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RE: Forever
They'll reach you sooner if you walk without a destination
RE: Forever
walk without rhythm
RE: Forever
[Image: UeNtlvj.jpg]

What was that?

[Image: ToGfc8b.jpg]

[Image: B66ZCKO.jpg]
RE: Forever
Ask the clock what he's doing in your room.
RE: Forever
> Okay, looks like nobody's there. Time to break in!
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Forever
laugh away, peanuts
RE: Forever
This is my bedroom. Just like how I pictured it. What is it doing here?

[Image: Ab5JLaR.jpg]

[Image: qckWias.jpg]

[Image: TXluVGO.jpg]

[Image: lCPm8nH.jpg]

[Image: 2wacTEP.jpg]

[Image: oa1B9hv.jpg]

[Image: X5Kj7Bb.jpg]

[Image: DAzOv12.jpg]

[Image: 1SeVJ59.jpg]

[Image: sDuU5Ob.jpg]

I couldn't get a word in, the clock was too excited and kept talking. It stares at me awaiting my response.
RE: Forever
>Compliment the clock on its poem, then ask it how it could know about sand or the color green, as such things are not present within the confines of your room.
RE: Forever
[Image: 749UP1J.jpg]

There is so much to say, such as why is this cat clock in my room?

[Image: Qd2ZCH3.jpg]

Why does it talk? Let alone recite poetry.

[Image: MNnMhKs.jpg]

How does it know what the color green is or even sand? Peanuts? There are so many questions. Yet all I manage to say is.

[Image: fpDTerM.jpg]

[Image: 1Mrctic.jpg]

[Image: AgY5oTu.jpg]

[Image: UDariZm.jpg]

Not really.

[Image: Xgtl7em.jpg]

[Image: aoNCfka.jpg]

[Image: pow0Cr4.jpg]

[Image: cq49toA.jpg]

[Image: Z8mcWCZ.jpg]
RE: Forever
i don't like a fella who can't look you straight in the eye all the time. he's lying
RE: Forever
Who's dream is it? Are you dreaming me or am I dreaming you?
RE: Forever
Speaking is difficult. All my speech is simple, my actions are simple. Like as if my body is lagging behind.

[Image: mwcZwtm.jpg]

[Image: 2iAbCRF.jpg]

[Image: fyRPmMH.jpg]

[Image: AtXBhc4.jpg]

[Image: P8QTDiW.jpg]

[Image: WzjBGU1.jpg]

[Image: Qqqrnu4.jpg]

[Image: LWQxf1l.jpg]

[Image: jjdXv0l.jpg]
RE: Forever
>Other Figments?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Forever
you're right, i could go for a fig newton
RE: Forever
Are you sure your room looks like this? It's kinda blue.

"Where feeg?"