Pokemon Tabletop United

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Pokemon Tabletop United
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Spurred by vengeance, Mike swoops down and pecks... the Sandshrew covered in leech seeds.
You may ask, is it really worthwhile to faint a pokemon which was about to be fainted by Leech Seed? Mike evidently thinks so. It faints.

[Image: Fight1-37.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Noting that the Sandshrew seem to be making a break for it, Zeus scans the mind of the nearest one before attacking.
Hearing a sentiment which could be loosely translated as, "Time to get out of here!", he charitably leaves it to its business, instead teleporting next to Lucian and settling into a reclined position.

True to the forecast, the Sandshrew immediately takes its chance to burrow into the ground, escaping into the nearby warren of tunnels.
Suddenly feeling very lonely, its last remaining ally follows suit.

[Image: spewpa-2r.gif]You win![Image: spewpa-2.gif]

Battle Results:

The road is now clear for as far as you can see, apart of course for the various beaten pokemon you have left in your wake. Common trainer knowledge dictates that they'll probably come around and stagger away a little while after you leave and the coast clears, none of them are really significantly more wounded than Nando and should be ok given a couple of days to lick their wounds, and the Sandshrew are obviously quite close to home.
That's assuming nothing else chances upon them after you're gone but before they wake up, though.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Lucian throws a lazy glare Theo-wards, but his heart's not in it today. "Doesn't matter," he sighs, vertebrae popping as he stands and stretches. "I'll figure it out later."

Rather more loudly, rather more snappishly: "If this waste of time and effort and health and life is entirely concluded, we ought to get somewhere safer. You three, at least, could use some rest." The scientist's gaze sweeps across the injured, settling firmly on Nando. He growls. "And that one might use a leash."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
"I don't think he has anywhere to run along to," Ivy says, oblivious to the fact that Nando's already sauntering on down the road as she finishes cleaning off the nidoran, "at least not anywhere nearby. He said a large bird picked him up and carried him off, but dropped him in the desert here."

She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a pokeball, then holds it out in front of the Nidoran. "Do you want to go home little guy? I'm not sure how long it'll take, but we'll pass through wherever you're from sooner or later."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Not quite catching the tail-end of Lucian's muttering (more focussed as they were on the roboticist was actually doing to the Sandshrew), Theo turns at the keytar riff and reassesses the destruction.

Breathe. Stop gripping Kaddy so tight, she's trying to wriggle free. Theo's vaguely aware of some tangible difference between an ignorant indiffernece and assholish active indifference, and one tends to come with a bunch of grinning and laughing and goofing off.

Just focus on the positives. Ivy's making small talk with Nidorans, but you can tackle that load of weird later.

"Caroline." Smile goddamnit this is probably a big deal for her

"You caught a Sandshrew, nicely done."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
[Image: nidoran_m.gif]

Nidoran twitches his ears in thought, he is still channelled by Ivy and is thus aware of her good intentions.
He doesn't fancy his own chances alone on the road, and these people have shown themselves to be pretty good at protecting him (even if he still doesn't like Mike very much). They didn't have to stop and help out, after all!
After a few more moments of contemplation, he inclines his head.

Nidoran will permit himself to be captured without needing a roll, sometimes being nice pays off! If you're not a Doduo, anyway.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Caroline nods. "Yeah, thanks. I don't think any of this was really necessary, but you know what they say about clouds and silver linings."

She gestures towards Lucian. "Shame we couldn't get a friend for that guy though, huh? One of those angry birds would've been perfect for him."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
"Maybe," Theo ventures, voice neutral, "we shouldn't go round catching Pokemon to use them as punchlines." They avoid Caroline's gaze, which is pretty easy to do provided you avoid staring straight up. They mutter something noncomittal along the lines of Lucian likely mistreating whatever Pokemon you involuntarily foist upon him, because realistically, what would you expect?
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Ivy scratches the Nidoran behind his ears before zapping him into his new spherical home, while Gingham reclaims her usual perch on top of Ivy's head. After stowing her supplies in her pack again she tries to wipe some of the glitter from her hands off, and only succeeds in spreading the infection to her clothes. She sighs a little, but if Nando has any more of those bombs they were probably all doomed to be eternally sparkly sooner or later.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
[Image: nidoran_m.gif]
With the Nidoran captured (and magically appearing on Ivy's character sheet, along with another trainer experience point for capturing a pokemon) there's very little remaining here of interest apart from Caroline's Quick Ball thrown earlier, lying in the sand unharmed but unretrieved.
