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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 01:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2014, 01:18 AM by Frolic.)
"Oh my cawds," Myra caws aloud to no one at all, "this is flocking ridiculous!! I'm up to my beak in cawddamn monsters over heron!" Myra, still focusing on her jewel, makes her way to sit by Selphy's feet, where she hopefully won't receive the attention of any more monsters. Don't get her wrong, she loves attention, but just not when she's Zira's wing-gull* for fending off all these cawddamn corsharii!
Myra chants, at the top of her mind's voice, a chanting spell to seal off whatever power is allowing the dark plate figure to summon those monsters, and maybe even distract it with her loud chanting. This chant is a terribly malicious one, whose origins is completely unknown to her race, and yet it has been passed down, generation to generation. This chant is known to all her species, and the psychological damage it inflicts upon the enemy is simply horrendous. If this enemy of hers has any capability of displaying fury, irritation, or aggravation, then this chant will invoke those emotions so thoroughly, that even a mighty, black-hearted monster could not concentrate on a spell with the overwhelming hatred for the chant itself. And the chant goes as follows:
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 01:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2014, 01:43 AM by chimericWilder.)
ohhhhh lordy
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 08:52 PM
I don't want to make a command until Nos gets back. Also I'm on my phone and I can't do FONT STUFF LIKE FSFFKSBBSDFJKSN LEVYSE WHAT THE HELL
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 09:53 PM
dais was actually on two weeks ago, according to his profile, so thats a relief. Still, the longer everyone waits on one another, the slower everything is going to go, and frankly i want to keep moving because this is a really damn slow game.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 10:41 PM
we also kind of /need/ Nos though. Can you auto-pilot him waking up? Or is he seriously sleeping through all the METEORS, EXPLOSIONS, FIRE, AND MOTION SICKNESS.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
02-14-2014, 11:03 PM
i considered doing that, but what would i do if dais then didnt show?
so he's out cold until he does show.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-16-2014, 05:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 06:54 PM by chimericWilder.)
(02-13-2014, 08:43 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy continues to take evasive maneuvers and get closer to their primary objective of protecting Ziras. Expecting more meteors to fall almost immediately, Selphy looks above her and prepares to invoke Judgement Calling on the next one that looks like it might hit the ship!
Looks like your foresight is warranted! As another meteorite streaks towards you, you invoke Judgement Calling, crushing the meteorite in an explosion of holy light! Instead of burning embers, pretty sparks of light fall to the earth.
You estimate that you will arrive at your destination in about two turns.
(02-13-2014, 09:27 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah smashes into the deck, forgetting her anger at her lack of magic when the Corshar begins tearing at her stomach and chest. The shaft of the spear is pressed against the thick neck of the creature, her strength being the only thing keeping it from chewing her up. With a grunt, Savannah activates Manacharge, feeling the power from her conduits fill her with a renewed strength.
She releases the spear with one hand, letting the spear slam into the ground and the creature's maw to get a bit closer to her. With her free hand, she reaches into her pocket and whips out her knife, which she then jams into the creatures underbelly.
Empowered with rushing streams of magic, you stab into the thing, the magical force of your blow sending it staggering in addition to doing 428 damage! You take the chance to get back on your feet. (roll 13+6)
(02-14-2014, 01:16 AM)Frolic Wrote: »"Oh my cawds," Myra caws aloud to no one at all, "this is flocking ridiculous!! I'm up to my beak in cawddamn monsters over heron!" Myra, still focusing on her jewel, makes her way to sit by Selphy's feet, where she hopefully won't receive the attention of any more monsters. Don't get her wrong, she loves attention, but just not when she's Zira's wing-gull* for fending off all these cawddamn corsharii!
Myra chants, at the top of her mind's voice, a chanting spell to seal off whatever power is allowing the dark plate figure to summon those monsters, and maybe even distract it with her loud chanting. This chant is a terribly malicious one, whose origins is completely unknown to her race, and yet it has been passed down, generation to generation. This chant is known to all her species, and the psychological damage it inflicts upon the enemy is simply horrendous. If this enemy of hers has any capability of displaying fury, irritation, or aggravation, then this chant will invoke those emotions so thoroughly, that even a mighty, black-hearted monster could not concentrate on a spell with the overwhelming hatred for the chant itself. And the chant goes as follows:
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To your shock and horror, the black-armored figure doesnt react at all to this, your most powerful trick! It just stands there, black beasts pouring from its blade.
