Of Ash and Dark Places...

Of Ash and Dark Places...
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
> You get the Chair leg and grab the remaining flammable objects... how are going to do this? you can't set i on fire and trow it in, you'd have to go in the room to set on fire from there... Fuck it lets go! You run into the room with bundles of fire starting equipment and throw it at the ghouls, you manage to get one on fire before out of the TV there was a deafening screech! The device switches on to show a screen of static- within that there is a horrible face, bleeding and screaming in agony!

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You swing at the TV landing a CRITICAL HIT! you deal a devastating 16 damage attack! Pearl bounds for a nearby Sentry. Pearl slams the Sentry hitting and dealing 10 damage. The TV sputters out a disgusting curse upon you! The curse will last for two rounds- you will miss more and take damage every round until the effect is cleared, you take 3 damage. A Sentry spits acid at Pearl dealing 6 damage, another Sentry does the same dealing another 3 damage. The two ghouls in the back do nothing.

You have 7/10 HP, your condition is CURSED. Pearl is at 1/10 HP 2/2 MP (Pearl has magic powers, you can see them upon request)

Tele-Head is at 4/20 HP (blaze it) Festering Sentry 1 is at 2/12 HP
Festering Sentry 2 is at 12/12 HP Ghoul 1 is at 5/5 HP
Ghoul 2 is at 10/ HP

CHRISTMAS DETECTED- ONE GIFT GIVEN [Create a free gift of >75 ES]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You obtain a Incendiary Grenade! you throw it at the Sentries. The Grenade lands near enough to hit the Sentries and a Ghoul. Sentry 1 takes 5 damage and dies, Sentry 2 takes 6 damage, falls unconscious, and is afflicted by burn, the Ghoul takes 2 damage and is afflicted by burn. Pearl flees before the grenade goes off and has escaped to the staircase. Tele-Head lets out a screech and another Ghoul crawls out from the dust. you take 4 damage. Ghoul 1 Flees. Ghoul 2 curls up into a ball. Ghoul three stands to his feet and charges you and swings his fists, missing.

You have 3/10 HP, your Curse has been lifted. Pearl has fled

Tele-Head is at 4/20 HP (blaze it) Festering Sentry 2 is at 6/12 HP=[BRN][K.O.]
Ghoul 2 is at 10/10 HP Ghoul 3 is at 7/7 HP
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
There is no outlet. The thing turned on by it's self and is making monsters, you doubt unpluging this thing would kill it any faster
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Extemporaneous Spellcasting and Spellcrafting: Chant Spell: Fire Effect: Ignitus
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You are nearly magic impotent, nothing happens Tele-Head launches a Psionic blast at you, you manage to resist it's effects, you take 0 damage. The Festering Sentry takes 2 damage from burning. Ghoul 2 stands back up. Ghoul 3 runs up to you and attempts to bash you with his fists you take 2 damage.

You have 1/10 HP

Tele-Head is at 4/20 HP (blaze it) Festering Sentry 2 is at 4/12 HP=[BRN][K.O.]
Ghoul 2 is at 10/10 HP Ghoul 3 is at 7/7 HP
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Tactical retreat!
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You run like hell, the TV mocks you shouting "CoWARD- FOOl-You CANt Wn" as you flee.The basement is now blockaded with a sandstone-like dust Pearl is nursing it's wounds waiting for you, there is an essence orb laying next to him.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
As soon as you touch the orb the essence is absorbed into your skin granting you 10 more- you have 35 ES now. Although you didn't "Wn" you escaped so you can count that as a victory... right? Who the hell are you kidding? you got your ass kicked, you and Pearl are dying, the only reason you escaped was that Grenade that appeared in your hand. Well you think that isn't the last time you will meet that thing- next time it will die, and that will feel so FUCKING GOOD.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You go to the room you woke up in... you try to rest off your wounds. You wake up an unknown amount of time later and have healed 3 hit points, Pearl has healed 2 hit points. you have 4/10 HP, Pearl has 3/10 HP. You are well rested and cannot sleep. You are also getting kinda hungry and need something to drink.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You... You don't know where the bathroom is. You get up and look around. There are two locations you have not visited: The upstairs and there is a door across the hall from the stairwell.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Have you check the room beyond that door?
>If not, proceed upstairs.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You have not, so you go upstairs! The stairs creak as you ascend. The second floor is much dark somehow than the upper level so you ignite your lantern. This floor is coated in dust as well but this stuff is grey and hardened.