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This is pokemon Tabletop, which is like dungeons and dragons in that it is had dice and stuff, but with pokemon instead.
For more information about how to actually play the game, see the bottom of this post


Also finally, there's the esper channel, #atalics on
you can also find me on #mspafa

Player Characters

FOR MORE INFORMATION: (about how to play and such)


Musical Theme
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics [Poke Tabletop]
Alex has earned the Snow Day badge after a long and drawn-out battle. As a result, he gained p2,500 and a magic level up! From his experience in the ring of combat, he gains a point in constitution and an ability to create Combat Seals to boost the performance of fresh fighters.

Alex's Super Shop *New Additions*-
Combat seal (P750)- Boost a chosen stat by one rank when you send out your pokemon at full HP! Perfect for getting an edge on those gym leaders. Only one per pokemon, can be used with two Booster Seals for a heavy dose of legal fight enhancements!
RE: Atalics [Poke Tabletop]
Here's what's happened so far!

First our heroes got stuck in a cursed abandoned pokemon center. They defeated this super evil umbreon by catching it, and it turned back to normal.

That night, they fought this mad scientist, Rabbleferier, who was raising zombies in the graveyard. He escaped.

Notably, vegetables are falling from the sky every now and then and onto people's heads. What could this mean?

grotesque-combo magic monster made out of clones of some of the heroes is on the loose. It escaped.

Stephe recently fought a huge fire. It raged out of control, and Richard was knocked unconscious, oh no, but then Skorrkit came and saved the day but was never seen again. Also Richard might be dead. (Richard is no longer playing and I haven't heard from Skorrkit in ages so I guess he's not playing either)

Other notable things:
Bigro/Pen has a Ring of Regeneration which restores 1HP per minute, and a SpellBook of Prayer which can cast holy damage on a group of enemies, as well as grant bonus HP once.
He is a highly charismatic ranger who has a glaceon buddy.

MasterBlade/Alex is an engineer who has beaten two gyms and has pokedexed so many things and caught a lot of things too and is twice the level as everyone else. Everyone is totally jealous of his achievements. He has a mechanical arm can shoot pokeballs really far. He is a good pokeball mechanic and has set up a small shop where he will sell pokeballs and seals to you.

Jacquerel/Stephe is a brawny but stupid girl. She has lots of HP and earned the respect of Mew, which also earned her a Murakumo Petal, which grants her defense and the ability to use Steel Wing and Wing Attack. She also has a love potion that she took from some girls who were planning on using it on her celebrity crush, Max R. Epel.

Special things:
Oracle's Elixir: Alex has a bucket of this, it allows one to see stealthed and invisible units for 10 minutes.
Fairy Tears: a bottle of fairy tears. Reward for doing something special. Alex has this
Shiitake Meat: a bone-in-cut from a large sentient Shiitake Mushroom. Biology is weird. Stephe has this
Bag of Fang: a bag full of monster fangs. Possibly valuable? Stephe has this
Mighty Island Ticket: a one-way ticket to Mighty Island . Stephe has this.
Flash Comic: a comic starring Flash, the fast guy. Stephe has this.

Pen: Mail Bill a Thunderstone.

Other People:
Den Ury's gym leader was Kimberly, the fighting-type master. She is a skilled martial artist who uses her hands and her staff. She also does massage therapy.

Discobury's Gym Leader is Haley, the ice-type master. She's flirtacious and cute. She is skilled at parkour and ice skating. She's a cleric who follows the ways of Ettorec, the goddess of cereal and disco.

Rose, the Energy Manipulator, a psychic with the power to change some forms of energy into other. She used her power to convert sound in an area into glucose. She's also a good hiker.


Welcome new folks. Hopefully you read the above introduction to bring you up to speed with the campaign so far.

I'm looking for 3 new trainers to join us.

Note: Please make sure you're able to come onto IRC. on the channel #atalics. If you aren't on IRC often enough, make sure we can reach you by PM and summon you if you're available to play.

Character Sheet
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
I'm interested in participating in this, but I haven't read the rules yet. I'll try to post a character by tonight.

Edit: Just to be clear, do we write our character profiles in separate google docs like the other character profiles? Because if that's the case,I probably won't be able to put up a profile until later this week.

