[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/14 You have a gun.

[Image: k1eSpZu.gif]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
I suppose that makes a lot of sense. I don't believe I've noticed it really. I thought your reactions to drama were due to hatred not just not understanding them.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I guess I dislike it in the sense that it gets in the way all of the time. It's hard to understand why people do not drop certain things faster, and why they don't focus on other things as much. Different ways of thinking I guess.

[Image: 3Xv3260.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Like those meetings! Those meetings are nonsense.

[Image: gErYytf.gif]
Admittedly I believe everyone thinks those meetings are nonsense. I stopped going after the whole war on the titan leader, Cronus. I rather pay the fee than be forced to attended a meeting I have no power over.

[Image: PpvK87i.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
That's one thing I don't get about you! How can you approve of Cronus?

[Image: gErYytf.gif]
I think he's a better leader than what we got afterwards.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Are you sure you're not being mind controlled in to thinking that by Cronus? I heard he's fairly good at manipulating people in to doing what he wants.

[Image: RH4oasU.gif]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
I am no more mind controlled by Cronus than you are mind controlled by any of the big 3 Greek leaders.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]

[Image: dFdkNYa.gif]

[Image: c5ajNfN.gif]
.................Oh....oh..That's right....I completely forgot that you actually are controlled by them. Apologizes, I didn't mean to bring that up.

[Image: 34OI3fe.gif]

[Image: 5WyeSrE.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Ugh I've lost control of my character!

[Image: KSkr0Ad.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I had a lapse in judgement and forgot about not flying towards the ship. Ugh! I forgot to plan something with the co player. How are we suppose to have these two groups share info on what they've found out, if they don't have anyway to talk to each other?

[Image: YLF425l.gif]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
Well, metagaming is always on the table. We can just reconnect with the player and ask them to figure out a reason for someone to come over.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I despise it, but that's all that can be done for now! Time to summon the co-player!

[Image: u8Emnoi.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Co-player! Welcome back. Here's a log of everything we've done and our coverstation. Seems there's a hitch in the plan, we don't have any way for Latta to move over to the ship. I have acquired a safe ride though and the food, but it seems Latta is going to need to stay away from that ship.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Could you possibly figure out a reason for one of the people you're controlling to move in this direction, mostly so you can pick up Cleo and One-Punch.

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/14 You have a gun.
(09-14-2016, 11:38 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »Sorry for not picking up on that sooner Athena.
And yeah Helios.... ever hear that two heads are better than one? I mean aside from a Delphik saying it.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/15 All Hail THE WATER CRISIS
We could perhaps send Marble to check if our rations have been picked up. We might also send Cea to offer the Husses a ride on the ship.

I believe the "Apologizes" in "Apologizes, I didn't mean to bring that up." should be "Apologies"
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/15 All Hail THE WATER CRISIS
...personally, I thought the plan was to have both halves meet up afterwards.
Kinda didn't think about where, now I think about it.

Probably could have our team just do that; head back to Oooooo's. Unless Marble is still asleep when we check back with her.

> Cea: If Marble is asleep, then it'll be up you to let Latta know that you can ride the ship to the party. Leave Marble with Nikki.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/15 All Hail THE WATER CRISIS
Can't we just have One-Punch take Cleo to the ship?
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/15 All Hail THE WATER CRISIS
[Image: pbtHu5h.gif]

Today, the 16th of September, is [Fortuna]'s birthday.

[Image: DWfzmZr.gif]

Now like a good parent I looked up what to do for a 3 year old's birthday. The guide I read said to present the child with options, and let the child pick which one they like most.

[Image: k9wKUbE.gif]

Unfortunately [Fortuna] has never come to her own birthday before. Possibly because she is an intangible webcomic, but maybe it's because she is unhappy that I haven't filled the kill quota this year. In fact, no one has died this year. This is a deep shame to be honest.

[Image: BMg2R3E.gif]

Of course all of those things are just jokes. The real reason why [Fortuna], nor anyone else is at this party is because no one but me exists in this universe. That being of course, this panel and this very much non canon INTER-MISSION. I mean, not counting this really neat bird.

[Image: iwlVnMe.gif]

Well this party was a total bust, but I do now have a nice platter of unhealthy treats to eat whenever I get this helmet off. Man what a lame INTER-MISSION this is, with this whole bootleg AuthorSona thing. AuthorSonas are so lame man, why'd I even do this? Maybe I should just make another dating sim INTER-MISSION. Those are always good.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
[Image: 3yX9lJO.gif]

Dating sim! Dating sim! Kieros who I have decide to interpret as a one of those tentacle cat people, shouted. When did Kieros get here? Just a second ago, because you know, I drew them in to this panel.