You seem to have affected those beasts though, which is impressive as you thought them completely mindless, or atleast impervious to things that would bother actual living things. Regardless of how you managed to affect them, the result is that several of them are left writhing in agony in response to your psychic assault! They are then cut down by Ziras' forces with impunity... Though more soon arrive to take their places. (Roll 20+7)
CW Wrote:Bohw & Mayor: Engage auto pilot until BlazerC has returned from the land of the eagles
Bohw: generic grenade go
Mayor: stomp go
Bohw throws a grenade at the group of apparitions! It explodes for 120 damage to each of them (roll 2+5+6, crit)
They are left with only one hit point so Mayor just kind of stomps all over them.
The lithe shadow creature erupts with black lightning, unleashing a thunderstorm that deals 228 damage to everyone!
It is then promptly cut down by Mael, who slices it in half for 656 damage! (roll 18+7, crit)
Taran hurries to Savannah's side, whacking the corshari with his mace for 105 damage (roll 2+4). "Are you hurt?" he asks.
For his troubles, the corshar rewards him with a vicious swing, wounding Taran for 315 damage!
Torhald whacks the other corshar for 180 damage (roll 8+4). He then receives the same threatment Savannah did - by being bowled over and beset by an angry shadow demon! He takes 338 damage.
One of the fliers dives for Selphy! It grabs a hold of her, its talons rending her for 473 damage! It carries her away, obviously intending to drop her. That probably wouldnt be much of a problem, actually, considering her unique skills, but the airship is currently without a pilot!
Another flier rakes Taran across the back for 240 damage in a flyby attack!
A new flier joins the fray, clawing at Watson for 180 damage before returning to the air!
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Bohw: 912/1240, Familiar (+3)
Leader: +12
Mayor: 1164/2275
Sabotage ready!
Selfless ready!
Hellbent ready!
Block ready!
Nos Reaper: 872/1200
Kill Time: +3, -6
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance ready!
Spell Focus ready!
Savannah: 692/1500, Manacharge (1)
Aromatherapy ready!
Absolute Zero ready!
Parasitic Relationship ready!
Jungle Fever ready!
Manacharge Cd 14
Runeguard ready!
Wand of Healing: 18
Watson: 1740/2550
Wits ready!
Fine Wine ready!
Dragon of the Red Wine Cd 7
Indignant Injunction ready!
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 1595/1800, FarSight
Readiness: +1
Galeforce: 3
Change Form ready!
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment ready!
Wraithstrike ready!
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight Cd 15
Selphy: 2288/2700, Empowered (+37)(2), Circle of Healing (289)(2), Grabbed by Corisha 1
Miracle Repair ready!
Judgement Calling Cd 6
Wings of Freedom ready!
Hallow Indignation: 160/1400
Spellrod: Extended Reach
Airship: 3549/4313
Mael: 1172/1500, Unfettered (3)
Intrinsic Focus ready!
Assault unavailable
Taran: 467/1350
Word of Glory ready!
Radiance: 3/3
Torhald: 734/1400, Pinned
Bulwark: +2
Preparation: 2 Charges
Shield Charge Cd 9
Regnant Corshar: 18/1500
Assault Cd 12
Regnant Corshar: 922/1500
Assault on Torhald!
Cor'tsorovan: 0/1000
Black Storm Cd 16
Apparition1: 0/250
Apparition2: 0/250
Apparition3: 0/250
Apparition4: 0/250
Corisha 1: 1350/1350, Flight
Corisha 2: 1350/1350, Flight
Corisha 3: 1350/1350, Flight
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-16-2014, 06:13 PM
(01-09-2014, 09:03 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy takes a look at her Minor Spellrod and places an extended reach spell on it which would permit her to physically interact with an object at a distance.
Selphy unleashes the previously stored Extended Reach spell on her minor spellrod on her airship, permitting her to continue piloting the ship! (Best free action combo ever)
Selphy would then strike back at the creature that grabber her, casting a spell of searing light at point blank range!
