Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe

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Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
Yo what up so this is a space where I will put my projects, mostly of the stupid little game variety. It is my utmost dream to make enough things that other Eagle-timers are like "Well, yeah, he's made multiple things"


A Game about picking bottles filled with strange liquids

Okay so, in the serious side of this moon, in the interest of the growth of my abilities, I am intentionally taking on projects that require a skill I have not gained yet. With Keybomb, it is pretty much all the basics of Game Maker Language, and with bottle game, its Arrays/RNGs/Planning through RNGs. My next project that I have plannered will help mold a less tangible skill, that of flourishing in game creation despite limitations. I am going to be making a very basic Dragon Warrior clone (Using AUTHENTIC DRAGON WARRIOR SPRITES I.E. I ain't drawing shit). Using Sphere (An RPGMaker that looks a lot like RPGMaker), I will try to create a not-terrible game based upon the gameplay of the original Dragon Warrior, which was, well, actually kinda terrible.

Eventually this thread will hopefully have more improved games because of this method! And then you guys will love me and give me compliments and say I'm pretty.


SUPER ALSO: I was doing a cool game with Ed but I fear that Ed is going through some shit right now so I'd have to say that is likely on the freezer until such time we can open the freezer. Power's out, we gotta keep the cold in or else the meat will thaw.

SUPER DOUBLE ALSO: I might also post some Gamemaker codes I maddles so if any of yous use Gamemaker at all maybe you might like to see, improve upon for your benefit, or laugh at like it was a tiny wang
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe

A little arcade game like thing I did a few weeks ago. Nothing much but GET THE HIGH SCORE
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe

Also how do I replay.

p.s. fuck jumping onions or whatevere those things are
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
You replay by, uh,umm...reopening the file I guess.

Didn't really expect anyone wanting to play AGAIN.

ps. My favorite are the GHOULS. They take 3 hits and move to the groove
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
To be honest, I wanted to play again after not realizing I could shoot and trying to stop the enemies WITH MY OWN BODY.
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
You are the second person who has said that

Clearly I have failed at creating a game the masses want

Next game: MeatShield
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
Epamy, you gotta share your pro tips with us. So we can all be pros.
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
15131 SUCK IT EPAMY B) B) B) B)

Mehg I love how you make the first enemies that spawn still challenging later on because of how freaking fast they are

EDIT: 19588
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
Well everything but the Hoppy guy gets progressively faster with no ceiling because I don't want you playing forever

Also the spawns gradually get faster too.

RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
this in mind official highlevel strategy is keeping string onions around until the last hop to keep their lane occupied
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Death Mehg Zone: Super Mehg's Project Pipe
I made a tumblr for my games oh gosh