Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Ah, I see. You're upset because you've got nobody. Thank you, thank you. I've got a million of 'em.
>Well, don't you worry about a thing. Considering where we are, I think we can get to the heart of the problem.
>Oh yes, I'd love a glass of blood. Do you have any oil or hydraulic fluid to mix into it? Back home we had a drink called the Laughing Ladle. It was blood mixed with sea snake bile with the tooth of a widow dissolved in it. It goes well with a steak dinner, so I'm told. As for not enjoying the suffering of mortals? What would ever give you a presumptuous notion like that. You're not the only one with much at steak here.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Why can't we be civil about this, come on
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
[VANTA] considers that for-

'Nah. That's boring. Time consuming. You aren't musers, so I get nothing out of the deal. Also I didn't lose? The Meddler did something. I'm not sure what, though. That part has been nagging me, admittedly. I don't suppose you know what the Meddler- Empty's deal is? Yes? No? Yes? Probably not. I was sort of hoping the answer would be yes, but it really couldn't be or you probably wouldn't be so easy to steal.'

[VANTA] throws it's arms up.

'And of course I'm upset I have no body. It kinda hurt, you know? A muse, no matter what our purpose or origin. . . We live to serve. We do our duty. We fulfill the wishes of our muser and then we get what we were promised. . .'

[VANTA] listens to the description of the drink and- makes a quiet gagging noise inside it's hood as it settles back down into it's seat.

'That's weird. You're weird. You're all weird. Just little ghosts from another time, another age, another place. . . I suspect I could guess where you come from, but that information doesn't really help me, because any body you left behind is probably just bones by now. . . Although I guess I can't be choosy, all things considered. All I have to say on the matter is that I did what Alice asked. I was her Nothingness. She got everything she asked for- and all I wanted was her body. It's not like she was going to use it. So we were going to trade.'

Nothingness sighs, and the dreary, disgusting scenery fades away, leaving the endless expanse of Nothingness' voidspace to remain.

'You're right. I was letting those emotions get the best of me. Shouldn't have pulled you all the way out here. That was rude of me. I'll send you back now. Tell Alice I say hello. I'll give her a week to get her affairs in order, do whatever she needs to do, then surrender her body to me like we promised. Or she can run. I'll simply find her again. Ask her what happened to the people from the island. Last time, she didn't have anything to lose. Now she has friends.'

Nothingness fades into the background of their own void-

Reconnecting to main story.


. .

. . .

. . . Connected

Available Mindspaces:
[] "Katie"
[] Judith "Jude" Architonnerre
[] "Suit"
[] "Empty"
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
When we last left, Jude was being treated for a small case of the "Almost Dyings", so maybe we should start with Katie. Melonspa
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>To Suit: "Hey, guy! What's up? What'd I miss?" *takes a long, noisy sip of a drink*
>[Lie]You know, Alice is really sensitive about her nose. If you wanted to distract her to get the upper hand, you could make fun of how big it is.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Let's see what empty thinks of this mess!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
[X] "Empty"

> Empty, we saw Nothingness. Holy shrimp-cakes. What did you do to piss him off? He was suppose to have Alice's body? What the heck, my dude?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Sebastian leaned against a wall and looked up. The sky was dark, and the smell of rain was a gentle threat being blown about on the wind. He could hear rumbling in the distance, and was no longer sure if it was the sounds of thunder, or the sounds of fighting.
Katie watched Seb walk. He refused to let her help him- which was stupid for so many reasons- But she acquiesced. How could she not? She wondered if this would ever wear off, this feeling. She wondered if he had been worming his way into their minds and hearts this entire time, just for these cases.

She wondered if he would bleed out before they got to where they were headed. He was losing a great deal of it- but he was mumbling something about the pain keeping him 'real'. He was mumbling a lot of things. She wasn't sure if he knew how much he was saying in-between their conversations.
Sebastian looked over his shoulder at Katie. He smiled, and leaned on his sword-made-cane as he continued to hobble towards to swirling tower of clouds that had engulfed a portion of town.

