Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Mayor is getting a bit fed up of being pummeled and burned by his allies of all things, but he continues to be Selfless and staying right in the middle of the fight. He straightens his fighting pose as his armor begins to shine, the golem's warped and dented body begins to slowly bend back into shape, mending the damage done.

Bohw meanwhile can't make heads or tails of the situation, even the howling voices seem to of been droned out from complete disorientation she is in. Instead she relies on her survival instincts and she gets out of the way of fire, grabbing her bow and charging up the magic inside it.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]


(07-09-2013, 09:21 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson is shocked by the bite. He suddenly finds himself grabbing at his shoulders and shivering. His teeth begin to chatter as he looks at the rest of his teammates. Watson feels numb.

"Brrr!!! C-c-curse this c-c-cold!!" Watson says, while rubbing his hands together. He rubs the frostbitten area of his body. That's a pretty large chunk taken out.

Watson shakily grabs a wine bottle from his hat and purposely drops it to the floor. The group hears a bell sounding. Bohw, Watson, Mayor, Nos and Myra are enveloped in a wine-coloured aura as Fine Wine takes effect. He doesn't notice the intoxicating effect even though it affects him on account of feeling cold as hell.

Watson makes a grab for the Runespear that he had dropped on the ground alongside the Greatsword. "Thank g-goodness I didn't ffforget this!" Watson speaks between clattering teeth.

Watson ties the spear to his back for easy access. He wields the Greatsword.

As your special wine bottle shatters acoss the cavern floor and the bell tolls, your extraordinary power takes effect and completelely rejuvenates everyone present, restoring the party to full health with only the exception of Mayor (Roll 16+6-1, crit)! A total of 1890 health was restored.

You dont remember that trick being this potent before...


(07-10-2013, 02:11 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »"..." Savannah watches in morbid silence as the beheaded hydra neck suddenly splits into two. She mutters to herself as she wades to shore, "So this actually is hydra. That... really sucks."

Shaking herself off like a wet dog, Savannah reaches into her pants pocket and pulls out a seed. "Here we go." Gripping it lightly in her fist, Savannah reels back her arm and throws it as hard as she can, casting Parasitic Relationship when it hits the Wrathstrike.

It's then that she looks back at the rest of the hydra to find the Champion Blade still stuck in the Baleful Head. "Aww man."

The seed takes hold as bloodsucking vines erupts from where the seed landed on the side of its long neck. It deals 173 damage and quickly grows in size! (Roll 15+8) It definitely doesnt seem happy about it. In fact, the head swings about, glaring at you with an intrinsic, calculated hatred that you find disturbing. It readies itself to for a massive attack!

(07-13-2013, 02:50 PM)Dais Wrote: »Nos catches sight of the monster growing a new head, and it consumes his attention.

"Hahaha! Wow! Wow! This thing can DO that!? I gotta get it as a pet! Think of all the neat tricks I could teach it... and if I'm ever hungry I could just slice off a spare head! Heehee. Heck, a guy could probably sell bulk meat like that for a tidy sum..." Nos shrugs, and leaps at the Wrathful Head to deliver a hammering.

You are about to pound the wrathful head into the ground, but then it pounds you into the ground first as it simultaneously tries to bite you in two! It only succeeds in leaving a few scrapes on you for 158 damage before it retreats. It did manage to ruin your attack, though (Hit 12-4 Vs Defense 9).

(07-13-2013, 05:26 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Thunderpaw will jump between heads, making sure they stay down. These hydras have a tendancy of being extremely bothersome.

You start up your very own game of Whack-A-Hydra! You deliver a resounding whack to the baleful heads face, dealing 195 damage! The increasingly beaten up ahead refuses to admit defeat and stubbornly lunges for Bohw again! Furtunately, though your blow seems to have done little to actually keep it down, it does appear that you ruined its aim, allowing the time Bohw to roll out of its lunge. (roll 8+5)

Little hint, the heads can only be slain for good with decapitation, and well that has its own undesirable by-effect. That doesnt mean that attacking the weakened ones isnt worth your time though, i guess.

(07-18-2013, 10:02 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »

Mayor is getting a bit fed up of being pummeled and burned by his allies of all things, but he continues to be Selfless and staying right in the middle of the fight. He straightens his fighting pose as his armor begins to shine, the golem's warped and dented body begins to slowly bend back into shape, mending the damage done.

