6th MG: Everyone Dies

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6th MG: Everyone Dies
6th MG: Everyone Dies
In this game, your goal is to survive and be the last one to die. You won't survive the game; no one survives. However, you can delay the inevitable and also win a little prize!

This game plays like a "Forum Adventure", where you submit commands for your character to perform, and they perform them! However, with each action, a 12-sided die will be rolled to determine how successful this action was! (Idleing will still result in a die roll)

Success Scale:

To join a game, post and you will be added in! Unless you already died, then you have to wait until next game. If you win, you get to pick the specs for the next game (area + equipment + any other details), and a poem will be engraved in your name!

--- Game 1 ---

You all appear on the street of a very small town, completely surrounded by forest. Two of the twelve buildings possess notable features; one appears to be an Inn, the other the Town Hall. No locals are outside. You all shiver in your plain, nondescript clothing.

RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I wanna go into an unlisted building
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I place a balaclava over my head and wait in the unlisted building behind an office plant.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Summon six hundred birds to do my bidding
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Mehgamehn - (11)

You enter into unlisted building #1 (it was unlocked), finding it to be an unoccupied one room house. You find a huge pile of rations stacked on top a table, as well as a coil of sturdy rope, a first aid kit, and a container with several white pills. A television displaying a fireplace crackles, and a radiator blasts warm air around the room. A rocking chair rocks back and forth, back and forth. You aren't shivering anymore!

ICan'tGiveCredit - (4)

You pull your ski mask over your head, but it seems to have shrunk since you last wore it, and a hole rips at the top. Your face is barely covered at all... You enter unlisted building #2, finding it empty with the exception of a desk (with computer) and a potted plant. The potted plants leaves drape everywhere, and as you try to hide behind it, you trip and knock the plant over, shattering the pot and spilling dirt everywhere. Good thing this place was unoccupied...

Scahzer - (3)

You wave your hands in a practiced way, and release a great CAW to call forth throngs of birds! Disappointingly, only one small finch appears, and it starts pecking at your ears and hair.

RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I do a cartwheel out of the town into the forest
~◕ w◕~
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Head into the town hall and beseech the locals to stop this madness
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Lock and block my door, hunker down, see if TV has cable of any sort.

EDIT: How do we describe survive the longest? Is it by amount of posts, actual length of time, or by reasonable dissection of roleplay situation?

I'm guessing the third one isn't it, but if it was let me tell ya, a good roll on this post and I would just never post again.
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Enter the Inn
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Whimbrel - (5)

You cartwheel into the forest, which is slightly warmer than the street, but not by much. You hear the rustling of leaves and the telltale hooting of an owl. The forest smells refreshing compared to the bland odors of the street.

Schazer - (10)

You enter into the Town Hall, and notice that there are no people for which to beseech. Hmm, curious. Shredded are strewn everywhere, and an official looking desk looks sternly at you. There are two doors, one to the left and right of the entrance. The finch on your head has stopped pecking you, instead deciding to nest in your plentiful hair. A very shiny looking gold key sits on the desk, as well as a laptop.

Mehgamehn - (9)

You lock the door, and move the table in front of the door. Sitting down in the rocking chair, you flip through the channels, finding only 3 options: the fireplace channel, the weather, and a children's cartoon about basic shapes.

Mirdini - (8)

You enter The Inn. The smell of cheap alchohol and steep prices pierces your nostrils. There is a single hunched figure sitting at the bar, which stocked with many typical brands. Bowls of mixed nuts encircle the figure, who seems to be hoarding them. Several scattered tables and chairs fill the room, and a staircase leads to the second floor. The figure doesn't seem to have noticed you.

ICan'tGiveCredit - (8)

You stare at the mess you've made. Oh.


((The sole survivor, once everyone else is dead, is the winner. Unless multiple people die in the same post, assume they have died previous to anyone who survived the update.

EDIT 2: Survive the longest is misleading, I am going to change it to "the last survivor".))
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I'll catch the owl with my bare hands
~◕ w◕~
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Gonna see if my rations got any COLD ONES to crack open and brush up on my cartoon triangles
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Acquire mixed nuts
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
acquire key, determine its purpose
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I eat the leaves to hide any sign of my presence
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Whimbrel (8)

You grab at the owl, but it flies away from your reach.

Mehgamehn - (!12!)

You find several of the most prestigious cold ones and begin to guzzle them down as you gaze upon a quite clever episode about triangles. You even laugh at the terrible "so acute" joke.

{A roll of fate for the other four players: W-5, Mi-8, S-2, I-8}

Mirdini (!12!)

You snatch the nuts from around the slumped figure, who doesn't notice. You get chocolate covered almonds and beer nuts and sour cream chip nuts and salted peanuts... mmmMMMM!

{A roll of fate for the other players: W-4, Me-10, S-12, I-8}

Scahzer (9)

You pick up the key. After trying it on both doors, you learn that it fits into both of their sockets. Looks like this is some sort of master key for the Town Hall.

ICan'tGiveCredit (3)

You begin eating the leaves. Oh dear. Your throat starts swelling, likely from an allergic reaction. Without some quick thinking or great luck, you're going to get an early grave!


The television begins to give off a loud and high pitched noise, inaudible to humans, but not to birds. Scahzer's finch begins to go crazy, pecking at Schazer again. Schazer swats at it. For some reason, the rest of the bird swarm arrives. All 599 begin to peck at Schazer, who can no longer fend them off. As they screamed in agony, Schazer realized that Black Magic maybe wasn't the best career choice. Schazer has died.

Meanwhile, Whimbrel begins to smell the scent of nuts. Immeadiately, their entire body begins to swell, and they pop like a balloon. Allergies are just the worst. At least the owls won't be going hungry... Whimbrel has died.

RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
This game is racist against birds I demand a recount
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies

RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Shhh it's cool Schazer we are feeding the birds now
~◕ w◕~
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I try to give mouth to mouth resuscitation. to myself.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
(Dude why did I choose to post in a thread instead of going to Vegas I'm on fire)

Stumble about the building looking for the bathroom
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Mirdini (6)

You eat your fill of nuts, and then again. You release a salty-sweet burp of satisfaction. In the nut-eating frenzy, the figure has fallen from their seat, making an odd, hallow noise. Their face is frozen in a single, bland look, with glassy marble eyes staring at your crumby mouth.

ICan'tGiveCredit (!12!)

You kiss yourself so well that the swelling stops and the plant disappears.

{A roll of fate: Mi-5, Me-12, P-7}

Mehgamehn (!2!)

You trip over an empty cold one bottle, smashing face-first into the television. Bzzzzt! Your body sizzles. Mehgamehn has died.

Shredded (11)

You reform, your paper body crunching and layering. Splashes of badass red cover your originally white flesh. A bird pecks at you, curiously, and you encase it in paper, smuthering it to death. Squish. All the other birds in the room fly away in fear of the huge abomination forming.


Mirdini frowns as their throat suddenly fills with plant. They struggle to get it out, but more and more seems to be appearing. Mirdini collapses to the floor from lack of breath, their face and neck covered from the rapidly growing plant. Mirdini has died.

Mehgamehn - Terminated by Television
Scahzer - Flayed by the Flock
Whimbrel - Asploded by Anaphylaxis
Mirdini - Perturbed by a Paradoxical Plethora of Potted Plant
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
The good Credit taketh, and the good Credit taketh away again.

I explore the building
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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