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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 03:06 AM
research inconclusive, probably because I am dead tired
will endeavour to get actual THINGS together in the next 12 hours or so (after I wake up)
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 03:23 PM
Just as a note before I head off to finals.
Our (properly assigned) tracker results are:
Cat visited Boogey.
Boogey visited nobody.
I have no idea what this will mean for stuff, so whatever.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 05:25 PM
That's interesting.
I'd be curious to hear from our resident physician.
Also boogeyman, anything odd happen to you last night?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 05:45 PM
I was not informed of anything happening to me.
I'll be back later today with a real post.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 07:07 PM
(05-30-2013, 05:25 PM)btp Wrote: »That's interesting.
I'd be curious to hear from our resident physician.
Also boogeyman, anything odd happen to you last night?
Resident physician right here at your service hi
Mathgirl I would like you to weigh in on whatevs
vote: mathgirl
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 07:58 PM
Alright whatup let's check out those votals everyone's forgotten about (including me) - darkred confirmed scum, dark green confirmed town (for me), light green pretty heavily town from MECHANICS
Post #259 (Day 1)
Pilot (6): Vortor, Granola, Tea, Seastorm, Mathgirl, 0_o
Mathgirl (3): [Scofflaw (Fragowump)], Seedy, Cat
Anacreon (3): TehPilot, Boogeyman, Garuru
Post #574 (Day 2)
Granola (5): anacreon, btp, Yewchung, Boogey, Mirdini
Beruru (6): Credit, Tea, Mathgirl, TehPilot, calibornio, Garuru,
Post #607 (Day 2)
Granola (12-13): anacreon, btp, Yewchung, Boogey, Mirdini, beruru, Vortor, Garuru, (Cat????), Palamedes, seastormjt, ICan'tGiveCredit, calibornio
Beruru (4): Tea, Mathgirl, TehPilot, calibornio
Post #786 (Day 3)
beruru (5+5) (Mirdini, ICan'tGiveCredit, Yewchung, btp, Coldblooded, [Garuru], [AKillerCuppaTea], [TehPilot], [Scoffles], [Boogeyman])
Pilot sure had a day 1 wagon on him that makes me feel an awwwwful lot better about his slot (almost to the point of where I don't want him to explode & die?). BTP definitely shouldn't since there's almost no way gunsmith-man is scum. Just to be sure btp - did you (or well Solaris I suppose) give beruru a gun n1 or not?
Wagon on Mathgirl d1 feels relevant since Seedy pushing it d1 was basically the only thing she did before vanishing. Her vanishing sure doesn't feel like a town ability, I'm sure y'all agree.
Boogey still looks incredibly good from his push on the granola wagon, he's basically as light green as everyone else in light green for me.
Those 6 people on the beru-wagon that was briefly competing with nola-wagon d2 (apart from Garuru because mleh) look hella out of place - would be willing to bet there's at least/around two scum in there?
Also to note is seastorm has still ceased existing since d2 - seastorm where are you post or I'll politely ask one of the GLORIOUS SUICIDE SQUAD to do their god-given duties on you because your slot is currently null as they come.
also found this post again to be fair things did change somewhat from it but some of it's certainly still relevanto
(05-13-2013, 07:19 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »also for those who will glaze over the wall here is the relevant tl;dr
Lynch The Fuck Outta: Mathgirl, ICGC, btp
Lynch The Fuck Outta If They Don't Talk More/Do Town Things: seedy, Cat, calibornio, seastorm
Possibly Lynch But Not Before The Above: ScofflesFragowump, TehPilot, anacreon, (Coldblooded - after the first 3)
Don't Lynch i.e. clear as fuck town: beruru, Vortor, Yewchung, Garuru, Boogeyman, Palamedes
Special 'Lynch Him If He Doesn't Die Like He Promised': Tea
btp is super-clear, Mathgirl is even worse than she was in this post because now we have it confirmed that beru was town, ICGC I am not really sure about but leaning town since well doc claim so he's not A PRIORITY as mentioned before.
seastorm is in the same place, calibornio is in the same place possibly even worse (you made excuses for all of yesterday well now it's been like a week get in here before suicide squad yadda yadda).
Which leaves the middle section and I guess Vortor is less clear than I remember because while he did put noly out of gun-ban as I mentioned later that day I don't think that's as townish as I originally thought - the wagon was happening and it was certainly likely other people would have pushed it there before nola could get back to explode so scum jumping on at that moment for mega town cred feels like a possibility. That said I actually still like Vortor more than most of the other scum suspects I'm feeling? Or at least I would if he'd post more
Acioslot I am actually somewhat liking though visiting boogey in the night in a game already crammed with NAs is something I'm not necessarily sure it's scummy
anyway I guess that makes my lynch list in descending order: MathGirl/seastormcalibornio and then an amalgam of ScofflawAcioVortorTehPilot depending on future info?
reading over Scoffles-posts again there was a lot of 'what if these people are scum and what if THESE people are scum and why do we trust THESE people' and not an awful lot of pushing any cases so huh I guess I sort of see what your beef there is Acio.
