Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

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Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Take a moment. Look at the ships around you. Ask yourself "do these people deserve my win?" The Reactor, who's betrayed every parley over the past dozen turns. The Laser, who sought to destroy you for being the weakest among us, all in the name of "peace." Are these the virtues you wish to reward? Is this the path you want to be associated with?

There is still hope for you. It's not too late to forsake these villains. You can achieve victory and still be just, all you have to do is turn back.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I play reinforcements.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
(03-16-2017, 08:44 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »Take a moment. Look at the ships around you. Ask yourself "do these people deserve my win?" The Reactor, who's betrayed every parley over the past dozen turns. The Laser, who sought to destroy you for being the weakest among us, all in the name of "peace." Are these the virtues you wish to reward? Is this the path you want to be associated with?

There is still hope for you. It's not too late to forsake these villains. You can achieve victory and still be just, all you have to do is turn back.

And don't forget about the cowardly and treacherous Voyager, who tried to negotiate a deal that would have left the rest of us behind, or the Yin-Yang who uh, held onto a really good card that would have let them win the game I guess.

Anyway let's just end this already.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I've never done anything wrong in my life
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
what was the really good card? reactor flare?

because i can tell you there weren't really many opportunities for me to use it. maybe there would have been more if i withheld the fact that i had it to begin with. i was just hoping that publicly stripping the reactor of his auto-win power would encourage people to invite me along out of good will, not, you know, attack me with everything they've got for game point :0

(seriously though is there something im missing about this card? its power was enough for tourist to launch towards me despite that being a bad idea owing to me having the reactor...)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
On, uh, on the Tourist, that is. The +3. You know the one.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I counter with a +2 on YinYang.

Tourist, you're our only hope. You know in your heart that victory without honor is a hollow victory indeed.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

or i would if it wasnt blinded

and if i could use it on allies as well, instead of only my own reinforcements

what a shit card
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Tourist: 08 + 3
Yinyang: 08 + 2

Anything else?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
*extends a welcoming hand to the Tourists*
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
So the choice you're asking me to make here is to sabotage myself and thereby not win the game, forever tarring myself from allying with the laser or reactor in anything because it would be a really stupid self-defeating move, after using up people's good cards, so that I can gain some kind of moral high ground?
It would be unlikely that I would win via cruise ship in the next few turns unless you decide to recolonise yourself (knowing that it would cause me to win the game alongside nobody else), and the reactor flare is still in the game meaning that any future random defensive encounter with the yin-yang still ends with this same deadlock I intentionally set off except that this time he'd be more likely to win (again, without me).
Maybe you don't have shit-all for cards and I could ally with you and win but we'd basically have played all of our reinforcements and the Laser still has their flare and would also probably join the defence to stop me from winning in revenge unless also invited, which you've implied you wouldn't want to do.

...then again do the tourists want to live in a galaxy that they chiefly share with lasers and radioactive waste?

...then again my two fellow allies would probably be a little justified in being IRL angry with me if I threw the game now >_>

If you had said pretty much any of this when I'd asked if anyone had any persuasive rhetoric to put forward I'd probably have gone with you but right now I think I'd kind of feel more like a dick for stringing people along than I do for forcing the game to end in a three-way tie.
Besides, neither of them did anything particularly unpleasant to me! Well, besides sending me plagued grain for absolutely no reason.

I'm going to play Reinforcements +2!
On my side.
Because I'm a disgusting winner.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I have the top two remaining encounters and can outnumber the laser's morph if I bring you and yin yang and I did kinda give you this rhetoric when I told you this was a me or laser situation and ribbed you for choosing the yinyang and the op did say this was about good plays rather than winning so I felt a melodramatic speech at the end of it all was more suiting than telling you all this but hey I can't really fault you for taking the sure thing.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
With the +2 on Tourist, it is now certain that Tourist coalition will win, and there are no more playable cards.

After all these years.... it looks like the owner of the Galaxy are the Tourist, the Laser and the Reactor.

Thank you all for playing through this very long game, and sorry about all the mishaps I did while GMing! ;-;

If you are interested in revenge rematch, I often hold games on tabletop simulator, and we have a discord for that, too.

Also, I am planning another forum game: the title will be Give War A Chance, as it will include Foreign Aid and the Reward Deck.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Thank you for running this game PL, it seems to me maybe not the easiest thing to keep track of over a forum :P
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yeah, thanks for running this game for nearly 3 entire months, and thanks to everyone else for being fun and interesting players to go up against. (Yes, even Granola.)
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yeah I had a lot of fun. Makes me want to go play Endless Legend again.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Here's the link to my quicktopic in case anyone cares about what I was thinking behind the scenes at any given point.

I spend most of the first half of the game with absolutely nothing but attack and negotiate cards, and so I was super annoyed when it spun around back to my turn and I got two purple cards in a row.

Granola, what gave it away that I had the morph card?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Your absolute confidence that you could beat Jac until everyone started jumping ship

Conversely, I started the game with zero attack cards and had to defend my way to a useful hand
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
There aren't really any useful or interesting comments in my quicktopic, maybe you want to see the rest of my hand?
It sucked.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I am not gonna lie, I was ready to post the Yu-gi-oh main theme in case Granola ever played the Attack40, but alas that never happened.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
i learned a lot about this game! made many mistakes of course, but it was definitely an illuminating experience. def would play again, even in a long-ass format like this.

also i have 4 flares in my hand. been keeping them and like, none of them ever became useful.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
oh yeah i have a quicktopic too it's not very interesting

There are a few parts where I obviously forget how things work but y'know. I almost stumbled into victory earlier a few times.