Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - Finalise teams by 4/16!

Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - Finalise teams by 4/16!
Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - Finalise teams by 4/16!
Hey fuckers I'm doing a thing you want in on this thing? It's a monotype Pokemon tournament. You choose one of eighteen types and then all the pokemon in your team of six need to have that type.

Here's some rules/restrictions on team building:
  • can't use Any of these strong nerdos
  • Species Clause - Must be six unique pokemon species - you can't have Every Rotom forme on your team
  • Can't use Mega Gengar, Kangaskhan, Salamence, Lucario, or Metagross. Base forms are a-ok. Obviously only one Mega Evo per team. If a Mega Evo has a different typing to the base, it can only be used on teams where all its forms have the chosen type.
  • Maximum one Legendary 'mon per team.
  • Can't have the abilities Moody, Power Construct, Shadow Tag or Battle Bond.
  • Can't have the moves Double Team, Minimise, Swagger or the OHKO moves.
  • Baton Pass is restricted to one 'mon on the team. If the 'mon has a move/ability which increases Speed, it's not allowed moves+abilities that boost other stats while keeping Baton Pass.
  • Can't use the items Damp Rock, Smooth Rock, or Terrain Extender.
  • No strategies that involve putting the whole team to sleep
  • Z-moves are a thing! You can equip more than one Pokemon with a z-crystal, but you can only use one z-move per match.

With eighteen players (hopefully), we'll do a round robin tournament. The top eight scores can have a knockout to determine the winner? I'll figure out prizes later

We'll be using - I'm happy to help with teambuilding!

Normal - Gatr
Grass - TangledAlmond
Fire - nonexistentPumpkin
Bug - Schazer
Water - Mirdini
Poison - Plaid
Ground - Starlit-Drakon
Ice - Paranoia
Rock - /OTTO
Psychic - Robust Laser
Flying - Pharmacy
Fighting - Bigro
Ghost - btp
Dragon - glowymushroom
Steel - TehPilot
Dark - Granolaman
Fairy - Slorange
Electric - earthexe

Important: Official matches are best of three. When you complete them, announce your result in this thread and if you've got time record it on this table!
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Important question: We doing doubles, singles, or what?
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RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
I was thinking 6v6 singles, but if enough people want doubles I'm happy to change it to that.
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
I'm gonna get in on this for once. Gimme goasts psychics.
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
i'll take Ground!
it'll be my first foray into any type of competitive ovo
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
heck yeah welcome aboard!! If you want help with teambuilding hmu, if you need help with putting a team together for Pokemon Showdown hit me (or Laser) up
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Mind if I take Dragon?
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
I'll hop in with fire if that's ok.
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Confirming my participation as steel type.
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
How this'll work more broadly speaking

Make your team on Showdown. Maybe post your username in here so folks can find each other?

Practice! Try your lineup out against other Monotype teams. Showdown has a monotype-only random-battle-matcher so you can test out your team and tweak it there. You can also have practice matches against the teams of folks in the tournament.

Your team is not finalised until you have an "official" match against someone else in the tournament. Because picking names out of a hat just slows things down, you can have "official" matches against anybody who's ready. Both players have to agree at the start that it's an official match, because that's fair and sensible.

Once you've had an "official" match, your team is fixed. You cannot modify the Pokemon, their movesets, their abilities, their natures, or their EV/stat spreads. You can however change their hold items between matches.

I could demand everyone submit their finalised team but a) it's an unfair advantage if I get to look at everyone's teams and b) some players may want to rely on unconventional/surprise tactics. Because of the above, the "no modifications" will be done on an honor system.

An official match is best of three games. You cannot change hold items between games. When you finish a match, both of you can post the result in this thread. You can also add your results to This table which will let us see who's holding up progress.
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
gimme dat ghoooost!
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Here's a handy way to look at usage stats on Pokemon Showdown monotype!

The 1760 can be changed to see usage at different player rankings. By clicking the type in the leftmost column, you can see what's commonly used by monoteams of that type, which may help you prepare checks and counters. You can even click through on specific Pokemon and see what moves+abilities+stat spreads are commonly used!
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Put me down for water.
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
Me I'm in gimme Flying DARK FINAL ANSWER
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition
When did aegislash get moved to ubers

Also i'm happy to help with team building! The most important thing to remember is to cover your weaknesses, then bulk out from there. Neutral damage often takes care of the rest. Case in point; my poison team. Poison is weak to ground and psychic. Most teams have earthquake on one if not more pokemon, so i need a flying type or a pokemon with levitate to switch into if i see it coming. For this i can use, say, zubat or koffing. Psychic doesn't effect dark, so i should also have a drapion or stunky. The first two examples are physical attackers and the last two are special (though koffing/weezing is more of a staller). I want one of each, or the rest of my team needs to pick up the slack if i choose two of the same attacking type.

Similarly, rock and steel types are most often found a)with ground type moves or b) a secondary ground typing. Zubat can avoid an earthquake but has a hard time damaging those types, so i need something with grass or water type moves to take care of it (Venusaur?). Koffing can learn a few fire type moves so thats steel taken care of, but to more efficiently deal with all 3 threats at once i can use gengar, who learns both grass and fighting type moves plus has levitate, so can steamroll them with very little trouble.

And thats just two members of my team :v

Basically sit down with a piece of paper and make a diagram; it helps.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 5 slots remain!
Bird is the word (Flying).
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 5 slots remain!
I'll tentatively take Fighting, but I'm going to need an official stance on whether Silvally and the UBs are considered legendary.

