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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
01-31-2016, 05:48 AM
Cleo: Say Hi to One-Punch.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
01-31-2016, 10:54 AM
(01-31-2016, 08:10 AM)Wheat Wrote: »>show onepunch how to be observant by demonstrating with Heliosbot as your assistant the skills of listening, watching and making mental notes of how others react.
This actually sounds like a really good idea. An observant character would make traveling anywhere safer and could give us an edge when it comes to manipulating characters to do what we want.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
01-31-2016, 02:17 PM
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
02-02-2016, 01:58 PM
The Dunning-Kruger Effect.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
02-02-2016, 02:49 PM
Get Helios to teach the cutesy wutesy robot about Grahams number. Maybe the significance in comparison to itself will put a damper on this "ego" thing.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
02-02-2016, 04:01 PM
>Teach One-Punch to Read
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
02-02-2016, 05:59 PM
SHould we close this now that the other is open?
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 1/30
02-02-2016, 06:53 PM
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/02
02-08-2016, 07:12 PM
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/02
02-09-2016, 03:55 AM
*cough* Don't worry. Once the coughing starts the infectious phase has passed. *cough*
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/02
02-09-2016, 10:04 PM
Speaking of which, where is everybody?
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/02
02-10-2016, 01:12 PM
(02-09-2016, 10:04 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »Speaking of which, where is everybody?
Cleo, Mocha, One Punch and Helios V11 are in Cleo's room, Cea's on his way to getting Marble who is in her room, Edel, his bird and Slate are in the Medical room, and Latta is in her room with Nero.
And also since the other thread is back up and there's two pages there since last update, which is decent. We're just waiting to see the next planet.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/02
02-16-2016, 06:48 AM
((>> Click here to see the much clearer and easier to read cosmodex version <<))
> Athena’s TLDR <
Show Content
> Mercury Ship Status
Current fuel: 30 fuel.
Fuel needed to move to a new planet: 70 fuel.
Ship’s general health: Fine. The lights are fixed which was the biggest issue. Make sure to get more scrap and wire while you’re out.
Carrying Capacity: 509 out of 1000 loads used.
Crew card balance: 2,600p
Scrap wire stock: 10
Scrap metal stock: 5
> Rations
Consumption rate: 9 rations a day. (7 by crew, 1 by pets, 1 by children)
Total rations:
Meat: 2 fine,
Fish: 1 fine, 3 nearly expired
Plants: 8 fine, 8 expired
Insects: 0 rations
Generic: 4 rations
> Items of note on the ship
Portable translator (1)
Bright flashlight x 4 (4)
Cheap throwing knife x100 (25)
A large magnet (2)
Fancy large turtle dove statue (10)
Box of chocolates x2 (2)
Cheap wine x3 (3)
Crate of textures x4 (40)
First aid kits x2 (2)
Hermes (7)
Toolbox (2)
Helios v11 (2)
Recon Bird (1)
Aftik chick (1)
Children's book (1)
Apollo v3 (1)
One-Punch (10
> Athena’s notes
The Helios unit has moved out all the rotten meat rations between lessons. Keep him cleaning and we should be able to toss all of the trash off our ship soon. Maybe we might be able to sell some of it to the artists on this planet. Consider getting someone to carry around some useless items with them for sale, Marble is always a good pack mule if we need one. We need to keep an eye out on Slate and Cea, their sanities are likely reaching fairly low levels and they may soon become hard to control. Slate needs every type of check up as soon as possible so we can stop having to worry about all his unknown stats.
Crew info
> Latta Spice <
Show Content
Traits: [Overreacts] [Upbeat] [Adventurous] [Popular] [Never Sleeps] [Talkative] [Loyal] [Realistic] [Energizer]
Stats: Strength- 3 / Intelligence- 10 / Charisma- 7 / Endurance- 5 / Agility- 4 / Luck- 1
Job: Captain / Mapper
Health: Healthy.
Rations: Latta eats 1 ration per day. Latta only eats plant rations.
Money: 0p on hand. Controls the crew card. Crew card contains 2,600p.
