+iny ©at people

+iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
(03-10-2017, 03:28 PM)BananaPanda Wrote: »Okay, am I the only one who actually noticed that every single gosh darn thing that we have seen has said to choose our words carefully and not say the wrong things.
You guys are going to kill us or ruin our current only source of information.

wheres the fun in not messing things up irreversibly every once in a while
RE: +iny ©at people
I am sorry about my outburst earlier that was very rude and I hope we can all put it behind us.
RE: +iny ©at people
[Image: Y0HrfRG.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Oh wow, you’re adorable...
MACARON: Oh my gosh, thank u~
FROG-CRIMES: ...How do we kill your TCP?

[Image: X6CNQxc.png]

MACARON: uhhhh
FROG-CRIMES: Ignore that, that was just one person. Not every one of us wants to murder TCPs.
FROG-CRIMES: One of us does, though.
FROG-CRIMES: He’s all in on death, baby.
FROG-CRIMES: ...Please be patient with us.
MACARON: ...Right, collective. Okay, I can get used to this, I guess.

[Image: YixUJgA.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Okay, I’ve got some questions about TCPs. Earlier, your TCP mentioned its “category”. Does that mean we can only spawn window-related TCPs, or…?
MACARON: Nope, u can spawn any kind u like. The category of a TCP is more of just a way of telling what their ability would be like…
MACARON: so, food-category TCPs, like Tasty- she’s a Sugar-type- can take off bits of themselves to “feed” 2 other TCPs, 2 heal them.
MACARON: The other categories are Weapon, Form, Nature, Body, Creature, Storage, Machine, and Abstract…
MACARON: and speaking of Abstract-types, u know those things are really powerful? Like, they can use their powers on the players, it’s scarrryyyyyy. It’s a general rule that u shouldn’t spawn more than 2!!


FROG-CRIMES: Uhhh, speaking of spawning more TCPs… Have you seen a rogue TCP around, anywhere? We tried spawning one earlier, and we’re not sure what happened, but we never saw it. We’re not sure if we have control over it, or if it even exists.
MACARON: The TCP limit’s at 3 right now, right? I think u just never actually spawned it cause I snagged the slot for myself when the limit raised earlier.
MACARON: Sorry! The limit’s global, and it just raised right after I joined.

FROG-CRIMES: Oh. So, just out of curiosity, if I tried to spawn something like a Defiance-type, it would actually be tangible and visible?

[Image: 9umhPa0.gif]

MACARON: ...Yes??? Spawning a Defiance-type sounds like the worst idea ever tho. That would be an Abstract TCP that automatically hates u and can actually hurt u???
FROG-CRIMES: Yeah, sounds like it. Don’t worry about it.

FROG-CRIMES: What was up with the “no griefing” comment on that sign from earlier? How does that apply, here?

[Image: YixUJgA.gif]

MACARON: Oh, well, u saw that cute little candy house I’d made earlier? I didn’t want u telling ur TCPs 2 break anything.
FROG-CRIMES: What would be the punishment if I did?
MACARON: Well, considering how ur in my turf, I could create pretty much anything I want, including big scary monsters to beat up ur kitties. Which I’d also do if u tried to hurt my cat, btw!!
MACARON: 4 the record, I’d really rather not, tho. I don’t like violent sessions, I like the cute fun sessions where we all play peacefully.

FROG-CRIMES: Fair enough...

FROG-CRIMES: Before we got to this planet, we found a treasure room in the Tower Maze that had your face on a puzzle. Also, the treasure that we got from it had a note that said “weigh your decisions”. Do you know anything about that?
MACARON: Ummmm, I think when different players join a new game, the puzzles and stuff that get created kinda get themed after whoever shows up? So when I joined, some stuff got my face and got candy-themed.
MACARON: Dunno what’s up with the cryptic notes tho~ They were just as cryptic last time I played.

FROG-CRIMES: Oh, alright… also, on the subject of the Tower Maze; is there anything stopping any other god from creating whatever they want and connecting to our planets?
MACARON: Yes and no. Whoever joins this session can create whatever they want, but I think the newbie of the session gets 2 choose how the world is set up (that means u!)
MACARON: Each session is independent from the others, tho, so like… a deity playing in another session can’t build a weird tower maze thing that connects 2 ours.

[Image: eIAzBz3.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: So… are we also a deity?
MACARON: Yes!! Ur a collective, a special kind of lesser deity that’s a whole buncha people in 1!! There’s enough consciousnesses in u that u get to play with those of us who have physical forms, and that’s rly coooooool~
FROG-CRIMES: Huh… what kind of deity are we?
MACARON: A collec- oh wait u mean like how I’m a deity of clouds and candy? Ummm, u have 2 choose ur own motifs, so, whatever u want!!
FROG-CRIMES: Can you see our face? What do we look like?
MACARON: Oh ummmm, no, u don’t look like anything yet. U haven’t chosen ur form yet!
MACARON: U can do that anytime, u know? U can do it right now if u want. Just make sure u know what you want 2 be! When u choose ur body and motifs, it’s permanent and u can’t change them!!

