Cat Boss' Music Pad

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Cat Boss' Music Pad
Cat Boss' Music Pad
get it

so er yeah hey I make music

if you wanted me to describe my style, it's this mishmash of orchestral and chiptune and videogame and EDM (mostly electro house) influences and i chuck everything into a music blender and add some ice cream and blend everything until I get a nice, rich, creamy milkshake. That's the genre of music I make: milkshake.

last year I was on a real electroswing kick though so I released an electroswing album

it is called Jazz and Masks and it is here
if you only listen to one song listen to Incognito, which is hands down my best song to date
actually Jazz and Masks is just my best works to date so far
so yeah

Let me know what you think!!

also I have a music tumblr over here and a SoundCloud over here but I hardly ever use the soundcloud, I've only got two hours on it you know. Time is at a premium!

anyway also I will post future things here

thanks for reading this long-ass post of long
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
Hell yeah this guy makes music
awesome music

go listen you lot
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
Incognito reminds me of a mash up of Casino Night zone and Mystic Cave zone from Sonic 2. I approve wholeheartedly.
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
Break Everyone Kill Everything is my personal fave. :>
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
Guys, we can't forget Kon's most important and relevant artistic achievement according to 15225 users of tumblr dot com!

it has ~2000 more notes than catbug boogie and 15008 more than incognito what the fresh heck is wrong with everyone

but yes i am a huge cat boss fan let's be real about this fact
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
(04-15-2013, 03:36 PM)Benedict Wrote: »Guys, we can't forget Kon's most important and relevant artistic achievement according to 15225 users of tumblr dot com!

dammit y dis
RE: Cat Boss' Music Pad
i made things

Emissary of Dance - a dance medley of Homestuck fanmusic tracks, mostly from the other fanalbums and C&M. Will be on Lofam 3 when that comes out.

Oh Hey There Lil' Cal - a remake of a song I made long ago for Lil' Cal, who will never stop being a creepy little shit.

Pacific Rim (Chill Vers.) - a melancholy arrangement of the Pacific Rim theme that I did as a 3-4 hour doodle. (Pacific Rim is a good moive)

Eighth Circle - Madoka fanmusic (that actually I probably will redo the mix on.) It's an arrangement of this song. Butchering Yuki Kajiura's work ftw