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Starstuck - Printable Version

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Starstuck - Ferociousfeind - 03-16-2017



Follow the adventure of a few graduates throughout the universe! Suggest their next move in a cosmic game of chess against the evil Dr. [insert plot here]!

Yeah yeah, you get the gist. Make suggestions below, I'll update here along with on MSPFA for minimal confusion.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_14_at_3_53_14_PM.png]
Your name is NIGHTBOLT. Glitch rarely have last names, which has caused some awkward situations at formal meetings. In spite of this, you tend to be EXCITABLE and OUTGOING, albeit a bit nervous at times. You last saw your friend, OWEN CLINE, at a graduation ceremony when... something happened, and you jumped onto the nearest ship. You think you saw one of your closer friends hop onto a ship, and followed that one. Hopefully you trailed them long enough to arrive within quasi-radio distance.

RE: Starstuck - Heyoceama - 03-16-2017

> Fill your entire ship with containers.

As any reasonable space-fairing hoarder would.

RE: Starstuck - BananaPanda - 03-16-2017

>Feed the pig, it's probably hungry

RE: Starstuck - SC - 03-16-2017

>Talk to S.A.I.L. and size the situation with them.

RE: Starstuck - infuriatingCrimson - 03-17-2017

>Rename yourself Kathryn Janeway. Be the captain, live the dream!

RE: Starstuck - Ferociousfeind - 03-18-2017

(crap, somehow I wasn't alerted to responses. Gonna try to fix that. :|)

Quote:>Fill your entire ship with containers.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_2_58_10_PM.png]
SAIL tells you that this is rather excessive...
You beg to differ.

Quote:Feed the pig, it's probably hungry.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_3_03_57_PM.png]
Hmmm... You'll have to get to that. You don't have a food dish, nor anything this little stowaway would chow down on! You'll have to get to that later.
Now: serious business.

Quote:Rename yourself Kathryn Janeway. Be the captain, live the dream!

[Image: janeway_propic.jpg]
Space Janeway beckons!
You must focus on the task at hand! No more funny business!

Quote:Talk to S.A.I.L. and size the situation with them.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017_03_18_at_2_54_12_PM.png]

RE: Starstuck - Heyoceama - 03-18-2017

> Suit up and beam down.

RE: Starstuck - BananaPanda - 03-18-2017

>But, before you do that silly nonsense you should really paint the walls, that drab gray is making me develop a strong case of the mumps

RE: Starstuck - Ferociousfeind - 04-09-2017

-- Update drop of '17 --

Quote:> But, before you do that silly nonsense you should really paint the walls, that drab gray is making me develop a strong case of the mumps.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_9.43.54_PM.png]
Eheheheh... That's not happening any time soon. It appears this Matter Manipulator has locked you out of color mode! You'll have to deal with a rather drab gray until you can fit it with some Manipulator Modules.

Quote:> Suit up and beam down.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_9.48.52_PM.png]
You activate the teleporter and beam down.

(the skewed image may or may not be due to me scrambling to catch a screenshot before the animation ends)


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-08_at_10.00.22_PM.png]
If you had real emotions, you would remark that this was a strangely beautiful land. Pfff, Of course you have real emotions! Who do you think you are, a robot? Hahahah...

RE: Starstuck - Heyoceama - 04-09-2017

> Climb the tower and loot the chest.

RE: Starstuck - eerr - 04-13-2017

>Hold a debate match with that yellow grass.

RE: Starstuck - BananaPanda - 04-13-2017

>get some cotton and wheat

RE: Starstuck - SC - 04-14-2017

> Eat the hell.

RE: Starstuck - Ferociousfeind - 04-15-2017

(04-09-2017, 05:43 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: ยป> Climb the tower and loot the chest.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.29.30_PM.png]
The moment of truth...!


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.29.52_PM.png]
There's nothing of value except a few old bandages. How disappointing! At least you know where your new home is.

Quote:> Hold a debate match with that yellow grass.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.39.53_PM.png]
You stare mercilessly into the grass's eyes. It sways in the wind, as physically weak as its arguments. You suddenly enter a shouting match! The wind picks up, blowing a stalk of the stuff at your face. You win this round... Wheat.

Quote:> get some cotton and wheat

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.45.38_PM.png]
That's a good idea! You quickly set to the task of FARMing this wild COTTON and WHEAT. Boy do you love the Matter Manipulator.

Quote:> Eat the hell.

[Image: tumblr_o0nnbj3YBc1qbmm1co1_500.gif]
What the hell does that even mean?


[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-04-14_at_9.47.06_PM.png]
...Either way, you also stocked up a bit on potatoes and trees. You can never kill too many trees...
You stuffed everything perishable into the fridge. You can't wait to find some real Glitch cuisine.

RE: Starstuck - Tuesbirdy - 04-15-2017

>Find someplace nice to settle down.

RE: Starstuck - Heyoceama - 04-15-2017

> Clean the plants off the tower and begin rebuilding it.