Items on hand: 5 out of 5 spaces filled.
Large dragon plush (1)
First aid kit (1)
A gallon of ever-cold milk (1)
Flamethrower and 100% full fuel tank (2)
Light sword (0)
General feelings: Latta is in a fantastic mood.
Morale: 100
Sanity: 70
Special: Played by Athena currently.
> Slate Zelshy <
Show Content
Traits: [Mute by choice] [Unnerving] [Manipulative] [Insensitive] [Mind Control] [Protective] [Pyromancer] [Unreadable] [Sanity Swap]
Stats: Strength- 5 / Intelligence- 10 / Charisma- 8 / Endurance- 5 / Agility- 5 / Luck- 5
Job: Chef / Administrator
Health: Unknown. Fainted due to attempting to look into Cea’s head. He is back up and can work but does not seem to be in the best condition mentally.
Rations: Slate eats 1 ration per day. Slate only eats meat and plant rations. Slate eats meat before plants.
Money: 0p on hand. Has a crew card.
Items on hand: 7 out of 7 spaces filled.
Digital tablet (1)
Scented candles x3 (1)
Headphones and music player (1)
Wool cape (1)
Full cooking set* (2)
B100Screen Plush (1)
*Full cooking set contains- 1 pot, 1 pan, a set of utensils for eating, a large wooden spoon, a cup, and spices.
General feelings: Unknown
Morale: Unknown
Sanity: Unknown -130
Special: None.
> Marble Rayson <
Show Content
Traits: [Frequent Sleeper] [Big Eater] [Heavy Sleeper] [Connections] [Protective] [Patient] [Psychic Disable]
Stats: Strength- 10 / Intelligence- 7 / Charisma- 7 / Endurance- 10 / Agility- 3 / Luck- 6
Job: Counselor / Bodyguard
Health: Healthy.
Rations: Marble eats 2 rations per day. Marble only eats plant and meat rations. Marble eats plants before meat.
Money: 500p on hand. Has a crew card.
Items on hand: 10 out of 12 spaces filled.
Shields x3 (0) Key item, is equipped.
Pink fish whistle (0) Key item
Lighter and matches (1)
Glowsticks x10 (1)
Digital tablet (1)
Sofa (3)
Stop sign (2)
Bardiche (2)
General feelings: Marble is worried about Slate and has suffered a slight morale decrease because of it.
Morale: 90
Sanity: 100
Special: None.
> Cleo <
Show Content
Traits: [Forgetful] [Gullible] [Inventive] [Animal Communer] [Optimistic] [Sarcastic] [Artist] [Enjoys Comics]
Stats: Strength- 4 / Intelligence- 8 / Charisma- 3 / Endurance- 3 / Agility- 5 / Luck- 3
Job: Engineer / Beastmaster
Health: Healthy.
Rations: Cleo eats 1 ration per day. Cleo eats any type of ration. Cleo randomly picks what they wish to eat per day. Cleo also feeds off positivity and will start to “starve” if her morale reaches under 30.
Money: 500p on hand.
Items on hand: 3 out of 6 spaces filled.
Metal arm (0) Key item, is equipped.
Laptop (1)
Smartphone (1)
Art kit (1)*
*Art kit contains a book of thick paper, many pens and pencils, small amounts of red, yellow, and blue paint, and a paint brush.
General feelings: Cleo could not be happier. She has many things she wishes to do and not enough time.
Morale: 100
Sanity: 90
Special: None
> Edel Dadnelion <
Show Content
Traits: [Stubborn] [Argumental] [Green Thumb] [Observant] [Diligent] [Storyteller] [Loves Puns] [Private]
Stats: Strength- 3 / Intelligence- 7 / Charisma- 2 / Endurance- 8 / Agility- 4 / Luck- 2
Job: Botanist / Medic
Health: Healthy.
Rations: Edel eats 1 ration per day. Edel eats any ration type. Edel eats enriched dirt and insects before anything else.
Money: 0p on hand. Has a crew card.
Items on hand: 5 out of 5 spaces filled.
Live bird “Almond” (0) Key item, is “equipped”.
