[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/6 Not really 100% an update but it's here
Hasty has been contaminated with clockwork blood. I don't suppose we could take his AI core out of him? Chop off his arm and neck without killing him? No?

>Cea: Hasty has been infected. Put your magnet on him to kill him more easily.

Edit: Actually maybe we should go with something that won't cost us a magnet.

>Marble: [Charisma check]: Convince hasty to shut down so you can deal with his clockwork problems.

>Everybody: Group hug! Celebrate Blu's safe return.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/6 Not really 100% an update but it's here
(10-09-2016, 08:19 AM)Starlit-Drakon Wrote: »nnnoooOOOO WE GOT HASTY INFECTED

Congratulations on post #1000!

Seems like we got ourselves into a mess. We'll deal with Hasty later, but first order of business:

> Turn off the sprinklers.

Next, we also have to coordinate everyone on the ship to start a few fires with the firewood. Perhaps the cockpit has a ship-wide PA system we could use to contact everyone? That way we can 'talk' to other people without going into the hallways, which is the last thing I want right now.

Maybe just tell Hasty to... possibly... edge away from the rest of the group for now...?
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(Oh fuck I'm so sorry this is all my fault this was a terrible plan why did I think this wasn't a terrible plan.)

>Take Hasty's AI core out. NOW.

Unless the core is in his leg or something it should be possible to remove it without touching any of the infected blood.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
No!! Helios!! I really like Hasty... Is there anything we can do?? We don't have to kill him right away, right? If he got infected, how long is it before he starts spreading it to other people? Maybe we have time to make a vaccine so he can be like Cobalt? Or get him to Fortuna in time??
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
I think we can save Hasty if we clean him right now, before the infection settles in. (Besides I want to see him sitting in the kitchen sink trying to fit in all his legs)
>Get Nikki to scrub him clean, he doesn't mind dirty things.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 10:50 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Get Nikki to scrub him clean, he doesn't mind dirty things.

Are we really sure we want other people that close to Hasty? We only got out of that last situation because of pure luck, and I want to be ASAP (as safe as possible). Walking out of the ship with the maximum amount of alive crew members would be great!
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!

Mmm... Yeah, I agree with the folks on "don't touch Hasty". We need to get them quarantined and the firestarting stations set up. After that, while some are dealing with burning the clockwork Kuppas, the others need to decide what to do with Hasty from there.


People, back me up! I'm sure more of you would agree with crossing this bridge now that we've actually come to it!
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
I don't suppose Oooo came with us/is around? We could steal his clock and try to turn hasty into something less volitile by hitting him with it.

(10-09-2016, 01:54 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »People, back me up! I'm sure more of you would agree with crossing this bridge now that we've actually come to it!

Nikki has a single point of agility, so it will take him a while to get to cobalt. Hasty might already be a full clockwork by the time he has blood. Moreover, cobalt is in a locked room, to get in there we would need to unlock the doors, allowing kuppas into the hallways.

It would be useful to have a living Hasty in some capacity, since he acts as a shopkeeper and can be of use to us by selling things.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 02:25 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Nikki has a single point of agility, so it will take him a while to get to cobalt. Hasty might already be a full clockwork by the time he has blood. Moreover, cobalt is in a locked room, to get in there we would need to unlock the doors, allowing kuppas into the hallways.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to influence a "retroactive" action here. i.e. That Nikki *has* been in the process of doing this this whole time during the past update or two (following my orders since I started posting them, just not showing us). Yeah, I'm as confident as you are for that working. (Also, I'm not sure just how big this ship is: For all we know, Cobalt may have just been a short saunter away from Nikki.)
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
I don't think we have anyone around with any technical knowledge and, with the doors locked, I don't think any of the ones who would know what to do are currently available. If we attempt to save Hasty it is going to require the sacrifice of his body, which we should burn whether or not we decide to save him or put him down.

> Hack off the leg to slow the infection down somewhat, carve him open using the knives, and then remove his AI core. It won't be pretty or safe (For him) but it's the best we can do.

EDIT: It occurs to me an infected Hermes would be incredibly dangerous. Can you say lightning fast mass assimilating zombie?
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
>Cea: Recognize that Hasty is infected, tell others
>Someone with a smidgeon of mechanical knowledge: Have the idea of removing Hasty's core so that they can live in a new body
>Cea: Recognize that Hasty is infected, tell others
>Everyone: Treat Hasty's sickness with fire.

Take your pick.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 02:25 PM)Fellow Wrote: »I don't suppose Oooo came with us/is around? We could steal his clock and try to turn hasty into something less volitile by hitting him with it.

we've been told before that this is a bad idea: hitting an AI with a clock has extremely high chance of creating a clockwork, one that might even be worse than what Hasty is infected with.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
> Cea: Hasty. Kitchen. Now. (Go with so you can tell Nikki what you want to do.)
> Cea: Have Hasty try to wash off the infection.
> Cea: If needed, can Nikki remove the core? (If necessary, then do it.)
>> Once the core is removed, build a fire (perhaps in the cup room?)(it'll be better if it's one of the ones we're going to make later, one less chance of things going wrong.) and toss Hasty's shell in. (If Hasty Core removal is not possible:
> Nikki: Convince Hasty that he must let everyone burn him. Otherwise He'll only prove to be a greater danger to everyone, including his friends.)
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
> [Image: qx8ndJn.gif]
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 05:51 PM)DS Piron Wrote: »> Cea: Hasty. Kitchen. Now. (Go with so you can tell Nikki what you want to do.)

