[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks

[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
> For lots of kissies
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
> to die
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
Star. Surely, a V1 AI life would be an acceptable trade for him?
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
Let's not let their sacrifice go in vain... even if this is a dream, we may still be able to glimpse some things about the nature of the game...

>Teach me how to cure any and all ailments but most importantly, cure me of my allergy to myself.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To Dream a Dream
Quote:>leṭ͍̱̻̗'̪͚̬̙͙̪͖s date͝

[Image: kcuemUM.gif]

[Image: GnTRmYE.gif]

[Image: 2WK07Q7.gif]

[Image: 5voQyxU.gif]

RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
>She would resist the urge to touch it, throw her hands up and go "NOPE! I'M GOING HOME HECK THIS"

>Even a devil summoner knows when creepypasta bullshit goes too far.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
> Looks climbable. Climb it.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
>Well obviously she did the sensible thing and...

>Almond? Almond no! Almond Stop!! Stop touching it!!!
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
> Take a running leap into it if we're touching this motherfucker we're going full-on
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
>Almond went home not giving a shit
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
> As a professional Demon Sommoner, you know that when you come to objects like it's ill-advised to touch them.

> [Image: gnT6quW.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
First off, DS Piron, I am saving that image and I refuse to say why.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
>Lick it and see if your tongue sticks to it.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
(11-16-2016, 04:44 PM)Shaula Wrote: »>Lick it and see if your tongue sticks to it.

Seconding! xD
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition: To ҉Dre̢am̧ ̧A D͏ream
*twiddles thumbs*

So... changing my vote to seconding Nexus's suggestion. If Hichico won't do that, then how about...

> Let me ride you! Show me your world!

(Should be interesting to see the realm of a limbo god. >:3)

EDIT: Gah, ninja'd, stealth edition! (Stealth edition = the new page went unnoticed by me for like 3 days. XD)

"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
Majority Wrote:Touch it

[Image: 0EvLTu4.gif]

[Image: aoJGtDb.gif]

[Image: bnTQ8YM.gif]

[Image: 78bMI7C.gif]
With a sudden loud static noise, your monitor freezes on the last image of the dream. You wait, as a few minutes pass and the screen finally unfreezes, and begins transitioning to the next dream...


Been a while since I've needed an Author segment, wowee! So this lovely dream sequence was not in fact done by yours truly, but rather by the wonderful Gimeurcookie! Everyone give Gime a wonderful thank you for providing us with this very special guest artist dream slot!

Also, I'm considering changing the name officially from Downtimetuna to something else, as well as possibly changing the [Fortuna] part of the title to something more in line with [YOU] and [Hermes], but I'm not sure what as of yet, if you have a suggestion please throw it my way.
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
Do what you want cuz a Hermes is free,
YOU are a Hermes!

Yar-har fiddle-me-Tweep,
Being a Hermes is all-right with me!
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam

[Image: g1WSGOb.gif]

[Image: ypriGeW.gif]

[Image: g1VjMeU.gif]

[Image: dZGoJD3.png]

RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
> Okay, so for today's icebreaker, we're going to try to line up by our birthdays, but we can't say anything. That's how meetings always start, no?
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
[Eris], [Discordia] or [Nyx] sounds like it'd be neat! Or depending on what the plot is like maybe [Zeus] or [Hades].
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
(11-22-2016, 10:02 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »[Eris], [Discordia] or [Nyx] sounds like it'd be neat! Or depending on what the plot is like maybe [Zeus] or [Hades].

I'm for all of these tbh
[Eris] fits bc randomtuna, but then there's possible [We]
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam
(11-22-2016, 08:29 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Okay, so for today's icebreaker, we're going to try to line up by our birthdays, but we can't say anything. That's how meetings always start, no?

>How about we line up by DEATHdays instead? That sounds like a nice thing to do, right?
RE: [For҉t̨una]: Downtime Edition: To Dŗe͝a͢m̛ ̶̴͝A̧͡ ̨̨D̢r͘eam

[Image: On1xy2v.png]

[Image: e7Nugm0.png]

[Image: bwCMjSz.png]

[Image: h1XDoLg.png]

[Image: E5oWlOT.png]

[Image: U2LVufE.png]

Feel free to use this as a chance to suggest gods that will show up. Some have already been decided, but there is room for more.

Also, trying out the new title of [ERIS], still debating changing officially from "Downtime" to a new title, but that's for the future.