Electric lantern (1)
Violin with a pumpkin sticker on it (1)
First aid kit (1)
Quick growing plant kit* (1)
Mystery seed pack x10 (1)
* Plant kit contains 3 pots, a watering can, and a bag of special powder that makes plants grow extremely fast. Soil, water, sunlight, and seeds not included.
General feelings: Edel is fairly neutral about everything. Edel continues to have bad blood about Cea.
Morale: 50
Sanity: 100
Special: None.
> Cea Jaspur <
Show Content
Traits: [Classist] [Narcissist] [Perfectionist] [Social] [Cooperative] [Flirtatious] [Strangely Graceful] [Superstitious] [Imaginary Friend]
Stats: Strength- 1 / Intelligence- 7 / Charisma- 6 / Endurance- 1 / Agility- 8 / Luck- 3
Job: Relations Expert
Health: Healthy.
Rations: Cea eats 1 ration per day. Cea eats any ration that isn’t spoiled or out of the norm. Cea eats fish before anything else.
Money: 1000p on hand.
Items on hand: 3 out of 3 spaces filled.
Large snake skull (0) Key item
Smartphone (1)
Book of the stars & a pen (1)
Scrapbook (1)
General feelings: Cea is worried about what happened to Slate. Cea is talking to Sonny more.
Morale: 40
Sanity: -40
Special: None.
> Ship Overview<
Show Content
Spoiler> Mercury Ship Status
Current fuel: 30 fuel
Ship’s shield health: ∞
Ship’s general health: Poor, see repair info.
Consumption rate: 9 rations a day. (7 by crew, 1 by pets, 1 by children)
Total rations:
Consumption rate: 9 rations a day. (7 by crew, 1 by pets, 1 by children)
Meat: 2 fine,
Fish: 1 fine, 3 nearly expired
Plants: 8 fine, 8 expired
Insects: 0 rations
Generic: 4 rations
> Mercury Ship Info
Ship size: 7 people
Fuel limits and usage: It can hold 100 points of fuel and uses 70 points of fuel per jump. It uses 20 points of fuel to reach ramming speeds.
Shield power: ∞
Speed: ★★★★★★★★★★
Carrying Capacity: 1000 loads.
Weapons: None other than the ship itself.
Special: The Mercury can use its fast speeds to ram into ships and destroy them. The Mercury can even get bombs added on to it so that once it rams into another ship the bombs explode and cause more damage. The drawback is that when the Mercury is at cruising speeds it can be stopped by a simple net. The Mercury needs a large amount of space to reach its soul-crushing speeds.
Scrap wire stock: 10
Scrap metal stock: 5
> Total Carrying Capacity used
Full total: 509 out of 1000 loads used.
Crew total: 92 loads
Marble - 20 self + 10 inventory = 30 loads
Cea - 7 self + 3 inventory = 13 loads
Slate - 8 self + 7 inventory = 15 loads
Edel - 10 self + 5 inventory = 15 loads
Latta - 5 self + 5 inventory = 10 loads
Cleo - 6 self + 3 inventory = 9 loads
Items in personal room total: 139 loads
Latta’s room - 32 loads
Marble’s room - 21 loads
Slate’s room - 12 loads
Cea’s room - 27 loads
Edel’s room - 16 loads
Cleo’s room - 26 loads
Empty room - 5 loads
Other total: 278 loads
Storage room 1 - 154 loads
Storage room 2 - 50 loads
Medical room - 12 loads
Kitchen - 10 loads
Common room - 20 loads
Storage closet - 20 loads
Control room - 12 loads
Engine rooms - 0 loads
> Storage & Others <
Show Content
> Storage room 1
Space total: 154 loads
Description: A large storage room that is in the basement. It has a large walk-in freezer / refrigerator.
