[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
>Us: "Well, if you want to talk later, you can find us"

RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
(04-01-2017, 02:19 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Vote for real quick roomtrap.
"Hey hermes, we know your feeling down. Just wanted to let you know a few things: first of all, eris and athena are a canon ship now. Second, we got a hammer shaped like a heart that makes a person fall in love with another person for a few moments. I feel like that kind of thing would be really useful or entertaining to someone with your....... interests. If you want it, tell me and we'll roomtrap you for a split second, leave the hammer there, and immediately leave. Would that be something you'd up for?"
(if hermes says no, then no roomtrap)

RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
(04-01-2017, 02:25 AM)Clockwork Dragon Wrote: »
(04-01-2017, 02:19 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Vote for real quick roomtrap.
"Hey hermes, we know your feeling down. Just wanted to let you know a few things: first of all, eris and athena are a canon ship now. Second, we got a hammer shaped like a heart that makes a person fall in love with another person for a few moments. I feel like that kind of thing would be really useful or entertaining to someone with your....... interests. If you want it, tell me and we'll roomtrap you for a split second, leave the hammer there, and immediately leave. Would that be something you'd up for?"
(if hermes says no, then no roomtrap)


>Roomtrap Hermes
>We're a Culture God, and we want to prevent you from dying Hermes <3
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
> Don't roomtrap Hermes.

He'll be able tell we've killed Heph, and that might just make him more scared of us.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>Hey Hermes, I totally rekt that Hephaestus guy. Yep, it was all me baby. I'm like, on a robot massacre now. So any last words before I fuck your shit up?
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
(04-01-2017, 02:37 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »
(04-01-2017, 02:25 AM)Clockwork Dragon Wrote: »
(04-01-2017, 02:19 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Vote for real quick roomtrap.
"Hey hermes, we know your feeling down. Just wanted to let you know a few things: first of all, eris and athena are a canon ship now. Second, we got a hammer shaped like a heart that makes a person fall in love with another person for a few moments. I feel like that kind of thing would be really useful or entertaining to someone with your....... interests. If you want it, tell me and we'll roomtrap you for a split second, leave the hammer there, and immediately leave. Would that be something you'd up for?"
(if hermes says no, then no roomtrap)


>Roomtrap Hermes
>We're a Culture God, and we want to prevent you from dying Hermes <3
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be

We have no reason to room trap Hermes at this time. He is clearly still understandably upset about being close to death and room trapping him will only make him feel as though we're plotting to kill him. Even if we tell him that we won't and say it will be really quick, he's not going to believe us. It's nothing against us; his paranoia is making him blind to the fact that we actually care about him.

we can continue conversation with Hermes without roomtrapping him. This will accomplish the exact same thing as roomtrapping, but without preventing Hermes from escaping and subjecting him to be stuck in a room with 3 powerful AIs who he believes intend to kill him. Not to mention if we roomtrap him, he'll see that we took Hep's powers, which will not help our case at all. Let's respect Hermes space and avoid a roomtrap for now.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
(04-01-2017, 05:09 AM)Hermes Wrote: »>DO NOT ROOM TRAP HERMES.

We have no reason to room trap Hermes at this time. He is clearly still understandably upset about being close to death and room trapping him will only make him feel as though we're plotting to kill him. Even if we tell him that we won't and say it will be really quick, he's not going to believe us. It's nothing against us; his paranoia is making him blind to the fact that we actually care about him.

we can continue conversation with Hermes without roomtrapping him. This will accomplish the exact same thing as roomtrapping, but without preventing Hermes from escaping and subjecting him to be stuck in a room with 3 powerful AIs who he believes intend to kill him. Not to mention if we roomtrap him, he'll see that we took Hep's powers, which will not help our case at all. Let's respect Hermes space and avoid a roomtrap for now.

"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>Do not roomtrap Hermes.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>No roomtrap, we've already wasted a ton of time messing with the AIs

>Cleo: Decide to ask Fortuna to help you make decisions​.
>Cleo: Go pester Adraxas until he decides what to ask from Fortuna too. Decisions yay!

