Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
((Sorry for keepin' ya waiting Blazer, t'was a busy week.))

Nos stares blankly at Mayor and the Cordraal that he intercepted. After a long moment, he stares cackling. "Heheheheh. Wow, okay. Neato. When did we start fighting? Whatever, here we are. I feel like something bad just happened, did something bad just happen?" Nos shrugs, and turns to Bohw with a more reserved smile than is usually plastered on his face.

"So you still wanna do the dancy thing?" He extends a hand to Bohw very formal-like, and adopts a composed posture rather like before when he misunderstood Bohw. However this time one foot starts tapping the deck of the ship, very softly, and Nos glances at the Cordraal and other demons beyond it. "I think we'll need to clear these things out first. Could be fun, heh."

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
((Don't worry about it, lets try and break the record for damage. Also apparently myra did more damage in a single attack than me because chim said that punishment was divided damage and didn't benefit from the aoe damage...))

Mayor's body begins to crumple under all the damage he's taken. He knows fully well that he cannot hold his ground up against this demon, he twists his body and breaks away from his grapple, instead going to raise his shield up high. Ready to intercept another attack, he tenses up and defends.

After having a bit to think about her plan, Bohw wonders what overtook her. This plan was dreadful, all her plans have been dreadful as of late, she can't think of one long enough to not regret it moments later. This was stupid, reckless and rather nonuniform way of dealing with the problem before them. She shakes her head. That was just the thing however, Nos' specialty was stupid, reckless and nonuniform, it was the perfect plan. She knows all the strengths and weaknesses of everyone and no-one is more up to the task, it's her job to put everyone in the right spots at the right time.

Perking up, Bohw grabs his outstretched hand. "This time, I'm leading."

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson watched in amusement as Bohw and Nos deal damage on the ad-hoc dancefloor. He drank a cup of delicious Water with a strange magical after-taste, like cheese? Crackers? Maybe both? But it was in commemoration of their future victory over these citizens of the netherworld.

Contingency One

Contingency Two
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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(04-02-2014, 09:23 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra hums with pleasure as her lashes surpassed her expectations. Not so tough a monster as it looks! Satisfied with the certainty that her comrades can take the Cordraal from here, Myra decides to move her attention and stage to the Regnant Corshar #4, which looks ready to make another nasty attack! The Ravenfolk conjures a heavy, yet oddly shimmering fog, and surrounds the Regnant Corshar #4 with it, in the hopes that the monster's movements will be shut down for a while.

You halt the monster midswing as a thick mist coalesces around the corshar. Pale and shimmering, the fog envelopes its victim, lowering the monster's power by 69! (Roll 13+7-2+2+2, crit) Betweem the fog and Nos' curse, it becomes impossible for the corshar to so much as move, and as a result is held immobile for two rounds!

(04-03-2014, 11:30 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah sniffs, the earthy smell of pollen filling her nose. She then sneezes, a colorful cloud of said pollen billowing up. Savannah scrubs at her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Augh, pollen." Shaking her head, Savannah clasps her hands together and pulls them apart, a small spinning globe of ice in between them. She adjusts her hand so the globe is spinning on the tip of her index finger. She spins it faster, making it grow larger, until she rolls it into her palm. Gripping it loosely, Savannah reels back her arm and pitches the globe at the Cordraal. "Batter up!" When it smashes against the Cordraal, it explodes into a glacier, activating Absolute Zero and trapping the shadow creature within.

You defy everyone's expectations of Bohw and Nos' coming dance when you flashfreeze the shade with a single spell, dealing 2363 damage! It turns into a black mist as it dies, and is quickly gone, leaving behind a perfect statue of clear ice where it stood, posed for a swing against Mayor. It is layered with icicles on the reverse side from where your spell struck.

(04-05-2014, 01:57 AM)Supernerd Wrote: »>Selphy casts restoration on Myra and continues piloting the ship away.

