[Law]: On Hiatus

[Law]: On Hiatus
[Law]: On Hiatus
[Law] is a text adventure highly focused around queolchrost. The first character will be a queolchrost on Alphim-Queol as will many others. It will vary in timescale to deal with events. For example, exploring a warehouse would be done in a scale of action to action, while a time of average work will be less in depth and more of a management phase regarding things such as funds. Information in this post has been broken into spoiler boxes to save space and quite literally act as a spoiler box in the case of the Compendium.

An Important Note:Show
How Voting Will Work:
Overseer's Note and Explanation of VotingShow
The First Vote Required:
The Universe: The First VoteShow
A guide that will update as more is discovered and/or relevant.
Please submit your votes.

Edit: Notice: I'm putting [Law] on hiatus to write some other stuff and work on some Cosmosdex entries.
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of the Beginnings of an Adventure
Color me curious.

We can start with Sparse if that is alright.
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of the Beginnings of an Adventure
Sparse, because then it'll be m0re interesting.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of the Beginnings of an Adventure
Yeah, sure, let's go with Sparse!
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of the Beginnings of an Adventure
Sparse has been selected.

However, another vote is required.
There are a few position groups available.

Position GroupsShow
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
General W0rk.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
I say Military work! Basic military/police. We are Law and all!
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
general work!! general work!!!
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
Given that the side with less votes gave good reasoning and was only off by one, the decision has been moved to a coinflip. Heads is dedicated to the side with more votes as they are a'head'. Heads was flipped. (EDIT: I metaphorically cannot type and had to correct a typo.)

General Work has been selected.

Given the wide expanse of careers under general work please select any career that is NOT one of the following (If I have forgotten a position and need to add more to the list, I will inform you of such. However, I believe I covered all of the bases.):
  • The presidency, member of parliament, bureaucrat
  • Military/Police positions
  • Supervisory positions
  • Positions in communications, media, security, or infrastructure fields
  • Espionage
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
Pharmaceutical. let have t0 deal with pe0ple trying t0 say they kn0w a id br0ken in half is a valid id t0 get a western uni0n when its 0bvi0usly n0t and him saying his dad runs the c0mpany when the c0mpany is shared by several 0rganizati0ns, call him a ray 0f sunshine when he insults us, and get a death threat s0 we can g0 h0me early.

... is this a bit much?

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
When I have time, I will be adding some commentary to explain aspects that need clarification. As I have just done above.
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
n0te t0 self: study species bef0re i say anything ab0ut them.
Als0 im chnging my v0te t0 mehanic

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: The Beginnings of an Adventure
Mechanic has been accepted
However, that career does require one extra bit of selection:
What type of mechanic? Vehicular? Appliances? Computronics?
After that, it can begin.

RE: [Law]:..One more thing.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]:..One more thing.
(11-28-2018, 11:12 PM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »Vehicular

This works out!
RE: [Law]:..One more thing.
Vehicular has been accepted
  • Universe Setting: Sparse
  • Career Group: General Work
  • Job: Vehicular Mechanics
  • Special Options: N/A

And thus it begins.
Temporally speaking, the story takes place approximately 150 years Post-'War'. The planet is stable. Infrastructure is thriving. Industry is doing fine. Minerals are running low from what came before. A new program has been created to work on colonizing the moon of a nearby gas giant. The cloak is active. A cloak is being developed for transports and the new colony. The radio probe protocol is being maintained. Police, Military, and Society have been organized Post-'War'. Everything is calm. Mostly. There is one issue. Some reports of worship of Pre-'War' religion and reports of an Imperial cult, based underground, have surfaced. Such activity is illegal. Books on the Pre-'War' era have been outlawed. You are not to speak of the Pre-'War' era if you know of it. You are not in an illegal organization. You were not in the Pre-'War' era.

You have finished your education programs. Your adolescence has been uneventful like countless others. You did as required and were taught the basics of subjects, the importance of society and loyalty. Later, you were taught your field, which you were able to select quite easily as it needs more to prepare for the upcoming colonization. Or rather, they'll need ones here to replace the ones leaving. You just recently joined as a mechanic into the government's wonderful workforce. You aren't quite in the right range to apply for the colony yet. Perhaps you will be one day. Perhaps you will be something else.

But as of now. You need to work. It is the First of Twelve Months. The Year is 150 AL. It is six hours into the 'morning'. Time doesn't mean much with artificial lighting covering when the sun isn't shining. You have approximately 250 units of currency in your account. Blackout curtains are a wonder. You have about two hours before you are due at work, which is walkable in about twenty-five minutes.