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-16-2014, 06:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 06:54 PM by chimericWilder.)
you tricksy bastard
and now, before i forget! i shall write down the spellrod in the stats.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-16-2014, 06:56 PM
Savannah places a hand to her abdomen, nodding at Taran. She ignores the quick stab of pain that hits her when she does.
"I'm... fine." The sight of some dude being knocked to the ground catches her eye, and Savannah takes action. A burst from the Conduits lets her use the corshar as a springboard, jumping over and stabbing the one attacking Torhald with her spear from above.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-16-2014, 09:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 10:39 PM by Frolic.)
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Spoiler (02-16-2014, 06:13 PM)Supernerd Wrote: » (01-09-2014, 09:03 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy takes a look at her Minor Spellrod and places an extended reach spell on it which would permit her to physically interact with an object at a distance.
Selphy unleashes the previously stored Extended Reach spell on her minor spellrod on her airship, permitting her to continue piloting the ship! (Best free action combo ever)
Selphy would then strike back at the creature that grabber her, casting a spell of searing light at point blank range!
This is why Supernerd holds all of my admiration and respect. All of it.
And speaking of forgetting things, Chim, don't forget to do that Book of Warding progress thingy you said you'd do. :o
Damnit this is Wyvern Hunting in Mabinogi all over again. I may not have archery here like I do in Mabi bUT I HAVE MAGIC SO THOSE FLUTTERING LITTLE NINNIES CAN TASTE MY FIREBALLS.
Myra's done with this scrying! Ziras and his people seem safe enough for her to focus her attention on her own battle. She sends out a telepathic message to Ziras and his allies that help will arrive shortly, and to stay strong until then. Myra also informs the party of the dark armor figure, telling them that it's summoning a multitude of monsters through its sword, yet sealing magic does not work on it. Having said her peace for once, the Ravenfolk puts away the Seerstone, and assesses the situation before her.
Those Corisha need to be taken care of, but that can wait for a short while. Myra casts a healing spell on Savannah, then takes to the skies. Finally in the air, Myra begins to dance around in flight, doing fancy Raven maneuvers to warm up for the even fancier maneuvers she's about to pull on those shadowy little competitors of hers.
((Edited my post 'cause I didn't want to double post to get my command in. :x ))
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-18-2014, 03:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 03:08 AM by BlazerC.)
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Mayor re-adjusts himself, making some indistinguishable golem noise as he does so. Leaning down low, Mayor tightens his fists and outs away his shield, focusing hard as he assess the situation. Suddenly Mayor bursts forward to the upper deck where Selphy is, throwing his arms out wide, before bringing his hands together and making a thunderous crashing sound. A shockwave ripples through the air, Sabotaging the Corisha as it knocks them about in their flight.
Bohw rolls over to her bow and grabs it, leaping up into the air to make herself upright. Then, in the same motion, Bohw grabs another grenade from her pocket and tossing it down the far end of the Airship mid-air, nailing the Corshar attacking Torhold in the head. Shards of glass explode and strike the other nearby Corshar as Bohw lands, longbow drawn, arrow knocked, ready for whatever's next.
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SpoilerMayor: Sabotage all 3 Corisha
Bohw: Bomb both Regent Corshari
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-20-2014, 03:54 AM
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SpoilerHey, whadda ya mean I haven- ohhhhh.
Right. Wow. Um, crap.
Yeah, being unconscious in literally the last forum-based thing I was doing kind of made me forget all about this after a while. Opting to not make any sort of post while Nos was out was a bad choice, I guess.
Anyway, there were a few things I really wanted to do with Nos yet but the fact of the matter is I've gone and lost interest in keeping up with this game. For shame, eh?
I don't want to leave you guys stalled any longer than I have to now, so let me just ask this real quick (to Chim, mostly): how badly do you need Nos? If I jump back in I'm sure inactivity's going to be a problem again, but I suppose I can keep up long enough to get Nos to a reasonable swapping out point. This isn't the best time for me to be adding more stuff to my workload, but pacing isn't super crazy with this game and I do believe I owe you guys anyway.