You bless Myra with a restorative spell, which will heal her for 280 each turn for four turns. (roll 19+16+2)

(04-05-2014, 01:23 PM)Dais Wrote: »Nos stares blankly at Mayor and the Cordraal that he intercepted. After a long moment, he stares cackling. "Heheheheh. Wow, okay. Neato. When did we start fighting? Whatever, here we are. I feel like something bad just happened, did something bad just happen?" Nos shrugs, and turns to Bohw with a more reserved smile than is usually plastered on his face.

"So you still wanna do the dancy thing?" He extends a hand to Bohw very formal-like, and adopts a composed posture rather like before when he misunderstood Bohw. However this time one foot starts tapping the deck of the ship, very softly, and Nos glances at the Cordraal and other demons beyond it. "I think we'll need to clear these things out first. Could be fun, heh."


(04-06-2014, 12:27 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Mayor's body begins to crumple under all the damage he's taken. He knows fully well that he cannot hold his ground up against this demon, he twists his body and breaks away from his grapple, instead going to raise his shield up high. Ready to intercept another attack, he tenses up and defends.

After having a bit to think about her plan, Bohw wonders what overtook her. This plan was dreadful, all her plans have been dreadful as of late, she can't think of one long enough to not regret it moments later. This was stupid, reckless and rather nonuniform way of dealing with the problem before them. She shakes her head. That was just the thing however, Nos' specialty was stupid, reckless and nonuniform, it was the perfect plan. She knows all the strengths and weaknesses of everyone and no-one is more up to the task, it's her job to put everyone in the right spots at the right time.

Perking up, Bohw grabs his outstretched hand. "This time, I'm leading."

A Bow and a Hammer
Shepherd and Reaper
A grin and a twirl
A waltz, a'whirlin'
Bolts a'hurlin'
A halt - hammertoss
Aflame, a scythin'
The Madness Contained
In fire and flame
Arrows ablazin'
Eyes alight
Steppin' a rhythm
Till all is quiet
And with a sigh and a cackle
Under the sunset sun
It is at an end

A system deficient
For 9582 damage you have dealt

(04-06-2014, 09:00 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson watched in amusement as Bohw and Nos deal damage on the ad-hoc dancefloor. He drank a cup of delicious Water with a strange magical after-taste, like cheese? Crackers? Maybe both? But it was in commemoration of their future victory over these citizens of the netherworld.

And what better way to celebrate than with a congratulatory sword strike to the head for his fellow malefactor? His enemies can't complain, I mean look at those two sashaying across the beautifully varnished wooden deck of the airship, going to and fro against the Cordraal. At this rate, it's quite beautifully dead.

You take another sip from your cup as you watch the fire die out and the last hail of arrows fade away behind you - taking a few formerly-bypassing birds with it - and wondering what just happened. But then, who cares? Surely it calls for celebration!

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Watson clapped at the stellar performance as shadows of dark beings dispersed around him, not having even a chance of laying a hand on him thanks to his allies.

"Applause, applause, only the highest praise, else we wouldst never have made it without you two!" Watson gave a smile full of delight and enthusiasm.

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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Myra, although relieved that the battle was over, was slightly put off by how Bohw and Nos stole the stage at the very end. Ahhh, well, she consoled herself, they didn't get to do much until the end of the battle anyway, while Myra got to enter the stage much earlier than they did! Everyone needs the spotlight on themselves at some point, and it was definitely fun watching Savannah flash-freeze that Cordraal into oblivion. She looks over the side of the ship to see if that dark figure is still there, only to view a few specs in its place. Remains of the dark figure, Myra supposes. "...Loot!" she slips out with a devious grin, and a gleam in her eyes to match.

She turns to her cohorts on the ship, still grinning madly, and calls out, "I'll be back in a moment! I see something shiny!" She places a foot on the edge of the ship, but pauses, and turns to Watson. "...You know, Watson," Myra started, an oddly calm demeanor about her as she spoke, "I found it a have heard you speak of magic with such disdain, earlier...You really shouldn't be so unappreciative of magic, when magic makes everything so much more fun...Without magic, life is bland and colorless, much like that water you're drinking now."