VOTE: Set Timescale to Day's events or Monthly.
Day's Events will go through today. (Active Mode)
Monthly will go through the month. (Management Mode)

Additionally, you make pair a time vote with a command such as:
  • Day's Events: Let's go to work. No dawdling.
  • Day's Events: Let's look around the house.
  • Monthly: Go to work and perform life as normal
  • Monthly: Go to work as normal, then go to the store near the end of the month.
RE: [Law]: Start!
lets go with monthly for the time being!
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [Law]: Start!
Seconding the monthly suggestion for now. Try to work extra hard this month- show up a little early and stay a little late. After all, it never hurts to try to make a nice impression on your superiors and basically one-upping your peers will certainly win you all of the friends. Clearly.
RE: [Law]: Start!
Monthly Timescale: Go to work. Work efficiently. Try to outperform others at the workplace.
Some events will be up to chance. Some will be influenced by chance. When you are attempting something you lack the skills for, the result often goes to chance.
Chance can create events of note that are not directly related to your own choices.

However, working hard is not up to chance...
...but working better than your seniors is to a degree.
You do not work better than the most senior mechanics. Though, you have been signing up for optional extra hours. Comparatively speaking, you are performing near the top of the civilian vehicular mechanic wing you serve at with all factors but seniority considered. You are doing well. Keep this up and it will likely be noticed. Nothing else of note happens at work.

You earn 125 units of currency this month. As you partake in average housing, and rarely use utilities beyond necessity, and currently consume plain food and water those do not cost additional fees. Nothing particular of note happens residentially.

No particularly unique news stories about planetside affairs.
Nor about the colonial effort.
You notice there's been a lot more unintelligible broadcasts on some previously unused channels though. Strange things like numbers being broadcast over a channel. You think it is probably a test of some public safety systems.

Vote: (Switch to Day's Events for 'January 29th'?, Maintain actions, or Change Actions) Do you wish to take any special actions like visiting a store at the end of the month? Or continue to the next continuing the action with this one?
RE: [Law]: Normal...except some irregular public broadcasting?
Continue on monthly. Go to the store at the beginning of the month and try to pick up some recording equipment; those numbers could be important. Record the numbers while at work. Go in for work early in the morning but devote some time after work to trying to derive some meaning out of the numbers.
RE: [Law]: Normal...except some irregular public broadcasting?
Buy a recording setup to take note of the strange signal. Try to decipher it in free time.
Also, continue monthly hard work with earliness and such.

You purchase a setup of a computer and other peripherals to record the station for 150 units. You have trouble making sense of or deciphering it. Perhaps you would need a codebook, some sort of advanced computational device, or the message is filler? You are unsure. It is unlikely you have clearance to know the message, if it does exist. You should probably leave it alone. A basic computer, broadcast equipment, and a journal can be easily repurposed though.

You are doing wonders at work. You seem to have a knack for this, doing as well as the best in the shop. It seems listening, research, and such is starting to pay off. While nothing else of note happens, you have a feeling that in some months you might get noticed for this.

You lose a total of 25 units overall this month as you purchased items that cost over your monthly pay. Nothing out of the ordinary happens at home.

Planetside and colonial affairs have no major news. The broadcasting continues as it was, with no significant changes aside from the normal variation in numbers and such.

(Vote to continue current options, change plan, or do a 'moment' act like going to a store before the end of the 28th of this second month)
RE: [Law]: Normal...except some irregular public broadcasting?
Continue on monthly and going in in the mornings to work extra hard. Keep at recording the numbers; devote time in the afternoon to trying to notice any patterns in the numbers and trying to decrypt some meaning from them.
RE: [Law]: Normal...except some irregular public broadcasting?
i agree with ab0ve statement

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Law]: As expected.
You decide it is probably a cipher, but fail to find the exact meaning of messages, but the beginning tends to have approximately the same amount of characters each time. It seems it starts a series with a 'timestamp' followed by a 'note'. You probably won't be able to actually decipher it without knowing what causes the dynamic nature of the cipher.

You work fine at work. About the same as before.

You gain 125 units from work and nothing of note happens in the home.

There is no major news.

A quiet month.

475 total units

(Vote on whether to continue current actions, change monthly actions, do a realtime action prior to the 31st of the 3rd month, etc.)
RE: [Law]: As expected.
Try decoding the numbers as if each were lined up with its corresponding letter in the alphabet (1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C...) and see if this yields readable results. It looks like we may have stumbled upon someone's private communications. Otherwise continue as normal.