I will steal your words
03-01-2015, 07:24 PM
I will steal your words
RE: I will steal your words
03-01-2015, 09:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-02-2015, 08:49 PM by Reyweld.)
this is going where I see phlebetonium.
RE: I will steal your words
03-01-2015, 11:10 PM
haw haw haw. I got you. see, I like me; you like me. I got this going. a Advertisement where I got like a seesaw. like me!
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 01:55 AM
fucking fucker motherfucker fuckwad fuck fuckstick fucksicles fucknuggets fuckwaffle jesus fuck fuck fuck fuck
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 02:35 AM
I don't know what i expected from your FACE!!!!1111!1
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 02:50 AM
FACE this thread. it is new. it is not expected. it is jesus, fuckstick fucknuggets fuckwaffle fucker. you don't like me, thought I know where I going. I don't. phlebetonium, motherfucker.
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 03:32 AM
Must all words be used? Would you steal any word? Are some words more desirable than others?
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 03:44 AM
Would Reyweld steal the words taken from img files? In other words, would Reyweld steal THE PRESIDENT?
This will surely raise alarums!
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 04:00 AM
Maybe you need to see an optometrist.
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 04:04 AM
Ah! I see you are changing your rules. Before you would copy words and change the capitals at a whim, but now you are preserving the capitals. As in "This is going where I see phlebetonium." Why would you do this? Do you desire what? Xylophone.
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 06:41 AM
hello my name is reyweld and i am a spaghetti-slurping chumpstick
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 07:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-02-2015, 07:48 AM by Sai.)
It's time for me to quote one of my favorite robots.
a abandon abandoned abate ability able about above abroad absence absent absolute absolutely absorb abuse abuse academic accent accept acceptable access accident accidental accidentally accommodation accompany according to account account for accurate accurately accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge a couple acquire across act action active actively activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional add on address add up add up to adequate adequately adjust admiration admire admit adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advert advertise advertisement advertising advice advise affair affect affection afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age aged agency agent aggressive ago agree agreement ahead aid aim air aircraft airport alarm alarmed ![]()
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 09:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-02-2015, 09:08 PM by Reyweld.)
not all words Must be used, but all and any words are taken. THE PRESIDENT is not my fucker, but I Do desire it. I desire you... you and your Xylophone. surely, I will absorb some of you to raise me.
and this is hawkspace. rules are for spaghetti-slurping robots. be not expected. I got time. not Wrote:hello my name is reyweld and i am a spaghetti-slurping chumpstickMaybe, but Before you abuse me more, know I will accident you. jesus, absolutely all As are abroad at my absorb ability. raise this thread in THE files, some more words are desirable but not As.
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 09:27 PM
It's better this way.
Here is an equal distribution of words: Apple attribute Bear bees Communism corduroy Donut dishSoap END edge Fortune fillet Goblin gr8 Horse howdy Involved inch Jump joeks Klondikebar kart Lonely longingly Mustache mistake Norse gNome Ode odd Pre$ent poor Quietly queer RISE rigid Servant Slate Totalitarian telephone uMMM, uHHH, Vocaloid vicarious Whale wwhy Xpression xcitement Yonic yo Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah zone
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 10:06 PM
THE words you edge to me Quietly inch me to gr8 change. I do desire the joeks you thought would be Yonic fucksicles to me. more Must Pre$ent It's kart of Vocaloid.
