SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
1478 is whoever killed Sruixian. Don't know if that person's might be a vig, or a serial killer, or else.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
(07-02-2013, 12:50 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »EBWOP: 1478

.... sounds like a cult. KILL IT.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Goddamnit what did I eat yesterday? Oh right, a cactus thing with a sombrero. I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
myw, can we use fire? Fire seems like a good idea for the cactus people. However, I doubt it's a cult. The target dies and loses all alignments. Perhaps the killer has a target number it needs to reach to accomplish it's win condition?

I plug in the vending machine and put in 488 yen that's in AMAZING condition, asking for something to help protect me.

A guy can never be too sure, you know?
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
(07-02-2013, 01:58 AM)myw Wrote: ».... sounds like a cult. KILL IT.
If it weren't for the fact that Sruix is "dead", I'd agree. Even so, the prescribed cure is definitely one that I can get behind.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
(07-02-2013, 01:49 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »1478 is whoever killed Sruixian. Don't know if that person's might be a vig, or a serial killer, or else.

Oh. Derp.
Shoulda read that flavor a bit more closely.
On that note, anyone got any ideas on what killed Agent Blue?
My first thought was clockwork virus, but it doesn't really sound like that.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Well. Aside form the Cult of the Cactus, we can still talk to Sruixian. He shouldn't at least, not yet, turn us into a cactus. In the mean time, I'm still excepting last wills. They are FREE! And this deal comes with no strings attached!
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Guys it's almost definitely a serial killer, and yes it has a win condition for hitting a certain number of cacti. That specific number is 'everyone who is not dead from other means or you'.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
So, just curious. Kieros is now buff, has spikes, and looks like he got punched. Care to elaborate?
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Upon rereading, I realize that question has been answered whoops. Midnight does weird shit to my ability to comprehend English.

D, why are you trying so hard to get wills?
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
(07-02-2013, 12:07 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Hey Mirdini why did you jump off onto Purple Walrus at the last minute like that?

because Vote: Purple Walrus

(I was pretty sure Red was town and suffering from being over-vendetta'd by Paranoia

also 24 hours before deadline doesn't seem particularly 'last minute' to me, sadly I got busy and couldn't yell more loudly at people to swap lynches)
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Fuck y'all.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Vote: Kíeros

Because he was getting all upset about someone picking 1478, even though it took down scum. As well as looking a bit more meaner today.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
While I'm tempted to agree with Bigro, a sneaking suspicion isn't enough of a ground to decide on a lynch vote in my mind.

Plus Fogel brings up a really good argument about Felix so:

VOTE: Felix

aaaaaaaand since I find the idea somewhat amusing why the hell not.

I give that Sruxian partner sum' ancient fanta, that there concrete can't be a good waterin' hole!
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Walrus, last night, people killed AgentBlue, killed Sruix, and tried to kill me. Three kills; that's likely Mafia, Vig, and SK. I don't know about you, but 1478 seems awfully SK-ish to me.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Man I wish I wasn't town so I could restrain my instincts that are telling me to yell at everyone until people I think are scum get lynched

but I am so welp

I agree that Fogel feels off, particularly all of this:

(07-02-2013, 12:15 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »One scum down already? I guess that's not so surprising in a game like this, there are probably all sorts of crazy kills going around. I wasn't paying enough attention yesterday to have much thought about Sruix, good call whoever went for him. You even kept him around to talk!

We lost an investigative role, though. One with a decent chance at shenanigans, too. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more than one investigator, but that's a pretty significant loss.

Kieros, why are you buffer, spikier, and a little beaten up? Do you have any insight into that?

He'd be my choice for a lynch if it wasn't for Walrus, who dodged voting anyone or doing much of anything yesterday ("I find this person suspicious but let me just not do anything about it")

(06-28-2013, 09:12 PM)Purple Walrus Wrote: »I feel lynching the Vending Machine is basically a no lynch.

I also have a weird feeling about Felix's voting red and then unvoting after red reacted, while going "lol I wanted to see what he'll do." It just sort of rubs me the wrong way.

and then he votes Kieros for being agitated that he was shot/there's a stump-making vig or sk or mafioso running around (which yes, is going to get raaather silly really fast)

can we please lynch this walrus

RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
A vig and SK? That's uh. In any other game I would probably not believe it.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Can I point out that Walrus voted Kieros, even though I appear to be the popular vote? I feel this is odd.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
But seriously y'all, this here fate o mine's far, far worse than death. 's nothing but torture, 'n I be the wrong consarned fool ta' be takin' it. I shore reckon t' varmint be a wild rogue rather than vigilante, 'n though I ain't the one ta talk in these 'ere cir-cum-stan-ces, he be a-lackin' in the scruple department, y'hear?

Pershunally, I thank we gotta knock this plumb crazy fella down a peg or two, or three! See, I'mma seeins this two ways; y'all either gonna end up dead anuff to lick Lucifer's hands in t' flesh, or yer end up all cactized. Be-ins 'ow mighty awful bein' a cacti is, I thank y'all agree bein' dead's preferable, so y'wanna make sure cactification ain't gonna 'appen to ya by cuttin' awff t' source. 'n let's be 'awnest 'ere, y'all pretty doomed anyways, so yer might 'swell make yer 'ndings 'scomfy as pawsible, right?

RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
No Sruxian I am not gonna change my clothes. And I suggest no one else do that either.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
The reason I didn't vote you is because you're acting more like derp town today in my opinion. Scum would not be this easy.

The point I was trying to get across Is that Kieros sounded quite upset that Sruxian died. Thats why I voted him.
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
I ain't be takin' yer sass too kindly, Pardner Sparky. People's be free ta do all they like, 'slong as it's what I say...
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
I'm onto you, Cactus! I'm not going to be changing my clothes at all!
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Y' pitch yer hissy widouta needin' ta', y'know? Mind ya', 'f yer wanna take yer clothes right awff then by all means pardner, be as na-ked as ta' day yer were borned... no-bady'l judge ya...
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21

I just stare at the cactus for a while.