Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
yes ive noticed

imageshack turned into a trashheap after they recently decided going premium was a good idea. shame. lots of good images lost

can probably fix the title image though

of more relevance, still awaiting decision action
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"I certainly wouldn't like for him to cause any trouble for us in the future. Bohw, you do not find it at all suspicious that there is but one fellow, this fellow, remaining in this city? For all we know, he is involved in this disappearance! Alternatively, he is not the cause, and may have pertinent information with regards to this mass vanishment anyway!"

Watson places a fist down in his open palm and says with an air of confidence, but with one that isn't too loud, "I propose that we meet with this man sooner than later. We are people of action! Surely, this is the most shrewd of them we can take."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
A person standing in such a prominent spot really is intimidating, especially after what the group had just been through. Even Myra didn't want to just walk up near the fellow. Still, too much time is being spent debating. With a huff, Myra straightened up, glanced back at Mayor and the others, and lead the way through the gates towards the tower, keeping a close eye on any further details, sudden movements, or changes in what lies ahead. If anything, she'll keep on her toes to counterattack if the man comes at her with a spell.

((ksdjflsa sorry I forgot to post! ))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Renzo throws his hands up as Myra approaches. "Halt, halt, HALT. Dear girl you can not simply walk through this garden. Why, I, the glorious artist RENZO am in the process of sketching the fauna. I shall entitle the piece, 'Ode to a Lily on the Morn'! You and your....friends seem to insist on distracting a GENIUS at his craft. These flowers shall inspire your meager palate. Where is my clay? I am impressed by your stone fellow there. He would make an excellent opening piece for my next gallery of sculptures. Does he do a lot of modeling work? No matter, I can already tell he is like clay, READY for my hands to turn him into a MASTERPIECE. What is your group even doing here? Only a TRUE curator of the arts can appreciate such sights as this. I realize my physique may be intimidating for those not used to laying their eyes on the work of a virtuoso but I assure you my body is as divine as my works!"

Renzo keeps talking to himself for several more minutes, long after people stop listening to him.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Myra looked back toward the group and waved them to come forth. This person's just another weirdo. Did he even hear the explosion? Goodness. Still, he'll be angry if the group just goes into the garden. Welp, only one thing to do then. Myra looked the man closely over, examining his person and the magical items that she's sensing before firing away with her favorite game: 20Q. "We're visiting town to do some sightseeing, and I'd love to come across any weird spots that might lead to cool places," Myra answered the man, "Do you know of any? Also, when will your masterpiece be finished? Can I see when it's done? Are you sketching it for anyone?" She already forgot that the artist was concerned about them being distracting. Bad day for focus-heavy endeavors when Myra's in town.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson examined the man's face just as much as Myra did, if not more.

How could it be? Does this person look and sound just as ridiculous and absurd as Watson? Surely this requires further investigation in the future. For now, Watson bears the man's almost-horrible-to-look at image in his mind. Well, he looks decent, but why does he seem so aggravating?

Watson answered his protests, "I'm afraid we will have to pass through, momentarily, hopefully not muddling your brain too much with our equally admirable features. In fact, I think we would make an excellent contribution to your art. You should be thanking us for all that your regality is worth, begging at our feet!"

He proceeds to pose in front of this man's painting, hopefully to thoroughly annoy the other man in a display of one-upmanship. This is very childish but he can't let this villain get the upper hand! In any way whatsoever!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Just as Watson starts posing in front of the stranger - a ridiculous sight given rather sorry state of his singed and bloodstained clothes - a man walks out onto the highest balcony of the tower, glaring down at the group with contempt from high above.

"Enough of this." he says, and though he speaks quietly his voice booms out across the courtyard. "You have come to be judged."

He snaps his fingers, and the gates shut closed with the resounding thunk of iron striking stone.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Shit." Savannah tightens her grip on her spear, pointing it at the man. "We're really in for it now..." She clears her throat and tries to shout back.

"Hey, we ain't done anything to be judged for! We're tryna bloody save people here!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Actually, we have done much worth judging for, but we think that this man should be judged first", Watson raises the guard in the air.

