Wizard Detective

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Wizard Detective
Wizard Detective
[Image: Gagb5HA.png]

The air stands at attention. Not daring to move in the presence of so many wizards in one place. The round chamber crackles with magic energies confined by ancient stone bricks that make up the tower presently known as Riverside Wizard Academy. Chairs mostly wooden with scars from imperfected mending spells, lay in neat orderly rows facing a fine crafted temporary stage on which a simple podium rests at it's center, a light with no known source that can be seen through the naked eye casts a spotlight onto the headmaster who waits with hurried patience.

Once the last student has found their seat he begins: “Today we introduce three new wizards to the world. After long work and study these students have pushed themselves day after day to gain enough experience to earn their character sheet.” In his hand held with firm reverence, three scrolls each tied with blue ribbon. “The rest of you can learn a thing or two about dedication from these graduates.”

Three young fresh level 1 wizards stand up from their abused arcane chairs as their names are called, gathering on stage with refined rehearsal. One by one they approach the headmaster to accept their fate.

“Now that you are wizards, tell me what will you do now?”

“I will head out with my adventuring party to save my homeland from tyranny.”

“I want to stay here to further my studies as well as others.”

“I'm going to be a detective!”

After ceremonies are over the aspiring detective makes no hesitation to fill out the final parts of their character sheet.

Race: Human
Class: Wizard Level 1
Familiar Name: No one in particular

Str: 9 (-1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con:11 (0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 15 (+2)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Acrobatics: +1
Animal Handling: +2
Arcana: +3
Athletics: -1
Deception: +2
History +3
Insight +4
Intimidation +2
Investigation +5
Medicine +2
Nature +3
Perception +4
Performance +2
Persuasion +2
Sleight of Hand +1
Stealth +3
Survival +2

Currently Prepared Spells
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion

Level 1 Spells
RE: Wizard Detective
Name: Morgan North
Gender: F
Familiar: Weasel
RE: Wizard Detective
Name: Argentus Thatch
Gender: Nonbinary
Familiar: Weasel
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Wizard Detective
Name: Hiddy Smorch
Gender: F
Familiar: Weasel
RE: Wizard Detective
Hemlock Shears, F, Weasel
RE: Wizard Detective
[Image: SSbdab3.png]


Weeks later.

A brisk chilly weather that gently envelopes your breath, even the trees take note and have already changed their lush green leaves to a chaotic composition of dry crunchy mess all over the streets below. Blanketed in reds, oranges and browns. The street itself flattened from years of horses and men trampling along it's back. For the most part people of Riverside are far too busy working, preparing for winter at this hour.

Which leaves Morgan North a level 1 Wizard for the most part, alone. With the exception of her weasel familiar at her side. Dressed in comfortable clothing unfitting of a wizard. Not a pointy hat or robe in sight.

“It should be around here.” Said Morgan, to No one in particular. Her weasel familiar with a soft white fur coat and eyes that rival the deepest blues of sapphires, a stark contrast to Morgan's wild overcooked fire like hair, It's like as if the gods couldn't decided if she should be a red head or not so in the end they gave her the best of two, fire red and ashy coal.

“127B Trampled Road, This must be it!” She said, standing In front of a house that has definitely seen better days and a lot of poor ones too. The front door has a fist sized hole in it and most of the windows lack a frame to support it's absent glass panes. The roof asymmetrical from weakened wood sagging to the left giving the overall impression that the entire house is not pleased with the current state of affairs.

No one in particular chitters with deep dissatisfaction. “It's not haunted!” Said Morgan, “besides even if it was, it's too late now. I already signed the lease for a year!”

To be fair to No one in particular, the building illustrated in the pamphlet looked in far better shape, If one were to compare the image to reality, it doesn't take long to conclude that several artistic liberties were taken.

“Sure it's a fixer upper,” she says opening the door held on by a single rusty hinge. “But that's nothing to fuss about! After I get a few clients we can get this place renovated and it will be great!” Said with a mix of uncertain optimism.

“In the mean time,” Morgan trails off in thought. “With a little creative use of magic I can at least make this place livable!” She pauses to survey her surroundings, “for the most part.”