Plaid, Gengar doesn't have Levitate anymore.

edit: Normal is my final answer

in the interest of fairness, i want to drop this link here, which is basically the "tier list" for monotypes. you dont have to follow it, of course, but i found it helpful.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 5 slots remain!
Oh lmao yes. Forgot about that. Haven't battled competitively much this gen, as i'm sure you can tell
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 5 slots remain!
Rules clarifications:

Re the 1 Legendary limit: Standard Legendaries, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts and Guardian Deities for the purposes of this tournament all count as Legendary. Obviously if your Legendary is on the Monotype or OU banlists, you still can't use it.

I was urged to consider the lack of access to high-powered 'mons some teams would have compared to others, which made me put this bullshit together:

Flying        Celesteela, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus (Mega Charizard, Mega Pigeot, Mega Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Salamence)
Dragon        Guzzlord, Latios, Latias, Kyurem-Black    (Mega Garchomp, Dragonite, Salamence, Hydreigon, Goodra, Kommo-o)

Steel        Celesteela, Heatran, Cobalion, Jirachi, Magearna (Mega Steelix, Metagross, Mega Mawile)
Psychic        Latios, Latias, Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie, Cresselia, Necrozma, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Meloetta, Hoopa (Mega Alakazam, Metagross, Mega Slowbro)
Dark        Guzzlord (Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Mega Sableye)
Rock        Nihilego, Terrakion (Mega Aerodactyl, Tyranitar)

Water        Suicune, Keldeo, Manaphy, Volcanion, Tapu Fini (Mega Gyarados, Mega Blastoise, Mega Slowbro)
Fire        Moltres, Entei, Heatran, Victini, Volcanion (Mega Charizard(s))
Fairy        Magearna, Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini (Mega Mawile)
Grass        Virizion, Celebi, Tapu Bulu (Mega Venusaur)
Bug        Buzzwole (Mega Pinsir)
Poison        Nihilego (Mega Gengar, Mega Venusaur)
Ground        Landorus (Mega Garchomp, Mega Steelix)
Ghost        Hoopa (Mega Gengar, Mega Sableye)
Normal        Regigigas, Meloetta (Mega Pigeot)
Ice        Articuno, Kyurem-Black (Mega Glalie)

Fighting    Buzzwole, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo, Meloetta (Kommo-o)
Electric    Xurkitree, Zapdos, Raikou, Thundurus, Tapu Koko

This is a list of all the Monotype-legal Legendaries, Mythics (ignoring monotype-unusable stuff like Phione+the regis) and Basically-Legendaries (the Guardian Deities, Ultra Beasts). Everyone gets to choose one of these for their team.

Then also for comparison, I added in brackets "non-gimmick 'mons with comparable base stat totals to the legendaries". I know BST isn't everything (see: Slaking) but this does include Megas which tend to have decent abilities. After factoring in all the pseudo-legendaries that everyone can get access to (for which by our current ruleset we have no limit on) and you see the following:
  • Flying and Dragon get access to a solid range of Legendaries and at least one decent Mega and a pseudo-legendary without doubling up on subtyping. Dragon gets 5.
  • Steel and Psychic have lots of decent options for their Legendary. They both get one Mega and a Psuedo without subtype overlap, as will Rock and Dark (who are more starved for Legendary choice).
  • There's a whole bunch of typings that don't get to snag a pseudo-legendary along with their Mega+Legendary.
  • Lastly, there's Fighting and Electric, who have solid choices for their Legendary but no Mega or Pseudo-legendary (for Electric). Fighting's got Kommo-o, I guess?

If the people playing at the bottom of these power rankings are ok with it then I don't see the need to make further amendments, but thoughts? Comments?
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 3 slots left!
Wow this is really interesting!

Do you think I should join? I haven't been to an MSPAF-like community in forever haha
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 3 slots left!
Look into your heart for the answers you seek

The tourney's open to anyone and everyone; my only issue is I've got no real benchmark for how available you'll be (everyone else signed up so far is a regular either on the forums proper or the satellite chatgroups).

If you disappear, without warning, for a stretch of days it'll be inconvenient for the purposes of wrapping this tournament up quickly; if I'm feeling impatient I reserve the right to eliminate people who are dragging things on without an excuse for their absence.

If you are busy for a duration that's completely understandable though, just give everyone a heads up and be proactive about challenging folks as soon as you're available.


Also Oats is having to withdraw because of an unreliable computer, so if anyone wants Grass it's open now. How are folks getting on with their team building? Anyone ready to start having Official Matches this week? Anybody want to do some practice matches because good fucking god the Pokemon Showdown userbase are awful?
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 4 slots left!
My team is ready for some practice matches, username GlowyMushroom
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 4 slots left!
made my team. name is still Garuru.

we need an official discord or something along those lines, so its easy to find local hookups.

oh and also, mega medicham and mega audino were JUST released, right after i had lamented that fighting had no legal megas.

heads up though mega medicham looks like itll be quickbanned soon.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 4 slots left!
My Bugs could use a couple more practice matches before I'm good to battle for keeps.

Everyone who hasn't yet, could you check in the thread and let us know how your teambuilding is going? How does a deadline for April 16 sound to have at least one official match under your belt?
RE: Monotype Tourney Sun Moon Edition - 4 slots left!
That sounds like a plan. also I'M SWITCHING TO GRASS ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