"If fortune might treat us kindly, the man's trial should last for weeks while we make out retreat", Watson whispers conspiratorially, with his eyes half-open to Savannah.

He sets the guard back down. "And then we shall see if our crimes are indeed worth pursuing after you see what this man's band of crazed cavaliers have done to us. Their crimes are the standard by which you should judge us. When you do, it will be alike us having done no crime at all!"

Watson holds his sword behind him. In case they make a bad impression. Which a bunch of misfits like them tend to do anyway.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Well, I do say this is most unbecoming of such a paragon of art, but Renzo shall engage in FISTICUFFS with you. Except that one man. He seems most uncouth." Renzo flings paint on Watson, boosting his physical strength immensely but silencing him for the upcoming fight.

"Maybe that shall let you choose your words more carefully? Hmm? Renzo does appreciate the critiques of his works, but requires they be sent in via the proper paperworks and in triplicate."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Myra didn't even know where to start with Watson- first making a fool of himself in front of that artist, and second, making a fool of ALL of us in front of that man up high!? How is raising an alleged person of the law, hog-tied and knocked out, supposed to help our case of innocence? Luckily, they may all be saved by that Renzo fellow flinging paint on the gentleman's already-ruined clothes.

Sending her gaze up to the man on the balcony, Myra held a look of dismay. "What's up with these fellows and judging others...?" she muttered to herself as she tried to think about their options. The ravenfolk scanned the tower to try and see what all that magic is about- she didn't want to go near that hulking pile of stone and magic only to become a fried bird if that thing did happen to fry intruders on the spot. "That tower has a lot of magic surrounding it," Myra warned the others, "be careful."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Mayor walked between Watson and... whoever the hell the other person was, but it was evident that a fight could start out between the two giant hams if Mayor didn't stand between them. Watson's completely insane actions however were starting to make Mayor think he could of used a bit of a beating to knock those loose screws around. Now was not the time to think of such idle thoughts however and Mayor folded his arms as he stared down the man in the tower, ready to accept the judgement.

Bohw was not ready to accept judgement however, she had attempted to sneak around with Renzo causing a distraction, but shortly after entering the gate it slammed behind her. Bohw was certain the things he would find about her would get her killed, she had just murdered a bunch of innocent guards, even as mad as they were. In a panic, Bohw looked around desperately for a place to hide, before hiding herself inside a bush, wondering why everyone else wasn't doing the same thing.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]


"You poor blind fools. Truly you are naïve if you believe good intentions can excuse what you have done. And yet... You wish to know how it is I come to believe that you have wronged me."

The man makes a gesture with one hand, and the very ground around you suddenly sparks with magical power, channeling an illusory projection all around you. It shows the land, the kingdom, as seen from above. And wherever there is life, whether in the form of a forest or that of a bustling city, shadows gather and fire rains from above. Destruction and chaos are spread across the land.

With another gesture, scene shifts, moving south, across the ocean to a land often only heard of in traveler's stories. Even there chaos reigns, and what was once bustling trade cities and great desert palaces are set ablaze and consumed in shadow.

The man atop the balcony closes his hand, whereby the magic fades as if snuffed out. "It is the same everywhere our scryers look. You wish to know what you have done?"

The man pauses momentarily, folding his hands behind his back as he stares down at you.

"You called down the wrath of a vengeful god. You darkened the skies, and doomed us all. The archmagi are in agreement. Whether by accident, mistake or otherwise, you stand accountable, though unfortunately one of you seems to be missing."

The man shakes his head, sighing. "I am a powerful man, but as i have come to learn, i am powerless before a god. But i'll be damned if i allow you to leave merely because you 'meant well.' We may all die soon, but this small justice i shall carry out first. A scrap of law in an ocean of chaos, if you will."

The man raises his hand, fist clenched, looking skywards, towards the sun. Then he opens his hand, and an explosion of magical energy sends all but Bohw flying, each in a different direction, to land each in a different area of the courtyard. The man raises his hand, palm outward, fingers spread. The courtyard rumbles, then blooms with verdant growth, the bushes turning into hedges which in turn become thick walls of unsurmountable vegetation, forming a labyrinth of thorned growth... Leaving Bohw bound and trapped within one such wall.

