Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(07-25-2017, 07:19 PM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Follow the crazy man.
>Ask the crazy man what his name is.
>Also, once you get to the place, check out their menus.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl opened the door, and wandered inside. Delightful music poured out of the building, along with a cloud of other sounds and smells. Qhen followed immediately. Viss looked at Alice for a moment, before heading inside. Alice stood outside by herself for a little bit. She looked around. Everything felt odd. Of course, it doesn't help that the sights were all alien to her. All these buildings were more. . . Modern? Something about their design.

But there was something else off. It was something unsettling. Like having a word on the tip of your tongue but being unable to remember what it was. Or waking up after having a great idea and being unable to put it down onto paper. Or. . . the mysterious smell that comes before a rain storm.

She wondered how much about the world she didn't know about. She stepped back, and looked up at the sign.

. . .
Alice looked up at the sign. She reached down to her hip and checked her firearm. It popped into her hand. She broke open the action and checked that there was a shell loaded. She closed it, and put it away, then pulled it out again, just to make sure.

She opened the door, and her skin got goosebumps when she crossed through.

It was a lovely little place, but everything sort of hit her at once. All these weird contrasts. The building's exterior was stone and metal. The interior was beautiful wood. It also felt bigger on the inside than the outside. The moment the door had closed, it had shut the sounds from coming outside, but the opposite was also the same. When the door closed, it was almost like she forgot where she came from.

The kinds of people that were here were varied- more than varied. . . Is that a word for that? Alice could only guess that the people all dressed the same were waiters- They were carrying trays after all, but they were all fairly unique also. There were almost half a dozen tables. Long padded seats covered most of the walls, with tables set up in front of them. The bar was long but-

The bar! There was some very small, somewhat older looking gentleman sitting behind the bar on top of a stool. His eyes were closed, and his brow was furrowed... and bottles and glasses and all sorts of things swirled around him like a small whirlwind.

Her head was starting to hurt again. She was only just now aware of the fact that someone was tapping her on the wrist. It was one of the wait staff.
Alice bowed a little to the wait staff, who gave her an odd look before going back to work. She slowly worked her way through the place, glancing everywhere as discreetly as possible. The thing that most caught her attention was the music. Believe it or not? She does not get to hear music very often. Music is expensive.

But this place had. . . Musicians. There was for it. Band? Band. There was a band here, all dressed in very nice clothes, although their styles all clashed. It was less like an organized-thing, and more like a group of friends who showed up and just happened to bring instruments. The music was also quite similar, in design.

She watched them play, as she sat at the table. She was aware of Qhen attempting to hold a conversation with 'Mister Viscount'. Talking about his works of writing, and how he could manage to write all of those books and not really remember it. Viss was trying to look like she was enjoying herself, but it was clear to Alice that she was on edge. Her hand wasn't on her weapon, but if she could, she probably would just have it out already.

An object dropped in front of Alice. She glanced at it. A menu.

Alice opened the menu and began to glance through it. They offered so many things that she had never heard of. Luckily, they offered descriptions underneath, but that didn't exactly help her. She closed it and put it down on the table in front of her.
Earl pushed his glasses up and got a good look at Alice, squinting one eye shut, chewing hard on the end of his cigarette holder. A few moments later Alice's vision suddenly pitched upwards and she was aware that she had hit her head, but it didn't hurt. She was very tired. She was getting tired of being tired. Was her entire life going to be punctuated with surprise-attack-naps?

The lights go out.

Alice has become unconscious, and where she currently is, you are unable to observe her or anybody else around her. This carries over to her dreamscape, as Empty is also currently unavailable.

You can wait for Alice to awaken, or attempt to contact Qhen or Viss, or, for an odd change, you are still currently capable of interacting with 'Earl Viscount'.

( ) Wait for Alice to Reawaken
( ) Try to find Empty or Alice's Dreamscape
( ) Try to switch to Qhen
( ) Try to switch to Viss
( ) Switch to Earl
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
let's hang out with Earl
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Switch to Earl.
>You know Earl, it does not speak well of your books if Alice fell asleep before even reading them.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl Wrote:"Yeah, what the hell do you know anyway? Bag of air. Talking shit about my books. . ."
Woman Wrote:"Uh, Earl? Did you have another episode just now?"
Earl Wrote:"What? Episode of what? I haven't written anything new lately. I raise."
Woman Wrote:"We have not even started the round yet, you weird little man."