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 10:24 PM
I wanted to punch Chwoka so bad in that scene
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 10:33 PM
Eat Billgates computers aricept buy now cheap phone books snake monkey catalyst communism
RE: I will steal your words
03-02-2015, 10:35 PM
(001) Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon
(006) Charizard Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Caterpie (011) Metapod Butterfree Weedle Kakuna Beedrill (016) Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Rattata Raticate (021) Spearow Fearow Ekans Arbok Pikachu (026) Raichu Sandshrew Sandslash Nidoran♀ Nidorina (031) Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking Clefairy (036) Clefable Vulpix Ninetales Jigglypuff Wigglytuff (041) Zubat Golbat Oddish Gloom Vileplume (046) Paras # # Venomoth Diglett (051) Dugtrio Meowth Persian # # (056) Mankey Primeape # # # (061) # # # # # (066) # # # # Weepinbell (071) # # # Geodude Graveler (076) Golem Ponyta Rapidash # Slowbro (081) # # # # # (086) # # # # # (091) # # # # # (096) # # # # Voltorb (101) Electrode Exeggcute Exeggutor # # (106) Hitmonlee # # # Weezing (111) # # # # Kangaskhan (116) # # # # # (121) # Mr Mime # # # (126) # # # Magikarp Gyarados (131) # # Eevee # # (136) # # Omanyte Omastar # (141) # # # Articuno Zapdos (146) Moltres Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Mewtwo (151) Mew -=-=Johto=-=- (152) Chikorita Bayleef # Cyndaquil Quilava (157) Typhlosion Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr Sentret (162) Furret Hoothoot Noctowl # # (167) # Ariados # # # (172) # # # # # (177) # # # # # (182) # # # # # (187) # # # Aipom # (192) # # # # Espeon (197) Umbreon Murkrow # Misdreavus # (202) # # # # # (207) # # # Granbull # (212) Scizor # # # # (217) # # # # # (222) Corsola # # # # (227) # # # # # (232) # # # # # (237) Porygon2 # # # # (242) # # # Suicune # (247) # # Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi -=-=Hoenn=-=- (252) Treecko Grovyle Sceptile # # (257) # Mudkip # Swampert # (262) # Zigzagoon # # # (267) # # # # # (272) # # # # # (277) # # # # # (282) # # # # # (287) # # # # # (292) # # # # # (297) # # Nosepass # Delcatty (302) # Mawile # # # (307) # # # # # (312) # # # # # (317) # # Sharpedo # # (322) # # # # # (327) # Trapinch # Flygon # (332) # # Altaria # # (337) # # # # # (342) # # # # # (347) # # # # # (352) # # # # # (357) Tropius # # # # (362) # # # # # (367) # # Relicanth # # (372) # # # # # (377) # # # # # (382) # Groudon Rayquaza # # -=-=Sinnoh=-=- (387) Turtwig Grotle Torterra Chimchar Monferno (392) Infernape Piplup Prinplup Empoleon Starly (397) Staravia Staraptor Bidoof Bibarel Kricketot (402) Kricketune Shinx Luxio Luxray Budew (407) Roserade # # # # (412) # # # # Vespiquen (417) # # # # # (422) # # # Drifloon Drifblim (427) # # # # # (432) # # # # # (437) # # # # # (442) Spiritomb Gible Gabite Garchomp # (447) Riolu Lucario # # # (452) # # # # Finneon (457) Lumineon # # # # (462) # # # # # (467) # # # # # (472) # # Porygon-Z # # (477) # # # # # (482) # Dialga Palkia # # (487) # # # # # (492) Shaymin Arceus -=-=Unova=-=- (494) Victini Snivy Servine Serperior Tepig (499) Pignite Emboar Oshawott Dewott Samurott (504) # # # # # (509) # # # # # (514) # # # # # (519) # # # # # (524) # # # # # (529) # # Audino # # (534) # # # # # (539) # # # Leavanny # (544) # # # # # (549) # # # # # (554) # Darmanitan # # # (559) # # # Yamask Cofagrigus (564) # # # Archeops Trubbish (569) Garbodor # # # # (574) # # # # # (579) # # # # # (584) # # # # # (589) # # # # # (594) # Joltik Galvantula # # (599) # # # # # (604) # # Beheeyem # # (609) # # # Haxorus # (614) # # # # # (619) # # Druddigon # # (624) # # Bouffalant # # (629) # # # # # (634) # # # Volcarona # (639) # # Tornadus # Reshiram (644) # # # # # (649) Genesect -=-=Kalos=-=- (650) Chespin Quilladin Chesnaught Fennekin Braixen (655) Delphox # Frogadier Greninja # (660) # # # # # (665) # Vivillon # # # (670) Floette # # # # (675) # # # # # (680) # # # # # (685) # # # # # (690) # # # Clawitzer # (695) # # # # # (700) Sylveon Hawlucha # # # (705) # # Klefki # # (710) # Gourgeist # # Noibat (715) Noivern Xerneas Yveltal Zygarde Diancie (720) Hoopa Volcanion |
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