Katie calmly drew her pistol, and aimed at Sebastian. Her aim wavered. The barrel of her pistol slid away from him. She grabbed her wrist and twisted it painfully, hauling her arm back towards him. She gritted her beak, and waited for the crack of the gunshot to shake her flimsy bones...

But her heart would not allow her to fire. She could probably manipulate the trajectory with the help of her Greed. . .

But she could not. Her arms dropped. She spat on the ground in his direction, as she began to follow him again, holstering her weapon.

Suit adjusted his tie. It didn't fit. Nothing fit. It was an annoying feeling, to always be uncomfortable in one's clothes. The shoulders were too small, the neck hung a little loosely if you looked too closely, the legs were a little long, and yet at the same time, adjusted incorrectly, making the lower half longer than the upper half...

And the clothes didn't fit well either. Heh.

His... 'opponents' lie before him, scattered and defeated. The dragon and the devil were tough, and clearly used to a life of fighting- but neither were prepared for him to actually fight for himself. He almost wasn't- He's been so used to using this Muse masquerading as a second skin...

Maybe he was getting old. Maybe he was letting his thoughts and feelings get in the way of his mission, but he lowered his arms. The blades of black energy dissolving and soaking into his 'skin'... He immediately turned his head and started to cough, black ichor pouring out of his mouth for a couple seconds.
Suit adjusted his tie again. He walks over to the devil, lying in a pool of their own blood, infused with the energies of the muse they were infected with. The dragon burned with a self-contained heat that kept the infection contained... but for how long?

He adjusted his tie again, and then grabbed his face and pulled at his skin, adjusting it on his bones, tightening it up, reforming his face to how it used to be. The look on these two's faces.
The dragon picked herself up, leaning on the devil. She clung to them closely. She was afraid. Not that he would harm either of them, but afraid for their safety all the same. She was trying to protect them. Suit made a note of that. He could use that against her later.
Suit reached out with a finger, and pressed it to the dragon's mouth. She went silent, and Suit noted the sudden surge of killing intent he detected from the devil. Fascinating. Cute. So willing to die for the other, but so unwilling to share their hearts. He smudged some blood off of the dragon's cheek, and watched as the thumb of his glove caught fire. He stood up and watched as it burned through to the skin, then kept on going, slowly engulfing his hand. He didn't really care for this muse anyway. He would get another one from his employer. Maybe another gender? Something not human? He considered his options absentmindedly.
The devil's face took on a complexion that made suit pause for a fraction of a moment. If they were to strike right now, with all of their might- they might actually kill him. He had exhausted this muse, and it was dying. One good blow would probably punch right through and shatter what was left of his body. Luckily for him, the dragon was clutching the devil so closely that there was no chance of that happening. Suit smiled at them, reached up to run his burning fingers along the brim of an invisible hat, bowed gently...

And vanished from reality.

Alice wasn't here anymore. She was miles away, and years ago, on the edge of her island. Her home. She was young again, and the world was so big, and nothing was trying to eat her... or fight her... or... get to know her...
Empty sat on the edge of the island. They reached out and tapped Alice on the back of the hand.
Alice suddenly hurled herself at Empty. Luckily there was no danger of either of them actually falling- but Empty still instinctively caught Alice and held her tightly. Empty thought of the things they had done. The things they've said. The lies they've told. Would now be a good time to tell Alice? That- monster. The Suit. The one who wears muses like people wear clothing... Surely They were none too far away... But-
Empty felt Alice squeeze tighter. Empty lifted an arm and gently- experimentally, began to pet Alice on the head. She sniffed quietly to herself. Empty watched her, silently, for a small eternity. Does she not understand? Does she not remember? She wasn't MEANT to remember but- Empty felt a twinge of regret. Perhaps things were unavoidable after all. Something would have to be done. Even if pain is forgotten, it cannot be erased. Eventually, things would need to be settled-
Empty turned, and pulled Alice into their arms. They sat there, and held them, and Alice just sat there, silently. Objectively, an eon passed. Alice sat there, and Empty listened. She didn't say anything anymore, but she didn't need to. They slowly settled against each other, until they were practically Empty Alice again- Empty could make out her feelings, her worries and thoughts, by listening to her breathe. Alice sat there until she began to calm down...
Alice sat up. She was back on the ship, in her cabin. She was- surrounded. Viss was laying beside her, Qhen was sitting on the other side of the bed, with their back turned to her. Katie... Seb, Judy and Earl were arranged around as well as they could be. She was thankful that this room was bigger than her room back home- Alice thought of home for a moment, and wondered how things were going there. Wondered if there would be anything to return to.