She swirls her hands, asserts her will on the tapestry of reality and with a sly smile that oozes with mischief, Morgan casts a spell. “Presto!” The air suddenly shifts from a thick soggy mildew odour to one of faint peppermint. “Minusion!” One by one mysterious stains hide in shame, cloaked in illusion. “Mahand!” From nothing a green apparition shaped like a hand plucks spiders from their home to humanely evict them as far away as the spell allows.

“Mmm-Oh right I don't have Mending prepared today. I guess the door will have to wait.”

RE: Wizard Detective
>Check inventory

>Recall any notable info about the town/city you are in.
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: Wizard Detective
>make a desk with cinderbricks.
>Retrieve arms
>Write your name and address in the yellow pages
RE: Wizard Detective
>Brush up on the other cantrips you can prepare. Having a toolkit relevant to the situation is always helpful.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Wizard Detective
Unsure if the rules are the same in 5e, but does No one in particular get an empathic link which serves to let No one in particular respond with emotions to anything we say or do?

Keep that prestidigitation going! You can use it to clean up that dust at a rate of 1 cubic foot every six seconds for the rest of the hour.
RE: Wizard Detective

There are several spells that wizards create, discover or even manifest by accident, some are far more powerful than others. Being a wizard is a common field for those seeking absolute power at their finger tips. And what better way to show that than by throwing an explosive ball of fire and watching your rivals burn to a crisp? Morgan frowns at the thought. She hopes that she won't have to deal with anyone who wants to throw a fireball at her. She is far from fire proof.

No one in particular sneezes, snapping Morgan out of her train of thought. "Oh right the dust, I knew I was forgetting something!" Several minutes go by as Morgan travels from room to room casting Prestidigitation at every possible need, banishing dust at a speed that would make any house cleaner filled with envy. No one really knows where all the filth goes when a wizard cleans by magic. A common theory is that there is a cave, or a hole, or just a field somewhere that is slowly filling up with a mountain of dirt.

The difference a quick clean to a decrepit building can only do so much. Sure the place can still be mistaken for a haunted house but at least it's clean and that's nothing to sneeze at. And No one in particular definitely seems pleased and chitters in thanks. One can only imagine what the quality of the air must have been being so low to the ground with all that dust. But Morgan doesn't have to imagine it. A weird quirk with familiars is that part of the bonding process involves an emphathic link. In short, she feels what the familiar feels and the weasel, feels what Morgan feels.

"Are you feeling what I am feeling, No one in Particular?" The weasel doesn't even bother giving a response, merely climbing up to rest on Morgan's shoulders. "Yup, We're getting hungry. I think I saw a deli nearby."

A Deli, not to be confused with Dehli. The mad wizard of the frozen desert. Used to be all about selling a variety of meats. However ever since the invention of the sandwich invented by the Gnome Zend Vitch. Deli's all over have expanded to selling sandwiches to promote their meaty options. Deli's like the one Morgan is going to are rather common in the town of Riverside, frequently partnering with produce vendors to supply even wider options for sandwich ingredients.

"What can I get you?" Bellows a 7 foot man with muscles the size of watermelons. His green complexion and two oversized lower canines betray his orcish heritage.
"Uh yeah can I get a BLT Sandwich and for my friend here some fish and a clove of garlic?" Says 4 foot 5 Morgan, she continues. "Say, if you don't mind me asking. How's business been?" The green giant chops a head of lettuce before replying. "Just fine, usually don't get very many of your like though." Morgan perks an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Why is that?" The smell of cooking bacon wafts through the air. "Oh you know, we orc kind are known for being monsters on the battlefield." The half orc gingerly slices a tomato and continues. "An away from battles too come to think of it. The way things usually go is I say, What can I get you and then you either scream or stand there in terror. Anyways here you go that'll be three silver." Morgan pays the sandwich artist. "Well I don't think you are all that bad." She says before going to sit down at a local table. No one in particular still on Morgan's shoulders can see the orc scratching his head in bemused befuddlement.

RE: Wizard Detective
Make sure to share with No one in particular! Wouldn't want her/him getting jealous.
RE: Wizard Detective
>Continuously warm sandwich with prestidigitation.

>Observe view from window.
RE: Wizard Detective
A brief look around the deli is all it takes to find a nice window side table. Unfortunately it's already taken by a group of four tough looking dwarves plated in steel with magical armaments each worth a kings ransom. They must be adventurers, likely passing through. The group is scouring over a map and speaking in dwarven.

