Marty the Party Cat completely ruins the power-scaling of Gabby's Dollhouse.
09-16-2024, 03:15 AM
Title says it all folks.
Look, I know it's not an uncommon opinion to be miffed at the addition of Marty the Party cat to the Dreamworks' Netflix original series Gabby's Dollhouse Season 10.
Has Gabby jumped the cat-shark? Yes. Obviously. But that's not the issue here.
Sure, Marty is an unwelcome addition to a cat-cast of meow-members who were all themed around some sort of creative endeavor. (Cat Rat and Pandy notwithstanding). I mean, you have cooking, science, storytelling, music, gardening, crafting, exercise, and now...I guess Partying??? Immediately Marty is not looking like a great role model for young aspiring STEAM centric creatives, but sure let's throw in a PARTY CAT.
No, even that obvious clash to an otherwise cathesive show, isn't my greatest gripe about Marty.
Marty's addition to the dollhouse completely ruins the established powerscaling hierarchy present in Gabby's Dollhouse.
To understand, we have to look at the existing powerscaling debates: Which Gabby Cat would come out on top if entered into some grandbattle esque tournament?
Obviously last place would be Pandy - He's the generic every-cat and while he does apparently have a bag of holding, he hasn't demonstrated the creativity needed to use it to its full potential. Not to mention his awful stealth score - Every "hug attack" can be seen coming from a mile away. No Pandy is easily the last place cattender in the dollhouse. F tier.
Close to Pandy is Cakey. While Cakey can generate sprinkles on command, they lack the projectile force to make him a true threat. Not to mention his body is mostly frosting?? However, Cakey does have access to and skill with a variety of kitchen tools, but hasn't been seen using anything that could constitute a danger to the other in-cat-habitants. Also F tier.
Entering D tier we have BabyBox. This animated on 6's cardboard box cat has shown some versatility and is the only gabby cat to have access to a blade like weapon (safety scissors) and copious amounts of glue and glitter. But as we'll see, cat-ventional weaponry will not be the deciding factor in our claws-out throwdown. D tier.
Rounding out D tier, we have Gabby. Yes, the titular dollhouse owner doesn't even make it halfway up the roster. Don't get me wrong. Base-Form Gabby is a BEAST. She's larger, faster, stronger and unaffected by any of the other Gabbycast's magical effects - but once it's "Time to get Tiny" Gabby trades off her human stature and strength for the ability to interact with her cat friends more directly (huge mistake) and the only perk she has in her Tiny form is the ability to change her hair color, a purrley cosmetic effect.
Now, Gabby *might* be able to leave her tiny form at will - which would obviously meow-tapult her to S tier, but in over 10 seasons, she has not once demonstrated the required action to leave the dollhouse. We get to see the "Gabbycat of the day" and then she's just...back in Base-Form. It seems like the ability to end Tiny-Time is dependent on completing whatever the task of the day is. If the task of the day is: battle to the death, Tiny-Form Gabby has no chance. D tier.
*Honorable mention to Floyd. Being a real actual cat, there doesn't seem to be anything to stop him from destroying the entire dollhouse, but also there's nothing binding him to participate in the battle royale.* Floyd tier.
Now on to C tier. You guessed it, C stands for Cat Rat. This big-headed blue
shole certainly has the cattitude required to take out every member of the dollhouse crew, and his ability to slip in and out of small openings with ease does make him the most nimble cat-tender in the lineup, but even he admits that his powers are due to his "beautiful deli(cat)e bones" which is not the type of physiology you want to bring to a free-for-all. He won't be the first to go out, but he also won't be the last cat standing.
C also stands for CAR. Carlita has the opposite issue of CatRat, she's a litter-al powerhouse, but her bulky inflexible build means it'll be hard for her to build up the momentum required to override the cat-paw-tition. She's slightly higher on the powerscale than CatRat, primarily because of how friendly the smooth interiors of the dollhouse are to her mobility. But even in difficat terrain, Carlita has shown remarkable physical powress, even beating Gabby and Pandy in a VERTICAL ROCK WALL CLIMB. However, she's stuck at C tier...mainly because two other dollhouse members can just fly.