Edit 2: Nvm, checked the mspaforum page and saw that most of them followed the character sheet in the spoiler, so I think I'm supposed to do that. Anyway, could you tell me when the google docs character pages should be made?
Player Name: FelixSparks
Character Name: Lance M Castle (The M stands for Moat)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145
Level: 4
Class & features:
Channel Friend
Tree Hugger

Rune Master:
Borrow Power
Calling Chord
Explosive Runes
Letter Press


STR: 15 (+1 Mystic)
DEX: 11 (+2 Levels)
CON: 10
INT: 9
WIS: 18 (+ 2 levels) (+1 Mystic) (+1 Rune Caller)
CHA: 6 (-2 Mystic)

Max HP: 56

Money: 3050 $

Starter Pokemon: Unown (X, named Excalibur) and a strong Water type!

Wanted Pokemon: Hoothoot, Geodude, and Ghastly, please!

Inventory: Seemingly infinite supply of sweets, including but not limited to lollipops, hard candies, and Skittles, which, despite the insane claims, are not made from Skitties, a deck of Unown themed playing cards, a tattoo of an X unown on the upper portion of his upper right arm, a pair of fingerless gloves, and a long scarf, reaching just below his waist, even through it's wrapped around his neck twice.
5 Pokeballs!

Notes: Lance's always been a strange kid, ever since that one time he was playing patty-cake with a Machop in his front yard when he was two. His parents, deeply freaked out by this, began to battle the Machop, who fled immediately. Being two, Lance didn't notice anything wrong with this.

A few years later, at his sixth birthday, a wild Jigglypuff wandered into a birthday party nearby and began to sing, until Lance came over, at which point they began to play tag. It was at this point that Lance realized he was a Mystic, since the trees started saying good morning to him.

Lance caught his first Pokemon a full year before his entry into the Academy. An Unown, in the shape of an X, appeared out of thin air and bumped into him a few times until Lance pulled out a pokeball, at which time the Unown bumped into THAT and caught itself for him. Then Lance learned he could make things explode by writing on them, and oh my lord did some shenanigans happen then. He usually kept it nice and safe, but sometimes he'd just start giggling and something on the other end of the building would blow up. Not too many friends for him. No one was ever seriously HARMED during the explosions, just pranked. So he couldn't get into TOO much trouble, and he'd always figure a way out of the trouble, usually due to a lack of evidence cause it had exploded.
@calibornio: I'll make your character sheets for you- unless you can make one for yourself, which will be easier. you can change the settings so that everyone can view it but only you can edit it- we've had problems with someone messing with our character sheets before.

We'll make the character sheets once you are in the game.

Also, sign ups are closed for calibornio and felix spark +company
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Player Name: calibornio
Character Name: Ben Morton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 155 lbs
Level: 4
Class & features:

Let's Get That Lock Open
Random Knowledge

Frantic Research
Walking Encyclopedia
Read The Manual
Strategic Targeting

Pick a value between 6 and 14, inclusive, for each below. Just make sure it all adds up to 64 in the end! You can read about these stats Here!
Since you are starting at level four, add 4 points to your base stats. Make sure you make it clear which stats you are upgrading with your Level Points! Also, if you took any classes, add those points too.
STR: 8 (-2 Researcher)
DEX: 9
CON: 10
INT: 15 (+1 Researcher)
WIS: 19 (+1 Researcher) (+4 Levels)
CHA: 7

Max HP: CON*4 + Level*4 = 56

Money: 4,000 $

Starter Pokemon: Piplup and a Fire type (with some fighting moves, if possible)

Wanted Pokemon: Buizel, Zubat, and Starly.

Inventory: 5 pokeballs, a Writer's Kit, a white lab coat, a pokedex (if this isn't allowed, let me know), some bottles of water, and some sandwiches.

Notes: Ben's dad is a well-known professor in his town and has sent quite a few kids to become trainers. However, unlike the other kids, Ben was more interested in studying areas of science that didn't involve pokemon, and was outraged at the fact that there were pokemon centers in almost every town, while most trainers had to make do with a simple cast, or a visit to the local medic.

As a result, Ben became very rebellious in his early teens and even tried to join some of the teams opposing the pokemon rangers until he realized they didn't really focus on anything other than pokemon either. After this, Ben decided to follow the status quo and become a pokemon trainer, figuring he might be able to learn more about human history, chemistry, and geology, along the way, maybe even creating a new branch of scientific inquiry.

Additional Note: Ben didn't go to a pokemon academy and opted to learn more from his father, and didn't really have many friends growing up, so he can seem slightly coarse at first with his ideas(this ties into his charisma stats). However, he won't try to actively oppose his team unless they cross the moral event horizon.