Not that I trust your slot any more because well Cat but hrm
anyway I want to hear a defense from Mathgirl at this point because that d3 governatoring right on the day town-beru was ready to shoot mens (and had said so the previous day) sure was somethin'. And it was basically all she did yesterday and my reasoning for wanting her dead at the start of said day thus still stands:
(05-13-2013, 07:11 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »MathGirl277 - Felt weird but townish day 1. Day 2 sunk this read into scum hell. Starts the day off with #356 which yeah I've talked about this post already. Post #452 is a preeetty blatant wagon jump on top of ICGC after beruru had started making day-kill noises. Your vote on that wagon is fine because it's highly qualified, ICGC/mathgirl feel terrible for it, anacreon feels kinda bad but it's a deadline vote so less so. Post #505 has her poking at beruclaim with no backup or anything as well as a generic 'stop claiming people' faaaaar too late which yeah junk filler post. Then we come to post #517. If this had come AFTER the lover-claim I would say kill Mathgirl tomorrow no matter what. As it stands the post is still scummy as heck because it's 'shoot the unknown before he can say anything' as well as an implicit 'please don't shoot granola leave him alive until the end of tomorrow at the very least'. I GUESS PRETTY SCUMMY READ OVER HERE.
(also in case it'd be lost in the above CALIBORNIO SEASTORM POST OR DIE (and then probably die anyway but hey maybe you've got a rock solid claim that I'll manage to believe))
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 09:32 PM
Yay diniwords I am not unhappy with
I would like to know what you think of kaneface though
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-30-2013, 10:24 PM
he is pretty darn neutral to me because I can sort of believe his claim and iirc granola was jumping up and down on him? I thought there was a wagon on him at one point but at least from the votals I saw apparently I was making things up?
He did have granola as green in #239? But that was before granola did the incredibly scummy 'tehpilot you should shoot someone' dance at the end of that day.
yeah here's that nola thing from d2
(05-03-2013, 10:41 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »Kane I don't exactly trust you after role-claiming so easily. Also people seem to be telling you to shoot at me and you seem somewhat inclined to agree with them. My vote is not an intent to lynch per say, but rather an attempt to put a gunban on you while we figure out an alternate lynch
One significant point in his favor in my current gamestate-view is that he was pushing Mathgirl really hard for all of d1 which if she's scum governor makes him town as heck.
and then he voted her off the bat again on d2 that's some commitment. Plus volunteering for suicide duty however many brownie points that gets you. Suicide duty on granola, that's relevant
hmm dang actually got kane at at least light town then
though that swings pretty heavily if Mathgirl flips town?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 01:18 AM
I only had the one Mirdini, and I gave it all to you. 
I am against a MathGirl lynch, honestly, at least it seems low-priority.
Acionyx, why visit boogyman?
Credit could you perhaps shine some light on why we have no deaths today?
vote: calibornio
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 01:20 AM
TehPilot, why do you think we didn't have any deaths today?
You seemed to imply that you stopped something.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 01:30 AM
I haven't stopped anything.,
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 01:47 AM
(05-31-2013, 01:18 AM)btp Wrote: »Acionyx, why visit boogyman?
Because he's a magical middle ground
BTP what is your read on the lovely guy whose name I keep saying?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 02:18 AM
My read is that he is the founding member of the SUICIDE SQUAD and should be the first to fire his gun.
If he is a bleeder like he says, then he will still be able to vote for the rest of the day.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 02:29 AM
(05-31-2013, 02:18 AM)btp Wrote: »My read is that he is the founding member of the SUICIDE SQUAD and should be the first to fire his gun.
If he is a bleeder like he says, then he will still be able to vote for the rest of the day.
Wrong one
Scoffllawfuls is the one I keep haranguing about
And the fact that he went nope and vanished and I've only gotten one person to to even acknowledge he exists is A Thing.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 03:20 AM
(05-31-2013, 01:18 AM)btp Wrote: »Credit could you perhaps shine some light on why we have no deaths today?
Why yes. And that reason is:
I doc'd myself.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 12:51 PM
I think Credit ought to leave that proclamation at that and let's not go any further into how/why/etc alright? Alright.
Anyway noting right now that despite repeated requests for them to appear Mathgirl/calibornio/seastorm are still totally MIA. I guess Kane noted that Mathie/he are gone for legit IRL reasons so uh I guess the question is is seastorm ALSO involved with that and thus not posting? (Though that still doesn't excuse the fact that she made... two posts total yesterday, neither of them long at all?)
meanwhile calibornio presumably has 0 excuses and really needs to get in here and well give reads or something I don't know
and scofflaw is also not posting
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 02:35 PM
Scofflaw hmmmm...