Alternatively it could just be easier for everyone if Chim NPC-ifies Nos until a good exit point, I dunno! Either way should work.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-20-2014, 09:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2014, 09:53 AM by chimericWilder.)
uhm, just do whatever you feel is right, honestly. i havnt exactly been super invested in getting much of anything done this entire month... but, well, you are probably needed as much as you want to be needed, i think - if that makes any sense?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-20-2014, 02:26 PM
You DID miss a level-up though.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-21-2014, 06:25 PM
(02-16-2014, 06:13 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy unleashes the previously stored Extended Reach spell on her minor spellrod on her airship, permitting her to continue piloting the ship! (Best free action combo ever)
Selphy would then strike back at the creature that grabber her, casting a spell of searing light at point blank range!
You somehow manage to keep the airship on course by remote-controlling the steering wheel (roll 7+9), even as you blast the flier with a wave of light, dealing 445 damage! (roll 9+12)
Unsurprisingly, it lets go of you as a result! You are now falling.
(02-16-2014, 06:56 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah places a hand to her abdomen, nodding at Taran. She ignores the quick stab of pain that hits her when she does.
"I'm... fine." The sight of some dude being knocked to the ground catches her eye, and Savannah takes action. A burst from the Conduits lets her use the corshar as a springboard, jumping over and stabbing the one attacking Torhald with her spear from above.
With an acrobats grace, you leap off of first one of the beasts only to lunge at the second one, impaling it with your spear for 383 damage! (roll 11+6) Thanks to your distraction, Torhald manages to get the leverage to throw the thing off of him.
(02-16-2014, 09:08 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Damnit this is Wyvern Hunting in Mabinogi all over again. I may not have archery here like I do in Mabi bUT I HAVE MAGIC SO THOSE FLUTTERING LITTLE NINNIES CAN TASTE MY FIREBALLS.
Myra's done with this scrying! Ziras and his people seem safe enough for her to focus her attention on her own battle. She sends out a telepathic message to Ziras and his allies that help will arrive shortly, and to stay strong until then. Myra also informs the party of the dark armor figure, telling them that it's summoning a multitude of monsters through its sword, yet sealing magic does not work on it. Having said her peace for once, the Ravenfolk puts away the Seerstone, and assesses the situation before her.
Those Corisha need to be taken care of, but that can wait for a short while. Myra casts a healing spell on Savannah, then takes to the skies. Finally in the air, Myra begins to dance around in flight, doing fancy Raven maneuvers to warm up for the even fancier maneuvers she's about to pull on those shadowy little competitors of hers.
You heal Savannah for 394 health! (roll 8+7, crit)
(02-18-2014, 03:04 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »
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Mayor re-adjusts himself, making some indistinguishable golem noise as he does so. Leaning down low, Mayor tightens his fists and outs away his shield, focusing hard as he assess the situation. Suddenly Mayor bursts forward to the upper deck where Selphy is, throwing his arms out wide, before bringing his hands together and making a thunderous crashing sound. A shockwave ripples through the air, Sabotaging the Corisha as it knocks them about in their flight.
Bohw rolls over to her bow and grabs it, leaping up into the air to make herself upright. Then, in the same motion, Bohw grabs another grenade from her pocket and tossing it down the far end of the Airship mid-air, nailing the Corshar attacking Torhold in the head. Shards of glass explode and strike the other nearby Corshar as Bohw lands, longbow drawn, arrow knocked, ready for whatever's next.
Mayor produces a powerful shockwave, directed at the fliers! Unfortunately, they seem to just be too far away, and the shockwave has no effect! (Hit 3-1 Vs Defense 6)
Meanwhile, Bohw's third grenade explodes, finishing off one of the corshari and dealing 224 damage to the other! (roll 14+5+6)
ICantGiveCredit Wrote:I might have to go auto-pilot as well. This turn: Fine Wine every ally on the ship.
Watson heals everyone for 175 health! (roll 14+6)
He then becomes drunk.
You have arrived at the ruined plaza where Ziras and his soldiers are making their stand! Its a large open space though and an additional turn will be needed to get into position.
The last corshar continues to stubbornly slash at Torhald, but it only deals 90 damage!
Mael then steps up and beheads it with a sweep of his blade. It puffs to smoke. The deck is secure again!
Well, kind of. The fliers start another series of flyby attacks, dealing 90, 150 and 180 damage to Savannah, Mayor and Bohw, respectively! Bohw is picked up and carried off like Selphy!