With that being said, Myra jumps off of the ship and Changes Form into a Raven, making a mad dash for whatever was left of that dark figure. If there are enemies too close for her to safely approach, then she'll use a magic spell to retrieve them from a safe distance.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Mayor checks the aftermath of Savannah's attack, tapping lightly on frozen statue, he seems impressed with the result. With not much else to do, he begins combing through his crystalline spikes and sits down near the statue, regenerating himself from the damage he took. He then notes that part of the hull is on fire from Bohw's and Nos' Madness dance and goes immediately to extinguish the embers.

Bohw surveys the resulting carnage, sighing as she remembers to breathe after all the excitement. Not a single shot of hers missed their mark it seems, as she cannot spot an arrow in the deck's hull. She laughs nervously as she recalls she got a bit carried away and shot down a couple birds in the moment, even an arrow is embedded in the Cordraal's icy husk of it's head. Nos was less accurate it seems, as she spots Mayor is off currently stamping out some of the remains of Nos' fire, a resounding thud each time he brings his foot down.

But she really doesn't care, grinning wide as she slings her longbow over her back. Throwing her hands up in triumph, Bohw shouts out, "Yes!" she yells excitedly, "That is how you do an attack!" Still feeling a rush from the dance, Bohw begins humming a tune she imagined up during the attack, twirling about and mimicing parts of the madness dance. For once in a long time she seems very content with herself, even if that's only because she's still influenced from the crazed after effect.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"I concede that magic is quite useful, and I am indeed drinking a vestige of some, but... I'd rather not dabble in it myself. One can accomplish the same with less! Lo, my clothing is torn and my muscles strained, and so have I not achieved greatness without tapping into that ether in my spirit, that which is as volatile as a flame, and could endanger myself similar? I say, let their magic be put down, their spells rebuked! I have fared quite well without it and can continue to do so. This water? Well, people go to war because of it! Given the condition of the battle, I could have gone on with not a drop of the liquid about me." Watson gave a wan smile. He understood her intention but he sighed, knowing she must understand the plight magic has wrought as well.

"The world has enough color as it is, One doth not require magic to spin it and confuse the mind. You may do as you like, I shan't judge you for it, but I cannot bring my self to invoke mystical powers that confound me so, those magical machinations which bring ruin to the world!" he cried out.

"I only put this Vase to use out of necessity, for if I don't, the bated beasts shall bring ruin to me with their own magics."

And with that, Watson goes to the spot where the Starmetal sword is lodged and retrieves it, unintentionally making wood chips fly as the deck cracks from the pulling force. He makes it disappear into his hat, as if it never existed in this world.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Savannah smirks, wiping some excess ice crystals on her hands off onto her pants. She casually strolls over to the ice statue of the Cordraal, sticking her tongue out at it. Savannah leans on the statue, feeling the cold seep through her sweater.

"If that's not how you do it, I don't know what is." She chuckles then gets up, heading towards Ziras. However, she spots a bunch of the battered and wounded survivors and decides that she should probably help them out instead. So Savannah makes her rounds, applying healing spells to those that need it.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(( Uhhh, As soon as Myra said the thing about magic, she jumped and went to see about getting the dark figure's remains, so I'd even argue to say that she didn't even hear Watson's resonse...Sorry, I should have pointed that out earlier. x~x' ))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Nos finds himself toppled over in the aftermath of the battle, and finds himself sitting dazed on the deck as Bohw dances around going on about something or other.

The dance, right. I think? Uh. Nos clutches his head as he gets up, not noticing Watson reclaiming the Starmetal Greatsword as he surveys the ship absentmindedly.

