Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Mayor heads off, carrying Bohw and trailed by Savannah. Torhald stays back, pulling out some slightly crispy bandages to try and patch up a dazed Mael.

Walking through the wreckage in the vague direction of where he last felt Myra's mental voice, the trio eventually come across a smouldering courtyard accessed through a back alley. The corpses of two guardsmen are lying nearby, one sprawled at an awkward angle against a wall and the other impaled on a broken length of plank.

More importantly, Myra is lying atop a pile of rubble in human form, surrounded by scores of bloodied feathers.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Mayor is a bit startled, did the explosion reach all the way here? Whatever happened though, the scene leaves him wondering, <i>something</i> definitely did happen if the impaled guard was any clue to go by. First order of business was looking after Myra and checking for survivors, Mayor looking around for a place to set Bohw down. Carefully, he went up to a wall and rested her there, then turning right back around to run towards Myra, examining her for any injuries.

Mayor was no doctor though, he didn't know much in the way of healing. After a moment, he turned around and waved at Savannah with urgency, beckoning her over to help heal Myra.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Savannah drops a piece of rubble she was looking at, grunting. No idea which building that came from. But it didn't really matter, it's not like she could put these buildings back together. Turning to find something else to look at, she spots Mayor frantically trying to get her attention.

"Yo." She waves back at him and strolls over to see what the fuss is about. "This place got damn near totaled. That weirdo with the flame thing really did a number on this place." She glances around a bit more before picking up the pace.

"So what's the-" Her sentence cuts off as she sees the ravenfolk lying, twisted up and unmoving, on a pile of rubble. "Oh shit." Savannah quickly covers the rest of the distance between them, dropping to her knees and dredging up every bit of her magic that she could muster. She then casts a healing spell on Myra, silently willing her to not be dead.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Initially, Watson's mouth was agape. If one looked in his left eye, they'll see blank, soullessness. If one looks in his right eye, they'll see the object of his affections a mere pile of dust.

His sorrows were not mitigated by the fact that they even won. He would kill them again, if he could, and then make a new hat out of their armors. It would've been a lovely, metallic hat.

Not being able to see past the flawed idea of an extremely heavy hat, Watson had faceplanted on the ground, unresponsive. He is lying beside Mael.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(10-04-2014, 05:27 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah drops a piece of rubble she was looking at, grunting. No idea which building that came from. But it didn't really matter, it's not like she could put these buildings back together. Turning to find something else to look at, she spots Mayor frantically trying to get her attention.

"Yo." She waves back at him and strolls over to see what the fuss is about. "This place got damn near totaled. That weirdo with the flame thing really did a number on this place." She glances around a bit more before picking up the pace.

"So what's the-" Her sentence cuts off as she sees the ravenfolk lying, twisted up and unmoving, on a pile of rubble. "Oh shit." Savannah quickly covers the rest of the distance between them, dropping to her knees and dredging up every bit of her magic that she could muster. She then casts a healing spell on Myra, silently willing her to not be dead.

Though the plantlife here is fading, enough remains for you to draw on for a healing spell. Fortunately, the spell takes hold of Myra, proving her to still live- her injuries appear to mostly have consisted of a severe pounding - maybe from the shockwave? Regardless, she is definitely going to be bruised blue and yellow whenever she wakes up.

What now?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Oh, thank the gods." Savannah sighs in relief, moving forward to try and examine her for any immediately life-threatening injuries. She probes around for a bit before turning to the others.

"Good news, she's alive. Bad news, she is out like a light." Savannah rolls back onto her heels. "The question is, what do we do now, now that we've just killed a squadron of this city's guard and now have an actual reason to be attacked?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson is still lying down on the ground.

Going to the effort of walking towards him asking questions is not a wise course of action unless you have some healing to go along with it.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
You're also quite a stretch away and wouldnt be able to hear the question in any case.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson's stuck around near Mael, Bohw's out in Post-Hellbent Dreamland, and Myra is asleep after yet another little dance with Death. The only two conscious beings who are available and in the same vicinity for conversation are Savannah and Mayor.

Speaking of consciousness, should Myra wake up about now? :'DDD
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
That might be appropriate yes lets not drag this out forever please.

By the way you survived with ~100 health or so. Your shield saved you.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Hahaha oh my gosh she really is a lucky bird.

"........Recover," Myra coughed out as she slowly sat up, the previous words having somehow been processed in her sorry state, "get the flock away from this...explosion... lay low...and find that underground place." She rested her elbows on her knees and looked around, taking the moment to let her head and body catch up with reality. After a few deep breaths, Myra tried her hand at casting a healing spell on the group and herself, concentrating on the magic flickering in her hand. "Who was the raven lunatic who opened a portal to a sun anyway...?" Did Watson have a really large burp from that wine of his or something? Didn't say 'excuse me' afterwards? Where was he, anyway- he didn't get caught up in the explosion, did he?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Quote:One of the guards is still alive. He lies groaning at the edge of the explosion like the rest of you. His sword is nowhere in sight, though.

Whoops I missed this. Watson might have to interrogate him for us.


Mayor looked relieved to know that Myra was alright, one causality was enough to make his blood boil... if he had that, of course. Even if it was hard to tell with his glowing eyes, Mayor was still rattled from the whole disaster, there was nothing else Mayor would describe it as, it was a disaster without a doubt. He knelt down to the ravenfolk and extended his non-damaged arm to her, offering to help her up or rest herself against him, it was the best he could he could do for the moment.

From behind, Bohw approached the back of the group, clutching her face and on the verge of having a mental breakdown. She was almost prepared to walk away right there and then, but the harsh words of a friend rung in her head above the lingering chatter and she kept her resolve. "Even if that couldn't of gone any worse, that doesn't change our end goal." Bohw spoke, "Myra's right. Recover, regroup, get underground, grab the shiny and haul ass."