Earl was sitting at a table, playing cards. To his left was that avelle. Her name was something like Kh'tak'ak'ha'ta'tch or something. It was all bird song to him. Pretty enough. She responded to Katie. Avaracious, that one was. Not in a bad way though. Earl respected a woman who knew exactly what she wanted, and knew exactly how to cheat to get it. That's why she was always sat next to Earl and the next person. The next person would toss her across the room if they caught her cheating, and Earl was considered crazy, and a distraction. Hmph.

Next to Katie was Jude. Or Judith, if you were a cute lady, an adorable child, or were paying for her drinks that night. Big lady. Strong lady. Comes from some. . . Engineer's Commune? An airship- an Air. . . Land? Too big to properly be called a ship, but one enormous city that flew under it's own power. A very few people claim to have actually ever seen it- because it flies around in the CloudSea? Whatever. Too wild for Earl. So. Jude. Her people were kinda weird. They made prosthesis. . . But for themselves? Not like- for losing a limb. They'd just cut the damn thing off! How about that?! But only after they had properly assembled the thing. It was like a spirit quest for them.

Earl didn't particularly know why Jude was here. Didn't generally care. Not for a lack of caring. She was nice. She's only broken his arm twice. But he didn't care because she didn't show up in one of his books. The short of it? She was an 'airship-tribal', her right arm was a very well made mechanical prosthetic that did it's best to resemble a human arm, her left arm resembled her right arm through very intricate tattoo work- and the rest of her body was the same. Don't ask how he knows that. He almost stopped smoking that day. Oh right. He'd refer to her as 'Intense'.

Then there was Ken. And Vizz. They were alright, for kids. The tall one was some form of demon, kinda red-skinned even. Although, that's because their skin was sorta see through. It made Earl a little uneasy. Not used to seeing demons unless he was really deep into a personal vacation. Also, those perfect jet-black spheres. Earl wasn't sure if that one ever blinked. Vizz on the other hand, blinked a lot. Cute little lizard. Drake. Dragon. Whatever. He hadn't really figured out what their deal was. That's why there were back here, playing cards.

Oh, and before her forgot, the other one on his right. Sebastian. Odd duck, this one. Probably the only one he really got along well with, most days. Some sort of nobility in the Imperial Sphere, he spent all his time 'rubbing elbows' with the 'lessers'. . . His guardian's words. Not his, of course. Sebastian was alright. He was honest. To a fault. That was a good word for him. He was 'Honest'. He figured being honest with everyone, including oneself was a good way to get popularity with the people. So he serves drinks in a bar, had a portion of his hair dyed a ridiculously bright color, and had a bunch of pieces of metal inserted into his face. Earl remembers being young and rebellious. Ah. Those were the day-

Sebastian Wrote:". . .Earl? You have been staring into space for like, five minutes. You're making the newbies nervous, and you're starting to tick me off. What the fuck?"
Earl Wrote:"Huh? What? Shut up, Seb. I was just narrating for our lovely viewers. I guess while Alissa or whatever takes a nap, her ghosts are peeking over my shoulder. I was introducing you all. Be grateful. It'll save us time later when we have to decide who is the new favorite. My money is on me."
Jude Wrote:"Your money is about to be fed to you. Are you in or out?"
Earl Wrote:"Oh. What are we playing?"
Katie Wrote:"CARDS! Ditch your trash and bet or fold already! Some of us like to be able to spend our winnings while we're young, you know?!"

Oh. Sorry about all that. They can be like that. If you want any more information, just ask. Earl reserves the right to drown you out with drugs and alcohol though. Just forewarning. He just absentmindedly tosses his bet into the center of the table and picks up his cards.

King of Clubs,
Jack of Clubs,
Six of Spades,
Four of Spades,
Two of Spades.

( ) Choose 0-5 cards to discard.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Golly I actually kind of like poker or the concept. This might be intresting.