In B tier, we have...OH CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT PILLOWCAT. F tier. Double F tier. Pillowcat's whole deal is being a sleepy pillow. Literally the worst thing to be in a house entirely filled with cats. Now pillowcat does have immediate access to the dressup closet, which itself might be sentient? But unless there's a Gabby-Cat Mech suit in there, I don't see Pillowcat rolling out of this one.
Alright, B tier. It's Kitty Fairy. I actually don't know what "Garden Magic" en-tails? But there's clearly some kind of plant-affinity. She's given plants the ability to speak, and is only one ecoterrorist youtube-binge away from being a full fledged Poison Ivy. The ambiguity of her powers, plus her flight and small form factor carves out her place in B tier. (Oh also maybe she has access to kitty-bees).
A tier: DJ Catnip. His physiology is terrifying. A fully prehensile tail, bioluminescent limbs, all of which are completely retractible and we have yet to see how far they can extend. He also has access to the most high paw-powered equipment out of the GabbyCats (although it is all completely music based). It is unclear if he also has magical abilities, considering how important song is to the GabbyCat's routine if he is able to manipawlate "music magic" in any way he could seriously disrupt the rest of the dollhouse crew. It is also very unclear what is relationship is with narclawtics. The entire mysterious and somewhat eldrtich nature of this GabbyCat puts him here at the top.
S tier: Now I know that others out there have disagreed, with this top ranking, but others are WRONG and should feel bad about their life-choices. Mercat, paws down, is the most powerful GabbyCat of the bunch. First off- she can fly, but also breathe underwater indefinitely. She styles herself a "Spa-scientist", but aside from color mixing I have seen very little actual science take place in her bathroom. I'm convinced her concoctions of potions and gems are the result of an intimate knowledge of spa-sorcery. Now, I know that any sufficiently advanced spa-science will seem like spa-magic to the uninitiated. But we KNOW that the dollhouse has ACTUAL MAGIC and Mercat has demonstrated the most pawmazing abilities out of all of the GabbyCats. Shrink someone down to the size of a soap bubble? Done. Instant teleport to Merlantis? Easy. Fully change the morphology of another GabbyCat against their will? Just a normal day in the Gabby Dollhouse bathroom. Mercat destroys the rest of the dollhouse.
So that's the power scale for Gabby'sDollhouse, clear, understandable, defensible.
This pom-pom sparkle-tailed garfield has the MOST INSANE ABILITY to "Create ANY PARTY you want."
Do you hear that? ANY. PARTY. YOU. WANT.
Now, the creators Gabby's Dollhouse would say "Well he only has that ability in the new 'Party Room'. He's balanced. "
No. No he is not.
First off, "The Party Room"??? There was no "PARTY" room in the dollhouse. For 9 seasons we had no party room. And Marty just appears and mysteriously the top half of the dollhouse is now "Party Room". That's a 1/4 of the entire dollhouse! What is stopping Marty from expanding the party room? They've had EVERY ROOM in the dollhouse. The entire place is LOADED with party energy, nothing is stopping Marty from using his powers uncattrollably.
Also, physically, he has the same retractable limb situation that DJ Catnip has - and ALSO apparently the ability to just float people out of the dollhouse? (His Marty Party song is unclear on this effect).
Psychologically, he has the same core narcatcissistic tendencies as Cat Rat. His entire "GabbyCat of the Day" song is centered around having a "Marty Party". Unlike the other gabby cats (except catrat) that use their song to encourage others to create crafts or food, or that it's okay to make mistakes, his entire moral is that you should have more of him.
Sure, maybe he knocks Mercat out of S tier...except, the first time we see his powers, it's not Marty controlling them. It's CatRat with Marty's Party Tail. Marty's Tail (which, remeowber can create "ANY PARTY" you want) is an equipable item!
Now the entire tier list comes down to "Who gets the Party Tail?" Maybe Marty gets it. OR Maybe Pandy hug attacks it into his bag of holding and becomes the ALL-PAWERFUL PARTY PANDY! Maybe Carlita gets it and now were having a highway party in Meowtana which has NO speed limit. Maybe a random hamsterkitty snags it and we are just playthings in its cosmic hamsterkitty party void.