Bohw meanwhile can't make heads or tails of the situation, even the howling voices seem to of been droned out from complete disorientation she is in. Instead she relies on her survival instincts and she gets out of the way of fire, grabbing her bow and charging up the magic inside it.


Mayor continues his stalwart-ness! His offense is only penalized slightly, landing at 72 Power (roll 16).

As you dodge the attack of the massive Baleful Head that seems to hate you so much, you draw on the inherent magic in your new bow. Magical energy coalesces into a multitude of magical arrows, drawing the bowstring taut with barely-restrained energy. You know that you could deliver an entire volley's worth of arrows all by yourself, but do you focus the arrows on one or two specific targets, or do you fire at everything within range?


The Malvolent head stares at Myra, then opens its maw and releases concentrated shockwaves in Myra's general direction, knocking her about in the air! The pure force behind deals 193 damage to her!

Mael strides up to the Wrathstrike heads neck, thrusting his sword forwards in a powerful stab, taking it full in the throat for 540 damage! (roll 8+5, crit)

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson, in his crazy-potent drunken stupor, just realized that alcohol only makes you colder and also realized his aim has just become so off that he's in no state to slash ANYTHING. Why does he only remember these important things while drunk?

And so, Watson walks in front of Savannah and settles for a nice Runeguard, while trying to explain through garbled words why he does this.

"Savinnah i indeed thnk i shl perotEct! you frm wn uv thee heds's's's dstructive bla-"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah cracks her knuckles and stares back at the head, nearly wavering under it's intense gaze. She notes how its readying itself and charges up an attack of her own. Drawing upon the dregs of her magic, she charges up a blizzard in her hands. Her concentration is somewhat broken as Watson plonks himself in front of her, babbling nonsense. She rolls her eyes.

"Damn it Watson, you're drunk." Gripping the freezing winds in between her fingers, she tries to nudge him aside. "Again." She probably could have moved him if not for the storm brewing in her hands. So she accepts his help for now, firing off the blizzard over his head and into the Wrathstrike's stupid, scaly face.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
((Quick questions. Could I replace the current spell in the focus with a new one in a single turn, or do I have to use up the current spell first? And if it's the latter case, do I have to wait for the cooldown before putting a new spell in? I think I know the answers but I'd like to be sure.))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Mayor turns around and decides to put an end to the Baleful Head's harassment of Bohw, he attempts to jump up and grab the beast's head as it makes another attack at whoever it might be, attempting to keep his grip and begins to tug at it's head. He tugs and pulls with all his golem might, trying to tear the Hydra's head right off!

Taking note of the Wrathstrike's attack winding up, Bohw throws together a plan in her head. She digs into her satchel and grabs a large handful of her firebombs, isn't entirely confident in her idea but in her addled state she can't think of anything better.

"Oy! Mael!" Bohw shouts, lighting the fuses on the string of bombs "Take the head off the last one!"

She then wraps the string of firebombs around an arrow, pulling back the bowstring and waiting for just the right moment, specifically waiting till after everyone else attacks. Just before the bombs explode, Bohw shoots a hail of arrows at the whole Hydra. The explosive arrow exploding mid-air and scattering several of the smaller firebombs in the direction of the beast.

(Simple version of my command for Chim's sake:
Mayor decaps Baleful Head by tearing it off.
Bohw specifically waits till the end of the turn, even after the Hydras, then uses Sabotage alongside Charged Attack. Probably not allowed, but hell I'm gonna try anyway for the cool points.
Also she commands Mael to decap the Malevolent Head)
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(07-21-2013, 12:06 AM)Dais Wrote: »((Quick questions. Could I replace the current spell in the focus with a new one in a single turn, or do I have to use up the current spell first? And if it's the latter case, do I have to wait for the cooldown before putting a new spell in? I think I know the answers but I'd like to be sure.))