(If this seems too much like a Gary Stu or doesn't seem to fit the setting, I can try to change it.)
RE: Atalics
Player Name: KeyBu
Character Name: Amy Strauss
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 95 lb.
Level: 4
Class & features:
Channel Friend
Possession Borrow
Natural Selection

STR: 14 (+1 Mystic)
DEX: 7
CON: 14
INT: 7
WIS: 20 (+1 Mystic)(+1 Shaman)(+4 Level)
CHA: 7 (-2 Mystic)

Max HP: 72

Money: 1,000 $

Starter Pokemon: Spinarak, bugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugs

Wanted Pokemon: Caterpie! Joltik! Scyther!

Inventory: 5 pokeballs, one net ball, a bug catching net, a "guide to bug-type pokemon" (it's actually a coloring book), colored pencils, an umbrella, a boxed lunch, a thermos filled with water

Notes: It was probably a mistake to let her get to that Spinarak first. Probably. She got a little bit weird afterward. Wouldn't shut up about bugs, and spiders, and centipedes, and other things with six or more legs. Her parents were a little concerned. I mean, who wouldn't be. And that was before she started trying to act like them. That was a pretty hectic time. Took the fire department several hours to convince her to get out of a tree once. She kept biting them on the hand when they'd try to pull her out. Nearly took some fingers off. But she's grown out of that....mostly. She still wraps the sleeping bag around her body like it's a cocoon and runs for cover whenever she sees birds.

She became obsessed with something a little more rational after a while. A little. "I want to ride a shining Ariados!" she says. "I want to ride my beautiful steed into battle, with Combees at my back, Heracross taking point, and Scythers as my vanguard! I want to be the queen!" It still scared her parents, but at least there was a place in society where she could put that energy. They said that she's more than free to try and "be the queen", if she wants. They hurried her out the door with a weeks worth of food and her allowance for the next few months and hoped that she'd come back being a little more....worldly.

As it turns out, Amy was fairly capable when out on her own. She seems to have a modicum of natural talent when it comes to Pokemon battling, and surprising strength and fortitude for someone her size as well (she's doesn't think she's ready to survive a nuclear explosion like a cockroach yet, though). She's not the best at talking to people, but at least she's cute, so she can garner up some pity when she needs it.
RE: Atalics
@calibornio and Keybu

you've only taken two features!
The default class features that come with your class don't count as features taken :3
that means you get two more!

don't forget you can also take features from this list:
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Posting this for Crowsy;

[Image: atalimap.png]
Quote:Can you upload this and post in Atalics thread, thank you~

Save the Castform event, organized by Ms Relia and Dr Weteo is designed to offset the lack of significant weather that has been plaguing Atalics and Anderline for many years. Without weather, the castform are slowly dwindling. With the Weather Formcaster device, weather can finally be brought back to targetted areas and the castform may slowly reappear.

At this event, the device shall be demonstrated. Hopefully, this will convince others that their funding will be put to good use, as it will allow the device to be modified to affect wider areas with more beneficial effects.

Your job is to make sure nothing bad goes wrong at the event- such as anyone attempting to tamper with the device or steal it.

Where shall the 8 of you stand guard?
RE: Atalics
Alex's team for the event will be Greymatter (Elgyem), Eclipse (Umbeeon), Weasel (Diglet), Thriller (Zombagon), Glitch (Rotom), and Reaper (Giftayl). On the floor currently are Elgyem with Miracle Eye activated, and Eclipse.

If anyone wishes, they may borrow some of Alex's pokemon for the duration of the event, for added support. Available for this task are Beatrice (Sealeo), Matze (Pouribble), and Sujamma (Alcoolotov). Their respective stats are spoilered below.


Alex's Pre-Encounter Enhancement Seal Shop-
Booster Seals: ρ400 *3 MAX Per Pokemon* (Boost the chosen capability of a pokemon)
Combat Seals: ρ750 *1 MAX Per Pokemon* (Boost a stat by a combat stage when sent out at full HP)

Alex's Post-Encounter Enhancement Ball Shop-
Pokeballs: ρ150 (25% off normal store prices.)
Great Balls: ρ350 (30% off normal store prices!)
Ultra Balls: ρ700 (30% off normal store prices!!!)
Disco Balls: ρ200 (AN ALEX SUPER SAVING SHOP ORIGINAL! NOT EVEN AVAILABLE IN STORES! *works as well as the leading pokeball, guarenteed*)

Dusk Balls: ρ600 (40% off normal store prices!)
Dive Balls: ρ600 (40% off normal store prices!)
Heal Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
Luxury Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
Net Balls: ρ600 (40% off normal store prices!)
Quick Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
Nest Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
Repeat Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
Timer Balls: ρ500 (50% off normal store prices!)
RE: Atalics
Hey, a thing happened!


