Good day! Please, enter my shop

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Good day! Please, enter my shop
Good day! Please, enter my shop
My it's hot outside. Have some water on the house, and we can discuss business.

I have no wares to peddle, no goods to flog. Instead, I am a purveyor of information. Can I interest you in a message? A large number? A picture of a dog?
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
Okay, I'm in your shop now. I think I'll browse your information a bit longer before deciding on a purchase.
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
Your air conditioning is nice.
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
can I get a picture of a dog wearing a picture of a dog.
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
i would like the dog picture
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
I'm looking for small, artisanal numbers.
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
Ah, but do you have a picture of a frog?
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
(08-24-2018, 10:26 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »i would like the dog picture

Ah, a fine choice. Let me just spin up the information machine.

0000000 6f64 2e67 6e70 0a67                    

0000000 5089 474e 0a0d 0a1a 0000 0d00 4849 5244
0000010 0000 1e00 0000 1e00 0608 0000 3b00 ae30
0000020 00a2 0000 6206 474b 0044 00ff 00ff a0ff
0000030 a7bd 0093 0000 7009 5948 0073 0b00 0013
0000040 0b00 0113 9a00 189c 0000 0700 4974 454d
0000050 e207 1808 1b0b d22d 5c39 0096 0000 7419
0000060 5845 4374 6d6f 656d 746e 4300 6572 7461
0000070 6465 7720 7469 2068 4947 504d 8157 170e
0000080 0000 2d0a 4449 5441 c748 944d 8c69 f75d
0000090 c541 ff7f dee5 eefb e65b 99bd 2cf1 666f
00000a0 8cbc d8ed 6389 024f 4c4e 9b4c c684 d46d
00000b0 2208 848a 2900 a148 04a9 0448 a105 1022
00000c0 52a5 80f8 4054 202a 4021 02b4 a94a ea1a
00000d0 3448 0125 e812 9346 b890 1bb1 de3b b197
00000e0 b3c7 c67a f79e 2de6 ddf7 bfe5 c1f0 e20a
00000f0 e748 f9c3 8e74 8e74 f88e 2bfa 7b2f 53ef
0000100 748a 2c8d c159 9b66 9758 e453 6919 45da
0000110 d163 605a a0ac 16b0 2c63 2659 d728 1076
0000120 ab96 9508 4411 ad16 ce2c bc5b 3c07 e318
0000130 75e8 d213 473c c569 70f0 7295 82b9 9e75
0000140 b73c 9368 63ad 0e8b 68b6 f2e3 ce1e 58e5
0000150 909b 19a6 9efd 8a41 929c 38d6 9907 49c9
0000160 4333 0461 af42 c3a3 3082 100c 5140 58e4
