Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die

Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die

Overwatch is a fun game, and this forum is full of fun people, and many of these people play Overwatch.

Ergo, let's play Overwatch together!

When? Tomorrow (May 28th), 6:30 PM EST
How long? Until it's not fun no more
How? Depending on how many people we get, here's how it's gonna go down:

6 people = we go on a fun Quick Play romp
12 people = we go on a fun Custom Match romp (we could probably accomplish a decent custom match with 10 or even 8 people by filling in with bots)

If we get more people, we'll set up a spectator rotation!

Oh, and please post your battle.net ID (or at least PM it to me!) Mine is sfou#1281

We'll be using Discord for team chat.

Hope to see you there! :D

Team 1

Team 2
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Waiting list, shmaiting list, if we get more than 12 we can just do spectator rotation.

While we're filling up the roster though I've got a theorycrafting question: how the hell do you counter a Zarya/Roadhog combo sitting on your escort objective? After attack and defense both as and against the combo I've yet to find even the slightest weakness against it.
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Edited with your suggestion, thanks!

And that takes a bit of coordination, but you could distract roadhog with a Tracer while a Reinhardt-Bastion combo sneak up to mow them down? Maybe?

edit: Also, Widowmaker would be good, but then she would need her own backup
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
I don't think a headshot would knock either of them out, especially if the barrier's are up. And unless you can stun pin or trap one of them in bastion's firing lane all you're gonna do is power up Zarya's shields before they get behind cover.

Also I learned yesterday that you can crouch! Handy to use on that piece of scenery you're really hoping is robust enough to survive a Nerf This!...
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
shit i need overwatch so bad, i can feel how horribly addicted to it i will become
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
It'll be worse than you can even imagine!
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Sure I'm in
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
You're in!
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
I wasn't sure if I would be around but it turns out that I probably will be.
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Alright, I put your name in
RE: Eaglewatch : Heroes Never Die
Whoops I was super asleep, apologies