TL;DR, Lance got a boost for Morgan's OL speed, and a SPA seal for Excalibur.
RE: Atalics
RE: Atalics
Spearow, Gothita, Hoppip, Wingull, Ledyba, Alomomola, Lickitung, Larvesta, Skitty, Pidove, Cherubi, Voltorb, Bronzor, Hoothoot, Vulpix, Larvatar, Chikorita, Hitmonchan, Leafeon, Growlithe, Treeko, Baltoy, Seel, Skorupi, Shroomish, Clefairy, Miltank, Wailmer, Onix, Litwick

Pokemon that Amy has Pokedex'd!
RE: Atalics
Joining as Mayuri!
Character sheet!
RE: Atalics
Alex catches a Duskull for Lance.

It is level 10, Female, Ghost type, Duskull
OL Jump 3
Surf 6 Pwr 1
Sky6 Int 3
Invisibility, Phasing
pick an ability: Haunt, Levitate, Synchronize
moves: Leer, Night Shade, Disable, Foresight
Sassy Nature
Base stats: 2 4 9 3 11 1
Add 9 points.

Lapincendi's learnset:
Miracle Eye
Flame Charge
Morning Sun
Calm Mind
Flamethrower <- Level 23
Smoke Fist
Shadow Ball
Bug Buzz
Losing Sight

Capabilities: OL 5 Jump 3
Pwr 1
Int 3
Firestarter, Sinker, Dream Smoke, Heater, Telepath
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Duskull, Ghost Type
Level 10, Female
Ability: Levitate
OL Jump 3
Surf 6 Pwr 1
Sky6 Int 3
Invisibility, Phasing
Moves: Leer, Night Shade, Disable, Foresight
Sassy Nature
stats: 3, 5, 11, 4, 15, 1

Here ya go!
RE: Atalics
IC stuff apparently happened again! Significant stuff that happened:
  • Mayuri used Move Accessory with Flamethrower, and used one use of it.
  • Mayuri used a Cheri Berry.
  • Alex's Rotom, Glitch, used up its Thunder Wave.
  • Alex used Booster Seal with Overland, and, applied it to Stephanie's Venipede, Damien's, Pokeball.
  • Stephanie paid Alex P300 to do so.

Logs here
RE: Atalics
The Formcaster erupts, flooding the room with a surge of water!
Iggy is outside! (outside of his door)
Amy is outside!

Alex is swept away and takes 21 damage!
Relia and Weteo run for cover!
Stephe and Damien get out of the way!

Hanako is swept away and takes 40 damage! Hanako is underwater!!!!!!!!
Mayuri is swept away and takes 16 damage!

Greymatter and Excalibur evade the attack!

Eclipse is swept away and takes 11 damage!

Lance is swept away and takes 21 damage! 5 HP left!

Pen is hit by a bench and takes 26 damage! Helsinki jumps over the bench, but takes 2 damage from the water!

The rain has stopped.

Tina, The Big Man, Weteo and Relia are wearing some sort of mechanical suit all of a sudden?

Round 1:
Relia sent out an Anorith! Relia used an X Attack!

Pen's turn. that bench hit kinda hit Pen sort of hard. Pen's turn has been delayed!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Lance's Pokedex currently!
RE: Atalics
Hanako does nothing

Anorith uses Metal Claw on Stephe for 26 damage

Glitch uses Uproar doing damage to Excalibur, two fakeforms and Varver

lucario hits Lance for 29 damage, and Morgan 4 times for 38 damage!

Haakoi uses Scramble on Greymatter! Greymatter was burned!

Breloom used Force Palm on Eclipse... but missed!

Left Fakeform uses Blood Sample on Glitch! Glitch takes 40 damage and is bleeding!

Morgan does nothing

Middle Castform is bleeding! It used Brick Break on Morgan! It missed!

Right Castform is bleeding! It used Hydro Pump on Stephe for 51 damage!

Excalibur uses its Telekinetic power to attempt to trip Varver into the water! Varver fell in!

It's Flaps turn now! Pen can move whenever he wants.

Don't forget to scan pokemon!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Everything i've done so far, I have always tried to be fair.
Obviously we have different ideas of what is fair.

So for those not in the know the issue, here was the problem.

Haakoi used Silent Strike, which disguises itself as another move, "misses" and replaces the damage with fake heals.
The issue was that MasterBlade has a Scanner feature, which tells you the percentage HP of a target pokemon.

