[Law]: On Hiatus

[Law]: On Hiatus
RE: [Law]: Store
Could we look to see if there’s anything we could use to help with the decryption?
Just imagine something funny is here
RE: [Law]: Store
Important NoticeShow

Perhaps look for something at the store to help with decryption?

No. The only kind of thing that'd have equipment anywhere close to that wouldn't be a store. It'd be a government asset...

...you know...

...you could always report the signal to the police for suspicious activity. If it's government, they'll just ask you to stop kindly and thank you for your report, as recording suspicious activity to report is not illegal. If it is not, they will likely thank you for your report.

(Vote: Report suspicious activity? Keep shopping? Other?)
RE: [Law]: Perhaps a Report Will Work Nicely?
maybe rep0rt it and keep them p0sted whenever it changes 0r when y0u crack it?

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: Perhaps a Report Will Work Nicely?
Absolutely report it. Stop recording it after that, there's more than enough stuff recorded to crack it.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [Law]: A letter. A letter. Wonder who it's from.
Report it to the police. Stop recording. Go home and work.

They thank you for your time and ask you to stop monitoring the frequency.

You go home.

You decide to turn off the recording for now.

Work goes as expected
Your housing is still fine. You earn 175 units. There s an expense of 3 units. 2922 units.
No major news about the planet, colony, or anything else.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

...until near the end of this seventh month. There is a government seal on the letter and it is addressed to you. Open it?
RE: [Law]: A letter. A letter. Wonder who it's from.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Law]: A letter. A letter. Wonder who it's from.
Duct tape a pocket knife to a very long pole and attempt to open it with that. Stand far back.
RE: [Law]: An offer.
Open the letter! You can trust your wonderful government.

Indeed you can!

You take a pocket knife and cut the letter open!

The letter possesses some symbols and special ink to verify that it is an official letter.

It reads:
"From the Desk of the President:
Hello, this letter has been sent to you as you have passed the test.
What test you may ask. Why, the test of integrity. Would you report suspicious activity?
In these times, we need people who will trust their government and that their government can trust.
As such, a new off branch of certain programs is forming. A group of people who will be used to root out those who are opposed to the people of Alphim-Queol. A group of heroes, willing to work for their nation and people.

If you wish to join such a valiant effort to root out insidious activity that lurks beneath the surface, please go to the address listed on the back on the listed date at the noted time. We will be expecting you. Do note there will be mandatory training for the position.
-Leyler Erdel"

Tomorrow in the morning, instead of work the letter instructs you to report to a government building by a certain public transport. You decide to check a little closer, and find a ticket tucked behind one of the raised government emblems of the letter. The ticket looks unlike most tickets, with a dark coloration and white lettering.

(Vote: Take the job?)

RE: [Law]: A letter. A letter. Wonder who it's from.
Yes deffinitly accept it. als0 take y0ur p0cket knife with y0u. i mean, y0u always bring a p0cket knife with y0u. th0se are useful.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: A letter. A letter. Wonder who it's from.
Absolutely accept.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [Law]: An important question
Accept. Bring a pocket knife. Wear formal wear. With a metal buckle.

You consider the chance of running into something unsavory along the way...unlikely but, it never hurt to be prepared. You also decide to purchase some formalwear this evening. Metal buckle just in case...

You don't actually own much...at all. You haven't really gone to events that require formal dress, or been a politician, or such. You spend 200 units to actually acquire some basic suit, tie, etc. 2722 units left.

You sleep and get up arise earlier than usual that morning, donning the formal clothing, including a suit, dress shoes, a tie, a black belt with a metallic buckle and a trilby. You tuck your ticket in the breast pocket and your pocket knife into your front right pants pocket.

You get to the public transport without issue, and the vehicle you board onto only has about 3 others on it, not counting staff. The transport vehicle did not appear to have windows that could be seen through on the outside, but you can view through them now that you are inside the vehicle. You know this is not typical of public transport vehicles.

The vehicle stops inside of a building. Strange. The building is quite bare and you are told to wait. You and the other three wait in a barren room with a couple of benches and a large 'airlock' set of doors, with one opening while the other stays closed. A staff member watches personally over the waiting room. They state that there are just a couple questions all of the accepted will be asked before taking the positions. The people accepted will then exit through another door.

You end up entering last. The setup is another barren room, with a chair, a table, and a screen with speakers.

It appears to be the face of the President.