> Maybe try for a flush, Earl. Discard both your clubs unless you're a risk taker!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Earl, I have a flawless plan. Throw out ALL your cards and go all in. Don't even look at your new cards when you get them. That'll surely intimidate them and show off your confidence.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(07-27-2017, 06:21 PM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Earl, I have a flawless plan. Throw out ALL your cards and go all in. Don't even look at your new cards when you get them. That'll surely intimidate them and show off your confidence.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl threw his hand into the center of the table. Ken and Vizz looked confused while the others groaned.
Vizz and Ken looked at each other, then back to Earl. Katie pushed her wings back with her shoulders and grabbed all the cards on the table. She shuffled them up, and dealt everybody back up to five. Katie stared at her hand, and thought for a little bit.
Katie threw in more coins. Jude put her cards face down on the table. Ken threw a small handful of coins into the pile. Vizz threw in an even bigger pile. Seb threw in a slightly bigger pile of coins. . .

Earl put his hands on top of his pile of coins, and shuffled them forward into the center of the table. Katie hissed angrily, and clicked her beak.
Earl began to stack all the coins up based on type. Katie clicked her beak angrily again, and flipped her cards over.

Ace, Two, Three, Queen, Jack - All Clubs, Flush

Katie looked particularly pleased with herself. Ken made a face. Maybe they had a better hand? Jude sighed happily, however. She folded, so she didn't have to show her cards, but was clearly very sure she made the right decision. Very safe, that one. Vizz let out a small hissing whistle under her breath which was successful in getting Katie's attention like she wanted.

Six Spade, Six Diamond, Seven Club, Seven Diamond, Seven Heart - Full House.

Katie narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, and looked at Vizz. Katie didn't like to lose. Especially when she suspected that someone just 'out-cheated' her. Viss flicked her tongue in an adorable manner and leaned back in their chair. Sebastian sighed. He regretted his decision, and his cards showed why.

Two, Eight, Nine, Ten, King - All Diamonds, Flush.

Seb then turned to look at Earl. Earl was now making two piles of coins. He was stacking them perfectly. Slowly. Agonizingly. Someone probably said something, but he was busy. He had to do this. It was important. So Seb reached over and grabbed his cards and spat a truly vile curse in a language that only he and Earl knew. It's part of why Earl liked Seb. It wasn't HIS language by any stretch, but he learned it. Seb liked to learn things.

Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace - Royal Hearts Flush.

Katie let out a strangled, furious squawk and the feathers around her neck puffed up and she gritted her beak. Jude patted Katie on the shoulder.
Two Heart, Three Spade, Four Club, Five Club, Six Heart.
Earl shoved a small pile of coins in front of Vizz. About a quarter of the pile. Another quarter of the pile, he split up into two smaller stacks, which he gave to Katie and Seb. Then Earl gave Jude one of the larger coins.
Earl reached into his pocket, pulled out a pouch, reached under his hat, and retrieved a slip of paper. He began rolling some strange blue leaves into the paper as Ken began dealing the cards. He rolled it up and stuffed it into his cigarette holder. Jude helpfully extended her right arm, a little flame popping out of her thumb.
Ken was dealing out cards- but Jude stopped him, because he was counting out five and giving them to each person. Katie clicked her beak in amusement at that, as Ken started over again, after re-shuffling, and dealing one to each person, starting with Vizz, and going clockwise again.
The chatter kept on going. Earl tuned it out into a dull fuzzy hum. The world around him began to fray at the edges, and bits of color came into his sight again. He missed the colors. It was such a bother, seeing the world in literal black and white. Well, not entirely. The tiny numbers on the back of his right hand, slowly ticking down, were red. That's why he liked having the colors around. It drowned out the ticking.

So Earl decided to just tune out everything for now. He wanted to think, without that damn doomsday clock ticking away in his heart. He tossed in coins. Played cards. Whatever they were talking about out there was probably super interesting, and incredibly stupid. Not that he thought THEY were stupid- but sometimes people could just- talk about the most inane crap. Nobody seemed to actually want to talk about the very obvious interesting bits about say- how Viss attempted to kill Alice? And the weird jealous hoarding of Alice and Qhen to herself? And Qhen either doesn't get it, or has a heart of stone.

Earl thought about Alice. He'd want to talk to Eli after the place closed. That guy didn't know any more or less than anybody else about Muses- if you could put information into mass, anyways. I guess if you wrote it all down, Eli might know a little more. But his knowledge was also completely different. They all brought different snippets of knowledge to this table, and right now, he had questions he wanted answers to.

What was up with Viss and Qhen? Were their muses vastly different from their own? Probably. Katie, Judith, Sebastian and himself all manifested in vastly different ways.

