Bönedogguild - Introdogtion

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Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
Bönedogguild - Introdogtion


Everything is black...

Fog covers both your mind and your eyes, making memories feel soft and fuzzy. Like a warm dog. Sadly, they are like a warm dog that you cannot pat, as you can't seem to remember anything of worth.


Your vision returns in a blast, and you whimper as your eyes burn in the sun. A small, round dog stands in front of you. They could also be a raccoon, but they're wearing a hat so probably not.


Interesting. You have no idea what in the world she's talking about, but it's interesting nonetheless.

You look at her confusedly, and she blushes, Realising her faux pas.


Your name? Even that memory is foggy... Maybe just come up with something in the meantime.

You might also want to give her your profession, if you can come up with something quick enough. Also your breed? You don't know if this place has the same dog breeds as where you originate from, but you should probably mention it anyway. Different customs, 'n' all.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
> Pippa
> Nurse/healer
> Shetland Sheepdoge
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
>Woof (I mean, your owner was 5, what do you expect?)
>professional good boy
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
> Diogi
> Barkbarian
> The Welshest of Corgis
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
You are Welp, the Subwoofer schadenfrhund
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
> Anise
> Alchemist. Your life's goal used to be to make the Philospher's Stone, but now you just want to make weed.
> Corgi
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
As the fog from your vision clears, you do remember some things from the past. You were the subwoofer to a legendary Alchemist, who created the Philosopher's stone. Sadly, he died during the test phase.

Still, his golden remains provided an excellent source of income for you, had it not been for the fact that you had just passed out and ended up here.

You picked up some alchemy while you worked for him though, along with some basic healing of injuries and barking. Bandogs were a common sight.

You are a corgi, and a particularly welsh one at that. This gives you a passive bonus to smarts and fast, but you're also friggin' adorable. Not super scary.

You give Sari this information, and she perks up. Although you skip out the part about being an apprentice, and take up the moniker of your former master 'Pippa Diogi'. The memory of your name still escapes you.

Character SheetShow

"Oh wow! Another smarts-based dog? Those aren't common here... You must be so proud of your achievements! We'll have to discuss more back at the guild. Come on!"

Sari grabs your paw and leads you off through the hills, but before you make it there, a wave of uncertainty hits you. This forest path is awfully dark.
She said something about some sort of 'guild'?

You pull back from her, and she looks at you, confused.

"Hey, what's wrong? I promise I'm not gonna do anything to hurt you... We're just going back to the guild so you can join up. That's why you're here, right?"

You nod, not knowing what else to do, but she notices your hesitation. She nuzzles you, and before you know it you're both sitting down on the side of the road. She shows you a map of where you're going, and where she comes from, before asking...

"Actually... where are you from?"

Better come up with something quick.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
Wales?? Is that where the Welsh are from??

(Youre a dog, you don't know geography)
RE: Bönedogguild - Introdogtion
The town of... Sungrass (you just looked at the two things you see first and combined them). Actually be a real place.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck