Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Also Watson has shitty Dex. Doesn't have the heart to shoot at a person. And less precision than Selphy only because of game-y reasons. So he probably wouldn't do a good job of switching with Selphy even if it was possible.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(12-24-2013, 11:09 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »-I can't find the complex ruling for dropping and repossessing the watervase

you mean the thing where you put it down on the ground and anyone can just walk up to it

its not as if it matters terribly it only contains like 400 more health divided over two actions

also, fixed the damage Bohw just did. Apparently i was very confused yesterday.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Echo tries to blink deep into the ruins and going out that other staircase the group found before.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Hey Psyche, can you heal Nos? Pretty please? Melonspa
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Oh woops, I don't think I got my command in yet.

"My healing is barely doing a thing, either," Myra responds to Watson bemusedly, "and I'm really worried about the rest of our allies. Is the battle even over? Did the enemy escape- OH WAIT THAT WITCH CAN TELEPORT, NO! No no no no no!! Watson, you stay here and make sure our comrade here is safe from harm! I'm going to check on the battle and see what I can do!" With that, Myra takes advantage of the last gusts from the Grace of Wind to return to the room with Bohw and Echo. If she sees her, Myra will immediately cast Dimensional Anchor on Echo to prevent her escape.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Bohw snarls, she expected to kill that druid with that attack, he certainly is an impressive one indeed.

Mayor meanwhile is far from impressed, rather, he is freaking the hell out, if that had hit anyone else he is certain they would of been torn to shreds. He has to do something though, but figuring out what that something should be is another thing entirely. In the end, he opts to ignore that step and charges at Echo without the foggiest idea of what he's doing, finding himself throwing his shield at the fleeing Echo as hard as he can, attempting to disable her.

Bohw also notices Echo trying to escape, glaring her down as she draws several more arrows. She grins and places them all along the bowstring, Bohw has yet to kill something in this fight and she simply cannot continue to keep that up, she would be very disappointed in herself otherwise. And while Razan is just such a prize kill, she has no intention of letting Echo get away just yet.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"With pleasure!"

Watson takes off his hat, places the Vase on his head and then quickly puts the hat over his head despite the Vase's dimensions and bam, it's gone.

He brings up his Greatsword at Echo if she gets near Nos.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah takes a deep breath and glances back into the room. That Echo witch is trying to get away! Now's her chance. Despite her wanting to get away, Savannah actually cares about these people she's known for barely any time. She heard someone hit the ground when she was running and she's worried. Savannah, drawing on the power provided by the nearby plants, casts an invisibility spell on herself and reenters the cave, trying to sneak around the perimeter of the room to avoid the demonic Bohw and find her allies.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]


(12-24-2013, 06:02 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »I'll go ahead and fire the Heavy Rifle at the Lucid, since apparently chimericWilder decided airship specials don't need any cooldown timers.

Your aim is true, and you shoot her for 440 damage! (roll 5+6-2+2)

You're not sure how exactly shooting a corpse with a bullet is effective, but apparently it is. Looks like you'll have to double kill her.

(12-26-2013, 12:03 AM)Psych Wrote: »Echo tries to blink deep into the ruins and going out that other staircase the group found before.

(roll 20)

(12-26-2013, 11:03 AM)Frolic Wrote: »"My healing is barely doing a thing, either," Myra responds to Watson bemusedly, "and I'm really worried about the rest of our allies. Is the battle even over? Did the enemy escape- OH WAIT THAT WITCH CAN TELEPORT, NO! No no no no no!! Watson, you stay here and make sure our comrade here is safe from harm! I'm going to check on the battle and see what I can do!" With that, Myra takes advantage of the last gusts from the Grace of Wind to return to the room with Bohw and Echo. If she sees her, Myra will immediately cast Dimensional Anchor on Echo to prevent her escape.

(roll 9)

(12-26-2013, 11:44 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw snarls, she expected to kill that druid with that attack, he certainly is an impressive one indeed.

