[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks

[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
[Image: syu7yf0.png]

You stare at your computer screen for a moment, you've played this game so many times now you've honestly lost count at this point. For a simple game concept the replayability is, frankly, amazing. So, at this point what better to do for your...let's say fiftieth playthrough? Yeah, that sounds good. What better to do than what you do with all games with unlimited potential...

and open source code...

You decide to mod the shit out of the game.


[Image: TxPFvbJ.gif]

But before you begin, you have to make a few quick decisions. You scroll down to the achievements menu.

[Image: Pne7WjE.gif]

God you're glad you downloaded that UI update.

[Image: GcZmR7V.png]

[Image: XI119CM.gif]

You head over to gameplay bonuses first, just to take a quick look. You've seen all this before, but with the mods you add, you never know what could be changed.

[Image: w96sT49.png]

Same as always, for the most part. You take a quick look at all the available gameplay bonuses before moving on to Fortuna Items
[Image: IDaD2Cx.png]

You've gotten some...interesting Fortuna Items in previous playthroughs. You quickly scroll through the list while thinking about what you want.

[Image: 5NOzM06.gif]

Finally you take a look at Patrons to see who you can buy. Looks like you have a few Patrons available for free, and others you can buy for 500 achievement points. You take note of this while keeping in mind you only have two Patron slots. Neither of which are currently filled.


Thoth As A Patron

Nepthys As A Patron
Amaterasu As A Patron
Raijin As A Patron
Mixcoatl As A Patron
Huehueteol As A Patron



Athena As A Patron

Omoikane As A Patron

Quetzalcoatl As A Patron

You currently have 2000 Achievement Points to spend however you wish. Patrons cost 500 points each, you may take any two Patrons listed above.

Authors Note
RE: Fortuna: Downtime Edition
>Switcheroo, Starting Item, Wild Universe, Mysterious Egg, Robotic Alligator, Nepthys and Amaterasu

Edit: Changed vote slightly, I somehow forgot about Wild Universe and Kieros reminded me. (Sorry Omoikane, maybe next time.)
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> How about Thoth? They'd be a great patron to pick, and you have more points to spend on fun things, like Wild Universe.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
>Athena, Starting Item, Cash Bag
> Athena & Thoth Nepthys
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Lets get Amaterasu and Mixcoatl as our free patronS!

> Lets buy the Mysterious Egg and the Robotic Alligator. (500 points)

> Then lets get Starting item, The ole switcharoo, And Wild Universe. (1500 points)
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Amaterasu and Thoth!
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Nepthys as a patron. Seems like the best option...?

> You know what else seems like the best option? ...Buying Wild Universe!

(05-24-2016, 05:22 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Lets buy the Mysterious Egg and the Robotic Alligator. (500 points)

> Then lets get Starting item, The ole switcharoo, And Wild Universe. (1500 points)

RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
>Let's go with Amaterasu and Nepthys.

(05-24-2016, 05:22 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Lets buy the Mysterious Egg and the Robotic Alligator. (500 points)

> Then lets get Starting item, The ole switcharoo, And Wild Universe. (1500 points)
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
>Thoth and Ammy fo sho
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
I don't have any suggestions but I want to say bless you Hichico. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
(05-24-2016, 05:22 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Lets buy the Mysterious Egg and the Robotic Alligator. (500 points)

> Then lets get Starting item, The ole switcharoo, And Wild Universe. (1500 points)

(05-24-2016, 05:13 AM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>Switcheroo, Starting Item, Wild Universe, Mysterious Egg, Robotic Alligator, Nepthys and Amaterasu

[Image: 5NOzM06.gif]
After thinking it over for a moment you eventually decide to take Amaterasu and Nepthys as Patrons, and take the Wild Universe, Switcharoo, and Starting Item bonuses, and two Fortuna Items: The mysterious egg and the robotic alligator. Not a bad use of Achievement points in your opinion, though that cash bag was definitely tempting.

[Image: rO8vsXd.gif]
Now that that's out of the way, you head over to start a new game. As you do you get a quick pop up notification from one of the mods you have installed, a game randomizer mod, letting you know the randomization is in progress. You're...actually kind of excited to see what the results will be. Fortuna randomizers are usually pretty wild in what they do and don't randomize.

[Image: eFdtORT.gif]
Looks like it randomized your ship selection. Whatever ship you get is guaranteed to have enough space for whatever crew you may have, be it a small crew or a large one. You remember the time when your friend got a Gaia ship with a crew of a Generic and an Angel. That was a laugh riot of run that, somehow, managed to be a successful run.