It's like the creators of the show don't understand the delicate balance they had their characters placed in for NINE seasons. It's unexplainable.
Marty the Party Cat came to my town in real life and I did not allow my loved ones to visit him.
Look, I know it's not an uncommon opinion to be miffed at the addition of Marty the Party cat to the Dreamworks' Netflix original series Gabby's Dollhouse Season 10.
Has Gabby jumped the cat-shark? Yes. Obviously. But that's not the issue here.
Sure, Marty is an unwelcome addition to a cat-cast of meow-members who were all themed around some sort of creative endeavor. (Cat Rat and Pandy notwithstanding). I mean, you have cooking, science, storytelling, music, gardening, crafting, exercise, and now...I guess Partying??? Immediately Marty is not looking like a great role model for young aspiring STEAM centric creatives, but sure let's throw in a PARTY CAT.
No, even that obvious clash to an otherwise cathesive show, isn't my greatest gripe about Marty.
Marty's addition to the dollhouse completely ruins the established powerscaling hierarchy present in Gabby's Dollhouse.
To understand, we have to look at the existing powerscaling debates: Which Gabby Cat would come out on top if entered into some grandbattle esque tournament?
Obviously last place would be Pandy - He's the generic every-cat and while he does apparently have a bag of holding, he hasn't demonstrated the creativity needed to use it to its full potential. Not to mention his awful stealth score - Every "hug attack" can be seen coming from a mile away. No Pandy is easily the last place cattender in the dollhouse. F tier.
Close to Pandy is Cakey. While Cakey can generate sprinkles on command, they lack the projectile force to make him a true threat. Not to mention his body is mostly frosting?? However, Cakey does have access to and skill with a variety of kitchen tools, but hasn't been seen using anything that could constitute a danger to the other in-cat-habitants. Also F tier.
Entering D tier we have BabyBox. This animated on 6's cardboard box cat has shown some versatility and is the only gabby cat to have access to a blade like weapon (safety scissors) and copious amounts of glue and glitter. But as we'll see, cat-ventional weaponry will not be the deciding factor in our claws-out throwdown. D tier.
Rounding out D tier, we have Gabby. Yes, the titular dollhouse owner doesn't even make it halfway up the roster. Don't get me wrong. Base-Form Gabby is a BEAST. She's larger, faster, stronger and unaffected by any of the other Gabbycast's magical effects - but once it's "Time to get Tiny" Gabby trades off her human stature and strength for the ability to interact with her cat friends more directly (huge mistake) and the only perk she has in her Tiny form is the ability to change her hair color, a purrley cosmetic effect.
Now, Gabby *might* be able to leave her tiny form at will - which would obviously meow-tapult her to S tier, but in over 10 seasons, she has not once demonstrated the required action to leave the dollhouse. We get to see the "Gabbycat of the day" and then she's just...back in Base-Form. It seems like the ability to end Tiny-Time is dependent on completing whatever the task of the day is. If the task of the day is: battle to the death, Tiny-Form Gabby has no chance. D tier.
*Honorable mention to Floyd. Being a real actual cat, there doesn't seem to be anything to stop him from destroying the entire dollhouse, but also there's nothing binding him to participate in the battle royale.* Floyd tier.
Now on to C tier. You guessed it, C stands for Cat Rat. This big-headed blue

C also stands for CAR. Carlita has the opposite issue of CatRat, she's a litter-al powerhouse, but her bulky inflexible build means it'll be hard for her to build up the momentum required to override the cat-paw-tition. She's slightly higher on the powerscale than CatRat, primarily because of how friendly the smooth interiors of the dollhouse are to her mobility. But even in difficat terrain, Carlita has shown remarkable physical powress, even beating Gabby and Pandy in a VERTICAL ROCK WALL CLIMB. However, she's stuck at C tier...mainly because two other dollhouse members can just fly.
In B tier, we have...OH CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT PILLOWCAT. F tier. Double F tier. Pillowcat's whole deal is being a sleepy pillow. Literally the worst thing to be in a house entirely filled with cats. Now pillowcat does have immediate access to the dressup closet, which itself might be sentient? But unless there's a Gabby-Cat Mech suit in there, I don't see Pillowcat rolling out of this one.
