The Post-Deconstructuralist Aesthetic Competition

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The Post-Deconstructuralist Aesthetic Competition
The Post-Deconstructuralist Aesthetic Competition
The totality of the multiverse was proceeding in the exact manner that the Self-Actualization had initiated incalculable cycles beforehand.

The very existence of every member of the octad of competitors was foreordained from the first instant of creation. The Self-Actualization was merely the conduit through which the eight would be orchestrated into the unalterable tapestry of destiny.

The Self-Actualization grasped through the fabric of space and time, forcing the pathways between existences to manipulate themselves, ensnare the unsuspecting victims, and regurgitate them onto a plane beyond mortal understanding, yet still hopelessly beneath the complexity of the Self-Actualization's native sphere.

This was but a small courtesy to the prospective gladiators, as was the series of introductions soon to ensue. In truth, the Self-Actualization had no true capacity to extend these courtesies out of choice; the Self-Actualization could only unravel the path that the Self-Actualization had laid out at the dawn of time, before the Self-Actualization had ever come into existence.

The combatants, too, were but playing pieces in this eternal game; their entire lives written beforehand, all to ensure that they would be ideal candidates for this competition.

But that was as far as the Self-Actualization's machinations had been certain. Once the battle actually began, these warriors were to be the authors of destiny itself, a fact that they were to remain unaware of lest it interfere with the ultimate outcome of the experiment...

So this is a Grand Battle with a twist: everything has to be incredibly pretentious, like that intro up there. That includes your profiles, and your writing in the battle itself. Thanks to XX for the title.

I look forward to sorting through all the gobbledygook you produce.

One note about the rules: I encourage you all to, instead of editing for continuity, to come up with obtuse explanations to cover up any plot holes that come up. Assuming the writing is comprehensible enough to realize whether there are any plot holes in the first place.

Oh, right, profile template, I should include that. Here you go!

Authorial Psuedonym: Please state your own nom de plume for my personal convenience.
Nomenclature: Whatever this individual is properly addressed by; include variants if they will see frequent use.
Transethnic Identifier: State the entrant's proper species name here, if applicable; if inapplicable, provide an explanation for why.
Sociobiological Designator: Similar to the above, specify masculine or feminine, or any applicable alternative designation.
Lettering Palette: Please include proper colorization with your posts, and include the appropriate hexadecimal code. #4C923F is required for my own use, for reasons which shall ultimately become apparent.
Transubstantiation Recrimination Protocols: Obviously self-explanatory. It is of critical importance that you include all relevant information in this category.
Personal Historical Exposition: State the events of importance to your character's development, aside from the Self-Actualization's manipulation of them towards their inevitable destiny, of course.
Illuminative Portraiture: Relevant details about this individual, independent of matters of specific concern to their native culture. Defining substantive characteristics of interest are also to be expanded upon herein.
Capabilities and Accouterments: The Self-Actualization has ensured that each of the prospective combatants would have unique areas of competence, whether from natural aptitude, rigorous education, or with the assistance of material objects of unusual nature. This is where all such qualifications should be elaborated upon.