Also this Alice girl. Who was she? What was her muse? And why was it so hard to meet her gaze? Earl's muse did not like her. Earl's muse was afraid. Which was interesting. Earl's Fatalism was usually just, you know. Depressing. That's the other reason for the drugs. And the Alcohol. And the Escapism. It's really hard to be surprised by anything, when you know the date of-

Earl suddenly kicked away from the table, knocking over his chair, scattering coins and cards across the surface- luckily nobody had a drink with them right now. That got people's attention. He still couldn't hear them though. They were just buzzing in his ears. Blurs of color and sensation, screaming at him incoherently through the darkness. He stared at the back of his right hand. He shouted something at them that made them stop. He got up. Okay. No- Need answers. Earl will trade information, but Earl needs answers.

He stumbled out of the room, and into the next room, throwing the door open. He reached over, grasping blindly a few times before realizing that his depth perception was all messed up. He began shaking Alice, who woke up confused, and a little terrified at this person shouting at her incoherently-

(X) ฬђ๏ คгє ץ๏ย
(X) ฬђคՇ ђคשє ץ๏ย ๔๏ภє
(X) ђ๏ฬ ๔๏ ץ๏ย รՇ๏ק เՇ

Suddenly, Earl was asleep. Unconscious. Knocked out cold. The back of his head stung. That was probably Judith's doing then. He must have been freaking out something bad- she barely pulled her punch.

Right. Answers. YOU LOT!
Suddenly, Earl was aware of how alone he was. In a dream-like state, his brain was scrubbed. He was uniquely, and for the first time in decades, lucid and clean. The empty white void stretched on in all directions. There was a table. Chairs. A number of them. But only one was pulled out. In it sat a roughly humanoid-shaped cloud of ice-cold fog, wearing a grey cloak.

( Please. Have a seat. )

( ) Have a seat.
( ) Have a seat?
( ) Have a seat!
( ) Don't. . .have a seat?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Have a seat, question mark question mark?

> Hello Empty, Earl, Fatalism! How do you do?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Have a seat, wave robe arm!

> Hello! What do you want to know, Early?
> Hi Empty! Hi.. Fatalism? Greetings!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Take a seat, but take the last one and knock over all the others as you approach it.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl walked over to the table. He began knocking chairs aside. Then he stopped, and walked around the table the other way, knocking all the other chairs over, except for the one that Empty is sitting in, and the one he turns around and sits on, gripping the back of the chair in his hands angrily. He doesn't even notice the grey cloaks fluttering around behind him. Oops.
Earl was reaching for Empty's hood, when he suddenly just- deflated. His arms fell down to his sides, and his forehead rested on the back of the chair. He was searching for something. Some hidden reserve of energy, but Fatalism was out of his range- something this THING did. . .
Empty began to explain, and Earl listened.

A muse, the thing that you call a muse, is largely a figment. A fragment of a broken psyche, a wounded heart, a shattered moral compass. A portion of one's own mind, given form. Each person's muse manifests in different ways, and is an extreme representation of one's deepest thoughts. Qhen is filled with a potent anger at a world that has seen them 'subjugated', and seen their friends and family taken away from them. Just the same, they are filled with a powerful desire to be 'free'. To escape the chains of society and be their own person.

Earl understood that. Qhen and Viss had a bit of a punch up over something related, didn't they?

Yes. Viss' muse reflects a powerful jealousy. An envy that burns hotter than her own blood, a dark reflection of a cry for help. A desire to be held. To be loved. To be 'accepted'. She could not admit to herself or others her desires, and so she gave in, at an early age, to the burning 'envy'. She sated a thirst for acceptance with fear.

Earl did not like where this was going. He nervously gripped his right hand.

Not to worry, Earl. I will not reveal the secrets of yourself or your friends yet. That is something that Alice shall discover on her own. Speaking of. You have asked many questions, but none with substance. But just this once, I shall give you the answers you have been looking for, Earl Viscount.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Alice van Vaugen. She led a lonely life. Not tortured in any sense, but an extremely lonely life all the same. For most of her life, she was surrounded by guardians, people that she did not know that owed her parents a debt of some kind, and would have their accounts settled by passing on some of their knowledge to this precocious child. Despite all of that, she was still alone. You see, a muse is not some magical intrinsic power one has. Everyone has the capacity to summon a muse from deep inside. Everyone hurts, Earl.

