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I-38 moving slowly due to panicked motorists clutching their loved ones in fear at what they had seen recently.

That being 2 cars colliding and annihilating, exploding into one huge supernova, blinding all oncoming traffic and destroying most of the overpass.

This took place at a major intersection near a Sobey's, at 11:38 am yesterday. People are still shivering in apprehension today, hoping the same won't happen to them. Critics of the cosmic collision say that the passengers and motorists in the exploded cars were "punished" for their sins, that they suffered "divine retribution" in their failure to adhere to the clearly marked, "NO DRIVING" sign posted at the highway, as that highway is strictly reserved for megafauna and ambulatory plants. Birds that cross into the airspace of that highway, however, are summarily executed.
RE: Traffic
Nor will there ever be. To even believe there is is poppycock. Wheat, have you ever thought that you might be a member of a shadow government and that you deserve divine retribution? If so, call this number.

[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Traffic
beep beep end is near

P.S I was in a car once. I still am. Save me.
RE: Traffic
Beep beep I am a car, your treachery is noted Reyweld.
RE: Traffic
!!! The cars have found me !!!

I thought by hiding in plain sight I was being clever, when actually by trapping myself in a car I had sealed my fate. Save me, beasts of the world, save me!