[Image: 8Ipu6DZ.gif]

Yeah sure. We can do that. Dating sim it is. What do the kids these days even ship anymore? Is Hermes x Apollo still the hot yaoi these days or have we moved on to greener grasses? What do you readers even ship?
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
The only ship, the only good ship, the only real ship- Helios/Happiness.

I mean, and and me. Helios/Taylor. That's. That's a given. I just want him to be happy, okay, look,,,
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
The hot yaoi will never leave my gay little heart. It will forever be a part of it, just like everything else that has touched my gay little heart.
Like the other Hermes x Apollo. And Helios x Apollo. And Athena x Eris. And Thanatos x Prometheus.
Also, of course, Apollo x Apollo. What do you mean, am I biased. I don't know what you're talking about.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
Kylezo x Datos
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
Give us the pure Cpt. Hermes x Prometheus and also the forbidden Cobalt x Geko FUCK I JUST REALIZED, YOU GUYS, COBALT AND GEKO ARE BOTH ON THIS PLANET RIGHT NOW WHO'S UUP FOR A TEARFELT REUNION
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
[Image: r4SLQyf.gif]

What did you say? Yes you in the back. Ah yes. Helios x Happiness. The forbidden ship. Like that'll ever happen. The day Helios smiles is the day Fortuna jumps the space shark.

[Image: bYilSte.gif]

But who knows, maybe that shark jumping moment will be the update where you the readers, admit your undying love for the robot who is a unicycle with two boxes stacked on top. The saddest part is you'll never be able to take him horseback riding. As you can see by my masterful skill of basically using the same gif over and over, and also my graceful horse drawing skills, the reason horse back riding will go horribly is because he doesn't have any legs to ride a horse. Poor Helios.

[Image: NXd9PSw.gif]

Apollo, who looks like an amalgamation of, you guessed it, Apollos, and also Hermes??? kicks down the table and lists off their gay ships. Which was unsurprisingly made out of mostly gay ships. See that pun I made? Freaking off the roof. I'm writing that down in my book of lines to use later. Hermes x Apollo! Helios x Apollo! Athena x Eris! Thanatos x Prometheus! Also, of course, Apollo x Apollo!

[Image: OuIAGln.gif]

Wait what, Thanatos x Prometheus? What the heck is wrong with you man? What kind of crack shipping is this?
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
Are you kidding me, pal?? Did you not see the chemistry between those two when they met each other in Thanatos?
"Hey, pal, can I plug this into you?"
Only barely paraphrased! The shipping has been sailing ever since, FC. You can't stop it. I can't even stop it.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
Hermes x Me is all the rage now Gime!
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
Listen, G, I'm gonna MAKE HELIOS HAPPY by any and all means necessary JUST TO PROVE THAT I CAN. You can't stop TRUE LOVE, GIME.


[Image: lnoqTjM.png]
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
what about helios <> clover
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
SlateXCea aparantly I cannot read SlateXSonny is still going strong! Also, ApolloXPoseidon. They would have the most handsome babby.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
[Image: SbAArf6.gif]

No you say, they had so much chemistry you say. Yeah, chemistry, sure, maybe as great as alkali metals have with water.

[Image: 4LcaPsI.gif]

Hermes jumps forward to declare, ok wait a moment, we need to talk about the elephant in the room. Has anyone come to question the slowly growing group of people named after AIs? Have these people slowly slipped under our views, hoping to start some strange [Fortuna] ARG? Will [Fortuna] suddenly take some sort of edgy plot twist where we learn that all the AIs in [Fortuna] are actually people who've been entrapped in the game?

What I'm trying to say is this shipping intermission is going nowhere. Too many ships, how are we all going to agree on who the hottest couple of the year is? Also where did all the non robot ships go? Well ok I guess that fellow over there has one.

[Image: RIkV7ui.gif]

So instead lets look at this bird. This is Peanut. She is a Streptopelia capicola, that's ringneck dove for the common folk. She is completely an off white other than her ring. She likes eating and also landing on people's heads while making a HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE noise.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
How many rings does she wear?

Also, Gime, how are you drawing an animated gif on a piece of paper. I want to know your secrets.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
You think you can stop the shipping train? Too bad, we're shipping you and Peanut now.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
That is a nice byrd.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
I ship Gime's head x Peanut.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/14 You have a gun.
(09-15-2016, 08:59 AM)Fellow Wrote: »
(09-15-2016, 08:56 AM)Shaula Wrote: »snop
These were on the bottom of some recent posts:

(09-06-2016, 01:19 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »
(09-09-2016, 08:58 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »

Oh! I don't consider those flashbacks, so, lost in translation I guess? I count flashbacks as looking at the past, this seems to be happening now, except out of our control.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/16 INTER-MISSION: Worst Birthday
What's with these bird names being related to nuts? What's next? Cashew???
(Wouldn't be a bad name, actually.)