Taran heals Savannah for 473 health! (roll 16+4)
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Bohw: 907/1240, Familiar (+3), Grabbed by Corisha2
Leader: +14
Mayor: 1198/2275
Sabotage Cd 1
Selfless ready!
Hellbent ready!
Block ready!
Nos Reaper: 1047/1200
Kill Time: +4, -8
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance ready!
Spell Focus ready!
Savannah: 1500/1500
Aromatherapy ready!
Absolute Zero ready!
Parasitic Relationship ready!
Jungle Fever ready!
Manacharge Cd 13
Runeguard ready!
Wand of Healing: 18
Watson: 1915/2550, Drunk (-4)(3)
Wits ready!
Fine Wine Cd 11
Dragon of the Red Wine Cd 5
Indignant Injunction ready!
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 1770/1800, FarSight
Readiness: +2
Galeforce: 4
Change Form ready!
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment ready!
Wraithstrike ready!
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight Cd 15
Selphy: 2463/2700, Empowered (+37)(1), Circle of Healing (289)(1), Extended Reach (2)
Miracle Repair ready!
Judgement Calling Cd 5
Wings of Freedom ready!
Hallow Indignation: 160/1400
Spellrod: Empty
Airship: 3549/4313
Mael: 1347/1500, Unfettered (3), Intrinsic Parry
Intrinsic Focus Cd 4
Assault unavailable
Taran: 642/1350
Word of Glory ready!
Radiance: 3/3
Torhald: 819/1400
Bulwark: +1
Preparation: 2 Charges
Shield Charge Cd 8
Corisha 1: 905/1350, Flight
Corisha 2: 1350/1350, Flight
Corisha 3: 1350/1350, Flight
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-21-2014, 08:54 PM
Selphy invokes Wings of Freedom to fly back to the airship. She will also cast a larger healing circle on the airships deck capable of healing all who stand on it for the circles duration.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-22-2014, 01:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2014, 02:20 AM by Frolic.)
"Bohw," Myra calls out to her leader through telepathy, "I'm going to try something. Grab the monster by its...ankles or whatever...and hold on tight. If all goes well and your ride starts to plummet, climb on top of it, and get ready for whatever comes next!"
Myra casts a Paralysis debuff on the three Corisha. That should stop their dropping antics for a short while! And as they plummet, Myra will be able to secure Bohw.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-22-2014, 05:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2014, 05:42 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Watson makes a careful series of jumps and leaps, aided by his leapers, to carefully secure one of the corishas' necks to his sword. Watson thinks this action will benefit all relevant parties. The corisha will be relieved of any responsibilities involving its existance and Watson will be relieved of the burden it imposes on his allies. It all works out. Except for the fact that it probably doesn't and Watson is drunk.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-26-2014, 10:54 AM
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Spoilerasfhsadfjs I am a lazy son of a bitch
Also hi Dais, sucks that you kind of lost your drive, but I can understand given the pace of the game. Personally, I would love if Nos still stuck around as he is one of the most entertaining characters in the game, but that's just what I personally want. It would kinda suck all the fun out if you don't want to stay and you don't want to stay yourself. I agree with Chim here, you are only needed as much as you want to be.
...that sentence makes more sense if you don't think about it too hard.
And as Supernerd said, you missed a level up. Which means you could add more traits and a special to Nos if you wanted too.
Bohw cries out as she's grabbed. "No! Don't-!" Her own panic and confusion making her unable to pick out Myra's message among the chaos. The literal demons floating around her conscious doesn't help either.
Instinctively, Mayor charges after the Corisha that has grabbed Bohw, determined to immediately rescue her. His determination doesn't get him very far however, having to stop himself from running off the side of the airship. As he stares down to the certain death below, Mayor searches his mind of some way to prevent Bohw of such a fate. Recalling Thunderpaw having one of those parachute rings Bohw was talking about, Mayor begins casting some kind of spell to replicate that magic on himself!
