The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]

The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]
Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Open Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Username: Champion Steve Allstar
Name: THE DRIVE (Formerly known as Dylan Houle)
Gender: MAN
Color: #BF0000
Description: THE DRIVE has a blonde mullet, shades, and an absolutely RIPPED bod. He's shirtless, showin off his multiple tattoos, ranging from a dragon holding a dinosaur in a choke-hold to a bright white, "TUBULAR". He's got some blazing red spandex with stripes and flames (they make him go faster) and black shoes. In a word, he ROCKS. Some people think that he's out of style, spouting dead catch phrases and outdated idiosyncrasies, like speaking in third person. Sure, the kind of things he does are the kind of reminiscent of a time long past but he still has got the warrior spirit, and the ability to show it off. He's always ready and willing to FIGHT in the RING, only to him, the RING is anywhere. He's currently got it out for modern culture, and if you so much as mention an X-Box he will throw down right then and there. He'll probably make a show of it too.

Equipment/Abilities: As a Professional Wrestler, THE DRIVE has the usual strength and technique needed to both wrestle and to act like he does (though he's a bit rusty on the latter). He's a master at improvised weaponry, if he can carry it, he can fight with it. In fact, if you can name a "power" that wrestlers have, then it is very likely that he has it. Some even say that he has a field that surrounds him, one that seems to take any encouragement or positive re-enforcement and converts it in pure physical prowess.

He's also got a boombox that always appears at the start of each round to play some rocking tunes. And I mean always.

Backstory: Dylan "The Drive" Houle was once a regular wrestler. You know how it is, face heel turns, fighting the undead, super star match ups, rivals fighting together to face a greater evil, all of that stuff. His career took a turn one October night, when his opponent, Sanzo El Grieva, accidentally wrecked his brain with a ladder, giving Dylan a nasty concussion and hospitalizing him for some time.

Sanzo would later find out that he essentially killed Dylan Houle. When he woke up in the hospital, the first words out of his mouth weren't a "what happened", or a "how long have I been out", but a growl as he announced to no one in particular that "Sanzo El Grieva is gunna get some of this and some of this, when I see him again!" No one in the hospital had ever seen apologetic "Get Well Soon" flowers used so... violently.

No one really knew what caused The Drive's reality shift, obviously the brain damage was what led him to his delusions, but it seemed to be a bit more profound than that. He didn't just think that all of the ridiculous wrestling scripts were real, and that he really did have the appropriate powers, he actually did! Some say that the ladder that he was hit with was possessed by the spirit of wrestling, others say that Sanzo El Grieva caused it with his Hispanic voodoo, and some others believe that it was something that Dylan Houle was always capable of...

Obviously with all of the rumors and stories going around about the injured wrestler, there wasn't any way that The Wrestling Federation was just going to count THE DRIVE out. THE DRIVE's matches were some of the most watched in tWF history, with THE DRIVE, doing all kinds of unprecedented stunts, such as entering the ring by driving a monster truck from underground and holding Bill Gates hostage. As the world, and more importantly, the world of wrestling changed, he moved from ring to ring, company to company, but his spirit never changed. It was thought that he would be a staple of professional wrestling forever, until he suddenly disappeared...


Messages In This Thread
Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Open Signups!] - by Solaris - 08-12-2012, 05:06 PM