Morgan makes a few words out as she walks past to an outside table. "Are you daft? I knew we shoulda taken a left at Mount Rancor!" Another wearing a top hat with chains adorning it's frame. "I know where we be going." Just before Morgan closes the door a third dwarf. "We should ask fer directions."

She sits down at a empty table set underneath a cozy hay cabana, it's a little chilly outside, summer nears it's end. Nearby the sound of water clumsily splashes through a channel fenced off to deter people from falling in. People can be seen walking over a stone bridge in the distance. Morgan contemplates if she should have tried to help the Dwarves. She knows the nearby area pretty well for the most part. But they are equally as likely to try and recruit her once they find out she is a Wizard. No one in Particular pats Morgan's cheek with a paw impatient for garlic and fish. "Alright, here you go." She places a wooden bowl on the table with shredded salmon and a clove of garlic which No on in particular makes no hesitation to start eating.

Morgan follows No one in particular's example soon after. Using prestidigitation to keep her meal warm. The sandwich, with it's toasted bread has a crunchy outside and a soft fluffy center, the lettuce and tomato tastes like they were harvested yesterday and the bacon tastes as good as it smelled. The combination of all these things and what's this? A sauce? Further investigation shows it's mayo but that's not all, it has a sweet spicy secret betrayed by it's powdered specks strewn about inside the eggy cream. She takes another bite. Dried red pepper and ginger, with a hint of lemon. "Impressive." Morgan says between mouth fulls. The half orc definitely outdid himself. This place has earned her repeat business.

Dwarves exit single file out of the deli. Still arguing as they pass on by. The Dwarf with the top hat can be heard. "We'll go to tha market. Bound to be someone there tha knows where tha temple of Archuu Bleshuu be."

The temple of Archuu Bleshuu has a mixed history, the tribe who built the temple believed that every time they sneeze a part of their soul escapes their body. The temple was made in hope that their deity Archuu Bleshuu will provide a safe place to sneeze without their soul escaping to the ether. The tribe however became divided on what exactly their god is doing with their souls when they sneezed in the temple and eventually perished through violent infighting. Whether or not their fear for their souls was justified, there are bound to be several artifacts of great value hidden inside it's chamber walls.

Morgan looks down at her empty hands. She finished her sandwich.

RE: Wizard Detective
>Have you done all the paperwork needed to set up a business? I imagine there might be some legal work to complete.
>Do you have furniture for your office/house? What about a sign? These are important things to gather!
>LOOT! GLORIOUS MAGICAL LOOT! Offer help to those dwarves in exchange for part of loot.
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: Wizard Detective
>Why in the blue blazes would you prepare jump as your first level spell ?!

>I don't think you're quite seasoned enough to go raiding temples witth strange dwarv'es you never met before.

>but you could give them dirrection and a buisnes card (use prestidigitation on a bit of parchment).
RE: Wizard Detective
>Yeaaah. Your pretty low on the wizard pecking order of power. If you decide to apply for work with the dwarves, might want to settle for a low payment. Try to dodge questions on why your willing to work for cheap.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Wizard Detective
Those Dwarves could use the help and it's not like she can't say no if they offer her to join them right? No one in particular holds onto one of Morgan's shaking hands. "Get it together North they are just like you, nothing to be nervous about." She stands up suddenly the bench behind her toppling over in the spontaneity.

In her best dwarven dialect she can muster. "Scuse me! You looking fer tha Temple of Archuu Bleshuu aye?" The dwarves turn around to find the source of the voice only to find a burnt red headed lass with a white rodent tied to her arm. One of the dwarves, taller than the rest by a few inches, with a great hammer on his back that looks like it's seen it's use several times over speaks up. "Was that you lass?" Morgan leans down to reset the knocked over bench to it's more functional sitting angle. "Aye!" The dwarves are approaching, Morgan swallows down ever ounce of nerves she has. No turning back now.

One by one dwarves corral underneath the hay cabana not waiting for an invitation to sit on the bench facing Morgan. The dwarf with the top hat unfurls a map onto the table. The map itself looks strikingly old now that is can be seen up close. Out of date too. But it's definitely the region. Morgan takes a mental note where Riverside would be if this map was more modern.