Anyway, looks like you have a few choices for your ship's AI Pilot. You wonder for a moment just who exactly you should choose.

RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Sobek, Sobek, Sobek, Sobek, Sobek, Sobek, Sobek.

This isn't some sort of bias due to Sobek being a crocodile. No sir. I will have you know I'm a rich alligator connoisseur of the alligator arts. I have no bias to their dile brothern.

> "Yo Patrons, testing 1, 2, 3. What's up my home doggs? Mind telling us about yourselves?"
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> SKWAKA (aka Athena)
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Roll an 8-sided die to see what AI you pick. Let's hope you're lucky!!
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
(05-24-2016, 11:37 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> "Yo Patrons, testing 1, 2, 3. What's up my home doggs? Mind telling us about yourselves?"
> Xochipilli seems like a chill dude
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Haniwani for AI.
No, not Sobek. The Time Shifter/Space-Time Monster Haniwani. x p

> Fujin. Unless there is still a tie among actual AI suggestions, then Athena.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition


(☞ᐛ )☞
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Hey, let's vote Sobek
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
> Izanagi!

[Image: persona-summon-o.gif]
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
Let's see what's on wikipedia.
-Sekhmet: Lion goddess of the sun and war. Required a lot of rituals.
-Sobek: Crocodile god of argession, healing and protection.
-Tlaloc: Aztec god of water, thunder and violent death. Took child sacrifices. It's as if Poseidon Zeus and Cronus had a living baby together.
-Xochipili: Trippy art and flower god.
-Fujin: Keeps wind in a bag.
-Izanagi: Dad of a bunch of gods, Ameterasu(one of our patrons) among them. Gives life to a bunch of people because his ex kills them.
-Helios: We know this guy.
-Athena: We know this gal.

>I'm gonna go with Izanagi cause he's Ameterasu's dad.
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
[Fortuna]: Downtime Edition (5/25/16)
[Image: eFdtORT.gif]
After thinking it over for a moment, you eventually decide on Sobek. You already have one robotic alligator, what's another one?

[Image: DdcFxXn.png]
And there goes the randomizer again. While the game loads you sit for a minute and think about what kind of crew you might get, usually the tutorial, or let's be honest "Prologue", crew is fairly small in size to make the tutorial a faster experience. But, seeing as you're running a randomizer, your crew could be massive, or it could literally be a single character.

Looks like it's done loading.

[Image: W0GaoKn.png]

Well...that's certainly a crew. Captain, Financial Officer alright that's fairly bog standard....Devil Summoner? Hand Model?

Noverus Rayson Cosplayer??

You know what, you might as well not question it and just move on to check their stats and traits and see what you can edit.

[Image: Hm6C5gM.png]

[Image: sVoPmjk.png]

[Image: pHqiiAp.png]

[Image: Y6JSHLj.png]

[Image: o4HYyA5.png]

[Image: Ff8dUPL.png]

[Image: mROtpuR.png]

[Image: sWtGWzC.png]

Looks like all you can edit is the character Bio's that aren't filled. Well, that saves a little time.

You certainly got some...interesting...traits on some of these characters though. You could have sworn [Trait] was a generic only trait. Not to mention all of these "Joaje" traits.

[Paopou Fruit] sounds kind of cool though actually.

(05-24-2016, 11:37 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> "Yo Patrons, testing 1, 2, 3. What's up my home doggs? Mind telling us about yourselves?"

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Hello player, it is nice to meet-

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Well, can't say I'm a fan of your choice in my co-patron player. But perhaps it won't be quite as bad as It could be. After all, you could have chosen..well, anyone in the mesoamerican pantheon for starters.

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Onto your question, player, I am Nepthys, priestess and protective goddess of the underworld. I'm not entirely certain what else to tell you, I enjoy long walks on-

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
OH. MY. GOD. NEPTHYS, SNORE. I know you're a member of the friggin "Underworld club" but SHEESH don't bore our player to death.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
W-was any of that even a language? Player, lets move on through this. Is there anything else you wanted to ask us about?
RE: [Fortuna]: Downtime Edition
>Job's Bio: "Bio Here", confirm
>Job's starting item: Item
>Who do you think will be best shipped with who?
>Nepthys: How is it over in The West and all?
>Attempt to flirt with Huerme by typing "hey there sweet cheeks" into bio