Earl had stood up. Empty had stood up. They were floating towards Earl. Earl took a step back, then another. He gripped around in his head. Fatalism wasn't there. He desperately tried to decipher his own puzzle. If fatalism would not help him here-. . . what did he want? What did he desire? What would save him from this-

No one lives a perfect life, Earl. Everyone hurts. Everyone suffers. Some more so than others. Some so much that they feel a need to escape. Muses are that escape. An attempt to bring one's life back into balance with barely understood powers. It almost never works out. After all, you've written and read so many books, as a histicion, you know how those stories end.

Earl tried to stand their ground. There was something about Empty that was deeply unsettling. It was like a bad trip. Maybe he was just hallucinating. Maybe this was all a bad dream.

Earl's back hit an invisible wall. Empty reached out, their cloak opening up, and a slender arm, formed of the infinite starry expanse of the universe beyond the CloudSea, slowly reached out. Empty grabbed Earl's shoulder, and Earl began to stare into Empty's hood. Jesus- it was full of stars. . .
He licked his lips nervously. He had stuffed his hands into his pockets, and was desperately trying to put something into a pipe. A desperate chuckle escaped him.
Earl stared into Empty. He saw planets. Stars. Solar systems. Galaxies. Nebulae. Moons. Asteroids. He also saw what lay in-between those things. An infinite, yawning abyss. An Emptiness like none other. He wondered if he touched their face, if he would become lost in that Emptiness. He reached out with a hand. . . And Empty grabbed it with their other hand.
He squinted. He leaned in, trying to get a good look into that hood. He studied the shifting patterns- and realized he was staring at a face. He jerked back. Empty did not let go.
Empty leaned in. Closer. Closer. . Closer. . .
Empty took in a deep breath- and Earl heard the the sound of stars roaring into existence, great cosmic fires burning deep inside Empty's infinite confines of their hood. They learned in just a little closer- the heat coming from their open mouth practically scorching Earl's face- and they let out a sharp- quick breath.

Earl vanished, blown out like a candle.

Empty slowly exhaled a cloud of beautiful, glittering purple nebula fire, crackling with electricity. They calmed down, repeating something quietly to themselves- and quickly became the floating cloud of fog wearing a cloak that everybody knew and loved(?).

Empty Wrote:"Do you think I was too hard on him?"
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> No. He was being quite rude to poor Alice. I'm surprised you handled him as gently as you did.

> So.. what ARE you..? I didn't quite obtain the knowledge Early did from your conversation.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Not too much!

> So... if you're not her muse, then who is?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Too hard? Nah. If anything Earl good use a few more people talking to him like that. Where he is right now in his life, you only get there when nobody ever tells you, "No."
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl woke up in a pool of water. Not a pool. A lake.

Not a lake. An ocean.

How did Earl know an ocean was? Easy. He read books. You would be surprised what you could learn when you tried.
Earl sat up. The ocean was, in fact, a pool. A pool of his own sweat. He was in his bed. He remembers having a terrible reaction to something he was smoking- he had an epiphany. Then Jude clocked him in the 'off switch'. You know, that spot at the base of your skull and- nevermind. Mental note: Drink a lot. Water. Juice. Milk. Coffee. Tea. Whatever. Just drink a lot of it. He felt like a wrung out sponge. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a wet cigarette. He put it into his mouth.

He almost jumped a little when the spark appeared in front of him. A crackle of electricity between Fatalism's fingertips. A muse. A demon. A thought. Thoughts were impulses inside one's brain. Conquer someone's electricity, and you conquer their body. Earl looked up at Fatalism. They had crawled up on his bed. A thought, a being of pure mental energy. Electricity. Their fingers crackled with lightning, which they brought up to Earl's face. The electricity began to pass through the material, harmlessly shocking his face. He grunted.

Then, all at once, the material dried out and caught fire- Earl inhaled deeply, reducing the entire thing to ash. He held his breath and stared at Fatalism. They leaned in and touched his face. His nervous system twinged. His shoulders, then his elbows, then his wrists and hands lost control in that order. Earl exhaled, and Fatalism inhaled, taking the cloud of foul smoke into it's face. . .