"Heheh. Ahh... talk about some damage there, eh? Heehee- when did that sculpture get there? S'pretty." Finally his gaze returns to Bohw. "What'd you do while we were dancing? Something was... odd. Odder than normal. I think?"

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Dais Wrote:

Bohw, upon realizing Nos was talking to her, spins back around to face him, still baring her teeth with a stretching grin. "Haha, I think I got a bit carried away in the rush of it." She laughs, "I assume you're talking about the way I directed your dance, though. I'm starting to get a grip of this leader thing, I think! And I'm feeling great!"

Shoving a hand in her pocket and using the other hand to scratch the back of her head, Bohw asks Nos a question of her own, or more closer to a barrage. "How about you? Did something in you die? You were unconscious for while! And why are you so off your onion?"

Meanwhile, if Mayor was even capable of rolling his eyes, he would be doing just that. He eyes the two with concern, with any hope, Bohw will return back down to the planet sometime soon, having to shake the sanity into her is something he never looks forward to doing.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
i dont like blame games

i always end up taking all the blame

all of it
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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(04-09-2014, 04:23 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra, although relieved that the battle was over, was slightly put off by how Bohw and Nos stole the stage at the very end. Ahhh, well, she consoled herself, they didn't get to do much until the end of the battle anyway, while Myra got to enter the stage much earlier than they did! Everyone needs the spotlight on themselves at some point, and it was definitely fun watching Savannah flash-freeze that Cordraal into oblivion. She looks over the side of the ship to see if that dark figure is still there, only to view a few specs in its place. Remains of the dark figure, Myra supposes. "...Loot!" she slips out with a devious grin, and a gleam in her eyes to match.

She turns to her cohorts on the ship, still grinning madly, and calls out, "I'll be back in a moment! I see something shiny!" She places a foot on the edge of the ship, but pauses, and turns to Watson. "...You know, Watson," Myra started, an oddly calm demeanor about her as she spoke, "I found it a have heard you speak of magic with such disdain, earlier...You really shouldn't be so unappreciative of magic, when magic makes everything so much more fun...Without magic, life is bland and colorless, much like that water you're drinking now."

With that being said, Myra jumps off of the ship and Changes Form into a Raven, making a mad dash for whatever was left of that dark figure. If there are enemies too close for her to safely approach, then she'll use a magic spell to retrieve them from a safe distance.

You hop off the airship, becoming a raven once again. As you do, you summon a magical pink waterfall above Watson, which continually splashes down on him like a shower just as he starts his monologue about magic! He looks rather silly trying to talk through the cascade of brightly-colored liquid, and he accidentally swallows some of it during his sentences. Surprisingly it tastes like lettuce and roast rabbit, which is probably enough to make anyone flip out coming from pink water.

Meanwhile, you soon realize you should probably have saved that galewind for something a little more productive, for as you fly back down you are greeted by a hail of dark spells and black spikes launched at you from below. Fortunately, most pass you by, but a significant amount strike home, and you are rapidly turned into a pincushion, your blood drenching the ground far below as your vision grows hazy. You are not well. Soon, though, you are close enough that you can yank the remains of the dark knight into the air alongside you. As you do, the massive armor disintegrates, turning to ash and smoke and scattering. The greatsword, however, you yank from the ground and bring it to yourself.

What now?

(04-11-2014, 12:29 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah smirks, wiping some excess ice crystals on her hands off onto her pants. She casually strolls over to the ice statue of the Cordraal, sticking her tongue out at it. Savannah leans on the statue, feeling the cold seep through her sweater.

"If that's not how you do it, I don't know what is." She chuckles then gets up, heading towards Ziras. However, she spots a bunch of the battered and wounded survivors and decides that she should probably help them out instead. So Savannah makes her rounds, applying healing spells to those that need it.

You begin tending the wounds of the survivors. Many of the men and women who made it on board died only moments later, succumbing to the brutal wounds inflicted on them during their escape. You estimate that about a third of the people 'resting' on the deck right now are actually corpses. It is fortunate then that you are so quick to act, rapidly selecting the most injured survivors and stitching them up as best you can, before moving on.