You can put in a new spell and you will then be able to use the item on the turn after this one. Only loss is that you need to spend that turn on putting it in, effectively wasting your turn unless you put in the thing you wanted before entering combat. So basically, pre-planning. Or random-planning in Nos' case.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw moves to jump onto any new spawning heads, smashing them as they form. Because decapitations always lead to that sort of thing.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
As the Wrathful head backs away from Nos he seems to be kneeling and rising in an attempt to make it look like he's moving like a cartoon accordion for a few seconds. He gives this up to stare at the Wrathful head in frustration, stamping the ground childishly. "Hmph! Interrupt my smashing, will you? And to deliver a smashing of your own!? I am the smasher here! Because I don't have a cutter!"

He leaps after the Wrathful head to deliver a vengeful attack- to proclaim his dominance in the smashing field!
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(( Ahhh, so sorry I haven't posted lately! I've been incredibly forgetful lately, and it's just horrible. ))

"Ohh, hahaha, burn the bird to crisps with lightning, eh? Sooooo funny!" Myra scoffs angrily as she flaps about in the air only to land and Change Form.
"I'll show you some nasty burns," she shouts to the heads as she charges up a Fireball spell for until everyone but Bohw has moved, in which she'll aim her Fireball at whichever neck is cut off from its head first. If she's learned anything, it's that things tend to stay down after a good scorching. Should no heads be rolling to the floor by the time Myra fires, she'll simply attack the Wrathstrike.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
That's okay, Chim has a very laisse-faire attitude.

especially with pm's
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Shhhh! Im on vacation here. Pretending to be anyway. I can dream.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
well i do suppose it doesn't help my plans basically revolve around

"yeah that sounds good do that"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Heheheh yes this is true, but i imagine that comes from the frustration of having to wait for forever and ever. Speaking of which i should go update. Maybe. I'll consider it.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]


(07-20-2013, 06:34 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah cracks her knuckles and stares back at the head, nearly wavering under it's intense gaze. She notes how its readying itself and charges up an attack of her own. Drawing upon the dregs of her magic, she charges up a blizzard in her hands. Her concentration is somewhat broken as Watson plonks himself in front of her, babbling nonsense. She rolls her eyes.

"Damn it Watson, you're drunk." Gripping the freezing winds in between her fingers, she tries to nudge him aside. "Again." She probably could have moved him if not for the storm brewing in her hands. So she accepts his help for now, firing off the blizzard over his head and into the Wrathstrike's stupid, scaly face.

You consider blasting the head with your most potent spells, but then remember that your spells are anything but potent at the moment! Instead, you opt to throw a dagger at its face, dealing 330 damage (roll 16+6).

And then you are suddenly occupied with flying across the room.

(07-20-2013, 03:39 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson, in his crazy-potent drunken stupor, just realized that alcohol only makes you colder and also realized his aim has just become so off that he's in no state to slash ANYTHING. Why does he only remember these important things while drunk?

And so, Watson walks in front of Savannah and settles for a nice Runeguard, while trying to explain through garbled words why he does this.

"Savinnah i indeed thnk i shl perotEct! you frm wn uv thee heds's's's dstructive bla-"

Protecting Savannah proves an incredibly good idea as the murderous force of the Wrathstrike's attack becomes obvious. The head lunges forwards with the speed of a viper and the unstoppable power of dragon, slamming into you and Savannah with enough force to drive you both into the stone. The heads backswing then sends you both flying in each your direction across the cavern, once again slamming into the rock floor! You think you even saw icicles bursting from the head's skin with each strike. Yes, you definitely did, considering that two such shards of ice are impaled in you. Both of you take 729 damage, though you managed to Guard against 170 damage (roll 6+6-1). The attack seemed less potent than it might otherwise have been, as you forced the beast to deal with two targets rather than just one. The force would surely have been lethal if not for your intervention!

(07-21-2013, 05:10 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Mayor turns around and decides to put an end to the Baleful Head's harassment of Bohw, he attempts to jump up and grab the beast's head as it makes another attack at whoever it might be, attempting to keep his grip and begins to tug at it's head. He tugs and pulls with all his golem might, trying to tear the Hydra's head right off!

Taking note of the Wrathstrike's attack winding up, Bohw throws together a plan in her head. She digs into her satchel and grabs a large handful of her firebombs, isn't entirely confident in her idea but in her addled state she can't think of anything better.

"Oy! Mael!" Bohw shouts, lighting the fuses on the string of bombs "Take the head off the last one!"