If my commands turn out to have been going through, then the likely scenario is that Nikki got out into the hallway (on his way back to the kitchen or towards where he thinks the you-know-what is needed) just before everything shut, just after getting some of Cobalt's blood. That's the best-case scenario, anyway.

In fact, while we're on our way to the kitchen, can we;

> Be Nikki

for a moment? I want to actually know whether he's doing what I told him, or if I'm just wasting my time with that explaination. The suspense is killing me!
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
I'm not sure we have time to try and find Nikki. The longer we wait the further the infection spreads and the worse off we are.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
>hey Helios buddy can we save hasty by taking the core out or do you think the infection has spread too fast for that to be safely attempted
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 05:20 PM)Starlit-Drakon Wrote: »we've been told before that this is a bad idea: hitting an AI with a clock has extremely high chance of creating a clockwork, one that might even be worse than what Hasty is infected with.
Well mors didn't say it was a high chance or that it'd be bad clockworks. He just mentioned a chance clockworks. Hasty might turn into a relatively Harmless clockwork, like a Mors unit.

I think we'll end up with two clockworks if we have Nikki clean Hasty. Or we might end up with one big clockwork.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 10:57 PM)Wheat Wrote: »a clockwork that can irresistibly attract other robots to it

And that could easily take control of the whole ship. If Nikki gets jacked it's game over.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-09-2016, 11:47 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »If Nikki gets jacked it's game over.

... Unless he's already jacked himself with the Achilles strain for fun and profit.

*overly aggressive elbow jab at Nikki* ("Come on!")

(Seriously, I'm dying to know what's going on over on his end.)
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
I think maybe we should try to take into consideration what we know before we jump to any decisions in too much of a hurry to do one thing or another.

First: What do we know about clockworks and, specifically, clockwork blood? What do we know about clockwork infection?

Second: We just successfully saved Blu, by the luck of the dice. Trying to save Hasty, too, seems like we're asking a lot of Fortuna. Do we have confidence that any of our plans to keep his core or save him in any capacity will be solid and "fool proof" enough to withstand a bad roll?

Finally: In no way do I want Hasty to die/be killed. In no way do I want our crew needlessly exposed to clockwork infection. In no way do I want this to end poorly for ANY parties. I think if we could ALL avoid more death we would. The troubling thing is that nobody has died in Fortuna in a long, long time, and that's either a sign we CAN somehow save Hasty, or that we're way past due for some gloom and doom. It's just something I've been thinking about lately. This is not a lighthearted game, but I'm impressed that we haven't offed anyone yet with all the crazy risks we've taken.

I don't have any concrete ideas. If nobody here can come up with a VERY solid plan at saving Hasty from infection (if that is a real threat right now, I'm not even sure) I would immediately go with Wheat's plan to let Blu and his crew decide what to do with Hasty, as long as it does not endanger the lives of our own crew.
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-10-2016, 12:23 AM)Helios Wrote: »I think maybe we should try to take into consideration what we know before we jump to any decisions in too much of a hurry to do one thing or another.

First: What do we know about clockworks and, specifically, clockwork blood? What do we know about clockwork infection?

Second: We just successfully saved Blu, by the luck of the dice. Trying to save Hasty, too, seems like we're asking a lot of Fortuna. Do we have confidence that any of our plans to keep his core or save him in any capacity will be solid and "fool proof" enough to withstand a bad roll?

Finally: In no way do I want Hasty to die/be killed. In no way do I want our crew needlessly exposed to clockwork infection. In no way do I want this to end poorly for ANY parties. I think if we could ALL avoid more death we would. The troubling thing is that nobody has died in Fortuna in a long, long time, and that's either a sign we CAN somehow save Hasty, or that we're way past due for some gloom and doom. It's just something I've been thinking about lately. This is not a lighthearted game, but I'm impressed that we haven't offed anyone yet with all the crazy risks we've taken.

I don't have any concrete ideas. If nobody here can come up with a VERY solid plan at saving Hasty from infection (if that is a real threat right now, I'm not even sure) I would immediately go with Wheat's plan to let Blu and his crew decide what to do with Hasty, as long as it does not endanger the lives of our own crew.

We don't have time to let them decide. If Hasty turns it means very, very bad things for everyone on board. Whatever we do needs to happen in the next few minutes.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
Desperate times definitely call for desperate measures. I say we get rid of Hasty (via fire, preferably) ASAP to prevent any further infection. Consider it a mercy kill.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
(10-10-2016, 01:02 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »We don't have time to let them decide. If Hasty turns it means very, very bad things for everyone on board. Whatever we do needs to happen in the next few minutes.
I think we should wait For Helios to answer how long the infection takes to spread. For all we know, "turning" might not be as quick as we're making it out to be. However, the fact that there's icky clockwork blood being splashed around by hasty might pose a problem for any organics who are around, so at the very least we need to get him sanitized.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/9 Kerpow! It's an update!
Regardless of whether Hasty is already infected or just harboring infected blood, I think we should quarantine him. But the question is, which room? We will also need to find a new room for Blu, once the doors re-open. As we have gotten past the initial puzzle stage, characters do not need to listen to their rules anymore, so we could simply put Blu in Room 5 or 6. As for Hasty, Rooms 1, 2, and 7 can't be locked so they're out, and Rooms 5 and 6 already have too many people in them. I say we move Hasty to Room 3 and have Citrine and One-Punch go to Room 6. That way Hasty is alone and can be locked down if necessary.

This is of course only for until after we unlock the doors and try to wash off the blood or something first.