Cooks and Crooks

Cooks and Crooks
Cooks and Crooks
[Image: or6my3b.png]

Your name is Shirley Sullivan, and you're incredibly hungry. You don't have a lot of ingredients left to cook with in your sorry space of a cupboard, but hey it's not like you're not made of money. In fact, you've completely run out of money which would be concerning if you weren't distracted by your stomach trying to eat itself.

[Image: lsL4jYc.png]

Seriously. You may be putting on a calm face, but you're downright starving. You're not sure if you've got the patience to cook something for long though, so whatever it is, you gotta make it quick.


I have no son.
RE: Cooks and Crooks
>Dump an onion, an egg, and the unlabeled can into a pot and cook it on the stove until it seems edible, stirring occasionally with spatula
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RE: Cooks and Crooks
>Check the eggs for freshness first.
RE: Cooks and Crooks
How deathly is the deathly soy sauce?
RE: Cooks and Crooks
>Chop up the onion and start cooking it in some spider scotch (in the clean pot of course)
RE: Cooks and Crooks
Slice onion and one chili pepper with the Knife, fry in Clean Pot.

Do your dang dishes while you wait for onions to brown.