Meanwhile, Bohw's problem solving is much less fruitful, any idea she can think of is either too reckless or would end in disaster. Desperate and spiteful, she lashes out at the monster that had grabbed her and digs her claws into it's flesh to damage it, unknowingly complying to Myra's plan.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-26-2014, 10:04 PM
[[Holy heck I haven't posted what is going on here]]
Savannah, not sure what else to do here, takes a jab at one of the Corisha with her spear.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-27-2014, 03:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-27-2014, 03:19 AM by Dais.)
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SpoilerI hope you don't have significant reasons to wait for me before you update by the way- it is actually taking me several days just to get a PM written. I had plans for that level up (sort of), and was actually acutely aware of it's passing by.
But yeah please don't wait for me, just in case you were.
I have next week off though so hopefully I can get back in swing, at least temporarily, at that point.
"You're as needed as you want to be" makes perfect sense, why would you think otherwise?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-27-2014, 07:36 AM
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Spoilerim being mentally crushed by this month of nothing but html. All i have been waiting for was for it to go away and leave me alone
Ofcourse the next two weeks are exam weeks so uhm 
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
02-28-2014, 07:35 PM
(02-21-2014, 08:54 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy invokes Wings of Freedom to fly back to the airship. She will also cast a larger healing circle on the airships deck capable of healing all who stand on it for the circles duration.
Your descend stops as you spread a pair of radiant wings, becoming airborne (roll 5)! Now suddenly unrestricted, you return to the airship where you cast a new circle of healing! This one will heal each of your allies for 77 health per turn for 4 turns, as long as they dont leave the deck of the airship. (Roll 17+9, crit)
You have arrived at your destination, and you quickly work to bring the airship into position above the raging battle below. Cheers go up from the fighters, but are soon cut short as they are charged by another wave of demons! Some of which fling themselves at the airship with surprising agility, leaping over the heads of those fighting beneath to cling to the underside of the airship!
Fortunately, you remembered that was a thing they could do, and as they start to climb, the rune you cast earlier activates, resulting in a powerful blast of wind blasting several of them clean off the hull! Landing mostly between the survivors, they are quickly cut down and dispersed to mist. Unfortunately, more soon arrive to take their places, both on the ground and climbing the airship. It looks like you'll have to be quick about this.
(02-22-2014, 01:17 AM)Frolic Wrote: »"Bohw," Myra calls out to her leader through telepathy, "I'm going to try something. Grab the monster by its...ankles or whatever...and hold on tight. If all goes well and your ride starts to plummet, climb on top of it, and get ready for whatever comes next!"
Myra casts a Paralysis debuff on the three Corisha. That should stop their dropping antics for a short while! And as they plummet, Myra will be able to secure Bohw.
Putting away the loyal companion gem that has served you faithfully thus far, you set to work making sure nobody gets killed!
Or, that is to say, you try. You attempt to paralyze all of the fliers, but quickly realize magically tracking all of them as they swoop and dive just doesnt allow you the kind of focus you need to cast your spell! So you just pick one of them - the one carrying Bohw - and try to paralyze it.
And then you realize you dont even really know what to do with it. It doesnt seem to have any muscles or anything you can lock up, so you just end up brute forcing it by pouring a load of magic into it and just kind of generally willing it to stand still. Suffice to say it doesnt work very well and you only really manage to slow it, though that is enough to make it steadily drop towards the ground. (roll 4+7)
(02-22-2014, 05:38 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson makes a careful series of jumps and leaps, aided by his leapers, to carefully secure one of the corishas' necks to his sword. Watson thinks this action will benefit all relevant parties. The corisha will be relieved of any responsibilities involving its existance and Watson will be relieved of the burden it imposes on his allies. It all works out. Except for the fact that it probably doesn't and Watson is drunk.
As one of the fliers approaches, you leap into the air, positioning yourself perfectly for decapitating the thing! Except then it claws you in the face for 120 damage and sweeps past you, leaving you to fall back to the deck of the airship, drunkenly wondering at what just happened. (Hit 2+5-4 Vs Defense 7)
(02-26-2014, 10:54 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw cries out as she's grabbed. "No! Don't-!" Her own panic and confusion making her unable to pick out Myra's message among the chaos. The literal demons floating around her conscious doesn't help either.