Fatalism stood up, and exhaled a small black cloud, charged with electricity. Releasing it, it joined the other clouds that circled the top of Earl's room, a uniquely weird little weather system just in his house.
Suddenly, there was a rumble of thunder. Earl jumped again a little, and looked up angrily. He preferred his indoor showers when he had already taken the time to lock up his book. . .s. . .

The clouds over his head remained silent, just slowly circling the ceiling. He was reminded of something. Cripes. He leapt out of bed and grabbed the Chronicles of Allison. He began flipping through them. He missed something. Something important.

Alice sighed to herself. She was greatly uncomfortable. She passed out, or something- and was put on some boxes, with a blanket under her? That was not nearly enough to offset the fact that she was sleeping on wooden crates. Then add the fact that she didn't have a pillow, or a blanket to go on top of her. . .

Also, while she was sleeping, that weird man- Earl? Earl started screaming at her incoherently before Judith knocked him out cold. She tried to go back to sleep after that, but found that hard to do, as shortly after all that was over, Viss came in and tried to get Alice to 'share her time' with Viss.

Alice was not in the mood for shenanigans, so Viss decided to go for the second most annoying option. She climbed up on Alice, curled up on her legs, and fell asleep. Or was pretending to be asleep. Either way, it was annoying, Viss weighed quite a bit for such a small, lithe lizard- and every time Alice stopped petting her, Viss would make an angry hissing noise.

So. Alice had time to think. . . and read! Qhen had very very helpfully made her some notes- with Judith's help. Judith was very kind. Brought Alice a pillow for her back. Brought her a glass of milk. Brought her a slice of bread with some jam! Offered to rub her shoulders. Around this time, Alice had realized that she had made another 'friend mistake'. Judith and Qhen's notes were fascinating.

So, the Cafe- the Idle Amusement- was owned by the short, angry man. His muse was 'Terse'. His muse 'type' was 'trade'. He traded his ability to have conversations with more than one word at a time, in exchange for his ability to move objects with his mind. But only when he was angry.

In fact, basically everybody who came to the Idle Amusement were Musers. Was that a verb/adjective for people who mused? Or a portmanteau of Muse User? She wasn't sure. Judith had also, helpfully included information about herself. Quite a lot of it. Height. Weight. Age. Color of Eyes. Blood Type. Favorite Food. Least Favorite Food. A little written bit of history about herself and her people. It was all fascinating, but sort of devalued by the fact that Alice was absolutely sure that this lady was being sorta- desperate. Although Alice was touched? Viss, she could excuse. But some random person she's never met taking a serious interest in her? That was. . .funny.

What Judith did NOT include was information about any of the other people that Viss and Qhen had met and played cards with. Nor information about Earl Viscount. Alice sighed, and put the notes down. Okay, so she had gotten some information. The muse thing was not unique to her. Also she wasn't technically a Muser? Apparently the way she utilized Empty's power didn't count. . . And also, Alice was not seized by a consuming emotion or thought, positive or negative.

This was all interesting, but Alice had some more important thoughts in her mind.

Could she get any information she was actually interested in? She wanted to go out into the CloudSea. She looked around. . .
Alice began to tip backwards. She laid down, and Viss sat on her stomach, and stared down at her. Her tail folded around, and offered Alice her pen.
Viss put a hand up to her forehead and spun slightly to the side and then hit the floor. THUMP. Viss let out a pained hiss.
Viss watched Alice, her tail flicking back and forth idly. Alice rolled her eyes, and stared up at the ceiling. She tapped her papers with her pen. Viss' tail began to flick a little more.

Alice let out a long sigh. Viss' tail began to wag. She wanders over, and peeks at Alice.
Alice stared up at the ceiling. She could hear Viss breathing. She really was excited about this. That's weird. Viss is- Viss is weird. Alice closed her eyes.

. . .

Viss rolled over. Alice reached out and grabbed Viss by the arms- She wasn't a fool- and pulled her close. Viss began to do that purring thing, and she was warm and Alice just- fell asleep.

Her pad of paper and pen fell over. She really had gotten one thing written down.

[ ] More Crew?

. . .


