
Poll: Your musical genre?
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38 43.18%
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RE: Music
(10-04-2013, 06:02 PM)Superfrequency Wrote: »

Man I can't stop listening to this. That intro is sublime.


Herbie Hancock in three days sonnnnnnnnnnnnn
RE: Music
Some little venue I'd never heard of in New Albany, which is in the middle of nowhere. I was pretty surprised when I heard about it! Than again, I saw Chick Corea in a similar setting, so I guess I'm really lucky w/r/t jazz greats coming to suburban Ohio.

Pat Metheny is coming to Columbus in a few months but it's crazy expensive for a jazz show and so I doubt I'll go, as much as I'd like to :/
RE: Music
I'm really not sure what to expect. I don't even know if he's playing with a group or solo. I have high hopes though!
RE: Music
So, man, Herbie Hancock. Thoughts:

It was a great lineup, for starters. It was a quartet with Vinnie Coaliuta, Lionel Loueke, and some bassist who plays with the SNL house band and whose name I forget. They were all really good.

The setlist was... interesting. They played a few Headhunters tunes, which were all great (esp. Watermelon Man), but they also did a tune from Sunlight where Herbie sang with a vocoder! That was probably the last thing I was expecting them to play haha. It was good, though.

What I didn't like was Herbie's solo spot in the middle of the set, which started off promising but quickly devolved into keyboard wank and lasted for like 15 minutes.

Herbie just doesn't know when to end a solo in general. Most of the tunes had me checking my watch thanks to him. Frustrating. I would've liked to have heard the rest of the band more.

On the plus side, Lionel Loueke did this really unique West African solo guitar/vocal performance, which was TOTALLY out of left field and probably the most memorable part of the night.

So, overall: Not what I was expecting, but still good!

Also: Unrelated, but I read recently that Herbie is apparently collaborating with Flying Lotus. Huh.
RE: Music
Come Running to Me. I was really hoping for I Thought It Was You when he broke out the vocoder but hey, still.

RE: Music
(10-09-2013, 06:23 PM)Superfrequency Wrote: »Trying to clean up my hundreds of bookmarks


Stij you will like

I do!

RE: Music
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Music
I remember finding that Congress track before. I think I linked it back on MSPA. Tried sampling it once. Might try again.

"I love it with these egg-heads when I win."

RE: Music
So you just have a massive repository of songs you like? That's a good idea, actually

shades of Erykah Badu
RE: Music
And this is why I started making grooveshark playlists. Heh.
RE: Music
Anyway, what do you lot think of this mob?

RE: Music
A number of Australians have the opposite issue; too busy listening/fawning over foreign acts in lieu to what we have here already. Not quite an inferiority complex, but I have tried to compensate.
RE: Music
I do have an open mind. I just don't see the point of posting stuff people already know about. This is also why certain Australian acts haven't been posted here.

A few other things that I've been listening to today...
RE: Music
No harm in trying, either. :P

The year is 1973. A synth-heavy prog band makes an album with a drum machine.


From the guy responsible for what is hands-down the best song name.

RE: Music
Whoah, neato. Breaking down songs like that sounds like fun.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Music
I'd uphold the qualms regarding the position songwriters are placed in. Not all people are affected equally in the music business though.
RE: Music
Yeah, I was more or less on board with him until

Quote:...the inevitable result would seem to be that the internet will suck the creative content out of the whole world until nothing is left. Writers, for example, can't rely on making money from live performances – what are they supposed to do? Write ad copy?

Which is a) disingenuous and b) totally exaggerated. I certainly have some issues with streaming services, but does Byrne have a better alternative? As you said, there's never been a time when musicians have primarily supported themselves off of record sales, and I can't imagine some utopian future in which streaming services decide to pay artists more. It sucks, but it's a truth that's probably been around as long as recorded music has.
RE: Music
Holy crap a new Patrice Wilson track was released and it's somehow worse than anything else before it


I don't even know where to begin with this. Watch the whole thing.
RE: Music
(10-17-2013, 12:44 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »At least though he approached the subject with a high degree of racial sensitivity and avoids making it feel weird or questionable.

Anyway, I think you might be right - I feel like he's playing to the internet crowd now. Though how much of the video's awfulness is intentional and how much of it is just him is anyone's guess.

I actually laughed out loud at 2:14 though
RE: Music
The Claudio Fragasso/Joe D'Amato of kiddy pop.

That is all.
RE: Music
I spent most of that video staring at the captions to see what I could parse. I then tried to figure out exactly what they put into Google Translate to get their Chinese. So far I've gotten "I love Chinese food, you know its true. I love fried" followed by something starting with "I love rice, noodles, I love chow", not followed by mein. Note that they did capitalize Chinese, but did not include the apostrophe in it, and the translation ended up meaning "the truth of it".
RE: Music
Haha, I'll have to get one of my Chinese-speaking friends to take a stab at it. Assuming I can convince them to sit through the entirety of that video.

RE: Music
(10-20-2013, 02:38 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »Vickie Sue Robinson. Turn The Beat Around

I like this
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Music

Calling it now: Badbadnotgood producers of the decade.
RE: Music
You can tell he worked with Stevie Wonder at one stage.

Moreso for the former rather than the latter.