
RE: Counter-Productive
Later today, let's purchase some supplies, including some accelerate runes ... Some of which should be kept for use on the Luck Pastry. I'm sure that makes it more illegal, but if we can go from 2 luck to actually-good luck, rather than 2 to 12, it might be able to increase the odds of survival should someone figure out that we have it.

Let's also put up a sign advertising that we do crafting to-order.

How's the MP on the new kid? They know any good recipes? Offer rewards for them. can we purchase recipes from somewhere?
RE: Counter-Productive
>Let's get to know eachother! My name's Pip, my main talents are crafting things, and hiding illegal goods. I love shrimp more than anything in the world.

>Once introductions are done, show the kid around. 2 things off limits: The Fridge (That's OUR shrimp) and the safe. It's not that we don't trust you, we just can't have anyone outside the family knowing the safe code.
RE: Counter-Productive
(06-24-2019, 02:12 AM)Numbers Wrote: »Yeah! That's perfectly fine, he looks pretty chill.

Yeah! That's perfectly fine, he looks pretty chill.

[Image: ddanvlt-91300286-8124-4b37-85bc-92218d8a...KFH1SYxRRA]

"Oh, of course! That would be a great help!"
"I'll leave you to get him settled in then. Be safe!"


[Image: ddanvm7-1e38fcdd-49be-4141-b085-8e6e64ef...HpVlC9kvIU]

The owner leaves.

"So, you wanted to volunteer here?"
"Well, more like I got volunteered, but whatever. I can work full-time if you need me to."
"What can you do?"
"I don't have a high MP, so I won't be much help with crafting, but I can work the register. I can also fight if I have to, but I'll need a weapon."


[Image: ddanvn0-9c921386-3ec3-4cf3-81b1-9471f8ff...R0nCmazTNI]

RE: Counter-Productive
Name is Eggs

Favorite food is fried cauliflower with BBQ sauce

Favorite Thing is those glass sculptures with layers of colored sand in them

Favorite color is that eye searing yellow

Favorite Activity is aquatic sportsball
~◕ w◕~
RE: Counter-Productive
Name: Python (Pip is the package installer for Python)
Alternate name: Dice (Pips are the dots on a dice)
Alternate alternate name: Tangerine, or Tanner for short. (A Pip is the seed of a tangerine)
Sadly, I've run out of things that Pips are.

Favorite food: He looks like a pizza dude
Favorite thing: He looks like a pizza dude
Favorite color: Do you SEE that hoodie? Top notch
Favorite activity: While you wasted your time with crafting, I STUDIED THE BLADE
RE: Counter-Productive
(07-02-2019, 11:27 AM)juddy555 Wrote: »Name: Python (Pip is the package installer for Python)
Alternate name: Dice (Pips are the dots on a dice)
Alternate alternate name: Tangerine, or Tanner for short. (A Pip is the seed of a tangerine)
Sadly, I've run out of things that Pips are.

Favorite food: He looks like a pizza dude
Favorite thing: He looks like a pizza dude
Favorite color: Do you SEE that hoodie? Top notch
Favorite activity: While you wasted your time with crafting, I STUDIED THE BLADE
This this this this. Except replace Python with Tangerine because Tangerine is a more plausible name.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]