She then wraps the string of firebombs around an arrow, pulling back the bowstring and waiting for just the right moment, specifically waiting till after everyone else attacks. Just before the bombs explode, Bohw shoots a hail of arrows at the whole Hydra. The explosive arrow exploding mid-air and scattering several of the smaller firebombs in the direction of the beast.

Mayor, like the badass he is, walks right up to the Baleful head and starts just kind of pulling. The head wriggles angrily, trying to get enough leverage to bite Mayor. Before it can, though, he just straight up rips it in half. Despite refusing to die, hydra heads really aint all that durable. (roll 18+5)

As Mayor lets his new trophy head drop to the cavern floor, the neck immediately splits in two and starts reforms into two brand new heads, even angrier than the last one! One of them (the new Baleful head) immediately scans over the party before settling on Bohw. Welp. So much for that.

Mael then steps up to the Malevolent head. He waits until it seems distracted - probably by a new hydra-spell - and then moves in, swinging his blade in a graceful arc, sheaving through the head which promptly drops int othe water, still trashing as it dies. Surprisingly enough, the neck doesnt immediately split up and reform two new heads, though from the twitching it is experiencing it looks like it is about to. Perhaps it cannot keep up with the rate it is losing heads at?

(07-22-2013, 05:02 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Thunderpaw moves to jump onto any new spawning heads, smashing them as they form. Because decapitations always lead to that sort of thing.

You leap at the new Baleful head, intending to show it your hammer up real close! Then the Wrathful head grabs you midair and slams you cliff-wards, dealing 263 damage to you! (Hit 3+4 Vs Defense 9)

Even your armor AND furcoat doesnt protect you from the unnaturally cold temperature that seems to emanate from the Wrathful heads' maw.

(07-22-2013, 09:45 PM)Dais Wrote: »As the Wrathful head backs away from Nos he seems to be kneeling and rising in an attempt to make it look like he's moving like a cartoon accordion for a few seconds. He gives this up to stare at the Wrathful head in frustration, stamping the ground childishly. "Hmph! Interrupt my smashing, will you? And to deliver a smashing of your own!? I am the smasher here! Because I don't have a cutter!"

He leaps after the Wrathful head to deliver a vengeful attack- to proclaim his dominance in the smashing field!

Well it looks like the Wrathstrike just OUTSMASHED YOU.

And that really just cannot stand. You decide that proving your smashy powers to the Wrathstrike is more important! And so you proceed to bash it on the neck for 264 damage (roll 10+10-2). Well, at least you tried. You beat the Wrathful head though. With 1 smash point. ONE. SMASH POINT. You'll need to do a victory dance once the competition isnt so tough anymore.

(07-23-2013, 06:46 AM)Frolic Wrote: »"Ohh, hahaha, burn the bird to crisps with lightning, eh? Sooooo funny!" Myra scoffs angrily as she flaps about in the air only to land and Change Form.
"I'll show you some nasty burns," she shouts to the heads as she charges up a Fireball spell for until everyone but Bohw has moved, in which she'll aim her Fireball at whichever neck is cut off from its head first. If she's learned anything, it's that things tend to stay down after a good scorching. Should no heads be rolling to the floor by the time Myra fires, she'll simply attack the Wrathstrike.

By the time your fireball is ready to launch, the Baleful head has already produced another two heads! Fortunately, Mael decapitates the Malvolent head aswell so you just target that neck instead. Your fireball only barely manages to strike the wobbling neck (Hit 4+5 Vs Defense 9), thus scorching the neck! With any luck, it wont be able to regrow from that. Maybe, you think. Hydra biology was not among the things you learned in your village.


Bohw watches the dwindling fuses on her assortment of explosives, each strapped to a spectral arrow bristling with energy. Time's up. She resumes her aim on the four serpentine heads, then releases her hold on the bows ancient magic aswell as it's bowstring, unleashing a barrage of phantom arrows to wreak havoc on the hydra, explosions echoing in the chamber as bits of hydra are blasted everywhere! Each head takes 376 damage, for a total of 1504 damage! (Roll 14+4-2+3)

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Two full days and not a single post. Come on my track record isnt THAT bad, you cant possibly have been expecting to wait another two weeks or something
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Savannah was happy she had picked up that belt knife thing earlier. It wasn't all that bad a throwing knife. What she wasn't happy about however was the fact that it felt like that damned hydra just crushed her ribcage. And then she's in the air, slamming into the cold stone, bruised chest first. Sliding almost comically to the ground, she winces and dusts herself off. Savannah mutters to herself as she attempts to pick herself up off the ground. "Mental note, hydra's don't like plants."