0000170 2397 4095 850a 0531 17ce 6964 020e 52e2
0000180 d284 0039 59ce 9674 e32c 00cc c1ac 8b19
0000190 3975 18ce 614c 6419 5919 329a 8714 4184
00001a0 9140 fa5b 833d 240a 5a42 ef9c e792 e90a
00001b0 5ac0 5643 3814 420b 4c78 c8ee 4f73 5996
00001c0 3004 7248 5294 00a8 079c e83d 51ae 09e4
00001d0 0052 8c58 7149 e3ce 45bc 8708 8ef3 2f2c
00001e0 1ad0 f5bc 5318 6950 72cc ee70 6609 1e77
00001f0 6946 9643 24a7 2d83 cdae c07f d2fc b065
0000200 f22d 60ac 2830 0bc8 0e87 8324 453c 8ea5
0000210 8910 1252 a32d d8fd 8362 bf34 9143 c6de
0000220 2915 1842 f4bc 4294 1449 e084 c63c 9c18
0000230 4c37 7cef cf90 c1ff 223f 0004 0f78 4042
0000240 7851 3c8e b3f8 2520 ffc7 4bf5 cffc 2f89
0000250 0a63 c181 64e3 2140 0a32 da0f 840b e8b7
0000260 bb3d 4a3f dba7 dda1 a0dd 59dd b5a2 8671
0000270 75a4 6f1d e232 a428 6b14 9e10 d24e c765
0000280 a3ec ff3c 5fc2 6452 4129 c254 875a 1294
0000290 a0ef 6add 6ed1 d1b5 f3d2 e3d4 ccbf 4bb9
00002a0 b2ef fcb8 a443 b00e 7819 121f 0e46 1d21
00002b0 8348 7938 aafa f2cf 2c9c e9cf 3d27 efd6
00002c0 b32c 7cbc 9599 279b 8331 e215 b010 639e
00002d0 fe4f 9f06 ec7c 21a7 410c 3a69 37ab 8608
00002e0 51b6 8c69 f692 5cda 773b d196 f75d 59d2
00002f0 a05d 2170 23c3 fc23 d7f5 c0bf 4bc5 a36f
0000300 cd43 4cd4 c999 1089 1a15 cb9c 4a90 2a29
0000310 32e5 f523 cd06 2689 edf7 e39d 8791 c93e
0000320 9fd1 0cfc 66db c23f 1bc0 fa9e 67d4 f8f9
0000330 63d1 c5e4 ac80 e1d7 f5d6 fc2b 6fde 3eff
0000340 0291 15ad de17 01f9 3ccf abf3 f5bc 6bc6
0000350 c914 5216 b60a e756 f5f9 f85f f72c 7eed
0000360 d302 c909 8d13 1ef3 0d29 e7de 1f88 307d
0000370 85ef 0810 9021 f252 7a21 9f49 0b6b 3957
0000380 e679 7c4b 37ee 42bf 5fd8 5747 6846 5edf
0000390 6863 826c d0ca 4b30 bab7 ef08 0308 a0c9
00003a0 ceb5 d6e6 441d 9196 4d3a 1364 84b4 1ab6
00003b0 0fe2 ff3f 3b02 8df6 6bb2 9d7f 2d4a a700
00003c0 de91 fe7b 013f 94a4 cb54 c615 2646 e208
00003d0 1c6d d6ff 0917 c32b 9778 a4a3 2820 b9d7
00003e0 6978 279e ff1f 8e29 743e 1b94 370b e6e9
00003f0 5a96 0c63 c684 1d65 9e3c 3eb0 a9cc 67d3
0000400 85f1 5867 30ce 3e53 4cc2 31f5 8cf6 431c
0000410 e73a eef1 6343 2ffe 9480 6a92 caa5 c4cc
0000420 7947 d4f7 f8b7 89f6 12ef 2184 2b9b 14f3
0000430 4645 c514 6e6c 22ac a385 4ddb 4e30 cfd0
0000440 ce72 f89c 9c4f 14f7 e0b6 ff1b 5ff6 fdfc
0000450 bcdf 1048 b649 4c8d 5230 629f 6d5b e186
0000460 24da 9fba 4866 5021 214a 41a5 7949 4b57
0000470 5289 ed8a 7be3 3db9 0cfb 3bdf 26f9 3e8f
0000480 31fc d63a b2b1 8d78 ad4a dcc9 3ffd 4206