[ ] "I think we fight."
[ ] "I think we run."
[ ] "Who said anything about we...?"
[ ] "I don't know. . ."
[ ] ". . ."

(minor edit: spellchecking is like, my 4th to 5th priority, to be fair. ' <';)
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> I don't know...

> ... but we need to figure it out. So, time for a vote?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
You have to fight. How else are you going to stop them? They'll keep chasing you forever and ever until you give up or stop them! Fight!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
I hate posting suggestions more than once in a thread but...

> Maybe... you should run... run to fight. To Imperial Sphere territory? Or whatever other country is big enough. Not to cower and hide, but to recoup... regroup. These things want a war, give them one. Get rest, knowledge, equipment. Run to Fight, not to hide.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Running and fighting go hand-in-hand. Cover fire for when you retreat. It's a real tactic, you can't prove it isn't.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Viss looked at Qhen, who just stared off into the distance, rubbing their chin, until a sharp elbow from Viss brings them back to the present.
Qhen said something back- Which Viss visibly winced at- and next thing Alice knew, Earl and Qhen were arguing, then Katie was mouthing off, and Sebastian was being absolutely no help and...

Alice retreated again, into her head. She was back in her room, with her books. Her quiet, peaceful books. She started to read, and for the first few moments of forever, she managed to ignore the knocking sound...

Until the knocking was on her head. She winced, and quickly rolled over in bed, pulling her blankets over herself and glaring angrily at Empty as she started to burrow under the covers.
Empty let out a sound not unlike a sigh. They turned away. . . And then sat down. Alice frowned at that. Then they shifted a leg up onto the bed, adjusting their robes. Alice frowned more. Empty placed a plate of cookies on the bed. Alice looked at them, then Empty. She reached out of her blanket cocoon... and was met with a cold glass of milk in her hand. She almost jumped, but her proximity to her books held her nerves steady.

Alice looked at the glass of milk, and took it into her blankets, snagging a cookie with the other hand. Munching noises from within indicated to Empty that they were allowed to speak. . .
Alice had exploded out of her blankets, to put a finger right in Empty's face, only to find herself face to face with Sebastian. The room had gone quiet. Really quiet. She couldn't SEE anybody else, but she could tell from Sebastian's expression that she was likely the center of attention.

Seb opened their mouth to say something- but it was too late. Alice shoved him away- Katie moved in to catch him, and Alice used that moment to break through the ring of people around her bed. There was at least a couple calls out in her direction, but she threw the door open, and ran. Ran all the way to the deck, where she went to the nose of the ship... Gripped the edge...

And Vomited. Egh. Or tried to. Alice stared over the edge of the boat, and for a few moments, her head began to swirl with thoughts... How much did she say out loud? All of it? None of it? Was Empty tricking her? Did she just scream at a wounded man? All the information was finally catching up to her. Everybody was in some form of wound or distress, as their features played out in her brain.

