The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread

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The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Have something you want to get rid of that you think a fellow Eagle-Timer may enjoy? A game? A book? Some rad clothes? Something you've made?

This is the place to post it!

1. Give an accurate description of what you're giving away (with pictures if possible)
2. By default, you pay the shipping cost, unless the recipient offers otherwise. (You are free to request that the recipient pays instead, when this happens be honest about the cost (duh).)
3. Aside from the above you are NOT allowed to ask for compensation for the item. This is a giving thread, not a selling thread.
4. You are free to offer whatever you want, but try to keep it limited to things you think another eagle-timer may actually enjoy.
5. Don't be upset if no one wants to take your offer, just know we appreciate you offered it in the first place!
6. If more than one person wants what you've offered, it's up to your own discretion who to give it to.
7. If you want to associate your gift with a contest (winner gets the prize), you may still post the item here and note how the recipient will be chosen, but the actual contest must be held elsewhere.
8. Once your item has been sent or is no longer available, update your offer so we will know.

1. If you want an offered item, just post your interest here. It's okay to express intrest in an item someone else has already expressed intrest in.
2. If you want to offer the giver something in exchange for the item, that is up to you.
3. Don't take offence or get upset if you are not chosen to receive a gift. That will make it all the less likely that you will be chosen next time.
4. You are NOT allowed to sell the item you receive. Don't be a dick. Unless specifed otherwise by the giver, items offered here are meant to go to people who will enjoy them. They are not meant to be turned for a profit. If you want to get rid of the item at a later date then simply give it away.
5. Don't ask for an item if it is not being offered.

The exact procedure can vary with each giver and recipient, but in general things will follow this pattern.

1. The giver will post their offered item, along with pictures and a description.
2. Some time goes by as Eagle-Timers post their interest in the item.
3. The giver will contact a recipient and post who they are sending the item to in the thread.
4. The giver and recipient will sort out the shipping details via private message or IRC.
5. The gift is sent and everyone is happy!

I'll go ahead and get things started a bit later. I've been going through some of my stuff and I've found a few things someone may like.
The first item in the eagle time give-away thread is:

A 1998 LoZ Ocarina of Time Strategy Guide.
(apologies of the pictures are too large- resizing is difficult on the iPhone)
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It's been lightly used. Mostly I just threw it in a box and forgot about it until going through said box today. With all the talk in the videogames thread about museums and memorabilia, I figured someone may appreciate this more than me.

It's standard strategy guide fair, basic info to get through dungeons (for some reason I find it opens more easily to the water dungeon section), as well as item locations all framed and spaced around game-related artwork.

At the very least, it can be pretty to look through.

Anyone interested?
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RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
pages. i have pages. i will send you the pages. give me a number and i will give you that amount. if you want them all that's okay too. if you ask for more than i have then i can't help you, sorry. here are some of the pages:

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why would you want these? there is no reason why you would want these. i'll throw in some chocolate, if it's legal to send that through the post. free chocolate. i've got some other, better things i can send, that i will post here later. cool.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Would anyone like a post-it? Never been used. Stickiness not guaranteed.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Man g0m if nobody else wants those pages I would love some pages!
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
well damn if you got a place to send them i can get you those pages in however long post takes
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Man g0m I would love a page! Particularly if that page had some face on it and no swears because I would probably frame it and put it on my wall.

And I can totes give you my post address.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
I want dat guidebook. I'll just pick it up from you~
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
btp if you got a place to send it i'm sure i can spare a page
just pm me or somesuch
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
g0m I would like exactly three pages please
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Why is mail so expensive and unreliable here arrgh, i'd love to send things.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
I have a set of ten coloured pencils which are also twigs (in one each of red, orange, pink, yellow, green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, deep blurple, and brown).

[Image: 104f2vd.jpg]

The coloured pencil "cores" don't go all the way down, so you get three or so inches of colouring goodness out of each one.

Whoever would like these can have them (I'll pay for postage too!) on the condition that you give away a Thing to somebody else. It doesn't have to be right away, but if you haven't had the opportunity to yet you've gotta promise to send something off in future.

I'll likely post some other stuff later :>
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Oh man I would want those so much but I don't think I'd utilize them as well as somebody else could.

Whether or not somebody else wants them over me I might look for something to give to somebody
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
(03-18-2012, 08:22 AM)NoodleDude Wrote: »I want dat guidebook. I'll just pick it up from you~

You do have an appreciation for vida-game arts. Also shipping to you is cheaper. It almost feels like a cop out!

Looks like I gotta offer somethin else...

Okay how about a

Current Subscription to Time Magazine

So I signed up for Time last presidential election because I felt I wasn't informed enough about politics and the world around me.

It hasn't helped me personally. I never get around to reading them, and they already billed me for a renewal.

So for the next several months I'm going to be getting time magazines shipped to my door and I will probably never read them. So it would be better for me to send them to someone who is more interested than I.

If you want, I can just ship you an issue or two. If you really like TIME then I could probably figure out a way how to get them to just ship the magazine straight to you. It's not a bad magazine and some of the articles can be pretty insightful, but it hasn't been something I've really been able to get into.

I have the U.S. version: which you can see the cover for the current issue here.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Oh man, Schaze! Those pencils are hella sweet! I saw those once in a shop and they've been on my wishlist for a while.

While we're on the topic of giving and getting stuff, does anyone want a comic about their face? Like I will go out and make silly personalized comics for an amount of people that is equal to the amount of stamps my mom will give me. (About 3-5?)

So if that's a thing that people want...
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
(03-23-2012, 12:16 AM)TheEmptypot Wrote: »Oh man, Schaze! Those pencils are hella sweet! I saw those once in a shop and they've been on my wishlist for a while.

While we're on the topic of giving and getting stuff, does anyone want a comic about their face? Like I will go out and make silly personalized comics for an amount of people that is equal to the amount of stamps my mom will give me. (About 3-5?)

So if that's a thing that people want...
That sounds delightful.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Oh. My. g0m.

(large under the spoiler)
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RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
oh gosh Minion

edit: oh man that's where i left my tissue lid
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Don't fall for the hype

Mansize tissues are just really cheap blankets
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Pre-emptive dibs on Sparky's pink starbursts
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread

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RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Welcome to the Pages Club, SO (the club for people who have pages (it's the best club))

Activities include: staring at that dude Out of the corner of your eye until you decide to let him have the room while you go outside. (and then happily greet him when you come back in)
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
This is not a post about giving away things, but about getting them. For, you see, this week played host to Christmas in April for me. As you all know, Milke "Golf Sundays" "Wheeeeeeatthins" Grogger is a man of many gifts. I have just received one such gift.

A fabulous new wardrobe!

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