0000490 b9b3 41b9 7492 9858 813f 2fef 5523 d7c0
00004a0 7d5e 0b95 fdff 3306 31b5 e5ca 3898 518e
00004b0 234a 46a5 8908 74ee 28fa b929 33db 0478
00004c0 c3f2 05be 6144 aecc fbe9 7539 9d61 3733
00004d0 732e e0f0 b423 36b7 fab8 09de 523e 419f
00004e0 90cb de0f 9d78 be6f 3df9 e4fe 7f8f 6317
00004f0 5066 11b5 5d9c f0e6 32ee c363 229a 898c
0000500 02cb c784 8779 1a96 babd cab9 a964 214b
0000510 7a22 8045 1e03 303a 4007 0a5c f2c9 a982
0000520 21c9 cd9a a190 8d6a 14a0 f613 8714 fc1f
0000530 0e09 b73c e71d 5f3c ed7d fc1b 0bce 31cf
0000540 1f5c b0a3 cc86 e658 fd76 e30b 2287 c8e2
0000550 f853 462a 618d 0c91 28ec d5d2 c3d0 97d5
0000560 7639 abe0 acac d24d eea8 bca1 6ffd ca09
0000570 20b3 3eee 1092 810e 4e67 83dc 06b3 2d6b
0000580 1861 dad1 2258 5142 a91a c0f0 ee27 ba81
0000590 d022 5e11 5446 306a 7fb2 d18a 4068 238e
00005a0 b7c9 1331 4abf b8a7 f788 183b 2188 4f64
00005b0 f8f6 d5fe 4c23 fdef ca33 df7b 0644 f0fb
00005c0 c7ad 8b71 88a3 69d5 b17c 0786 f79c e738
00005d0 cef0 74a2 6508 d6cd 9b54 f94b c269 2286
00005e0 878a 5d58 c6b9 3320 c5e4 db08 bf9a 0f85
00005f0 5642 31dd d5d6 74c3 487d 5d1c a864 40b6
0000600 7cbd dd0e ba2f 9bec 097b 6d51 69d2 659f
0000610 dc38 b522 86bf 9d61 dba5 ecd3 db88 2a94
0000620 5a0d 75dd eb46 3833 603b 75b0 6707 5640
0000630 d44b 26e3 fd66 bd36 ce7e d0d0 a838 2118
0000640 a632 9feb dbe6 6f1b 1ddc f25f 231e 29e5
0000650 5906 80ce 6a11 83aa f27c 73c0 5b5c 4738
0000660 9faf 6ed2 c4bd f3c9 417f 683e 9592 e49f
0000670 dee0 ae15 ffbe 3a29 c31d 1fa5 843c 78dc
0000680 6b16 e51c 837a fd6c 592c 0ee7 9452 dd98
0000690 16fd fb73 0aff 4be5 2908 0309 318d 9319
00006a0 a7f5 1ad9 726c 5d4f 3372 d2ab 26ce b671
00006b0 4341 41df 2736 9e7e b16e 7740 73f3 d914
00006c0 2879 c53d fc7f cbf0 dca8 fdf0 fb77 a794
00006d0 46be 7d9c 7b81 ffef 890c 45ff de48 9427
00006e0 6309 a353 6a34 2a29 a55f 5eaa 7367 6df1
00006f0 fe92 7112 b318 badc fcc2 7fe5 d9c0 fb26
0000700 e74b af49 d3cc e5ea 395c 9371 cee5 5cdb
0000710 18dc cd45 3e1e e2f1 e49d 0e2d de36 e821
0000720 cfbe e74b 706f fb68 ae4e adae a7b0 9c71
0000730 aef7 c2bf a1f6 aa59 dff2 c209 287d 9577
0000740 f57c 84d3 9f8d 8641 5863 bd3c a1ae ed9f
0000750 ae23 38ff c77b 88fe 2b8b 4a7f f1bd b63c
0000760 8d38 5792 ed79 c07a 8e9d 6c67 203c 6f4b
0000770 7253 3d1a 5834 a860 f8e1 eff3 8486 e3c5
0000780 60a8 858b cb5b c124 5625 1dbb 8c1e 2956
0000790 a697 dd90 d80b f3c1 f8e8 5210 3076 8b69
00007a0 16c2 a9e4 85c1 471f c70f f2bc 2f9d c8f2