"Champions, execute them."

Five silhuettes emerge from the base of the tower, heading for you.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Bohw didn't believe what she was hearing, they were trying to stop all of that from happening, she couldn't believe that some brainless magi with his stupid judgement and his stupid jumping to wild conclusions could be the death of her. But her train of thought was derailed as she quickly realized her hiding spot was poorly made, the bush suddenly going wild with growth as the branches overwhelmed and scratched her. She did her best to break free, struggling to become untangled from the hedge wall.

Mayor attempted to regain his senses after being blown off his feet, his protective instincts kicking in. He could barely see over the hedge maze and couldn't see anyone other than that madman in the tower, in which Mayor was incredibly tempted to charge through to severely pummel. But Mayor would have too much difficulty cutting through the branches, so aiming to meet these 'champions', he picked a direction heading to the tower, gripping his shield and marching onwards.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
This vengeful god must be quite doltish to entrust the likes of Watson's group to causing chaos of this kind. The more likely explanation is that some other nefarious group of archmagi performed ancient rituals best left unbeknownst to man. To advance their own schemes? Most surely! It's quite easy to rule a land in ruin after all.

Unfortunately, Watson can't disclose any of his theories due to all the spittle sounds he's making.

"Pfft! Ptoo! Pfftt, puh!" Watson attempts to get something off of his tongue.

Spittle sounds he's making because SOMEONE decided to fling paint at him like an animal but also endow him with IMMENSE STRENGTH while doing so. If this is the reward for having coloring dyes thrown at oneself, Watson wouldn't try it, if only due to the symptoms.

These thorns certainly aren't helping either. Watson tries climbing atop them, to see his fellow teammates and also for the height advantage he'll need to confront this Shadow (indeed, no champion could best Watson in combat! These are husks of true men, forced to serve this wicked mage's purposes). The Mana-leapers are certainly of some help in this attempt. Although...

He could attempt to engage the archmage in his own little Anti-magic enclosement. This should dispel these Shadows, if not this illusory landscape. But Watson's ideas are clambering one on top of each other, all of them desperate to be attempted, just as Watson is climbing, desperate to see the friends he's known in this short while (forgetting about the other man, whom Watson considers RUDE for their roundabout way of keeping Watson silent) and hatch a grand plan on an unwitting man...
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Is that guy seriously trying to say we are responsible for all this? If anything, we're the ones looking for a solution! ...Although she had to admit, as a ravenfolk, Myra had to admire the man's dedication to some good ol' vengeance. Even if it is completely misplaced. That aside, the situation's gotten right back into some tight quarters. She needs to reunite with the others before they're picked off, one by one.

Using the boost from earlier, Myra cast an invisibility spell upon herself to cover her tracks. Walking may prove to be too slow, though- there's only so much time she has before those 'champions' make headway for their heads! With not a moment to lose, Myra took on the form of a raven and took to the skies, searching out her allies that are surely trapped in this maze of hedges.

((Using that boost to make the Invisibility spell last longer \ o / ))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Our fault, my ass!" Savannah shook her fist at the man in the tower. She'd show him, yeah she would. "Powerless before a god, eh? I'll show you powerless when I'm shoving my foot up your-" Her insult was rudely interrupted by the arcane explosion, throwing Savannah back for the second or third time that day. She continued to hurl insults as she flew through the air, her words cutting off when she went head first into a huge hedge. That just kept growing. She managed to scramble out of the plant before the thorns sprouted.

"You just made a big, damn mistake!" Savannah hollered. She stormed forward, channeling the energy of the plants that the guy had just grown everywhere. Throwing her arms to the side, Savannah willed the plants aside, opening a hole in the goliath shrubbery. Savannah began brutishly heading back to where she was before, spear clutched angrily in her hands, spewing insults all the while.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]

Mayor picks a direction and starts running, moving towards the tower. But within moments, something large and solid leaps straight over the tall hedges, landing behind Mayor. Spinning to respond, Mayor only just manages to get his shield up in time to catch a large stone axe on it. In front of him is a rather slim but nonetheless towering stone creature in the vague shape of an armored man, wielding a double-bladed battleaxe in one hand and a tower shield of stone in the other. The face of the creature appears mostly featureless, only a slight indentation indicating where the eyes would have been on a mortal man.