Mayor meanwhile is far from impressed, rather, he is freaking the hell out, if that had hit anyone else he is certain they would of been torn to shreds. He has to do something though, but figuring out what that something should be is another thing entirely. In the end, he opts to ignore that step and charges at Echo without the foggiest idea of what he's doing, finding himself throwing his shield at the fleeing Echo as hard as he can, attempting to disable her.

Bohw also notices Echo trying to escape, glaring her down as she draws several more arrows. She grins and places them all along the bowstring, Bohw has yet to kill something in this fight and she simply cannot continue to keep that up, she would be very disappointed in herself otherwise. And while Razan is just such a prize kill, she has no intention of letting Echo get away just yet.

(rolls 3 and 20)

Myra and Bohw each start casting their respective spells, but their spells are slow, and their haste only make them more clumsy. Mayor, however, throws his shield with unequaled speed, and as Echo finishes her spell, the shield strikes her squarely, dealing 378 damage as Echo disappears in a flash, the shield bouncing back to the floor with a thud.

Meanwhile, several of Bohw's arrows lance into the ground where Echo just stood, smoking with a dark, malicious power. Myra's spell fizzles with no target.

Elsewhere, deeper inside the ruins, Echo pops into an empty stone room, staggering from the force of the attack. It didnt hurt as much as it just completely disoriented her. Translocation spells are more difficult when in motion, and mentally holding on to the blink spell as she was struck the instant before completion had been nearly impossible. Failing that sort of thing was the kind of thing that obliterated apprentice casters in the blink of an eye, and Echo had merely had her aim thrown off, landing in a different room than she had intended. Broken statues and dead cultists filled this room. She had been here before. Her vision is rapidly going dark.

(12-26-2013, 02:48 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »"With pleasure!"

Watson takes off his hat, places the Vase on his head and then quickly puts the hat over his head despite the Vase's dimensions and bam, it's gone.

He brings up his Greatsword at Echo if she gets near Nos.

You dont see Echo anywhere!

(12-27-2013, 02:06 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah takes a deep breath and glances back into the room. That Echo witch is trying to get away! Now's her chance. Despite her wanting to get away, Savannah actually cares about these people she's known for barely any time. She heard someone hit the ground when she was running and she's worried. Savannah, drawing on the power provided by the nearby plants, casts an invisibility spell on herself and reenters the cave, trying to sneak around the perimeter of the room to avoid the demonic Bohw and find her allies.

You make yourself mostly transparent (roll 5+5+2). Eh, it'll have to do. Its not as if Bohw is in any state to accurately discern her surroundings... Right? Atleast you hope so, as you reenter, trying to stay clear of Bohw. It doesnt look like she sees you. You're not sure if you want to trust your life in that belief.


Razan starts casting a spell.

Taran heals Nos for 80 health.

Mael blocks the corridor, using the big glowy shield around him to ensure nothing dangerous gets past to Nos & Co. Such as Bohw's evil arrows.

Lucid gets up, glowing spheres in place of her eyes, pulsing with hatred. She whips an entire set of knives into each of her hands, then starts spinning rapidly in place. Knives launch out from her in all directions, impossibly fast. The knife-hail deals 450 damage to Bohw, Mayor, Razan, Mael and Savannah!

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Selphy takes another shot using the Heavy Rifle.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
can you quote the post when you put that spell in the spellrod
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
I don't suppose you still have pms in your inbox in the original mspa forums that include discussions about the spellrod do you? I totally cleaned my inbox to make room for CYOGTCG stuff. I am not 100% sure of this, but I think that preloading spells is not a necessary step when not in combat to simplify things so that you wouldn't need to record whatever spell I loaded all the freaking time. (I also recall doing it anyway).

