[K]lassic Set-up - Textuna

[K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
[K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
Days in Eukaroyte aren't usually so lovely as today. The blood red sky looks vivid, almost enchanting. The wind cools you as you step outside. Perhaps a god decided to curse the land. Either way, it's a lovely day.

If only your friend didn't just get murdered.

You're sitting on your porch, sighing at the mess you're seeing. Some poor sap decided that it'd be a good idea to leave a dead man's body on your porch. Way to damper someone's spirits, huh?

The I-classes are so going to be on your tail- or lack of one- for this. You don't even have a proper alibi. You were too busy trying to sleep off some cold yesterday to talk to anyone. Except for your friend who came by.

You are going to be so dead when they come.

Well, sitting down never did anyone good. Even if you're a K-class that does just that, in a way.

You dust off your pants, like you're about to get to work.

V-345 recently died last night. You assume they died during the evening- they did leave your house then, after all. Their body doesn't seem too bloody. From what you can tell, anyways.

Oh Neo, they'll think you did it. This is bad. An I-class will be here any minute, and then you'll die.

You are K-435 and your friend just died in front of your house. What will you do with this knowledge?
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
> I-classes care about the truth, not finding a culprit. If you don't run and just tell them outright you didn't do it, then you should be fine! Unless you did do it. But you said you didn't. It'll be fine.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
>Look for clues to help prove you're not the killer. If you can find the real killer or enough info to know who, maybe the I-classes will take your lead?
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
>One dead body on your doorstep isn't enough for a hard-boiled notail like you. Raise the Steaks TM and hide several fake dead bodies in your house before setting fire to several houses surrounding you in your neighborhood. There's No Way This Could Backfire TM!
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
>Don't touch the body, if you haven't already. Forensics or something. Try to come up with a decent alibi.
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
Robottobt Wrote:>Don't touch the body, if you haven't already. Forensics or something. Try to come up with a decent alibi.
Definitely seconding!
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
(02-09-2018, 03:29 AM)CosmicClaxon Wrote: »
Robottobt Wrote:>Don't touch the body, if you haven't already. Forensics or something. Try to come up with a decent alibi.
Definitely seconding!

>Thirding, but also seconding the I classes want truth
>Make note to consider that a murder weapon was planted in your home
>Consider who V345 must have made upset enough to be killed by
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
(02-08-2018, 08:37 PM)Orpheus the Bard Wrote: »>One dead body on your doorstep isn't enough for a hard-boiled notail like you. Raise the Steaks TM and hide several fake dead bodies in your house before setting fire to several houses surrounding you in your neighborhood. There's No Way This Could Backfire TM!

For a moment, you briefly consider doing more murders to add up on the body pile. Surely it wouldn't hurt. Surely. You can get away with that easily enough, couldn't you?

...What are you talking about? Really, the idea is ludicrous! You're trying to avoid being arrested!

But you save the idea for later, if you feel up to it.

(02-08-2018, 01:50 PM)Apo11o Wrote: »> I-classes care about the truth, not finding a culprit. If you don't run and just tell them outright you didn't do it, then you should be fine!

You nod to yourself. Right, right. I-classes only care about the truth- being a suspect won't matter in the long run. You'll just have to make sure to stay on their good side.

You look over your friend's body. You guess someone really has to find them.

(02-08-2018, 01:59 PM)Clockwork Dragon Wrote: »>Look for clues to help prove you're not the killer. If you can find the real killer or enough info to know who, maybe the I-classes will take your lead?

You doubt an I-class would take the lead of a K-class who specializes in organizing information. You wouldn't know the first thing about finding someone's dead body slash murdered body.

You suppose offering to help wouldn't hurt though. Maybe you'll find the killer and be rewarded, but who knows! At the very least, it's something to do.

You peer over your friend's body. You don't know what clues you could find on their person. You're sure there's some clues there, but...