Items inside:
Space taken: 87 loads
Portable translator (1)
Bright flashlight x 4 (4)
Cheap throwing knife x100 (25)
A large magnet (2)
Fancy large turtle dove statue (10)
Fancy bed (6)
Crate of paper and writing supplies (5)
Set of turtle shell bowls (4)
Large cat-skinned rug (3)
Fossilized egg (1)
Crate of trash (18)
Junk cooking supplies (8)
Food in Storage 1’s freezer
Space taken: 67 loads
Crate of fine meat rations, contains 2 rations (4)
Crate of fine fish rations, contains 1 rations (2)
Crate of plant rations, contains 8 rations (16)
Crate of generic noodles, contains 4 rations (8)
Box of chocolates x2 (2)
Large crate of ever-cold milk, contains 10 gallons of milk. (10)
Cheap wine x 3 (3)
Crate of expired plant rations, contains 8 rations (16)
Crate of nearly expired fish rations, contains 3 rations (6)
> Storage room 2
Space taken: 50 loads
Description: A large once-locked room. It is slightly smaller than the first storage room.
Items inside:
Large rusted skeleton (10)
Crate of textures x4 (40)
> Medical room
Space taken: 12 loads
Description: A nicely sized room that contains basic medical equipment.
Items inside:
Basic medical supplies (10)
First aid kits x2 (2)
> Kitchen
Space taken: 10 loads
Description: The kitchen is next to the first storage room. It has various cooking tools in it and basically everything needed to cook and clean.
Items inside: Furniture (10)
> Common room
Space taken: 20 loads
Description: The common/living room for the ship. It is the place crews meet up for more casual meetings.
Items inside: Furniture (20)
> Storage closet
Space taken: 20 loads
Description: The storage closet is in the hallway next to the control room, it’s also where Hermes lives.
Items inside:
Hermes (7)
Junk (5)
Large shipping chart (2)
Toolbox (2)
Scrap wire x10 (1)
Scrap metal x5 (3)
> Control room
Space taken: 12 loads
Description: The room where all the ship’s controls are at.
Items inside:
Junk x10 (10)
Mop and bucket (1)
Broom (1)
> Engine rooms
Space taken: 0 loads
Description: There are two engine rooms across from each other on the ship. These two rooms control their respective side of the engines. Other than devices that are attached to the ship itself to assist with watching and repairing the engines there is commonly nothing in this room.
Items inside: None.
> Repair info <
Show Content
Easy jobs (1 work point)
Fix the coffee machine - 1 scrap wire - Someone keeps breaking the coffee machine and while I do produce highly coffee-like blood, some people on the ship are frankly a little disgusted by the thought of drinking my blood.
Build lights for the Golden Dragon - 3 scrap metal, 2 scrap wires - This is more of a personal request. I would like if my statue could have some lights to it.
Fix Cea's TV - 2 scrap wires - I'm not sure how he broke his TV but he managed to do it. Get in there and fix it up before he gets bored and starts, ugh, inviting himself into other people's rooms.
Medium jobs (2 work points)
Upgrade Slate's computer - 4 scrap wires, 1 scrap metal - Slate wants his computer upgraded, someone should get to that. DO NOT go into Slate's room, he will hand you the computer himself.
Hard jobs (3 work point)
Look into the left engine - ????, can only be done once landed - The left engine takes 5 seconds longer then the right to pop out the ship. This doesn't sound like a large issue, but say we're escaping and someone hits the thrusters without waiting 5 seconds for the 2nd engine to get ready. It wouldn't be pretty.
Upgrade ship’s scanner - 8 scrap wires, 10 scrap metal - The ship’s scanner is in poor shape, if we got it upgraded we would be able to locate more stuff.
Repair the basement door - 6 scrap wires, 1 scrap metal - There's a door in the basement that leads to some room none of us have been to. We have enough storage space so normally I wouldn't care about it, but whatever is in that gosh darn room is weighing us down by 50 loads. What the heck is in that room?
Final note: Basement door was fixed on day 1 of Cleo joining. Strange orbs were found and a heavy rusted skeleton. We have gain access to storage 2.
Stop our translator from breaking - 2 scrap wire, 4 scrap metal - Someone fell asleep on the translator a week ago and it's slowly been breaking down. I fear it'll fully break in a day or two so getting it fixed before that would be for the best.