Either way, the item needs to be clarified again.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
well yes i really should write a line stating whatever spell you have loaded into the thing in the stats section but i guess i just never thought of it at the time. If you claim to remember storing detect magic specifically i suppose i'll allow it though since i can admit thats not really a thing i pay much attention to. depending on the roll it might not even prove relevant anyway.

also it does exactly as the item description says:

Minor Spellrod
A spellrod can store spells in order to release them later. Releasing a spell from a spellrod does not take up a turn, so you can potentially do two things at once, provided you've prepared the rod. This one is minor, and can only store a single spell that may not do damage, healing, or have any other point-value effect, unless i deem the effect minor enough. It can still accomplish interesthing things, though. Can be recharged between combats.
Value: 70
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
I can't claim to have specifically stored that spell. Something about having not actually done anything in this game for an extended amount of time.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Oh, well in that case i will need a quote. I did check the last thread and didnt find anything there. Maybe you stored a spell in the thread before that. I'll check in the morning.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
I'll just edit the post.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(( Well at least that makes what I was planning to do not-redundant. \ o / ))

Myra almost uttered some frustrated cries, but she saw Bohw's transformed state, and caught herself before drawing further attention. This isn't over yet, though. The ravenfolk quickly flies out of the room, and casts Detect Magic. As soon as she gets Echo's location, Myra will pursue her.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah winces as a knife plants itself into her arm, causing her transparency to waver for a moment. She manages to stabilize it before heading back to the opening to the corridor. She yanks the knife out of her and slips through Mael's shield. Once she sees it's Nos who fell, Savannah drops to her knees and pulls out her healing wand, firing off a charge into Nos.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson takes such careful steps with his sword. Oh he swivels, he dashes, he leaps with the leapers, he dances in the air. This would be the most magnificent Gentleman's Ballet Ball

"You are a spinning top-"

...if it weren't for the fact that Watson had arrived to Lucid's location to smash the sleek edge of the Starmetal down onto Lucid's cranium, hopefully interrupting her harmful knife-pirouetting.

"that must simply stop!"

Watson had uttered these words at a crescendo at the time of impact.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]

(12-28-2013, 07:01 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy takes another shot using the Heavy Rifle.

Lining up your shot, you snipe Lucid amidst her storm of whirling knives, dealing 630 damage! (Roll 15+6, crit)

(12-29-2013, 12:01 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra almost uttered some frustrated cries, but she saw Bohw's transformed state, and caught herself before drawing further attention. This isn't over yet, though. The ravenfolk quickly flies out of the room, and casts Detect Magic. As soon as she gets Echo's location, Myra will pursue her.

You effortlessly cast Detect Magic (roll 19+7), and a veil of magical energy appears to your eyes. Judging from the huge burst of magical activity in the furthest part of the ruins and to the right, you're guessing thats where Echo is. As you fly, the magical energy seems to twist and writhe, before shrinking in on itself and vanishing. By the time you arrive, all that is left in that spot is a large pool of blood on the floor.

You havnt been in this room before. Several broken statues stand and lie nearby, and cultist corpses are scattered about the room. The corpses are still fairly fresh as such things go, but they have still clearly been here a while, and the only magical residue in the room surrounds the pool of blood.

(12-29-2013, 04:45 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah winces as a knife plants itself into her arm, causing her transparency to waver for a moment. She manages to stabilize it before heading back to the opening to the corridor. She yanks the knife out of her and slips through Mael's shield. Once she sees it's Nos who fell, Savannah drops to her knees and pulls out her healing wand, firing off a charge into Nos.

You help patch him up, healing him for 255. (roll 12+5)

(12-29-2013, 05:29 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson takes such careful steps with his sword. Oh he swivels, he dashes, he leaps with the leapers, he dances in the air. This would be the most magnificent Gentleman's Ballet Ball

"You are a spinning top-"

...if it weren't for the fact that Watson had arrived to Lucid's location to smash the sleek edge of the Starmetal down onto Lucid's cranium, hopefully interrupting her harmful knife-pirouetting.

"that must simply stop!"

Watson had uttered these words at a crescendo at the time of impact.

As you leap into the air, Lucid pulls out another series of things to throw. These turns out to be smoke bombs! Within a moment, Lucid is all but gone in a haze of smoke. You strike anyway, but your blade meets only air. Soon enough you're busy coughing in a very un-gentlemanly way.

Razan Wrote:"We must move."

