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Follow the adventure of a few graduates throughout the universe! Suggest their next move in a cosmic game of chess against the evil Dr. [insert plot here]!

Yeah yeah, you get the gist. Make suggestions below, I'll update here along with on MSPFA for minimal confusion.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_14_at_3_53_14_PM.png]
Your name is NIGHTBOLT. Glitch rarely have last names, which has caused some awkward situations at formal meetings. In spite of this, you tend to be EXCITABLE and OUTGOING, albeit a bit nervous at times. You last saw your friend, OWEN CLINE, at a graduation ceremony when... something happened, and you jumped onto the nearest ship. You think you saw one of your closer friends hop onto a ship, and followed that one. Hopefully you trailed them long enough to arrive within quasi-radio distance.
RE: Starstuck
> Fill your entire ship with containers.

As any reasonable space-fairing hoarder would.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Starstuck
>Feed the pig, it's probably hungry
RE: Starstuck
>Talk to S.A.I.L. and size the situation with them.
RE: Starstuck
>Rename yourself Kathryn Janeway. Be the captain, live the dream!
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: Starstuck
(crap, somehow I wasn't alerted to responses. Gonna try to fix that. :|)

Quote:>Fill your entire ship with containers.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_2_58_10_PM.png]
SAIL tells you that this is rather excessive...
You beg to differ.

Quote:Feed the pig, it's probably hungry.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_3_03_57_PM.png]
Hmmm... You'll have to get to that. You don't have a food dish, nor anything this little stowaway would chow down on! You'll have to get to that later.
Now: serious business.

Quote:Rename yourself Kathryn Janeway. Be the captain, live the dream!

[Image: janeway_propic.jpg]
Space Janeway beckons!
You must focus on the task at hand! No more funny business!

Quote:Talk to S.A.I.L. and size the situation with them.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_2_54_12_PM.png]
RE: Starstuck
> Suit up and beam down.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Starstuck
>But, before you do that silly nonsense you should really paint the walls, that drab gray is making me develop a strong case of the mumps
RE: Starstuck
-- Update drop of '17 --

Quote:> But, before you do that silly nonsense you should really paint the walls, that drab gray is making me develop a strong case of the mumps.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_9.43.54_PM.png]
Eheheheh... That's not happening any time soon. It appears this Matter Manipulator has locked you out of color mode! You'll have to deal with a rather drab gray until you can fit it with some Manipulator Modules.

Quote:> Suit up and beam down.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_9.48.52_PM.png]
You activate the teleporter and beam down.

(the skewed image may or may not be due to me scrambling to catch a screenshot before the animation ends)


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_10.00.22_PM.png]
If you had real emotions, you would remark that this was a strangely beautiful land. Pfff, Of course you have real emotions! Who do you think you are, a robot? Hahahah...
RE: Starstuck
> Climb the tower and loot the chest.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Starstuck
>Hold a debate match with that yellow grass.
RE: Starstuck
>get some cotton and wheat
RE: Starstuck
> Eat the hell.
RE: Starstuck
(04-09-2017, 05:43 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Climb the tower and loot the chest.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.29.30_PM.png]
The moment of truth...!


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.29.52_PM.png]
There's nothing of value except a few old bandages. How disappointing! At least you know where your new home is.

Quote:> Hold a debate match with that yellow grass.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.39.53_PM.png]
You stare mercilessly into the grass's eyes. It sways in the wind, as physically weak as its arguments. You suddenly enter a shouting match! The wind picks up, blowing a stalk of the stuff at your face. You win this round... Wheat.

Quote:> get some cotton and wheat

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.45.38_PM.png]
That's a good idea! You quickly set to the task of FARMing this wild COTTON and WHEAT. Boy do you love the Matter Manipulator.

Quote:> Eat the hell.

[Image: tumblr_o0nnbj3YBc1qbmm1co1_500.gif]
What the hell does that even mean?


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.47.06_PM.png]
...Either way, you also stocked up a bit on potatoes and trees. You can never kill too many trees...
You stuffed everything perishable into the fridge. You can't wait to find some real Glitch cuisine.
Look at this beautiful lamp egg:

[Image: B2skh0Y.png]

Some fear for what it will hatch into. But not me. I'm not silly!
RE: Starstuck
>Find someplace nice to settle down.
RE: Starstuck
> Clean the plants off the tower and begin rebuilding it.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."