Alright, B tier. It's Kitty Fairy. I actually don't know what "Garden Magic" en-tails? But there's clearly some kind of plant-affinity. She's given plants the ability to speak, and is only one ecoterrorist youtube-binge away from being a full fledged Poison Ivy. The ambiguity of her powers, plus her flight and small form factor carves out her place in B tier. (Oh also maybe she has access to kitty-bees).
A tier: DJ Catnip. His physiology is terrifying. A fully prehensile tail, bioluminescent limbs, all of which are completely retractible and we have yet to see how far they can extend. He also has access to the most high paw-powered equipment out of the GabbyCats (although it is all completely music based). It is unclear if he also has magical abilities, considering how important song is to the GabbyCat's routine if he is able to manipawlate "music magic" in any way he could seriously disrupt the rest of the dollhouse crew. It is also very unclear what is relationship is with narclawtics. The entire mysterious and somewhat eldrtich nature of this GabbyCat puts him here at the top.
S tier: Now I know that others out there have disagreed, with this top ranking, but others are WRONG and should feel bad about their life-choices. Mercat, paws down, is the most powerful GabbyCat of the bunch. First off- she can fly, but also breathe underwater indefinitely. She styles herself a "Spa-scientist", but aside from color mixing I have seen very little actual science take place in her bathroom. I'm convinced her concoctions of potions and gems are the result of an intimate knowledge of spa-sorcery. Now, I know that any sufficiently advanced spa-science will seem like spa-magic to the uninitiated. But we KNOW that the dollhouse has ACTUAL MAGIC and Mercat has demonstrated the most pawmazing abilities out of all of the GabbyCats. Shrink someone down to the size of a soap bubble? Done. Instant teleport to Merlantis? Easy. Fully change the morphology of another GabbyCat against their will? Just a normal day in the Gabby Dollhouse bathroom. Mercat destroys the rest of the dollhouse.
So that's the power scale for Gabby'sDollhouse, clear, understandable, defensible.
This pom-pom sparkle-tailed garfield has the MOST INSANE ABILITY to "Create ANY PARTY you want."
Do you hear that? ANY. PARTY. YOU. WANT.
Now, the creators Gabby's Dollhouse would say "Well he only has that ability in the new 'Party Room'. He's balanced. "
No. No he is not.
First off, "The Party Room"??? There was no "PARTY" room in the dollhouse. For 9 seasons we had no party room. And Marty just appears and mysteriously the top half of the dollhouse is now "Party Room". That's a 1/4 of the entire dollhouse! What is stopping Marty from expanding the party room? They've had EVERY ROOM in the dollhouse. The entire place is LOADED with party energy, nothing is stopping Marty from using his powers uncattrollably.
Also, physically, he has the same retractable limb situation that DJ Catnip has - and ALSO apparently the ability to just float people out of the dollhouse? (His Marty Party song is unclear on this effect).
Psychologically, he has the same core narcatcissistic tendencies as Cat Rat. His entire "GabbyCat of the Day" song is centered around having a "Marty Party". Unlike the other gabby cats (except catrat) that use their song to encourage others to create crafts or food, or that it's okay to make mistakes, his entire moral is that you should have more of him.
Sure, maybe he knocks Mercat out of S tier...except, the first time we see his powers, it's not Marty controlling them. It's CatRat with Marty's Party Tail. Marty's Tail (which, remeowber can create "ANY PARTY" you want) is an equipable item!
Now the entire tier list comes down to "Who gets the Party Tail?" Maybe Marty gets it. OR Maybe Pandy hug attacks it into his bag of holding and becomes the ALL-PAWERFUL PARTY PANDY! Maybe Carlita gets it and now were having a highway party in Meowtana which has NO speed limit. Maybe a random hamsterkitty snags it and we are just playthings in its cosmic hamsterkitty party void.
It's like the creators of the show don't understand the delicate balance they had their characters placed in for NINE seasons. It's unexplainable.
Marty the Party Cat came to my town in real life and I did not allow my loved ones to visit him.