In my eyes, fake heals should make the opponent have taken damage, but not even feel like they did- as if they hadn't even been hit. And since the move was originally designed in a game, this would translate into the trainer seeing no change in the HP bar.

Thus the move should have pretty much the same effect in table top- any attempt to determine the HP would result in whatever the current plus fake heals and fake damage would be. But apparently the scanner is supposed to work 100% of the time without fail. The manual has nothing about fake heals and fake damage, because they don't exist in the mainstream games, but when i made them the entire point of them is to disguise the actual amount of HP.

Now your reasoning was that Alex took that Scanner feat, and allowed him to see HP% without fail forever.

I merely interpreted it as Alex took the Scanner feat, which allows him to check out the HP of his opponents, which is a high advantage over everyone else already.

This situation was compared to having something that overrode Voltorb Flip, which blocks mind readers.

The difference in my eyes was that....
Voltorb switch will be used, like, maybe 20 times at most?
Whereas Scanner will be used, like, i dunno, 2000?

I mean it would be pretty mean for me to reduce those 20 voltorb switches to 19 by some OP mindpierce thing,
but I don't really see the problem of 1990 Scanner uses versus 2000.

In the original language of the Scanner, I don't have my internet on so I have to rely on memory, there was no explicit statement that it cannot fail. Of course, one must keep in mind that the creators never thought there would be a reason that it might fail. Now it becomes like those legislators trying to determine how centuries old laws apply to modern world- there are different interpretations of how it applies in this new situation.

The creators did not think that Scanner would ever be subverted- which you believe implies that it can't be subverted.

The creators did not think that Scanner would ever be subverted-
I think if the creators thought that something would subvert Scanner, they would have made some sort of mention that when this situation occurs, then Scanner would fail.

However, an exact opposite assumption could also be made:
If the creators thought about fake heals, they would decide that Scanner would be able to pierce that.

I don't know which one would happen, but I'm assuming the first guess, because I think it is fair. it's still a great feat, you still get 1990 uses...

Should the interface piece be immune to screwiness if an entire feature point was spent on it and it's part of character growth?

Should the specialized interface screw attack be able to interface screw a piece of an interface that still remains incredibly viable and useful?
How powerful is a feature vs a move? I think a feature is more powerful, but this feature is already powerful enough without gaining immunity to fake heals and fake damage.

So the real question is: How powerful is a feature? Is it as powerful as you think it is? Is it as powerful as I think it is?
That's a tough question to answer, as it changes for every feat, so we can't really use other feats as comparison to this one- if you can find one similar enough to Scanner for use in your argument or you come up with other reasons, then I will reconsider.

(Voltorb Flip is specific immunity to mind reading. But we don't know if Scanner would be specific immunity to fake heals and fake damage, all we know is that it tells you health of some sort. It's not a good comparison to make at all.)

In the meantime, my answer is still no, because I think it's fair.

I really hope this doesn't happen again, but it probably will.

I use the rulebook as a guideline. I follow it as closely as possible, but I have to make exceptions when it's unclear or unfair. I have to use my own interpretations as to what the revised rules would be, and I do so based on what I think is fair and balanced.
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
Beholder Dex Neato Spirit Share!

[Image: dly7Ubv.png]

As you may know, everyone's spirit is connected to their pokedex- every 25 pokemon scanned, you gain a level-
But what if you didn't have to do this work and could let the active scanning member of your team do it for you?

Introducing Beholder Incorporated New App for the Pokedex: Neato Spirit Share!
After syncing up your pokedex with up to 7 friends, the average of your scans will forever be pooled into one scan count- and you'll all gain levels simultaneously!
While your previous scans will remain independent, any scans you make from then on will count as a scan for every member of your group! While only one scan can be made by a group per round, it will reduce the workload as only one person needs to be responsible for scanning and everyone benefits just as they would otherwise!

And the best part is- even though you only get one scan count per turn, everyone still gets to make their own individual information scans- these scans won't be counted towards your Spirit Scan Count, but they will give you information as soon as they load up in your pokedex!

So what are you waiting for?
The only excuse not to get this feature is that you're currently involved in a deadly battle with criminals- in which you should get Neato Spirit Share ASAP afterwards!

Get Neato Spirit Share today, or tomorrow in case it's currently night and our offices are closed.

speaking of: i have iggy and mayuri and ben's pre-pokedexed pokemon ready.
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Atalics
So, I'm here and I thought this was dead but it wasn't. Anyways, could you give me a summary of what happened?
RE: Atalics
Summary is in the 2nd or 3rd post and sorry for not being on esper crowstone, but I don't have access to a computer until Tuesday. I'm writing this on my phone.