00007b0 8d5c 6303 3887 f2b1 6c77 a777 d738 880d
00007c0 0ecb b035 4984 8dc2 c48e 874e faa8 fc91
00007d0 9ec5 0451 c5be e98e 7e35 c0e5 e322 0de1
00007e0 5f5e d94c 135b 8ecc 2826 1d7b 3c67 485a
00007f0 be5c 964e 4183 95b3 1209 24df afe9 f853
0000800 b398 d7ed 3839 229e 0b92 57b4 49d7 8954
0000810 2041 ddb9 275b 541f 95b9 ab40 4503 d16e
0000820 c5dd bc69 2459 620e 79ba c6c6 62a2 537f
0000830 f4f1 369e 70a2 f20c e902 12a1 3580 6e9e
0000840 e822 db15 8b09 8b0a 939d 3ae4 93a5 932d
0000850 619b 4d0e 33ce 37ea 16d8 ec05 f39e 2d58
0000860 99e9 958c 9a6b 13fd aa2d e081 7bf8 f982
0000870 3ef9 6c7a 4167 1954 f161 22f2 7d8f 97ec
0000880 ca68 e67f 1ee7 7680 704b 1566 3ad6 9182
0000890 20b2 3ccd d5b9 6c2c 127a 9bb5 5fb0 0ee2
00008a0 cd29 6eea b72e 538f 2577 ec8e a0dc 5a39
00008b0 4882 b080 a4a8 b685 678e 061f c12d 9ce8
00008c0 7363 538a 24d7 ddba 2259 8e36 06d4 bb9c
00008d0 32f6 3397 f5cf 19b5 da36 140b c461 c3bd
00008e0 b9b0 9869 6ba8 b396 8e90 89df 0d92 716c
00008f0 cd83 2cfc e4bd fb0a 4b6a 4554 a944 e01c
0000900 0835 e7c0 35e0 5ac4 7a11 9687 5106 3855
0000910 382f 6e30 f150 7aa8 7c71 13da 0e46 051d
0000920 3548 cdc6 16d6 5bda 32b6 ee43 8b05 1a6b
0000930 8faa eb92 8c31 86dc 9ef5 8a38 e5e9 6786
0000940 b81f 0ecc 601f 619c 03a5 ed55 1ed1 7dda
0000950 af4b 7d0f 4963 12b3 7edd 7741 a700 382e
0000960 74ce e8ab 98da 4740 919a 7ef8 9336 64f3
0000970 36f6 39ca 504c 2c27 b45a 0ab3 53c3 363d
0000980 4ddd 9886 11a0 87df 8610 afc2 8b10 5f32
0000990 6779 c088 f856 d2d1 662d 0447 ec4f 5c97
00009a0 2d5a d6b1 d587 063b 3413 e7e9 2265 a259
00009b0 2e2c 6bb1 a338 3321 f6f4 865d d3fd 734f
00009c0 e6eb f255 9254 8ee5 0d6d 9ecb 87bd b5b9
00009d0 1dfc c688 c528 4a3d 4451 ec1c 7461 8274
00009e0 7ba4 5b1b 8834 80f4 f8ca 44c3 724a a96f
00009f0 7acd f3cb a74f 4967 14c4 a5c2 caa4 dce3
0000a00 d526 49a8 4710 0560 1b4b a382 4e3b a521
0000a10 a218 779f 7149 ddec 34fd a3d3 4ca3 4c8f
0000a20 7452 8837 43e3 7494 468b 8c69 754a 710f
0000a30 a039 dc9b 56a2 898b 4d43 d61c f4e8 a91c
0000a40 0989 90c3 d189 fa59 176a b88d d68c 2893
0000a50 a755 769f b9e9 685b d115 4df1 d39a 84c3
0000a60 8965 ebae 5a71 099b e6cd 0c23 8bc9 bbdc
0000a70 caa3 b050 e640 d653 bdf2 fc74 322c 3854
0000a80 89b3 2608 b251 7776 943d 8289 812e 9894
0000a90 20dc 41c4 b5ea 0090 8f18 3704 2ab2 955a
0000aa0 a289 643d 12c5 404e 32bd 56cd 927e f804
0000ab0 335f 3e2b 1c2b e248 00f6 0000 4900 4e45
0000ac0 ae44 6042 0082                        