Razan strides up to Bohw and raises a hand, sparking with power. At first, Bohw glares at him, obviously about to rip his face off. Then she shrinks away with a hiss, her demonic form rapidly reverting to her normal state. The result is a rather confused Bohw with a pounding headache.

"Our path is clear. We must reach the city as soon as possible, if it is not already too late! We can afford to waste no more time. Bring the demented - he will be well."

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Selphy scans for a target with the heavy rifle. Failing to find an obvious place to shoot she instead fires the rifle at the back wall of the internal room. If Lucid were to be especially unlucky as well as actually being behind the wall at the time, the bullet would pierce through the wall and hit her.

Selphy would then go on to say "So... Anyone need a ride?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson emerges from the smoke cloud, his sword having disappeared back into his hat where it belongs. He coughs a bit but ceases and dusts himself off. This is going to be tricky.

He sees a short woman who seems... otherworldly. Divine, if you will! Watson is utterly confused at this new woman's appearance. Is he supposed to know her for some reason? Oh! Of course! She's the scary young woman with an undoubtedly illegal, weaponized airship! He'll have to talk to her later.

"Why yes, we would! But pardon me, some things I must attend to", he says as he turns back around to speak to the rest of his fellow... where has everyone gone off to? He look

"Well... there does seem to be an undead assassin running loose! Wouldst one of you attend to..."

Watson confusedly gestures, waving his open hand in front of him.

"...him or her?"

He looks around.

"Bohw! You look to be in splendid condition to do so and not at all angry! Would you seek her out? I must... assist Nos."

Watson begrudgingly takes out his Vase and resumes the painstaking task of getting Nos the enchanted water he needs.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Mayor looks suddenly more relaxed as Bohw regains control of her body. Briskly, he walks over to Nos and Savannah, both of them look as they are in terrible condition. Grabbing his Mayoral Sash for comfort, he prays for their health... no, he doesn't pray, he wishes, he wishes with all his soul that they will live.

Bohw suddenly breathes out sharply and raps on her forehead to focus herself. That time wasn't... [i]too[i/] bad, she thinks to herself, letting herself willing lose control was reckless and she should of never done it, but in the end it was the only thing between Echo and...

She looks up and gauges the situation, the enemy has fled, people are hurt and that girl with the airship is here for no explicable reason. Taking control, Bohw gives out orders to hurry things along. "Mayor, gather Nos, Watson, Taran, standby on guard."

Bohw then turns to the Airship Pilot, she isn't about to forget a face like that, especially since this is the second time she's pulled them out of the fire. "And you, I am in one hell of a debt with you now." She smiles, a smug, yet grateful smile. "We need to get to the city as soon as possible, alright Selphy?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Myra steered right around to the doorway of this new room as soon as she caught sight of so much blood. After taking a moment to calm down, Myra sends out a telepathic message to all of her comrades, "Hey, I followed that Echo person's magic, but it flared up and collapsed within itself in this room I'm currently in. All that appears to be left of her is a pool of blood with traces of her magic surrounding it. She may have been killed, but there are fresh Cultist corpses in here, too, so I'm going to check this room out. You guys should get a head-start on getting out of here; I'll catch up when I'm ready."

Having given the essential information to the others, the ravenfolk begins looking around the room for oddities, including magical traps, as well as any items that may be on or around the corpses. She especially looks around for something to contain what Myra can only assume to be Echo's blood. She may be able to use it for something, especially if that witch is still somehow alive. If all else fails, Myra will pluck some feathers of her own and soak them in the blood before storing them.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah huffs, slowly standing to her feet. "It's good everything's over, I suppose." Seeing that Watson is helping out Nos at the moment, she takes a step back and gingerly touches the spot where Lucid's knife struck her. Hissing in pain, she recoils and grabs her injured bicep, blowing air out of her nose as she waits for the stab of pain to die down. "Okay..." She stoops down and picks up her healing wand, firing off a charge into her arm and sighing. Savannah spies the knife that got her and picks it up vowing to return the favor if they saw that ninja bitch again. "...Now what?"