I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever

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I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
What's the point of this theseletters up top I can type all three into a keyboard I don't get it

Why won't enter work the flashing line just goes farther down oh wait I got it
Is this short enough?
My post got different in the middle was it the letters? I will solve this mystery
I didn't know other people could post in my thread, not sure what the point is
haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
So you can talk back and forth with other people!
I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
thread's aint for hoggin'
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
It was the letters
RE: RE: No Subject
Dear all,

Thank you for responding to my thread. Might I interest you in snacks and refreshments? It is very exciting to use this new medium.

Best regards to all,

P.S. How do I indent or place my address on these messages? I am concerned if the postmaster will not return replies to the correct address.
subject machine broke
Dear Kaynato

there is no need to put your address on forums, as the postman knows where you are by using your computer.
RE: onna pretend I've never been on any forum ever

RE: I haven't been here in a whilf
(06-28-2017, 05:31 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Is "postmaster" a real position? is it an elected one?

can we anoint someone as eagle time's Postmaster

Where's the fuckin upvote button??????
Your friend has just sent you some Strawberry Seeds! Return the favor!
I am feeling:

Confused today, my internet life is not on fleek rn. Where's my timeline? Where's FarmVille? Can't believe there's no farmville on here.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
How do I ask for Farmville? I don't want Farmville but it sounds pretty necessary
RE: I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum
Oh, there's a post reply box!
I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
Oh wow I thought this thread had disappeared I couldn't find it, luckily I had bookmarked it, tho I only did it on accident when trying to click on my search bar to look up Krispy Kreme locations near me

This is the blog for my game I'm making for real its happening
RE: I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
Listening to: Ti Amo by Phoenix
Watching: The rain hitting my bedroom window
Eating: Hot bowl of ramen
Drinking: Green Tea

Just trying out this new "Evil Twine" thing everybody seems to be talking about, but I think this is where I update my status. Let's see what this thing is all about.

Shoutouts to Mehgamehn for starting this sweet thread, can't wait to see the final product. Any tips for beginning OPs? Highly appreciated.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
That sure is a good thread buddy pal!!!! But uhh how do I eat it? I think you supposed to eat it.
RE: I haven't been here in a while so I'm gonna pretend I've never been on any forum ever
Just tried to eat it. Tastes like words and pictures. Pretty salty. But I love salt, so I might be a little biased. 6/10 at best.
oh hey