[Image: scroll0015.jpg]

Your dog picture, my friend. Very well rendered, if I do say so myself.

(08-24-2018, 10:29 AM)Schazer Wrote: »I'm looking for small, artisanal numbers.

Hm, let me see what I have on file.

0000000 6965 6867 2e74 6e70 0a67              

0000000 5089 474e 0a0d 0a1a 0000 0d00 4849 5244
0000010 0000 c800 0000 c800 0208 0000 2200 393a
0000020 00c9 0000 7009 5948 0073 0b00 0013 0b00
0000030 0113 9a00 189c 0000 0700 4974 454d e207
0000040 1808 300b 1212 8c2f 00c2 0000 7419 5845
0000050 4374 6d6f 656d 746e 4300 6572 7461 6465
0000060 7720 7469 2068 4947 504d 8157 170e 0000
0000070 fe02 4449 5441 da78 dded 4ad1 3103 8510
0000080 5761 ff7c 5e57 042f 5a11 c361 926e ce49
0000090 5ff7 1089 9b58 e99f 619c 8f6c 3cf3 803f
00000a0 f9a7 12f4 5880 1620 0588 0b10 02c4 00b1
00000b0 8162 2058 4016 102c c40b 8802 6205 5881
00000c0 b100 2c40 0b10 1620 0588 0162 02c4 40b1
00000d0 e02c 5f0e 7fe1 71ff bf1c ff3f 53fc ebf8
00000e0 7a6f 559c 00b1 ab15 56bd adfd 572b 737e
00000f0 acff 058a 0b10 42c4 a744 1e11 a45e cd42
0000100 f3fb d50e 4b3f 55ac bd79 ebe9 7f77 2ce7
0000110 52b1 0b26 ced5 de6a 6201 5881 6e30 0a90
0000120 42a5 0b15 a152 a854 0162 02c4 20b1 4a15
0000130 5285 5ee1 fbcd 0dac 9b05 e911 f0a9 6dfe
0000140 3acd ac4b 73ba 1e84 eb7b e5f6 ef35 1620
0000150 0588 3fec 906e 350a cfef 343b 6ce6 33da
0000160 371b 7fbc c7c5 adec 97db 41df 15ac 0cb7
0000170 3792 3423 20ef 8816 e305 9586 467a 50a9
0000180 42c5 5234 67a1 b156 ade0 c410 a402 a942
0000190 f350 f13e eae6 87df 86ed ac5a 7bb8 b99e
00001a0 9f2f f3bb 99ee ef35 1620 2c40 3718 8548
00001b0 f79a f7b1 e631 da6c a733 c2a7 5eff faf1
00001c0 6077 7de7 c9a5 8f42 69b3 accf 0779 40b1
00001d0 202c dc71 1520 58aa 4688 f42a 2acc bc16
00001e0 8215 8058 2854 6a15 27de 9cde f44f 5623
00001f0 761b 89de 6555 e106 de73 ef35 0a90 6201
0000200 b8c1 2a41 0a94 f7d7 feaf 1559 588b cac4
0000210 58ab c5be f35e 620e c401 e682 f35d 62ae
0000220 5201 54a1 62a8 5881 b100 1520 854a f79a
0000230 c67a 6ed8 d620 6638 9eed 54e7 7da9 b2c4
0000240 aef3 8779 0854 0b10 0dc6 a152 b854 438e
0000250 ce63 3da6 71b3 fbc3 fc57 1dfa 78ac 5896
0000260 27a3 3d0b a6ce b33d 1de6 02c4 80b1 71c4
0000270 5483 62a8 1a21 d0a9 ab33 f058 0856 0162
0000280 a152 a854 9f79 7378 c5be 589e f86d 779c
0000290 5562 4199 4b54 76e9 01de 8162 3058 906e
00002a0 3d0a 4673 6ef3 458e 99ac be79 1dfe 79d8
00002b0 695f d0b2 6ce3 33da de6b 2c41 0b10 1c48
00002c0 4837 2a85 a216 0a91 b33d 058a 856f 1620
00002d0 1520 854a f79a 3789 13e7 88fd 86d5 779d
00002e0 5562 4199 9cf8 cd77 a43b 8042 3058 906e
00002f0 a50a f5c2 abfd 567f 22c5 b116 2af2 6f96
0000300 d7b1 83bc 0058 a0b1 d779 abbc 8058 2854
0000310 aa15 2058 4016 482c 5285 e6a1 2f7d 6cdb
0000320 1028 8dab bb59 99e7 e586 2c56 eb7b 779a
0000330 0b10 1620 1b8c 42a4 0b15 b150 62a0 5881
0000340 9620 0097 02c4 40b1 802c 2058 8816 1005
0000350 c40b b102 6200 5881 1620 2c40 0b10 02c4
0000360 0588 8162 0058 40b1 102c 200b 2a16 0df2
0000370 2d29 3705 bc9a a259 0000 0000 4549 444e
0000380 42ae 8260                              

[Image: Gg3Jun7.png]

Ah yes, this is a number of my own devising. I dabble occasionally in self-similar information.

(08-24-2018, 10:54 AM)Myeth Wrote: »Ah, but do you have a picture of a frog?

This is a legitimate establishment! We do not stock such contraband. Please, make no mention again, I could be shut down by the authorities!
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
(08-24-2018, 05:51 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »can I get a picture of a dog wearing a picture of a dog.

Hm, this does not ring a bell. Let me check the information machine.

0000000 6168 6b77 742e 7478 000a              

0000000 7468 7074 2f3a 652f 6761 656c 742d 6d69
0000010 2e65 6f63 2f6d 6873 776f 6874 6572 6461
0000020 702e 7068 743f 6469 313d 3630 0a32    

Well, it seems this information does not exist. I can put you on back order, if you wish to wait for the information to be sought out or created.
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
(08-24-2018, 12:46 PM)Joe Starman Wrote: »come around back at midnight, i'm sure an... arrangement can be made

RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
(08-24-2018, 02:54 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Duckreport

(You return to the shop, only to find it abandoned. The shopkeeper and the information machine have vanished without a trace. A cold glass of water stands alone on a table.)
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
thank you
RE: Good day! Please, enter my shop
i drink the water