Watson leaps over one hedge with his mana leapers, in doing so spotting a man in a white trenchcoat crouching atop a floating disc of some form, massive energy rifle pointed straight at Watson. He doesnt seem to be firing yet, though... But that probably wont last much longer.

Myra turns herself invisible before taking to the skies, gaining an overview of the maze and her allies. Only moments later, however, the winds around her begin to pick up, growing to nearly unmaneuvrable levels within moments. That is NOT natural. Indeed, Myra's magical gaze reveals a blackfurred lycanthrope standing alone far below a short distance from the tower, a lattice of spellwork joining his outstretched palm to the roaring winds building around you.

Savannah bursts with the power of life, starting to run as she bends the hedges to bow before her will, charging straight for the tower. She makes it through several hedges before the man atop the tower, frowning in annoyance, makes a simple gesture in her general direction and... the plants simply stop responding. Or rather, they strain to respond, but something equally powerful is fighting back, keeping the thorned hedge locked in a magical battle with itself. Meanwhile, a frail-looking man wearing only a kilt rounds the nearby corner. An extensive tattoo of incredible artistry encircles his upper body, depicting a fire wyrm of some sort. He gives you a measured nod as he steps up. Then the tattoo bursts into flames, and he advances upon you with lithe steps.

Bohw is busy trying to untangle herself from the thorned mess of branches and vines she has found herself in, a process that is far from painless, although insignificantly so perhaps in comparison to what she has suffered in recent time. She looks up in time to spot a man wearing a silvery-blue robe floating towards her over the hedges. The man is glancing off to one side, perhaps inspecting a nearby skirmish starting in that direction. When he finally turns his attention towards Bohw, his eyes widen for the barest moment, as if in surprise. Then, almost grimly, he lifts one hand, a sphere of power appearing above it. He is still far off. Maybe Bohw still has a little more time to get free?

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
may i point out again that getting around isnt going to be simple

anyhow, no Mayor would not from entering an anti magic zone but he would be utterly and completely useless in a combat scenario. the same could be said of casters though but atleast they can kind of move about at a reasonable pace
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Renzo takes the time to smell the roses or whatever flower is in these hedges before trying to find his way towards the center, or that strange yelling girl. "Really, azaleas? How gauche. Perhaps we are in need of a bit of creativity here. Why go UP when one can go UNDER?"

Renzo's retrieves his sculpting tools from his bag, using his magic to allow him to burrow under the hedges and to try and reach Savannah.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
But then that also means he doesn't have his own PC to fight
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

It was very apparent that Bohw was in a bad spot and unfortunately for her, only an enemy was in the position to see that. Other than returning his look of surprise with an angry and potentially violent glare however, Bohw had very limited options in getting out of it safely. So she decided to not get out safely, using a loose arm to try and reach inside her jacket for an incendiary grenade, whipping it out and priming it as soon as she could. She planned to throw the grenade in the hedge just above her, hoping the ensuing fireball will hopefully allow her to break free with her writhing as the entire bush broke apart. If Bohw's entire life had given her one thing, it was a tolerance for near-death experiences, after being impaled, de-horned, losing an eye and blasted to near unconsciousness, blowing herself up one more time didn't seem too far-fetched.

Mayor got his wish on meeting one of these champions and by the looks of it, it was a formidable foe indeed. But there was one glaring flaw in the construct's design, while that battle axe was probably very good at punching through Mayor's armor, it left it with limited options of attack, all them being "hit him with the axe." Plus it was only in one hand, it's other arm being restricted with the tower shield that it was unable to drop easily. Shifting his stance defensively, Mayor had the perfect counter attack, he would catch the axe with his shield a second time, then as it bounced off he would lash out and grab it's handle with both hands. From there, kick the thing away and disarm it as he tugged away from him, now all he needed to figure out was just what direction the construct was going to swing in.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Would Watson be able to Jump Up and engage the Cage, trapping the archmagi on the tower? In fact, can Watson engage anyone in the vicinity?