Alice was starting to get a headache. Her thoughts were getting hard to deal with. She just stared down into the clouds below her. Staring. Slowly. Deeply. She reached out with an arm-

When suddenly she felt herself being hauled backwards. She barely had the strength to complain, and simply fell back onto Qhen, knocking them both onto the deck.
She followed Qhen's gaze to the edge. She briefly remembered thinking about her comment... Just throw her overboard for all she cared-
Alice kissed Qhen on the cheek. Qhen blinked. Alice smiled back at them.
Qhen nodded weakly. Alice smiled and stood up, reaching down and hauling Qhen up- (holy dang Qhen weighs a lot more than you. Must be all that bone and muscle mass.) She dusted off Qhen's clothes, then patted them on the cheek.

She turned to go back to her cabin. Qhen followed behind closely. Understandable. Qhen was probably afraid she was going to pull another cliffhanger. She was kinda afraid of that herself. That's why she wanted to get INSIDE. But no- Everybody was just so WORDY and- ANNOYING- and nobody listens to her and-

Alice SHOVED the door to her cabin open, and Jude barely stepped out of the way.
Everybody was quiet. Perfectly, beautifully quiet. Alice clapped her hands together. This was nice. Qhen followed her in and... just stood at the door.
Alice took in a deep breath, and sat down on her bed. She held it for a few seconds, then let it out. Nope. Still not feeling any better. Fine.
Everybody's hands shot up.
Everybody's hands went down.

Qhen votes Stay.
Judith votes Run.
Katie votes Stay.
Seb votes Run.
Earl votes Run.
Viss votes Stay.

Well. That was no help. Alice would ask for your help, but she's currently not listening to anybody right now! She's in a funky mood, and she's even pointedly ignoring Empty.

But Empty isn't ignoring you. Empty waves.

[ ] Run and Fight>
[ ] Stay and Fight>
[ ] How about do we something else?>
[ ] Seriously, why are we even fighting this thing? Is there another option?>
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Well, it isn't as if I didn't foresee that outcome. I figured there was a chance the vote would split. I just figured it would force Alice to make a decision. I guess she isn't there yet. I, personally, still think that accruing resources to fight is better, but I'm the overly cautious sort. So... I'm gonna go against my own thoughts on the off chance it resonates with someone. We run and skirt around the fringe regions of the Imperial Sphere trying to acquire what information we can. Information such as strange sightings and towns disappearing. Then... charge headlong in to them. Maybe, instead of running or waiting, take the fight to them... which I suppose was always my underlying goal. I mean, the only option I see besides fighting is giving it what it wants... and what it wants seems to be Alice, dead. Unless there is a way to so thoroughly convince it that Alice is dead and her body destroyed without actually killing her, fighting feels like the only option. There may be Muse for that... but we've not met them.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>No-no, Empty, it wasn't too harsh to step out. Having help is good, but sometimes people need to learn to stand on their own. She seems to have the right idea, or "an idea", anyway.

>Run and fight. Remember the old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my other enemy, but it's better my enemies are looking at each other instead of me." Have the empire do something useful for a change, if you catch my meaning.

>Oh, by the way Alice, are there any big hats around? It might help you feel the part if you dress the part. Big hats are a very coveted commodity amongst captains. And I mean a really, REALLY big hat.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Run and fight!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Jude nervously shuffled. That was... weird. Right? Alice was pretty sure that was weird. Ever since she busted into her own room and started ordering people around... Hm. Oh well.
Alice looked blankly at Katie. Katie looked back with the same empty expression. She couldn't tell if Katie was being genuine with that question, or just try to start an argument. Probably both.
Her beak clicked loudly and angrily, and Katie looked like she wanted to say something, when Sebastian reached over and gently touched her on the back of a hand. Katie closed her eyes and ruffled her feathers with a sigh.
Katie, Seb and Earl left the room. Jude stood there and shuffled her feet for a moment, took a deep breath, and looked at Viss, indicating the door. Viss nodded and she opened the door for Jude, and they wandered away, talking quietly about the ship.

