[SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (8/20)

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[SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (8/20)
[SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (8/20)

Below, you shall find the signups for MAGICHUNT, a Hunt Game of confusing proportions created by the Impervious Scofflaw and moderated by Mister Visceral.

This is a game for 20 players.

1. Scoffles
2. donut
3. yd12k
4. Garuru
5. anacreon
6. SleepingOrange
7. speedchuck
8. GenetiXiesntist


Start date is to be determined after signups.

The game shall proceed as a normal hunt, and the basic rules apply.

There will be a cycle of Day and Night Phases.

During the day, discussion will be open to all living players in thread.
Coven players will have access to a coven chat throughout the game that will be reset when coven players enter or exit death.

Each player has a single vote to cast to lynch another player. This vote can be changed at any time. You may cast your vote as "deadline" to avoid an early day-end.
At the end of the day deadline, or when a majority of votes has been reached, the player with the majority votes is lynched and killed. They receive access to DeadChat at this time.
Their role, color, and alignment will NOT be revealed publicly.

All players who may post in thread have a public election vote for Council.
All players who do not have access to CovenChat have a private election vote for Council. Dead players retain their private vote.
All players who do have access to CovenChat have an election vote in CovenChat.
The (three) players that win each of these respective votes via plurality will be given access to The Council that night.
Three players will always be elected to the Council. If multiple votes have the same result, second and third choices will be used until three players are selected in this priority:
Public > Coven > Private
Membership in the council will be announced. A player may not be elected to Council twice in a row.

Tie votes of any kind are resolved by random choice.

DeadChat will be reset every time a phase ends or a player is added to or subtracted from the list of dead.

During night phase, the coven will vote to murder a target in the night and what color murder they will attempt.
During night phase, the Council will vote to murder a target in the night and what color murder they will attempt.
Night phase is also the time during which players will have an opportunity to perform their actions unless otherwise specified.

Tapping: A dead Coven member may, once per day, attempt to match a player to a role. If successful, that player cannot be revived and loses all access to powers. This tapping will not be processed until the end of the day. A miss on this attempt prevents the dead coven member from attempting the following day.

It will be announced in thread when a player is tapped or obliterated.

At the end of day phase, actions will resolve in this order:

Surivivals of kills will NOT be announced in thread.

Day shall then begin again.
This cycle will continue until one of two things happens:
- At any point in time all coven players (including Force of Nature) are dead.
- A day phase would begin and the Coven players alive is equal or greater than the number of Town players alive, or if such an event is a foregone conclusion.

Most roles have a color associated with them: Black, Blue, Green, White, or Red
Those of you familiar with M:tG know that some of these colors are associated and some opposed.
When making a kill, the color of the kill must match or be an associated color of the player targeted or the player will survive.
Black - Red, Blue
Blue - Black, White
White - Blue, Green
Green - White, Red
Red - Green, Black

Colorless (the gold cards) is associated with all colors.

This gives a blind kill, on the average, a 60% chance of success.
For example: The Necromancer, a black role could be killed by a BLACK, BLUE, or RED kill, but not a GREEN or WHITE kill.
The Library, a colorless role, could be killed by any color kill.




RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
I may join. Depends on how quickly this fills up.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
Awww, why did you nerf Pestilence? It was already weaker than both Counterspell and Icy Manipulator.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
Oops. Didn't mean to do that :D I'll probably make it every night.

EDIT: fixed the OP
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)

Also I have some tweaks if you're interested
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
man that first game
where i got vaguely angry at deadchat because i was tranquility

sure in
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
Been a while since I played a serious game. Seems as good a place as any to get back in.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
It's been so long since I played a Hunt-style game. And these roles look very interesting, so yeah count me in.

BTW, I'm sure you realize this but yeah this is kind of not a good time to be hosting a mafia? There's been a surge lately, and I'm sure most of the people in those games will be burnt out.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (0/20)
(07-11-2014, 10:06 PM)Scoffles Wrote: »In.

Also I have some tweaks if you're interested

Consider me interested.

Updating sign-ups.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (4/20) lol 420
oh man magic hunt first game was the best. The second game sort of died :(

but third time is the charm. So in
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (5/20)
I haven't done a Hunt in ages and I like MtG more than an adult should. I'd like to play.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (5/20)
Yeah I'm in
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the colour of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently-some would say, more correctly. I'm a person. Bret's a person. You're a person. That person over there is a person. And each person deserves to be treated like a person." - Jemaine Clement
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (7/20)
Sure, why not.
RE: [SIGN-UPS] MagicHunt 2 (8/20)
Just letting you guys know I'm still around. And bumping.

(which means both that I am bumping and I am bumping the thread)