He /has/ been making pretty perfect lurker scum plays. And I think that if he flipped scum it could clear Acionyx.
Yeah okay I'll bite.
Vote: Scofflaw
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 05:43 PM
not going to lie if we get a lot closer to deadline in this state I'm just going to politely ask whether we want to start the shooting gallery because I sure as hell am not going to go into night with just about half the players actually existing
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
05-31-2013, 09:54 PM
I'm going to harp a lynch on Scoffles here.
Look at the voting history Mirdini posted, his votes perfectly coincide with a scum-member laying low, not voting for granola, and deadline-hammering beruru.
Also, based off of Acionyx's comments and his visiting Boogey, I suspect he may be some kind of cop-role. If he is a town-cop, then he probably checked scoffles a previous night and discovered he was scum. Cat kept the info silent, but Acionyx wants to probe it. If he's a scum-cop, then scoffles is probably a town power role that he's trying to pick off. Scoffles' flip would tell us a lot about Acionyx.
I'm actually pretty fired up about this. Here is a suggestion: 0_o shoots Scoffles. Based on the flip, we either vote for Acionyx, or we then have a new semi-confirmed town player (two because of 0_o's actions).
Of course I can do it myself. Heck maybe I will if someone doesn't talk me out of it, but I'm a living largely-mechanic-confirmed town (also an active player), and it hurts the town's scum searching abilities if I die.
or we could just vote Scoffles to death, but then we have to wait a whole night for players to die, before we can react to Acionyx or not.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Not a cop, trying to get people to actually comment on a slot that has been practically invisible so I can get some better reads.
But that doesn't look to be happening
Scofflaw, Mathgirl, and Calibornio are my toppest interests for lynching today.
Scofflaw as said already so many times skated right the fuck through yesterday doing little besides "Oh look at how towny I am for protesting the beru lynch fiiiiine I'll make sure it goes through but if she's town it's not my fault she's totally not a loss". The only post he made with any effort in it is fighting against coldbloodpaul town and reads like he's reluctant to let the yewchung and garu path close
The only thing he's done today is gone NO U and then vanish and while I know he's busyman the silence from pretty much everywhere else regarding him is telling.
-Mathgirl's as much a pain on disappearing as scofflaw has been and the lynchtrain on her day one is composed of a load of townreads and an RVS vote off of fragglywump in the only moment he existed.
She shows up with the gunban the day after a pile of people are ready to shoot and tea shows up claiming the power to load up a bunch of townfirms and then is never to be seen again.
-Calibornio is supernonexistent (to the point I didn't even realize he was in the game before I looked at the playerlist) and the only point he's shown up to say words he lists mathgirl as his top townread and lists kane as scum for attacking her (and kane is pretty town). And has herafter been totally nonexistent as well.
Other Things:
-pretty sure that there is at least one scum between Calibornio/Credit/Seastorm going by their finisher votes on granoliman (and it's most likely calibornio)
-If Mathgirl is scum then Tehpilot is very likely town. And they're pretty unlikely to be scum together
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 02:35 AM
A solid aciopost I suppose? But that's about what I expect from him so hey cool beans on that account
but day's been up for 72 hours and out of the 15 people alive the following have made actual posts: Mirdini/btp/0_o(kane)/Acionyx/Coldblooded/Scoffles/TehPilot/ICGC/Vortor/Garuru/Yewchung
out of those 11 only five have really posted more than once
Yeah this is not a state of affairs I'm willing to countenance
Anyone from glorious suicide squad ready and willing to MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE while I mull over things?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 02:39 AM
by which I mean I am going to go LOOK AT THINGS but it'd be nice to know if I can shoot scum vicariously in the near future or if I have to wait a night because y'all are all afk
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 02:40 AM
p.p.s. would prefer suicide squad volunteer not be aforementioned gun-merchant
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 03:01 AM
Well, I'm certainly not volunteering, for obvious reasons.
I am willing to go for a Scoffles lynch, though I would rather see one on Calibornio.
Vote: Scoffles
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Four (15?/21)
06-01-2013, 04:07 AM
That acio post is pretty convincing, I also felt pretty convinced by btp's post, which made me feel nervous, because the things btp say usually strike me as insane, in this game.
Can someone remind me what was blocked by the gunban? It was beru going to BP shoot kane with tea going to bodyguard him?
And someone asked why I thought that granola might not have been recruited, I believe.
It's important to realize that they might not have recruited granola/recruited him right away for the purposes of his interactions with the scum. Did he act aggro to anyone day 1 that he suddenly backed off of on day 2 isn't necessarily the case when they might have left him unrecruited. However, it was stated that the mafia knew who he was, and as such reads on how people interacted with him are more valuable, Right?
I thought we went over this already, as well...