(Now might be as good a time as any to decide what you look like. Your motifs may also be based on your appearance. quick edit: text and art submissions are both good for this)
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
Hydra. Something with a variable number of secondary heads we can change as we see fit.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: +iny ©at people
Let's make our motifs hydra and crimes!
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
>Androgynous Pastel Frog with mouths all over the body and geometric patterns/striations on the body in more neon tones
>Motifs will be Abstraction and Amphibians (Or Freedom)
RE: +iny ©at people
swirling void, kind of looking at a galaxy with all these shapes and little spheres bubbling up making noises
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: +iny ©at people
A surinam toad motif with a bunch of terrible suggestions blorping from the holes in its back
RE: +iny ©at people
Lots and lots of heads
so many heads
a head for every one of the minds
all talking at once

nothing can go wrong.
RE: +iny ©at people
maybe being an indeterminate shape would be best. also going to have to get used to using we instead of I for things we agree on.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: +iny ©at people
>I think we should probably have an aquamarine to turquoise color scheme and have frogs and mouths heavily involved in the design
>As for the motifs maybe swamps and justice or something similar?
>Oh and we need luscious lips, this is a must
RE: +iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
If we do multiple heads, do it in a Cherubic sense, faces of different species, erupting from a single head. Add in six wings and you're absolutely golden on strange biblical imagery.
RE: +iny ©at people
the color scheme should be all grey, black, and white
RE: +iny ©at people
Eye stalks, tentacles, webbed limbs, overly-long fangs; stuff like that is a perfect idea.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: +iny ©at people
[Image: AIer077.png]

Your name is FROG-CRIMES, and you are the god of AMPHIBIANS and JUSTICE. Your MOTIF is HYDRAS.
Your collective nature is displayed through your three heads, all of which can speak, and all of which have a long, rubbery striped prehensile tongue. You also have two pairs of legs, one pair growing out of your back at a somewhat strange angle, resembling the sort of mutation frogs are easily susceptible to.

[Image: Xler5cB.gif]

MACARON: Ooooohh woowwww, that’s a rly neat form… is that what “frogs” look like?
FROG-CRIMES: Uh, yeah, mostly. We took some artistic liberties.

MACARON: So, is it okay if I ask u some questions now?
MACARON: bc like, I wanna know what kinda stuff ur planning in-game.
MACARON: u know, like, what kinda TCP team u wanna build, orrrrr, what stuff ur gonna do with ur base…
MACARON: it’s ok if u don’t wanna tell me tho!! I’d understand if u didn’t want to give ur strategy away, in case the game goes sideways
MACARON: I'm not gonna attack u tho, I'd rather be allies actually!!
MACARON: oh yeah also what pronouns are u using? Kinda sounds like plural they? It’d make sense cause of the collective thing but I don’t wanna assume~
MACARON: I’m cool with whatever btw, I use they/he/she, they’re all good~
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
>do people normally plan for this? And what do you mean by team?
RE: +iny ©at people
every time you use a tilde as punctuation it cuts me like a razor, please stop
RE: +iny ©at people
How exactly does a game go sideways
RE: +iny ©at people
(03-15-2017, 10:44 PM)Schazer Wrote: »How exactly does a game go sideways

please speak in practical specifics, walk me through this step-by-step
RE: +iny ©at people
my pronouns are my business, please continue to refer to me by name or as "you"
RE: +iny ©at people
Not sure what kinda TCP setup we'll be going with, this part of us would like to get some weird animals from our world in there, though.

Think we want to keep the base kinda homely, though we might switch over to a more defensive strategy if it turns out there are big threats abound.

And sure, plural they seems fitting.
RE: +iny ©at people
>Since you're already aware we are a newbie it might come as at least somewhat less of a surprise to you that we haven't yet come up with anything resembling a strategy and don't really know what to plan for. I'm pretty sure no matter what strategy some of us want it's going to wind up looking a lot like improv anyway thanks to the pull from other voices. The strategy up until now has been "let's make some cool things and stuff, yeah" and that at least got us as far as meeting you, which seems to have been at least something of a victory.
RE: +iny ©at people
We had a goal?
also plural they seems like a good bet
RE: +iny ©at people
TO BE FAIRLY HONEST, we just kinda showed up here and we have no idea what we're doing. We just thought it would be cool to make some cute things and then give them weapons because we don't want our cute things to die
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]