As you work, you are joined by Ziras and Taran. Ziras' presence alone seems to strenghten your patients, and you actually feel rejuvenated yourself aswell. "Good work holding the railing like that." Taran says at one point as he passes you. "I dont doubt that most of these people would not have survived a second battle with those monsters."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Directed? Izzat what you call it?" Nos's voice has a harsh edge, but his expression lights up instead. He stands next to Bohw and places a hand on her shoulder, gesturing out across the deck with the other hand.

"'Directed' makes it sound so dull! What, did you nudge a fire in the right direction to cause this mess? You inflicted damage there, girl!" He turns to squint and look Bohw in the eyes, apparently completely ignoring her question for him. His eyes widen again at about the same time his mouth does.

"I hereby dub you Generalissimo Impo! And do you feel that power inside you right now? Not just the demon-monster thing, something more. You let go in that fight, if you ask me. Heehee. Ooh, in fact, I bet you didn't direct anything. Nos guesses: you finally tried to let yourself go in that fight!" He rubs his chin and looks at Bohw triumphantly, a grin plastered on his face. "Now next time, you just gotta remember to go all demon-like. Bigger form, bigger impact. I bet you could hit those monsters hard enough that they'd give up and go home forever!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Myra will stow the greatsword away so she could better focus on staying alive. As Myra makes haste to get out of the enemies' crossfires and back onto the ship, she casts a healing spell, hoping that the extra restoration will hold her up. In spite of how fuzzy her bird-brain feels right now, the ravenfolk manages to come up with an idea. "Mayor," she calls out to the armored golem through telepathy, "Can you...hear me...? I got hit...Can you....hel-guh, pain, hurts- back...aboard...? Woozy, want to sleep..." She admits to herself that she should be trying to contact the other teammates, but her ego is a terrible force that, even now, will only allow her to resort to the speechless Golem for help. She resigns herself to worry about practicing humility and restraint if or when she makes it back to safety.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Bohw is bemused with Nos' speech, seeming to grow more excited as he glorifies their attack. All up until Nos shares his idea of using her hellbent power in combat, where her mood does a full circle and she begins to frown, disappointed. Bohw brushes Nos' hand off her shoulder and takes a breath to settle herself, looking down at the deck of the ship. "No... no, don't say that." She murmurs, "I don't expect you of all people to understand, but that's a bad idea."

Folding her arms, she looks back at Nos, a little more composed now. "I'm more powerful, sure." Bohw says, looking dejected. "Whatever possesses me wants everything in the world dead, I can't control it and no-one has ever came close to a solution to that." Bohw then looks back down, to gaze over her own hand. Thinking for a moment however, she recalls the recent fight with Echo. "...Well..."

Without warning however, Mayor rises up suddenly and interrupt's Bohw's train of thought, his loud stomps making him the center of attention as he hurries over to the back of the ship. Gazing over the town below, the colours in his crystallized armor begins to drain and light begins to coalesce in his eyes. He hasn't got the time to question why Myra was still down there as he searches madly for her, but he soon spots Myra among the chaos, who hears a rather unexpected response.

Hold on.

As the ball of light in his face begins to grow even bigger, chunks of his crystal form break off, unable to withstand the energy being gathered. And then suddenly, Mayor lurches backwards and fires a beam of tremendous energy down below! The large beam shoots past Myra and begins devastating the monsters lashing out at her, his attack cutting through large swathes of Corshar and shadow monsters alike. Hopefully Myra will be able to retreat to the ship, while all the monsters attacking her are preoccupied with being teared apart.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Hah! No worries! I've fought much worse than those damn shadow whatevers before." Savannah smirks. Her victorious grin drops when Taran mentions the others. "Eesh... Yeah. Most of these people probably haven't even swung a sword before, have they? I feel... bad I guess. They're just living their lives when these bastards attack. Poof, gone with their old lives." Savannah shakes her head, moving to tend to another wounded patient.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(Thunderpaw continues his game of reverse Easter Egg Hunt.)