( ) Seb.
( ) Jude.
( ) Katie.
( ) . . .That Guy over There.
( ) . . .Earl?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> That Guy Over There TM.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>That Guy Over There
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
I would say Earl but I genuinely think he doesn't need this kind of bullshit right now
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> That Guy over there
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
The figure stepped out of the nearby alleyway. They were dressed in a way that could only be described as 'fashionably plain'. The suit they wore looked well made- but it just didn't fit them properly. The fabric LOOKED expensive, unless you looked a little closer. Loose threads. Wearing through in places, almost. The flower stuck into the chest pocket was old and dried up. They walked with their hands stuffed into their pockets, even better underlining the ill-fit of the clothes. If this suit was tailored, it wasn't for THEM.

They walked past Katie, Jude and Seb, until they were only a couple feet away from Qhen. They pulled a hand out of their pocket, and stroked their chin. Their hair was dark and pulled back, and they had- to Qhen anyway- the most beautiful brown eyes.
Qhen began to express themselves. Their dance was one of passion. Heart boiling over. Lungs expanding. Organs burning. Eyes turning into smoke.

Qhen understood their lot in life. Free and Qhen existed to fight. Not because someone told them to, not to protect someone like Alice or Viss. But simply because it was the fastest solution. Why? Why did people make it so hard for one to simply enjoy life passing them by?

Because nobody makes sense.

Seb leaned against a wall. He wasn't particularly out of breath, but Jude and Katie needed to stop and rest, obviously!

. . .Why do you always lie to yourself, Sebastian? He put his back to the wall and took a deep breath. Katie had brushed her wings back and was shaking a little, as she loaded her rifle. Her beak clicked and gritted angrily. She let out a long, slow hiss. . .
Seb pointed back the way they came. The alleyway abruptly ended- a solid wall of- something in the way.

Katie walked over. She reached out and placed a claw on it, and immediately jerked back- hissing. Now she backed up, and brought her short rifle up, firing a few rounds into the 'wall'. The bullets impacted- but made no sound or effect. They just- vanished.
Seb turned and walked away. If people hate him because he was so honest, maybe they should stop lying so much. Maybe if they were more honest with themselves and others, they would stop hurting each other. . . But they wouldn't. Why?

Because nobody makes sense.

Earl had turned on the lights. The light of his smoking was no longer enough. He needed to find something. He pushed aside his bad habits- which did nothing to reverse the toll they were taking on his body. Stopping a dozen habits just meant a dozen and more withdrawals. He turned the lights on because his vision was starting to fade. He had a knife. He was splitting the spines of his books open. Cutting bindings. Laying out the papers in stacks.

Obsession. Eccentricity. Frivolity. Irresponsibility. Why bother learning so much when you know when you're going to die? Not in the general sense of mortality of course- most people who got to know Earl in any appreciable manner would inevitably ask this question.

Knowledge is power. Power is money. Money is time. Time is an illusion. He cut another book open and started separating the pages. He had made light in his room by lighting his fireplace. Piles of books sat nearby. The ones he wouldn't need any more, soon. The ones that nobody else should read. Some information should be secret.

Knowledge was important to him, because maybe, if he looked hard enough, he would find an answer to an actually good question.

Questions like: Why doesn't Seb smile? What does Katie need all that money for? Who hurt Judith? Why do people treat each other so poorly? There was a knock at the door.

We were such miserable creatures. Why?

Because nobody makes sense.

The Boss. The Bartender. He had a name. Just didn't bother telling anybody. Talking was tiring. If only other people than his muse could hear his thoughts. If only we could all communicate exactly what we had in our minds, instead of having to use awkward language. He watched Katie glide away with the keys to the Cafe. Jude looked down at him. He shook his head. He wasn't going to go. Jude nodded in understanding, even though she didn't.

She knew he didn't want to go. But she didn't understand. Nobody could truly understand one an other.

Because nobody makes sense.

Alice laid there. She tried to sleep, she really did. But her head was full of questions. MOSTLY about why they thought it was a good idea to just leave her alone in a room with Viss? Likely not Qhen's idea. Still, Viss was behaving herself- after Alice tied her wrists behind her back. Also, she was pinning Viss with her elbows. Viss didn't mind. Viss was asleep. Lucky her.

Empty couldn't hear her. Or was ignoring her. Alice was not sure. Admittedly, since entering this building, she was- unusually clear of mind. She had time to think, so she thought. She managed to put together some bits and pieces into full thoughts.