Final note: Portable translator was fixed day 1 of Cleo joining. It is now in working order and added to the storage until needed.
Look into our Hermes unit - ???? - The Hermes unit has been acting strange since we got him. He's been acting paranoid, it's not normal for a Hermes unit.
Final Note: He says he’s ok and has been recommended to talk to Marble.
Fix the monitor in the control room - 10 scrap wires, 4 scrap metal, can only be done once landed - The monitor in the control room is the only way we can see outside; without it we'll be going to places blind and while the ship cannot be destroyed from the outside, I don't think locals will take too kindly to us slamming into their buildings while trying to land.
Final note: Monitors are now fixed and we can see outside as well as land without crashing into things.
Repair the ship's lighting - 20 scrap wires, 10 scrap metal - Worst part of this ship is that the lights are always deteriorating. It won't be long until the lights stop working in the living areas. I think everyone (but Slate) would like the lights to be repaired as soon as possible. The hallways and the basement look like a setup for a horror film. Also the lack of lights make it easier for people to hide on board, if anyone tried anyway. DO NOT repair the lights in Slate's room, it's supposed to be like that.
Final note: The lights are active.
(( Aaaaaaaaand we're back! Like always no need to read that rather huge crew section, Athena's TLDR; provides most of the info needed.))
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/16
02-16-2016, 07:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 09:40 PM by Fellow.)
We could consider having Marble carry the rusted skeleton around as an item for sale. We could consider selling the turtledove statue in the same way but I think that one is for decoration?
..I just realized. The wall mentions Macciu and he looks an awful lot like the mirage. He's even a time traveler and the mirage is a freaking clock.
>Latta, Cleo, Cea, Marble.
>Have Cea bring Apollo. Have Cea carry his smartphone and the magnet for utility.
>Have Marble carry the rusted skeleton, her tablet and some knives.
>Use Apollo to carry Marble's sofa for her.
>Have Cleo leave her laptop in her room and have her fill up her inventory with junk.
>Have Edel do a medical checkup on Slate.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/17
02-19-2016, 01:44 AM
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/18
02-19-2016, 01:58 AM
Food? Did they run into a couple homeless people? Why can't they just eat the vegetation growing on the ground?
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/18
02-19-2016, 01:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2016, 04:41 PM by Fellow.)
>Well, some of our plant rations are nearly expired, I guess we could get a pair of those off the ship for them.
Edel and slate are busy, shall we have Cleo and One Punch get the rations?
>Cea: [Classist]: Ugh, beggars.
Maybe we could ask for a signed Shetlock Hostler book? That might fetch us a good price somewhere. And One Punch might get some good traits, like [Observant], if he reads a parody!sherlock holmes book.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/18
02-19-2016, 06:46 PM
(02-19-2016, 01:45 PM)Fellow Wrote: »>Well, some of our plant rations are nearly expired, I guess we could get a pair of those off the ship for them.
Edel and slate are busy, shall we have Cleo and One Punch get the rations?
>Cea: [Classist]: Ugh, beggars.
Maybe we could ask for a signed Shetlock Hostler book? That might fetch us a good price somewhere. And One Punch might get some good traits, like [Observant], if he reads a parody!sherlock holmes book.
We don't know how good he is. If he's begging for food he could be borderline insane-savant or just outright bad. I don't know if it would give One-Punch the right lessons, and he may have already tried to exchange signatures for food.
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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic: 2/18
02-19-2016, 06:56 PM
(02-19-2016, 06:46 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »We don't know how good he is. If he's begging for food he could be borderline insane-savant or just outright bad. I don't know if it would give One-Punch the right lessons, and he may have already tried to exchange signatures for food. Well, we can have somebody asses the quality of the book before we decide on having one punch read it.
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RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
02-20-2016, 06:38 PM
Oh, deer.
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RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
02-20-2016, 06:55 PM
(02-20-2016, 06:38 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »Oh, deer. As one of the people who submitted an app, I'm kind of like "My poor baby." at the moment.
Hey, if a bunch of ships got destroyed, scrap is gonna be dirt cheap huh?