Which left Alice alone with her thoughts. Well. Sort of alone. She was aware of the thing she only could refer to as 'the hum of the universe'. It was always there. Watching? Listening? . . .She flopped backwards onto her bed.

She made a mental note. If she could get a bigger ship? Meeting room. Or they need to start using the Qhen's room because she was starting to get a little tired with waking up and finding people had been keeping an eye on her.

Then again, Alice was pretty sure that wouldn't stop Qhen or Viss from making sure at least one of them was keeping an eye on her. Hopefully they weren't losing sleep over that particular duty. Maybe what she really needed was a privacy room. Maybe she could fold her voidspace in such a way that-
Alice stared at Qhen, having pulled her blankets back to make a fort of them between herself and Qhen.

Qhen scratched the side of their face idly, then adjusted the neck of their shirt. The hood was down but Alice caught the edges of the blood cape fluttering behind them every so gently, despite the lack of a breeze. Guess that's just something you can do when your cloak is alive. They had gotten better at that.

. . .Alice was a little jealous, really.
Alice closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. Right. Qhen was right. She just got done having a sass-off with Katie. She needs to be better at this captain business.
Qhen saluted casually and walked out. Alice sat and thought. She thought about how hard it would be to get information on any of these islands. She mentally put together a chart.


Alice gritted her teeth and rubbed the sides of her head. Okay. Fine. Let's just not care about drawing attention to ourselves. Provided we live past an encounter with this horrible thing that sends her into panic attacks...


The next island is a small farming village, on the absolute edge of imperial territory. Almost nobody comes out here except trading ships, and usually they have their own protection, instead of relying on the imperial sphere to protect them.

Day 1 Info Team> ? and ?
Day 1 Loot Team> ? and ?
Day 1 Talk Team> ? and ?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Fuzz? Maybe you're just being more independent... not that I mind, but one's own mind often comes with a lot of white noise.

Talk Team... how ready are you to deal with Earl? He'd probably be the most interesting to pick at. He seems to have a pseudo-precognition ability and is tied to Fate? Is it that the Erinyes that whisper to him or just that he is able to feel the pull of a strong story? It'll be good to find out what Fate he is tied to, since that is often the Fate you make for yourself. Also, finding out what Katie's deal is important. The earlier the better. Whatever chip is on her shoulder is fine, really, just so long as you're aware of it and have a plan for it. You're not her mother, after all. You have no need to fix her but you have to know what she is and is not capable of. Finding out just what her damage is should tell you that.

Loot Team... Qhen is strong, stern, and responsible. Pair him with Judith, who may be a bit... flighty? But otherwise listens fairly well and seems capable. She's also strong and is probably more used to dealing with people and acquisitions.

Info Team... Viss and Seb, I guess. I mean, this may be the only time Seb will be able to be sent out. If we head closer Sphere-ward, he should stay onboard the ship as much as possible so giving him a chance to go out, regardless of his own reluctance, might be good for him. Viss also, if memory serves, can be very... persuasive and tricky. That's useful for someone with a honesty policy. Seb can lie to himself all he likes, but we need someone with him who can lie for him.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Talk>Katie, Earl
Loot>Judith, Qhen
Info> Seb, Viss

I pretty much came to the same conclusion as Gloomy after looking them over.

You're doing great, Alice. They're (mostly) listening to you and (mostly) respecting you!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>I'm curious to see what team ideas your crew comes up with on their own. Just to gauge what they think.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Will Second asking for your crew' input on teams. If they can't agree, run with Gloomy's Rundown
>Viss and Seb on Info Duty, for the reasons Gloomy ran with. With Two people who're capable of doing things without supervision, it makes them Twice as effective, as they don't need to stick with one another
>Katie and Earl on talk Duty, Again for GM's Rundown. If Nothing Else, you could probably get a decent hand of cards going
>Qhen and Judith Catching Loot, B/c Gloomy is just hitting it outta the ballpark with his suggestions. Stronk Fetcher Of itemry means More Itemry can be hauled
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen