is an even BIGGER sale on plastic forks at the uncrowded Fred Meyer's across the street. As they all leave and head over that way, realize that you could have just gone there yourself to begin with.

[Image: MkHpvVw.png]

Boy, you had a pretty silly idea for a second there, but then you remembered there were more stores within walking distance!

You think some of the people in line there were actually trying to get to Walmart. Maybe those plastic forks really are worth all the trouble, but you'll pass for now. You need to help Clover!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Clover: Start unloading all your troubles and sad life story onto the birds. The birds are surprisingly sympathetic.

>Don't trip and drop all your supplies while you're running. After all the trouble you went through to get them, that would just be silly.
>By the way, your shoe's untied. Oops...
>Don't stop for anything, this is your greatest moment ever! Run, run like the wind!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Clover: So...............uh............nice weather we're having
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
(12-28-2017, 11:55 PM)Jovian Wrote: »>Clover: So...............uh............nice weather we're having

>Clo: Under no circumstances are you going to experiment with murder birds from hell.
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Don't stop for anything, this is your greatest moment ever! Run, run like the wind!

[Image: x7u4Gq6.gif]

Yeah... Yeah! Now that you think of it, this could be the greatest moment in your life so far!

Well, okay, the part where your ghost ancestor told you about your magical destiny was pretty cool, but you didn't do anything then? And you might be about to do a thing now! The first of many things on your path to... to...


Something like that. Anyway, the point is--

[Image: tqxHMjF.png]

[Image: ij5ufwn.png]

The first of many things! On your path to heroship! It doesn't matter if you have to take the long away around that path!

All heroes must overcome adversity!!

> Clover: So...............uh............nice weather we're having

[Image: KeKYcBG.png]

Frankly, the last thing you want to do is talk to these things. The situation at hand is already creepy enough. On the other hand, you're also getting some scary vibes from the green-haired weirdo. Will she stop staring at you like that if you just talk? Hell, if you can figure out which is the lesser of the two evils, that's good enough for you.

CLOVER: So... Uh...
CLOVER: Y'all like this park?
CLOVER: Guessin' this is your first time here...
CLOVER: Oh Jesus.
CLOVER: Yeah, uh... Good thing the weather's fine today! Right? The kinda weather we get sometimes, whew, it just ain't any for... uh...
CLOVER: Feathers.
CLOVER: Those're feathers, yeah?

[Image: IvTzSzj.png]

CLOVER: Oh my fuckin' Christ, do somethin'!!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
>Selena: Spectating is doing something, right? Yes.

>Effy: Look both ways while crossing the street!