Upon reaching a state in which she's not wobbling, Savannah notices a strange bump in her pocket. She reaches in and pulls out her, now bent at a ninety degree angle, healing wand. After a futile attempt to unbend it, she simply casts the healing spell on herself. Her ribs hurt.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Oh alright i suppose those are relevant reasons
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Haha, the advantage is mine! You can't fathom the depths to which my mind will go to analyze the situation and create new tactics!" Nos hefts his hammer over his head in triumph. "Anyway, I don't know why it's so cold, but some more smashing will warm me up!" He proceeds to leap up after the Wrathful head to deliver another clobbering strike. And maybe actually connect this time, too!
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Bohw clutches her head as she tries to gather her senses and mutters something under her breath, that was anything but a good plan. Oh well, might as well stick to a bad plan rather than try to change it into something worse as she goes along, she targets the Baleful head and attempts to land an arrow in between it's eyes.

Mayor opts to be a shield, putting himself between the Hydra and Savannah instead of fighting, it will have to get through him to get to Savannah. He beats his chest and raps his shield, making an irritating clanging noise and taunting the beast to draw it's attention away.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Myra looks over at Savannah, concerned if she should attempt healing her or not, until the ravenfolk spots what she believes is a healing wand. Or at least what's left of one. Her nerves having settled, Myra returns her attention to the Hydra. Looks like the fireball is working!

"Hey, someone get another head off! I'll try to scorch the stumps!" She began to charge another Fireball, and will target the first neck that is separated from its head.

Another glance is stolen away from the scene to survey Bohw and Mayor's position. If no decapitations occur this round, Myra decides, then she'll help Bohw with Fireballing the Baleful head.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson rises after taking that heavy hit. As his drunken gaze shifts to Mayor standing in front of Savannah, he formulates a haphazard plan. He sees Myra conjuring a fireball and thus, gestures towards the Wraithstrike to show her a target.

Watson then speaks as he wields the greatsword with strength, determination, and a remarked lack of precision:

"Such marvels cn but ONLY b'achieved whnuh crtcal point of intxfcshion's reashid, FELLOWS!"

He then brazenly runs up to that Wraithstrike head and chops it off at the neck.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]


(07-26-2013, 06:45 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah was happy she had picked up that belt knife thing earlier. It wasn't all that bad a throwing knife. What she wasn't happy about however was the fact that it felt like that damned hydra just crushed her ribcage. And then she's in the air, slamming into the cold stone, bruised chest first. Sliding almost comically to the ground, she winces and dusts herself off. Savannah mutters to herself as she attempts to pick herself up off the ground. "Mental note, hydra's don't like plants."

Upon reaching a state in which she's not wobbling, Savannah notices a strange bump in her pocket. She reaches in and pulls out her, now bent at a ninety degree angle, healing wand. After a futile attempt to unbend it, she simply casts the healing spell on herself. Her ribs hurt.

You heal yourself for 180 (roll 7+5) with the wand. You still feel like you spent a week as someones personal punching bag, but atleast you've stopped the bleeding from the various scratches and abrasions you just suffered.

(07-27-2013, 01:42 PM)Dais Wrote: »"Haha, the advantage is mine! You can't fathom the depths to which my mind will go to analyze the situation and create new tactics!" Nos hefts his hammer over his head in triumph. "Anyway, I don't know why it's so cold, but some more smashing will warm me up!" He proceeds to leap up after the Wrathful head to deliver another clobbering strike. And maybe actually connect this time, too!

You take a swing and... Nope. (Hit 3-4 Vs Defense 9)

Ah, well, better luck next time you guess.

(07-27-2013, 03:43 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw clutches her head as she tries to gather her senses and mutters something under her breath, that was anything but a good plan. Oh well, might as well stick to a bad plan rather than try to change it into something worse as she goes along, she targets the Baleful head and attempts to land an arrow in between it's eyes.