"Allow us te introduce ourselves." Says one of the dwarves. Another interrupts. "We are of the Gravel Forge clan, That one with the beads in 'is beard is Grimli." Grimli interrupts, "Nice to meet yeh. You dwarven is very good but when you said, You looking fer tha Temple. What you shoulda said was, are you lookin' fer tha Temple. Is a slight difference in dwarven grammar but one be more politically correct!" Morgan tries to respond when the top hat Dwarf speaks up. "Tha Tin Can over there with tha great hammar is Gorrin." Gorrin interjects. "Nice to meet'yeh, tha one with tha silly hat is Guttri." The final dwarf adorn with barnacles on his armor, shortest by far by a few inches finishes introductions by simply saying "I'm Logan."

Once Morgan is sure that the dwarves are done talking she proceeds. "Hi, I'm Morgan North. I'm opening a private detective agency in the area." Logan immediately responds with a brief "Hello." Followed by a brief silence. Not the reaction she was hoping for but no matter. "So I can see where tha problem be." The dwarves stare at the map intently, she continues. "Tha map be older than tha Temple's discovery!" A dwarven chorus of "Oooooh, yeah that makes sense." Fills the cabana. Morgan points at a section of a river. "You are here." Her finger trails off leading a path. "And tha Temple of Archuu Bleshuu is over here to tha west." Morgan's finger rests atop a blob with little poorly drawn trees scattered across it's landscape in the center reads. "Allogy Woods."

Guttri hastly rolls up the map and yells out "Time to go!" And the rest follow aside from Grimli who drops five gold coins on the table. "Fer yer troubles." And runs off. The last thing that can be heard is Grimli being scolded. "What you doin giving gold teh npcs!" Grimli meeks out "It builds rapport!"

RE: Wizard Detective
When the term npc or 'non participating character' was first coined, remains a great mystery. Much like the origin of the character sheet, most just take their existence for granted. Common usage is often dominated by adventurers when talking about people who don't have a character sheet of their own. In this case the Dwarfs were mistaken since Morgan stopped being a 'npc' not too long ago. However this is the farthest thing from Morgan North's current train of thought.

Resting on the table shines five golden coins. To a seasoned adventurer such a sum is highly paltry. But to most commoners who's yearly wage averages to around three gold coins in value... No one in particular quickly covers up the coins, hiding them from whoever could be passing by. Waiting urgently for Morgan to do something other than stare blankly where the gold coins used to be in view. On cue she obliges her familiar's urgency with her own and gathers the coins in her hand for further inspection.

What if this is pyrite? Colloquially known as Fool's Gold. It's a common counterfeit material. Morgan casts prestidigitation on the coins to clean them and gives one of the coins a tentative lick. If it was gold it wouldn't taste like anything, if it was pyrite it would taste remarkably unpleasant, no flavor. A slow eye widening realization and a soft spoken murmur. "They're real."

Morgan doesn't come from a rich family. Her father owns a small tailor shop on the other side of town, and her mother pulled several favors to get her only daughter into the local wizard's school. When Morgan first cast light in front of them, neither parent could hold back their tears. In short, Morgan only really had enough for the detective licence fee two months of rent and a small food budget. "This changes things. I can get the place furnished! I can get windows! And a sign!" Morgan looks over at No one in particular who looks just as excited. "And on that sign will say Morgan North, Wizard Detective!"

The half orc still working inside the deli looks through a window to see the strange lady standing up suddenly squeeing in delight. He mumbles to himself "Never have I seen anyone this excited over a sandwich."

The Market Square from where Morgan lives is a hefty 30 minute walk, across the bridge you take a left until you get to the Captain Felwater memorial. Take a right and keep going till you get there. This particular marketplace is more oval than square but no one in their right mind would call it The Market Oval. It just doesn't have decent enough mouth feel.

"First order of business," Morgan says to No one in particular. "City hall, No matter how the place looks if I don't have that license. Well, I will be in a world of trouble." At the center of The ovoid Market Square rests City Hall. And the center of Riverside. The building while very old, is very clear that it's been well taken care of. Large double sided doors made of ironwood rests right at the front entrance. The doors groan, complaining about being opened slowly, Morgan straining from exertion. These doors clearly were designed for someone stronger.