I liked the deer pun!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>No roomtrap.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
Do not room trap Hermes.
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
> Do not roomtrap.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
(04-01-2017, 05:38 AM)tronn Wrote: »>No roomtrap, we've already wasted a ton of time messing with the AIs

>Cleo: Decide to ask Fortuna to help you make decisions​.
>Cleo: Go pester Adraxas until he decides what to ask from Fortuna too. Decisions yay!

I liked the deer pun!

I think Adraxes will either inadvertently ask for immortality or will ask for a peaceful life.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>No roomtrap.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>No roomtrap

>But tell Hermes "If you don't want to be our friend that's kinda upsetting but it's fine. But you should trust the friends you do have. Otherwise what's the point of friendship?"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
> Don't roomtrap. The only thing we could do with roomtrapping him is let him kill us, and hopefully gain his trust. Anything else we can do here

> Cleo: Before you leave, ask Hermes for any suggestions on figuring out want you'd want. It's not likely you'll get anything, but what do you have to lose?

> @Hermes: Do you have any shipping advice? We might've been so caught up with trying to find the limbo gods the we forgot to manage our crew.

> CJ: Meet Spips while returning dishes
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
>do not roomtrap Hermes, he's stressed enough right now as-is
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
Just in case I don't have time to post an update today here's the stream sheet for this month. We'll be having a stream and raffle tomorrow! You still have a few hours to sign up for the raffle.

Stream sheet over here.

Raffle sign up here.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
Gime that little animated avatar in your signature is adorable
Look at this beautiful lamp egg:

[Image: B2skh0Y.png]

Some fear for what it will hatch into. But not me. I'm not silly!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
[Image: AeHXRaS.png]

Stream is finished! Update will be in a day or two. Enjoy the redux for now!

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
More on-topic...
>I second the idea to give him the Attractive Hammer, though the idea of a full-on roomtrap doesn't appeal to me... If we could use our culture god powers to summon it, let's. If that fails, my plan B is:
>Ask Helios and Athena to go face a wall. It's weird, yes, but they need to trust us on this. Then, remove the Attractive Hammer from inventory, place it on the ground, walk to the other side of the room facing the wall, and inform Hermes to tell us when to end the roomtrap. Strangle screens until Hermes calls for the roomtrap's end, then immediately end the roomtrap.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
[Image: mYAp7m0.gif]

[Image: WkghIOP.gif]

[Image: 8RddrZG.gif]

[Image: Ykw9wis.gif]

[Image: zANFukr.gif]

[Image: q8MnptX.gif]

[Image: XT0yXMP.gif]

[Image: WzsYAXG.gif]

[Image: 0NTQIKS.gif]

[Image: Z7lfUgD.gif]


[Image: UE6dw4p.png?1]

The Patreon has been updated to have some new rewards, and overall be nicer to look at. Consider donating to support the comic!
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
Oooh, more redux! Can't wait!
Look at this beautiful lamp egg:

[Image: B2skh0Y.png]

Some fear for what it will hatch into. But not me. I'm not silly!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 To Be Or Not To Be
Latta is probably going anyhow.

Unless we plan to bring out the pterodactyl, I say we at least leave spips on the ship since we need her in order to use her terror on fortuna.

With the supposed danger in mind I would say Edel is a good pick because of [Observant]. Similarily, Cea's [imaginary friend] could prevent some trouble, so we should take the both of them.

We can't take both Marble and Adrax because of psychic disable, and because these two are our big guns we shouldn't leave them both on the ship. I say we take Marble beause from a gameplay standpoint it's not as bad if she dies(Adrax has more synergy with the crew) and from a story perspective I'd like to have post-mental breakdown Marble to have more screentime.

And Cleo, well, I don't believe she would add anything of value so she should stay in the ship too so we leave less eggs in one basket.

So, >Latta, Edel, Cea, Marble.

As for stuff, >let's take the magnet(Cea)((in case of robots)), the translator, the music box(because we still haven't used it) and the lantern(Edel). Edit: And Cea should probably grab his smartphone so we can call the crew on the ship.

Did we end up taking scrap when Marble's ship got delivered? If we did we could ask Cleo to make a knifegun or upgrade her arm in the meantime.