(Come to think of it, it has technically been Easter every in-game day due to the funny timespan of events.)
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(04-16-2014, 12:39 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra will stow the greatsword away so she could better focus on staying alive. As Myra makes haste to get out of the enemies' crossfires and back onto the ship, she casts a healing spell, hoping that the extra restoration will hold her up. In spite of how fuzzy her bird-brain feels right now, the ravenfolk manages to come up with an idea. "Mayor," she calls out to the armored golem through telepathy, "Can you...hear me...? I got hit...Can you....hel-guh, pain, hurts- back...aboard...? Woozy, want to sleep..." She admits to herself that she should be trying to contact the other teammates, but her ego is a terrible force that, even now, will only allow her to resort to the speechless Golem for help. She resigns herself to worry about practicing humility and restraint if or when she makes it back to safety.

You stow the sword away in hammerspace, then heal yourself and keep flying in a daze. More things hit you, but soon you find yourself crash landing beak-first on the deck of the airship. Fortunately those plants you grew on it earlier help break the fall. You black out anyway.

(04-16-2014, 01:40 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw is bemused with Nos' speech, seeming to grow more excited as he glorifies their attack. All up until Nos shares his idea of using her hellbent power in combat, where her mood does a full circle and she begins to frown, disappointed. Bohw brushes Nos' hand off her shoulder and takes a breath to settle herself, looking down at the deck of the ship. "No... no, don't say that." She murmurs, "I don't expect you of all people to understand, but that's a bad idea."

Folding her arms, she looks back at Nos, a little more composed now. "I'm more powerful, sure." Bohw says, looking dejected. "Whatever possesses me wants everything in the world dead, I can't control it and no-one has ever came close to a solution to that." Bohw then looks back down, to gaze over her own hand. Thinking for a moment however, she recalls the recent fight with Echo. "...Well..."

Without warning however, Mayor rises up suddenly and interrupt's Bohw's train of thought, his loud stomps making him the center of attention as he hurries over to the back of the ship. Gazing over the town below, the colours in his crystallized armor begins to drain and light begins to coalesce in his eyes. He hasn't got the time to question why Myra was still down there as he searches madly for her, but he soon spots Myra among the chaos, who hears a rather unexpected response.

Hold on.

As the ball of light in his face begins to grow even bigger, chunks of his crystal form break off, unable to withstand the energy being gathered. And then suddenly, Mayor lurches backwards and fires a beam of tremendous energy down below! The large beam shoots past Myra and begins devastating the monsters lashing out at her, his attack cutting through large swathes of Corshar and shadow monsters alike. Hopefully Myra will be able to retreat to the ship, while all the monsters attacking her are preoccupied with being teared apart.

Mayor fires a massive laserbeam of destruction, shearing through the monsters below in an effort to protect Myra. Its difficult to tell how well it works, but Myra makes it back to the ship alive, if only barely so.

Also, Mayor carved a massive path of destruction in just a few seconds, and he gets several looks of the deepest respect from the remaining survivors.

Meanwhile, Savannah and Taran keep tending the wounded as Ziras stands back up after having finished a spell on a group.

"I thank you for your intervention." He says. "Even in the middle of this slaughter, atleast these people have survived. I will take them to my city and prepare. I suspect our friends the monsters will be coming for me, and i dont know if i can stop them. Which is why i must ask you to go to the capital, Valonar. If any hope remains to stop this, it will be found in the caves beneath that city. And perhaps the king will have reinforcements to offer, though i find that difficult to believe."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson quickly carries Myra to Savannah, as she seems to be the one doing the major amount of healing.

"Be sure this one gets help", Watson smirks at Myra trying to be like the other soldiers. He presumed that she should still get the same amount of attention at this point, however.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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