(02-08-2018, 08:48 PM)Robottobt Wrote: »>Don't touch the body, if you haven't already. Forensics or something. Try to come up with a decent alibi.

...you're content leaving that to the I-classes. Maybe there's something else around. Perhaps you can check their phone?

A decent alibi is rather hard to think of though. For the most part, you've been trying to recover all day yesterday. You're well enough to work- but you might be forced to stay put under suspicion. That's what alien detectives make you do, right?

The most you can say is this: V-345 only left your house at 6PM and visited you around 5PM. You don't know what time they get home, but an hour isn't enough time to kill someone. You hope.

(02-09-2018, 04:14 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Make note to consider that a murder weapon was planted in your home
>Consider who V345 must have made upset enough to be killed by

As for clues, you suppose the fact you may be framed is a possible clue. It's difficult to think of what it could be, though. Your friend doesn't seem bloody at all. It's almost like they decided to take a nap.

You hope this isn't an elaborate prank. This better not be an elaborate prank.

V-345 doesn't exactly have many friends, however. There's not too many people they've been acquainted with long enough to warrant the idea of murder. Two of their fellow co-workers are definitely high on that murder list, though.

V-897 never got on well with V-345- they always argued about their capture creatures, proclaiming theirs better than the other. It would seem friendly if it weren't for the fact that they end up in far too many literal fights over it.

V-777 despises Z-987 as well, but you haven't the slightest idea what happened to make them hate them so. You never asked, and now you'll never know.

"Hello, dame. 0u0"

You look up to see what you assume is an I-class. They're wearing a coat, but their number's obscured under it.

Right. Just act natural. "Are you here about the... you know? ouo"

"If I were here for any other reason dame, I'm afraid I wouldn't be here at all. 0u0" They tilt their head. You think they're trying to give you a smile. A sincere one that isn't just projected on their face. "Do you want to take a seat? 0u0"

Maybe the I-class sees you shaking. You don't know. You find yourself nodding and sitting back on the porch again.

"Now, have you met this notail before? 0u0"

You look down at your feet. "We were friends. ouo"

"Oh." They offer you a pat on the back. "Well, I'm terribly sorry for your loss, dame. 0u0"

"They had it coming. ouo" You sigh. Speaking without thinking. "They were, well- rather arguemental, if anything. ouo"

The I-class nods. They take a seat on the porch as well, watching your every move. "Were you close? 0u0"

"I suppose we were. ouo" You hold your shoulder and look away. "They died after leaving my house too... ouo"

"Is that so? 0u0"

You nod.

They hum for a moment before turning to you again. "If you don't mind, dame, could you step inside? I'll examine the body for now, and I don't want you interfering with my work. ouo"

You feel as if you should, but you're not sure what to do when you do step inside. And you did want to find clues on whoever killed your friend, so maybe you should watch instead?
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
>Leave the I-class to do their work. You should calm your nerves and go inside, maybe drink water or eat a snack.
>ON SECOND THOUGHT, review your pantry! Was anything poisoned? Do you remember your friend eating anything?
>Kill two birds with one stone by visiting the kitchen.
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
(02-10-2018, 04:37 AM)CosmicClaxon Wrote: »>Leave the I-class to do their work. You should calm your nerves and go inside, maybe drink water or eat a snack.
>ON SECOND THOUGHT, review your pantry! Was anything poisoned? Do you remember your friend eating anything?
>Kill two birds with one stone by visiting the kitchen.

RE: [K]lassic Set-up - Textuna
(02-10-2018, 04:37 AM)CosmicClaxon Wrote: »>Leave the I-class to do their work. You should calm your nerves and go inside, maybe drink water or eat a snack.
>ON SECOND THOUGHT, review your pantry! Was anything poisoned? Do you remember your friend eating anything?
>Kill two birds with one stone by visiting the kitchen.

>You just got over a cold, so it's probably not good to stress yourself out when you can't do anything about it