Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

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Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
With the ship moving nicely, it is time for Launch.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Launch towards Planet C, right in the middle.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
How many ships do you launch, and from which planets?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Right, I keep forgetting that, sorry. 3 ships from planet D.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
You have no ships there, do you mean PlanetE?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yes, E. Sorry, I've been pretty busy today, barely able to check this game.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Offense: 3
Defense: TouristC(2)

Alliance times!
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I invite everyone, but especially Voyager.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Who does the Tourist invite?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The Tourists just coincidentally also happened to be inviting everyone else in the galaxy over to show off a collection of holiday slideshows, and hastily add "bring guns" to the invitations.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Invitations are accepted in the order of

1. Laser
2. Reactor
3. Voyager
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The Lasers will send two ships to go join the Yin-Yang on their vacation to the Tourist planet, one each from planets B and C.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
While not everybody here is prepared for a party that involves BYOG, two ships from E and one from C will definitely bring their best radioactive guns to see what the Tourists have been up to.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Half of our pilgrimage has been lost on the Great Voyage due to the ever increasingly violent nature of peaceful negotiations. Our fellow travelers the Tourists have offered to help recover our brethren and in exchange we shall send 2 ships from VoyagerA and one from VoyagerB and Yin-YangD each to defend their home.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Offense: 3,Allies:2
Defense: TouristC(2),Allies:4,2

Planning phase time! And evil plan is hatching.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yin-yang reveals a 14!
Tourist reveals 06!

Offense: 3,Allies:2 + 14 = 19
Defense: TouristC(2),Allies:4,2 + 6 = 14

Anyone willing to play things to influence this?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Cyber, Jac if either of you have a reinforcement card I can put us over the top.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Can do!
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Can you play it in thread? I can't queue up til I know what I'm following.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I wasn't sure what PL would prefer, but I have and am planning to use a +3 Reinforcements card.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yeah, I know that Granola is planning on using the Lizard flare, which he stole from me. That would make it a +6 instead... I don't suppose you have anything, CB?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I might be able to but probably won't if it's unnecessary now
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
If I need to I will though
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
(01-17-2017, 03:25 AM)Gatr Wrote: »Yeah, I know that Granola is planning on using the Lizard flare, which he stole from me. That would make it a +6 instead... I don't suppose you have anything, CB?

Nope, nothing that would help right now.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Tourist plays+3!

Voyager plays the Lizard Flare!

Lizard Flare: As a main player or ally, after your side reveals an attack card, you may either double the values of all reinforcements you play after this flare or add one to the multiplier of a kicker you revealed as a main player.

Voyager plays a +2, which becomes a +4

Offense: 3,Allies:2 + 14 = 19
Defense: TouristC(2),Allies:4,2 + 6 + 3 + 4 = 21

If nobody else plays anything, Defense wins, and the following happens (unless zapped or ionic gassed):

1. Tourist gains the Tourist flare from Reactor's power use
2. Offense's side goes to the warp
3. Reactor gains 2 rewards
4. Voyager gains 4 rewards