First, Plans. Her plan was to get enough crew to run the ship reliably. Supplies. She could pay for it. She had goods for trade, and a fairly sizable amount of Royals from the efforts to search the town back home.

. . . Home? Was that still home? Was it ever? She had to think about that one. For now, she called it home, because it was easy to do that. Gave her a data point to hang invisible strings on.

Where was she going to go? Right now? Anywhere. She would talk with her crew for information. That was what she lacked. Information. Understanding. Context. She was a visitor, a tourist in her own lands. Qhen and Viss had opinions about the Imperial Sphere. Maybe she wouldn't stick around. Maybe she'd try to change things. Was that in her means? Was she powerful enough to do that? Did it matter if she wasn't?

She also needed to learn more about these powers. Especially now that this was- well it was apparently rare. But not that rare. She needed to know if they were safe. Qhen had sort of- just put their arms out away from their sides and dived headfirst into their powers. Viss was holding them back with everything she had. What did that make Alice? . . .

Viss worked her way out of her wrist bindings. She rolled over and looked Alice in the eyes. Hm. She was asleep a moment ago. How long has she been thinking? Viss flicked her tongue against Alice's nose. Mm. Viss just said something. Alice couldn't hear it.

What was Alice going to do about Qhen? Qhen was bad at opening up. They said it was because they didn't find their past interesting or important. Was there something Alice could do for Qhen? Something to gain their trust? Alice couldn't even begin to think what it would be. She should just- be straightforward with Qhen. Right? Right. Next time she sees Qhen, she'll just ask them what they want. Then she'll put that on the list of priorities!

And Viss. The manic exterior she had was like some sort of pressure valve for stress. Which meant she viewed Qhen, and more often lately- Alice herself, as a way to relieve that stress. Alice also wanted to know more about Viss. What scared Viss? Did anything actually make Viss angry? Despite all her jokes, was Viss capable of love? Were any of them? Was that important?

All feelings are important, right? They're a part of you. Otherwise, a muse would not focus on them so powerfully. But Alice was Empty. Her feelings felt like a tool. Something she applied to get what she wanted out of others. Hm.
Viss sat up quickly, and shifted to the edge of the box they were laying on. She was distancing herself from Alice.
Viss stood up and walked across the room. It was some sort of store room, but there was a table and some chairs. Viss sat in one, facing the chair away from Alice.
The door opened. Katie leaned on the handle. They were out of breath and-

Qhen did something real stupid this time. Viss always said that you should make sure you size up your opponent properly. Qhen doesn't know how to apply that to people with these weird powers! Most people just pull a blade or a gun on you and Qhen understands that those won't hurt them!

But this crazy person has been beating the crap out of them- and this voidspace of theirs was very unfair. It would put walls up just before Qhen could attack, and it would drop them when they got too close. Qhen didn't even know what their name was. Didn't have time to ask. When the battle started, the walls came up- That was probably where Qhen immediately understood that they were not going to buy much time.

Then their suit turned into a muse. Or- they were the muse? There wasn't anybody left behind when the suit shifted into a floating cloak, black as the night, with a darkness inside that made Qhen pause every time they looked at them. This was stupid.

Qhen was burning through Free's energy way too quickly. This was stupid.

Qhen should have said something when Alice wanted to leave as soon as possible! Qhen wanted time to practice, off in the forest. To train. To understand their own limits! Qhen couldn't even tell how much energy they had left- only understand that when it ran out, they wouldn't have any more energy to go on past the. This was stupid.

Qhen needed to think of a way out of this. The muse had vanished, and now they were fighting some sort of... massive bio-mechanical wolf man- dripping with black blood- and they have seen and heard some things... flying in the sky. All in all, a really really bad position to be in.

Did Qhen press the attack? Dodge as long as possible, to extend their time? Block and go for a counter? Escape? Could they escape- They could! They saw a door appearing- It was Alice's door! Good. Good. They had figured out what Qhen wanted them to do. See? Was that so hard? Just- be able to read the situation and/or someone's mind and you didn't even have to embarrass yourself by asking complete strangers for help.

The door opened, and the beast flew straight at Alice. Qhen didn't have more than a second to think.

( ) Get in the way
( ) Don't get in the way
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Move, Qhen, Get in the Way, Get in the way Qhen, move in the way
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Try and armor yourself as much as you can in the front and get your butt in there!