The main chamber a combination of secretary office and waiting room. An overgrown plant sits in the corner hogging most of the light from one of the two windows that illuminate the chamber. On the floor a bear rug missing it's head. On the far side wall a lone desk overflowing with stacks of paper rests a short individual with large eyes, ears and nose with blonde hair shaped wildly in several directions. The gnome speaks through her black rimmed spectacles. "Can I help you?" Morgan walks forward "Yes, I am here to pick up my detectives license." The gnome looks down at her billboard turning over papers in the process. "Name?" The soon to be Detective speaks up immediately. "Morgan North." Several minutes pass while the gnome goes over her disorganized table turning over papers looking for the right one.

"Oh I see, you're a wizard correct?" Before Morgan can respond she continues. "Shouldn't you be out adventuring? Making your name in the world? Why do you want to be a detective?" Flustered, Morgan responds "Well, I." only to be interrupted. "Being a detective is npc's work darling. It's no good having adventurers taking good common folks jobs now is it?" No one in particular glares at the gnome, Morgan speaks up to defend herself "W-well you see." The secretary interrupts again. "If it were up to me your application would be denied, but it isn't up to me. You're approved. Do you have the fee?" Morgan swallows, this isn't how she expected this to go but at least she got approved right? Reaching into her blouse she produces a small coin purse necklace and hands two gold coins to the gnome.

After verifying the coins legitimacy the gnome sighs. "Alright alright here you go, Detective North." Producing a small gold pin, the decal displaying a rosebud inside the lens of a magnifying glass and a small envelope. Morgan happily takes the items, Nods in thanks and silently walks outside. She smiles applying the pin to her coat and looks across the marketplace. Whatever the gnome was on about didn't matter right now. Because from now on, Morgan North is officially a detective.

End of Chapter 1

RE: Wizard Detective
One chapter down, a million more to go! Happymelon

(P.S. I read the spoilers! I am enjoying it quite a lot, thank you. c: I love pen and paper games and can't wait for Detective North to get her first case.)
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: Wizard Detective
"Sorry sweetie, I don't have anymore desks. I should have a new one made next month." Says the kindly old carpenter. Morgan tries not to yell, it's not her fault after all, quality carpentry takes time. "You're the fourth one who's told me that today." The kindly ladies smile takes a more sly expression. "Tell you what, if you buy this couch I will put you on my priority list. The couch, which is covered in dust has a price tag that's been crossed out and re written several times. And for good reason too. It's unbelievably gaudy! The upholstery looks like a bad attempt at trying to camouflage in a field of multi colored flowers with fish swimming in it.

That price tag labelled at 50 silver is far too much for a couch like that especially since most of the gold that Grimli gave her earlier today has gone to repairs on her place. The rest can only get enough furnishing for the bare essentials, a chair. All that's left to run a proper business in there is is a desk and sign. "The priority list is usually 2 gold so this is a pretty good deal if I say so myself, And custom ordering a desk will cost a gold piece. In total you will be saving a lot of money! That's quite a deal don't you think?" The carpenter says in her best saleswoman voice she could muster.

Morgan doesn't have enough to pay three gold on a desk, true. Doing the math the total cost would come to 1.5 gold instead of 3. Oh and a terrible looking couch that she could not afford to throw away. Morgan forces a polite smile. "I will have to think about it. It's almost dinner time anyways so after I eat I will come back if I want to purchase." The carpenter shrugs "Alright just be back before dark."

Not too far away there is an inn. It's name 'The Dusty Shrew.' The sign is beautifully crafted, It even has a shrew carved into it. But no, the font is just like every other inn. The last thing Morgan wants is for people to mistake her place for one. She walks inside. As far as inns go this one is rather typical, though quieter than she expected considering the time of day. She can count the number of customers in here on one hand. "GRUTUS WE HAVE A CUSTOMER!" Yells the bartender, a portly man with a loud demeanor. "WHAT?!" That must have been the cook. "I SAID!" The bartender goes in the back "WE HAVE A CUSTOMER!" Are there only two employees here? "NOT SO LOUD! I'M BLIND NOT DEAF!" Is the cook really blind? Morgan ponders how well a blind person can cook. "Plenty of senses to work with I guess." Said in a whisper to herself before wandering to the bar table and taking a seat on one of the empty stools. It creaks to the side, one leg just slightly longer than the rest. "What can I get ya?" Says the bartender who suddenly found himself back in the front.

