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Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

"Yes, yes, getting more water would be great. How about we visit the NOT grey part of the town? It looks pleasently NotGrey to me."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor squints judgingly at Svedberg from behind her sunglasses before responding, "While I agree that any long term stay would require some more sustainability, we should probably deal with the whatever decided to summon us here first." She decides to not even go into the Inherent Badness and corruption and mentioned blackness because surely he doesn't need a reminder of how lifeless everything is, right?

Good lord she is staring judgingly.

"Resting for a bit and getting back our strength however, is a good idea for you all to do, I suppose."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Svedberg turned his head towards Cor. For an outsider viewer, he seems to be acknowledging the statement of the Current Spirit. However, Pinwheel-helmets have a tendency to mask true tendencies and in fact, the Nurse actually sticking his tongue out at Cor like a mature bioengineered weapon he is. Also, he was staring judgingly like a particular someone, but no one could tell. So mature.

"Also, I think we should go to that ridiculously tall building over there later." Svedberg points to the obnoxiously tall tower in the front. "Because it looks interesting."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

"I think..."

Kim pulls her cloak closer to cover herself even more. Cities usually meant people, which usually meant people who would probably try to kill her once they realized that they were one of her primary food sources.

"I think that we should probably be a bit discreet? I don't think we're the most friendly looking party there is. Svedburg and Eidell would probably be the best for getting things without drawing attention.

Also I don't know if we have time to get a paying job, it kind of seemed like we were supposed to hurry if we don't want to die."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Scanning the city, looking for anything moving within the walls, Eidell voices her opinion.

"Ah, yeah... I think we should head to the main building immediately. Our help was needed rather urgently, they will most likely supply us with something, if we were tasked to save this place..."

She doesn't move just yet, waiting for someone else to get moving so she can follow them.
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.


[Image: IS18-1_zps3e99f026.png]

The party makes the long and presumably exhausting (to those who don't happen to be levitating) climb down the hills toward the gate. Though its size was fairly apparent from above, only when they reach the massive wall do they fully realize its preposterous size. Who even needs a gate this big? The doors at the back look big enough to drive a small office building through.

They're probably not used for that, though.

[Image: IS19_zps9d921270.png]

There are lights of some kind in the ceiling, but there doesn't seem to be any power to them. The cavernous room appears to be as lifeless as the hills were. There's a smaller door in between the two gigantic ones, and a couple more in the left and right walls - presumably leading to some side rooms of some sort. There are also some consoles of some kind in the back, possibly related to the doors.

Character Statuses:
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

"I guess we should do the right choice... and go right."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Kim begins wandering around the cavern of an entrance. She has no idea how to use a console (and would probably just break it) so she'll just hang around until someone else can figure it out.

Damn this place is big.
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor immediately heads to the consoles because she is the one in control!
RE: Interstice
Aaaand we're back!

Everyone's on Eagle Time already, so post away.
RE: Interstice

Kim wonders why it feels like they've spent months staring at these doors. She decides to keep letting Cor take the lead and follows her.
RE: Interstice

Eidell knows a bit about machines and this door certainly looks mechanical. She wanders into the area, weapon still in hand, intending to examine the doors and consoles from a safe distance to glean some information.
RE: Interstice
RE: Interstice
After Herbert stops feeling very OTTOlike, he nods expectantly at Cor. Maybe following her would lead to riches for him!
RE: Interstice
RE: Interstice
hydras walk through doors
RE: Interstice
Kim nervously tries to point out that the doors are still closed and the hydras might only hurt themselves (and draw attention to the group which was far worse but it's not like Kim would mention that she had anything to hide hahahahaha).