Instinctively, Mayor charges after the Corisha that has grabbed Bohw, determined to immediately rescue her. His determination doesn't get him very far however, having to stop himself from running off the side of the airship. As he stares down to the certain death below, Mayor searches his mind of some way to prevent Bohw of such a fate. Recalling Thunderpaw having one of those parachute rings Bohw was talking about, Mayor begins casting some kind of spell to replicate that magic on himself!
Meanwhile, Bohw's problem solving is much less fruitful, any idea she can think of is either too reckless or would end in disaster. Desperate and spiteful, she lashes out at the monster that had grabbed her and digs her claws into it's flesh to damage it, unknowingly complying to Myra's plan.
Mayor (Roll 19-1, Hit 20) totally makes himself weightless! In fact he almost thinks he could stride through the air at will, and its as if theres a... potential to this spell he cast, to become something more.
Thats not important right now though because he has a friend to rescue.
Speaking of whom, Bohw hangs on for dear life, digging her claws into her assailants' shadowy legs for 119 damage! (roll 12+5) Losing altitude and now stuck with some broad who doesnt know when shes supposed to be falling to her death, the corisha kicks out in frustration, trying to dislodge Bohw! It fails miserably, missing with most of its jabs, however, its sharp talons manage to deal 135 damage regardless!
(02-26-2014, 10:04 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah, not sure what else to do here, takes a jab at one of the Corisha with her spear.
You wait for one of them to attack again. Incredibly predictable, one of them does, diving straight at you! You expertly sidestep its linear attack, then leap at it, driving your spear into its side, ripping it out of the air and impaling it against the deck of the airship for 455 damage! (Roll 20+6) Hmm, you suppose spears are not completely useless.
It then proceeds to lash out at you with its spiked tail, taking you by surprise as it delivers to you a facefull of shadowy needles for 330 damage!
Mael runs to the railing, cutting off the scythe-claw of a corshar as it tries to climb aboard! It falls to its doom below. More climb up to replace it.
Taran lunges at the corisha wrestling with Savannah, delivering a resounding blow to the back of its head, dealing 473 damage! Bad it actually been a biological thing, it would no doubt have suffered a concussion. As it is though, it just hisses in anger.
Torhald runs to one of the turrets, dropping his shortsword and quickly taking aim with the Gatling Gun, he fires a barrage of bullets at his target, ripping it apart for 810 damage! (Roll 19+4, Crit)
Show Content
Bohw: 772/1240, Familiar (+3), Grabbed by Corisha2
Leader: +20
Mayor: 1198/2275, Weightlessness (??)
Sabotage ready!
Selfless ready!
Hellbent ready!
Block ready!
Nos Reaper: 1124/1200
Kill Time: +5, -10
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance ready!
Spell Focus ready!
Savannah: 1247/1500
Aromatherapy ready!
Absolute Zero ready!
Parasitic Relationship ready!
Jungle Fever ready!
Manacharge Cd 12
Runeguard ready!
Wand of Healing: 18
Watson: 1896/2550, Drunk (-4)(2)
Wits ready!
Fine Wine Cd 10
Dragon of the Red Wine Cd 4
Indignant Injunction ready!
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 1800/1800
Readiness: +3
Galeforce: 5/7
Change Form ready!
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment ready!
Wraithstrike ready!
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight Cd 14
Selphy: 2540/2700, Extended Reach (1), Greater Circle of Healing (77 on everyone)(3)
Miracle Repair ready!
Judgement Calling Cd 4
Wings of Freedom ready!
Hallow Indignation: 160/1400
Spellrod: Empty
Airship: 3271/4313
Mael: 1424/1500, Unfettered (3), Intrinsic Parry
Intrinsic Focus Cd 3
Assault unavailable
Taran: 719/1350
Word of Glory ready!
Radiance: 3/3
Torhald: 896/1400
Bulwark: +0
Preparation: 2 Charges
Shield Charge Cd 7
Corisha 1: 95/1350, Flight
Corisha 2: 1231/1350 Flight, Decelerated (2)
Corisha 3: 422/1350
Regnant Corshar: 1500/1500
Assault ready!
Corshar 1: 500/500
Corshar 2: 500/500
Corshar 3: 500/500
Corshar 4: 500/500
Posts: 509
Joined: Mar 2013
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-02-2014, 08:03 PM
come on
the update schedule cant possibly have gotten so bad that noone posts anything for an entire two days
can it?