RE: Wizard Detective
Well if we get the couch, we can cast prestidigitation to make it less gaudy. I'd say it's worthwhile.
RE: Wizard Detective
>Order a nice meat pie. Don't question what the meat is, just focus on it's delicious flavor!

>We do need that desk...Do you have to pay immediately or can you wait till you get it to pay? After all, such can be a worry for future Morgan!

>Ask the bartender if the cook's disability makes him a better chef.
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: Wizard Detective
Morgan looks at a piece of drift board that's been written on with a grease pencil pretending to be a menu, half of it is illegible. "What's today's special?" The portly man stares into space, seemingly lost in thought. When the cook yells out from the back "TODAY'S SPECIAL IS MEAT PIE, DON'T MIND HIM IT'S BEEN A LONG DAY!" The cook heard Morgan from way back there? When he didn't hear the bartender yelling from around the same place? Something doesn't seem right here. She takes another look at the customers. No one has been served and all of them are glaring at her. Can she just leave? Will they let her? She isn't the fastest but the door out is only 15 feet away. If she darts out now she will likely get outside before anyone can even get out of their seats. Morgan can see one, two no three crossbows. She can't outrun a crossbow. If she has to stop to open the door that should be enough time to get shot in the back.

The bartender places a meat pie in front of Morgan. "We will be closing up for today so this'll be free of charge if you take it to go." Morgan looks up at the bartender who has a strained urgency in his face. Morgan looks at the bartender with concern, the bartender whispers under his fluffy mustache. "I'll be fine, just go." Morgan nods, No one in particular jumps to the floor already walking towards the exit. "Thank you for the free meal, I'll be on my way then." Her heart sinks at the though of leaving this guy alone, She wants to help but she will be useless dead. She stands up, walks to the exit, gets to the door opens it and leaves.

She keeps walking until the realization that she forgot the meat pie. But that's okay she isn't hungry anymore. Morgan promises herself that she will investigate what was going on there and heads back to the carpenter shop. Suddenly the terrible looking couch looks more appealing, she sure could use a soft place to lie down.

On the way Morgan thinks back to inside 'The Dusty Shrew.' What does she remember? It was understaffed, where were they? In the back? Was that really the cook? The people sitting at the tables where all wearing similar garb. Dark clothing. Premeditated? An organized group? She needs to know more, No one in particular rubs against Morgan's legs. She picks her familiar up with a serious look on here face. "I have a job for you." And casts Jump on her familiar.

No one in particular runs across Morgan's arm and jumps off her shoulder travelling an impressive distance. Landing on the ground gracefully and scurries back towards 'The Dusty Shrew.' She cannot let her master down, weasel or no weasel. Morgan closes an eye and covers an ear as she continues on her way. Channeling her closed senses to her familiar to see and hear what No one in particular does.

It's getting dark, No worries about her master. But No has a job to do and Masters will be done. With mighty fuzzy determination she scurries around side 'The Dusty Shrew' and up a tree. It's a bit far, but there is an open window. Perfect. No gives herself a running start and leaps. She makes it just in time for the spell to wear off. No looks inside, nobody is looking at her, good. There is a support beam nearby, good for sneaking. She moves closer and closer until she is right above the group of the so called customers, perfect eaves dropping distance.

"Did they take the bait?" Says one of the men garbed in black. The bartender is placing drinks on the table. "Yes it should be here within the week. If they don't die of course." One of the garbed men ushers the bartender to leave, he does so with swift obedience returning through a door and into the back. No can feel Morgan's curiosity. What is back there?

Morgan and the old lady is hauling a couch reminiscent of a flower garden invaded by fish onto a rented wagon. From behind a familiar voice is heard spoken in Dwarven "That be the ugliest couch I have ever seen." Morgan startled by this accidentally breaks connection with No one in particular. She looks over, it's Logan, The dwarf with all the barnacles on his armor. "We need teh talk."

RE: Wizard Detective
Eh, it got me on the short list of a store for cheap, and I can cast prestidigitation on it to make it less ugly. No intervention necessary.

No: is there a way to the back without opening the door or going down there?

I'm tempted to suggest mentioning to Logan that there are bandits talking about shipments nearby, in a way that doesn't sound like an NPC giving a quest, we kind of owe the adventurers one, and having adventurers as reliable allies is good. On the other hand, this is our thing. What do other people think?