Mayor opts to be a shield, putting himself between the Hydra and Savannah instead of fighting, it will have to get through him to get to Savannah. He beats his chest and raps his shield, making an irritating clanging noise and taunting the beast to draw it's attention away.

The wrathstrike seems to have lost interest in Savannah already! Mayor still stands at the ready, though, prepared to defend against the next 108 damage coming his way (roll 10+5).

Taking aim, you send an arrow flying at the Baleful head! You then spend the next few seconds silently cursing your lack of depth perception as the arrow goes wide. Atleast you didnt hit anyone in the back. (Hit 6 Vs Defense 9)

(07-28-2013, 05:17 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson rises after taking that heavy hit. As his drunken gaze shifts from Mayor standing in front of Savannah, he formulates a haphazard plan. He sees Myra conjuring a fireball and thus, gestures towards the Wraithstrike to show her a target.

Watson then speaks as he wields the greatsword with strength, determination, and a remarked lack of precision:

"Such marvels cn but ONLY b'achieved whnuh crtcal point of intxfcshion's reashid, FELLOWS!"

He then brazenly runs up to that Wraithstrike head and chops it off at the neck.

And that is precisely what you do. As you swing at the neck, your sword lights up with a cold, blue light which freezes the air around it. The cold doesnt seem to have much effect on this particular head, but the force of the swing itself is more than enough by itself. As you cut into the large neck, the hydra lets out a shriek as the head dies. As it does, it seems to shrink in on itself, coalescing into into! Even as soon as it forms, the frozen head splinters into a million pieces, exploding outwards in a wave of frosty shrapnel!

Thunderpaw gets struck by a particularly large chunk, taking 287 damage!
Bohw is only somewhat better off, several smaller shards striking her for 215 damage!
Mayor sees the shards coming in time, raising his shield and thus escaping any harm (Hit 1 Vs Defense 5)
Nos takes a little time off to watch the phenomenon, receiving only minor scrapes and taking 90 damage from a few stray fragments.
Savannah tries her best to dodge, but is still struck for 136 damage.
Watson, being the closest, manages to come away surprisingly unscathed thanks perhaps to his armor, but still takes 170 damage.
Myra is barely struck at all, taking only 45 damage from a single scratch.
Mael reacts quickly, falling into a dive roll and taking cover behind Mayor's bulk. (Hit 6 Vs Defense 8)

With the Wrathstrike head gone, though, the fight seems to drain out of the wrathful head, its previous hatred vanishing like morning dew. Doesnt stop it from biting Nos for 163 damage, though, but the attack is lame compared to the rage it was displaying earlier.

Furthermore, the neck left behind by the wrathstrike doesnt seem to regenerate, though the bloody flesh is twitching as though it really wants to.

(07-28-2013, 02:41 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra looks over at Savannah, concerned if she should attempt healing her or not, until the ravenfolk spots what she believes is a healing wand. Or at least what's left of one. Her nerves having settled, Myra returns her attention to the Hydra. Looks like the fireball is working!

"Hey, someone get another head off! I'll try to scorch the stumps!" She began to charge another Fireball, and will target the first neck that is separated from its head.

Another glance is stolen away from the scene to survey Bohw and Mayor's position. If no decapitations occur this round, Myra decides, then she'll help Bohw with Fireballing the Baleful head.

You blast the newest neck stump, scorching the flesh!

As you watch, though, the neck you blasted last round begins regenerating, rapidly splitting into two new necks and regrowing two heads! The new heads roar their ferocity for all to hear, causing the cavern to tremble dangerously! Welp. Doesnt look like your efforts have stopped the beast.


Mael steps out from behind Mayor to plunge his sword into the face of the Baleful head, dealing 255 damage (roll 13+4)!

The Baleful head then proceeds to wreck Bohw's shit by sending her flying across the room, dealing 123 damage. Mayor then punches it in the snout for 108 damage.

The Baleflame breathes a thin, focused stream of fire at Mayor, and though, being made of metal, he doesnt burn very well, the intense heat is still more than enough to deal 709 damage to him, even starting to melt his armor where the flames hit!!