The speakers emit voice. You wonder briefly if this was pre-recorded.

"Good morning, thank you for coming, indicating that you wish to take the position. There is an important question I must ask you though. Do you pledge to expressly follow my orders above all others, to value our nation over it's enemies, and to trust me over anyone else? Do you pledge to report suspicious activity you uncover under work or otherwise? Do you pledge to serve your president and government as set in the founding of this nation? In essence, I ask, are you willing to pledge yourself to utter loyalty to the office of the Presidency, which is granted the utmost degree of authority in all matters?"

...(Vote: How do you answer the question?)
RE: [Law]: An important question
Say yes. We have n0 sign 0f the g0vernment being c0rrupt at all, and besides, m0st g0verments are f0r the g00d 0f the pe0ple that are g0verned.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
You accept the job.

You are led to another room, are thanked, and are led to another set of buildings for training. This will take a while.

The year ends well, with you reporting to training instead of work. It is a group of four, including yourself. You arrive to the new building by public transport and are trained in certain aspects of tactics, use of equipment, and similar things. There is no news of note. For right now you are receiving the same pay as prior. 3582 units

The next year begins without news of note. 152 AW

The next seven months also go well at training, with no major events at home,or wider public affairs.
At the location, you are asked to step into a machine to prepare an emergency piece of equipment, something about a 'backup' mechanical shell in case of death, so they can keep the same agents that are loyal even if they fall. You agree to it.

On the eleventh month of that year...
You overhear that the training was expedited due to external factors. The actual time for a full training would be longer, but time is of the essence.

Despite that, you finish off the year performing well at training and with a decent enough understanding of how to use your equipment and perform an espionage operation. 5646 units.

The next year stars without issue. 153 AW.
You have the following options to apply for initial assignment.
  • Investigate and bring down Pre-'War' Practices suspected to be hidden underground.
  • Investigate and bringdown 'Imperial Cult' suspected to be hidden underground.
  • Investigate a rumors of corruption.
  • Serve as the espionage officer aboard the colonial vessel.
Only one espionage agent will be assigned to each post. Choose wisely, as these are long-term posts.
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
Edit: Go for the pre-war activity investigations
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
Investigate the curr0pti0n. the rum0rs, that is.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
(12-20-2018, 12:49 AM)cmdrcade Wrote: »>Serve as an espionage officer aboard the colonial vessel


[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
Note about JobsShow
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
This is a tie on a vote, so I decided it will be up to chance.

Investigate and bring down Pre-'War' Practices suspected to be hidden underground.

You select this option.
However, you do have one issue.
You need a method to actually find them.
(Vote: How should the search for the underground 'cult' begin?)
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
Obviously, your superiors know *something* about this cult given that they know that it exists. Ask them for any leads and proceed from there.
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
>Search for any abandoned, pre-war bunkers or buildings. If they're a pre-war cult, its likely theyre hiding out in one of those.
RE: [Law]: Assignment.
sewers 0r aband0ned train tunnels

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: Lucky Break [On Hiatus]
Go to a pre-war district.

There isn't quite much pre-war abandoned buildings you can think of, abandoned space...everything above-ground tends to get used in some way. The only ways of expansion are up and down, and as of now, both are work in progress.

But you do poke around and find some of the most-intact places from before the war.
You see a group of suspicious figures an alley, they do not notice you.
You follow them from a bit of a distance for a while, but they still don't notice you.
They open up a door to a maintenance shed, which usually has some sort of underground access hatch.

That's probably it, isn't it.
Perhaps you could get some equipment.
Standard Options for Engagement Equipment That Can Be Obtained Within the DayShow

Go gather equipment and enter combat? Perhaps look for something to add to the standard set?
Or perhaps you should consider a different approach? You could lie and claim you're a curious bystander, but less arms could make...taking it down more difficult to do yourself, as a sidearm or a knife would be all you have, and body armor isn't exactly something they won't notice.

(Vote: Assume this is the place and go in guns blazing? Try to use subterfuge to investigate? Something else? Do note that this is going to be a solo mission and that 'real-time' actions are going to be taken to a sort of 'action' mode with its own mechanics to be introduced if and when combat arises.)

Edit: Notice: I'm putting [Law] on hiatus to write some other stuff and work on some Cosmosdex entries.
RE: [Law]: Lucky Break
Carefully investigate the shed and try to identify one of the people, so we can interrogate them and get more information before a full blown assault.
Just imagine something funny is here