"As for causalities..." She continued on, spite in her voice as Bohw's grip tightened on her own face. "Watson's-... Watson's fine, against all odds. But..." She then trailed off, unable to bring herself to talk any further on the matter.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Wuh!" Savannah falls back onto her butt, hands colliding painfully with the rubble under her as Myra comes back to the world of the living, startling her.

"Ack, jeez! A little warning would have been nice!" Despite her words, she's happy that Myra is up and not dead, meaning one less they have to worry about. Bohw's voice catches her attention, and she listens semi-attentively.

"...It was Taran." Savannah states simply. It's something that needs to be said. She doesn't elaborate on the matter and slowly brings herself to her feet. "I guess we should rest and figure something else out..." She stretches her arm and glances back. "You want me to get Watson?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Torhald finishes bandaging Mael up. Glancing about, he takes note of the comatose Watson and the slowly-retreating soldier. Apparently he disregards them both for he instead goes to examine the center of the crater instead, stepping slowly closer to peer down the hole created by the impact.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Yeah... Taran." Bohw muttered, "Gods be damned... I wonder what his final thoughts were, when he saw..."

Mayor made some scraping noise from inside his gut to interupt Bohw, looking over his shoulder at her sternly and shaking his head in disagreement. Bohw sighed and let her hand fall to her side, "Right, now's not the time." She responded to the golem, although still looking absolutely miserable as she did.

"Savannah, you were a scout, right? Can you fetch Waston and the others?" Bohw ordered, reaching into her side pouch to withdraw the strange horn thing that was handed to her to see if it would have any response to the area. "I think this is the place that the strange lady told us about. I know her words were not much to go on, but to be fair, it might be the only thing we have at this point."

Bohw scanned the area for points of interest, while Mayor somewhat... shock his hand vaguely infront of Myra, determined to help her up and let the wounded ravenfolk rest on him.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Alright." Savannah hauls herself to her feet, wobbling a moment before getting her balance. "Stay here. I'll be back smart quick." She trots off through the alley, back towards the epicenter of the... whatever that explosion was. It doesn't take long for her to spot Watson and Mael, but she actually has to approach the crater to find Torhald. She cocks her head and yells down at him.

"Hey! The hell you doin'? Get up here!" Savannah also nudges Watson with her foot to see if he's not dead.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Bohw's inspection of the immediate area is rather disappointing. They're in a wrecked backalley. Nothing about it seems out of place, other than its current state of disrepair. Theres the fortress on the hill in the distance, though.

Meanwhile Torhald snaps out of his study of whatever was left at the centre of the crater as Savannah calls out to him. Mael seems to be recovering aswell, though both of them aswell as Watson and Savannah could probably use a medical touch before setting out.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson mumbles something through the dirt, "blblththb heeeeel pllbeath"

Savannah would also notice that a piece of Watson's suit literally crumbled away upon kicking it. She would also notice that he's simply quite singed all over but who cares about flesh wounds?????

Style is what matters, and anyone can see from a mile away that Watson's style is in tatters.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"..." Savannah stares down at Watson, frowning. She presses her palm to her face and grumbles. "Damn it, Watson, I can't understand you. Quit eating dirt and talk like a normal person. We gotta get back to Bohw and Myra." She pulls her foot back and crinkles her nose at the remains of Watson's suit that got on her shoe. She shakes it off as best she can and pulls out her healing wand.

"Get over here!" She yells at Torhald, then proceeds to heal up herself, Watson, and Mael. Savannah also pops a healing shot into Torhald when he approaches her. "What the heck were you doing down there?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson feels the slightest bit better. Like that 3rd degree burn is now a 2nd degree burn! It still hurts quite a bit, but at least he can move his head up!

And weep!


aaaaaand he's facedown in the dirt again. Why would you let him remember that? Oh! Oh wait, he's crawling now. Maybe it's not so bad? Whoops. I guess not, apparently. That hat had all his spare silk in it! How can he make another hat now? Someone... someone owes him a new hat. At least his weapons didn't melt and are simply in a nice little pile there. But he can't store them in a Hatventory anymore. Now they have to go into

Watson cringes

Hammerspace. That place into which barbarians toss their blunt little knives and all their other assorted bludgeoning instruments!

Watson tries placing his swords into his Coatpocketspace. It fails disastrously. The swords are dangling out of his pocket like soggy socks, due to the space-altering properties inherent in Inventory Spaces. Watson resigns himself to placing them in hammerspace. There must be someone to blame for this travesty!

He sees a groaning guard off into the distance. Him. Watson narrows his eyes. He is a subordinate of that caddish captain! He walks over to the crater

"Savannah! May I have the honor of talking that man senselessly into the ground?"
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Savannah watches with no small amount of annoyance as Watson dicks around with his weapons and cries about his hat. She shoots a look at Mael, one saying 'god help me' and turns back to Watson as he approaches her about beating up that guard that looks like he's about to topple over.

"Watson, I-" She's about to deny him, but having witnesses get away is a bad idea. Savannah frowns and grits her teeth. "Can't you like, take him with us? We've kind of got places to be."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
As Watson approaches the guard crawling away, he tenses up, drawing a dagger and turning to look up at Watson. "Just leave me alone you bloody murderers!" He croaks.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson slyly looks over to Savannah at his left.

"You're going to have a hard time keeping him. Allow me to work him over with my words."

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Gah, fine. But make it quick. I don't wanna get yelled at because you took too long, capishe?" Savannah crosses her arms and gestures at Watson to get on with it.